Written for the Veritas Monthly Prompt Challenge. Sally Jackson`s feelings for Poseidon. I thought of this when I was reading about the challenge on Theia 47's profile.
Disclaimer: I'm not Rick Riordan you know. So I obviously don't own PJO.
I loved him.
I wanted him, wanted him to be mine, to be with me for eternity.
But there was a difference. He could live for eternity, I couldn't.
For so long, I wished he was a normal man, that we could be married and live a normal life. But I knew I was kidding myself, the way the sea restrained at his will, the way he smelled of the ocean, the way that he seemed to have strong aura around him, I knew he was special. I knew that he was important. I knew that he couldn't be mine.
The night when he told me, the night he confessed, was important to me. It proved that he couldn't be mine, that it was impossible to be together. That no matter how much he loved me, he couldn't stay.
Then came the offer. He asked me to come down to his palace under the sea, to be together. My heart said yes, my heart wanted to go with him and forget this world where I don't belong, where no one loves me.
But my mind disagreed.
He had an immortal wife, an immortal son. I was nothing, a mere mortal with one special ability. That was it. They were his. I wasn't