Whoot. :3 Chapter 4~


Utau sat down on her bed, turning on her ipod and placing it in the ihome, listening to whatever decided to blast from the speakers. She sighed lightly, laying down on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She was unsure how to tell Kukai, that Shion wasn't dating him because she liked him, but because Shion wanted Utau to be hurting. But trying to get anything through that boy's head was hard to do.

She had a tight grip on her cellphone, debating whether or not to call Kukai and try to tell him what had happened. For all she knew, he would deny the whole thing and say that she was just jealous about him dating Shion. Utau knew Kukai.

A loud meow entered Utau's room and a blonde looking cat migrated into the room, taking small delicate steps to Utau's bed. The cat meowed again and she jumped onto the bed, meowed once again as she walked to Utau. The cat laid down next to Utau and cuddled against her. She purred loudly, wanting Utau to pet her head carefully. Utau put a small smile on her face and pet the cat's head twice. "Hi Eru," She said softly.

In response, the cat meowed back at her.

Utau glanced over at Eru, thinking of whether or not to speak to the cat. Believe it or not, this cat knew love, whenever Utau watched romantic movies on the television, she meowed loudly and purred. There was something about her cat that made it different from all the other cats that lived at the house.

"You think I should call him?" Utau mumbled to her cat, continuing to pet Eru. Eru made a short meow, standing up and made her way to the edge of the bed, looking back at Utau. Eru then jumped off of her bed, causing Utau to sit up and stare at her cat, watching the cat migrate to her door. Utau shrugged her shoulders, her attention going to her phone, dialing Kukai's number.

"Yo," Kukai said from the other line. Utau guessed that he was relaxing in his room, by the way he was casually talking to her. She also figured that Shion wasn't with him.

Utau let out a breath. "I think we need to talk Kukai," She started, holding her phone in her other hand.

" 'Bout what?" Kukai mumbled through the phone. Utau could tell that he wasn't pleased about it.

"Listen... Kukai, It's about Shi-"

"Have you seen her lately?" Kukai cut into her sentence with a worried tone.

Utau looked down at her lap, wanting to just tell him everything that happened, that he would believe her and understand that Shion wasn't the girl who he thought she was. "Actually, yes."

"Really?" Kukai's voice raised with excitement. "Where?"

"The park, but I doubt she's there anymore." Utau said simply, remembering Shion's face after she kissed the nerdy looking eighth grader, a shocked and glad face. "Can you come over my house Kukai?"

"Uh..." Kukai started, his voice unsure. "Sure."

"Oh great." Utau said gladly, standing up from her bed and opening her large closet, looking inside for something to wear. "I'll see you soon then."

Utau could hear him getting up, moaning slightly as he did so. "Yupp." Kukai said in his usual happy tone. He then hung up the phone, leaving Utau with no one to talk to until he arrived at her house. Utau decided to change into something cooler, considering that it was hot outside. She was now wearing a tight white tang-top with light blue short-shorts.

Kukai didn't bother nocking on her door, assuming that she was aware that he had arrived at her house. Opening the door, he caught a glimpse of her long flowing hair once again, and it didn't look like she was bothering to put it back up at the moment. She turned slowly to face him, a look on her face that Kukai couldn't deny pretty. At that moment, she was beautiful to him, like she was the most beautiful girl on the planet.

Kukai's eyes were glued to her, unable to leave until she spoke. "So, uh.. about Shion." Utau said calmly, walking past him and turning off her ipod, unaware that he was still staring at her.

"What about her?" Kukai asked, leaning against her wall.

Utau turned around quickly, to catch his stare, but he casually looked away. She mentally shrugged it off and sat down on her bed. "You're probably gonna think I'm lying though."

Kukai pushed himself off of her wall and slowly walked over to her, once he could reach her, his hand reached out and caressed her check. "Why do you think that?" He said in a low voice, staring deep into her amethyst colored eyes.

Utau pondered over his words, trying to think how to reply to him. She looked away from him, speaking softly. "Shion isn't dating you because she likes you."

Kukai slowly pulled his hand away from her cheek, giving her an odd look. "Wha'dya mean?" He questioned, sitting down next to her.

Utau looked back at him, into his energetic eyes. "She's dating you to get me jealou-"

"You're lying." Kukai said simply, sending a grin her way.

Utau huffed loudly. "Baka!" She whined, poking her finger onto his right shoulder. "I wouldn't lie about this!" She watched Kukai laugh, pulling her finger off of his shoulder.

"Sure Utau," He said with a smirk. "What ever you say."

Utau moaned loudly, her hands clenching on her lap. "You're such a baka! Why can't you und-" She cut herself off, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. She didn't want to pull away, this was what she had always wanted, to kiss him, but she made herself, to see his reaction.

He was blushing. Blushing.

Of course, Utau was too, but she ignored that fact. He looked back at her, lost for words. What was there to say at that moment? Two close friends, one was dating another girl who he liked, and the other was single and been liking him since their freshmen year.

Kukai blinked, then blinked again. "D...d..."

Utau unwrapped her arms from around his neck, mentally slapping herself in the face for kissing him. She was unsure what to say, after-all, she was the one who made the whole situation awkward. Her eyes widened when he leaned down to her face and connected their lips once again, causing her blush to grow.

His hands slowly went to her hips, and she re-wrapped her arms around his neck. At this moment, it seemed like nothing could go wrong, that everything was perfect and this was what Utau had been waiting for. Small breaths were between their kisses, as they slowly laid down on her bed, Kukai on top of her.

Kukai couldn't stop himself even if he tried, he was too into the moment, and that he had liked her for a while now, but didn't bother telling or showing any affection towards her. Kukai had always thought that Utau was beautiful, whether she was in gym clothes, or in a elegant dress. But he was too shy to tell the truth, to tell her what he really thought of her.

Utau moaned slightly, she was pleased of the feeling of being loved. Kukai lifted her body up slightly and ran his fingers through her long hair with one of his hands as the other supported her up. Her hair was soft, and silky, it easily ran through his fingers. He couldn't get enough of her.

That was, until his cellphone rung and caused him to pull away from Utau abruptly. He lowered her back down onto the bed gently and sat on the back of his legs as he searched in his short pockets for his phone. Eventually, he pulled his cellphone out of his right pocket and looked at it.

He hit the end button, ignoring the call and flipped the phone and began to text to someone. He then looked at Utau, still texting. "Shion." He mouthed to her, a smile was not shown on his lips.

Utau blinked briefly and mentally slapped herself. Had she forgotten so easily that he was dating Shion, and that he had just cheated on his girlfriend with her? And that she was the one who was going to get blamed and was going to get bitched at by Shion? She tried to sit up, but he was still sitting on his legs, which made it impossible for her to get off of the bed. He kept her down, guilty and ashamed. "I'm..."

Kukai leaned down to her and put a finger on her lips, keeping it there for ten seconds and texting again to the person. Obviously, he didn't want her to talk. Kukai then forced a smile in her direction, getting off of her and the bed and headed for her door. "I'll see you around."

Utau sat up quickly, looking at her lap with disappointment. "If Shion figures out," She started with a serious tone. " blame me."

Utau could feel Kukai's stare on her, as he thought over what she had just said. She heard her bedroom door open and movement to the hallway. He forced a "Okay" and closed the door behind him, leaving Utau alone on her bed once again.

Utau picked up one of her pillows and brought it to her face, screaming into it and laying back down onto her bed. She was frustrated, she had just made a big mistake, and she was going to pay for it. The hard way. And not only was she frustrated, but she could tell by the way Kukai acted before the person had called him, he liked what was going on between the two of them. He seemed happy, like the usual Kukai that she knew.

Utau screamed into her pillow a few more times before drifting off to a deep sleep.


While walking to the high school, she saw the nerdy looking middle schooler she had kissed the other day, she was unsure whether or not to say hi to the kid. She decided to flash a smile at him and give him a slight wave, a few other middle schoolers saw and turned the nerdy looking young teen and gave him a congrats grin.

She continued walking, until she met her destination, High School. How she hated the place where she wasted about eight hours of her day to sit around and listen to adults mumble and grumble about things that half the time, they don't even need in real life.


Utau raised an eyebrow, she was demoted to her last name? She turned around to find an angered looking brunette with her foot tapping and her arms folded underneath her breast. I wonder what my punishment it, Utau thought while she shifted her weight to her side and put a hand on her hip. "What is it Shion?"

"What did you do with my boyfriend last night?" Shion barked at her, sending several death looks at Utau as her tapping foot tapped faster.

Utau waited a minute, just wanting to anger the girl more then she already needed to be. "I asked him to come over my house," Utau said simply, brushing her bangs out of her eyes with her hand. "I needed help with a project."

"Lies." Shion said sharply, frowning at Utau. "From what I heard, you two were kissing. And quite passionate at that."

"And who told you that?" Utau asked with a grin, raising an eyebrow slowly.

"Kukai did."

He told her? Oh fuck.

Utau shook her head. "You're the one lying." Utau said, trying to fight off the uneasy feeling that was growing.

Shion sighed and pointed a finger at Utau. "Why would I lie about such a thing Utau?" She asked with sharpness in her voice. "I think s-"

"For the last time," Utau said madly, slapping Shion's finger away. "I'm not jealous."

"Hellloooo ladies." A male voice said, pulling the two girls to the male and his arms went around their necks. They both looked to see the red-brown haired teenager with a happy smile on his face. He was one to break a mood.

"Oh hi Kukai," Shion said sweetly, as if she was never mad. "how are you?"

Kukai smiled at her, kissing her cheek. "I'm fine babe, how about you?" Utau managed to look away, feeling a pain in her heart.

"I doing great." Shion said with a playful smile. "I was just talking to Utau about something, isn't that right Utau?"

Utau looked at Shion, a dark look showing. "Yeah," She forced out of her mouth, knowing that not speaking would be the right thing to say at the moment.

"So Shion, I think we need to talk." Kukai said suddenly, his attention completely focusing on her. The look that he was giving her made Utau grin, even if it seemed rude to do.

Oh please, break up with her.


Sorry I didn't update last night, but I was too tired. So I got to check for any mistakes that I made last night so it doesn't seem odd or any grammatical errors that I could find.

You might have realized that Utau told Ryoko that her last name was Tsukiyomi, that is because at school and at concerts, (I'm fully aware that I've haven't mentioned that she is famous) she goes by Hoshina Utau, and around family and other people, she goes by Tsukiyomi Utau.

I hope all you readers enjoyed the chapter. ;D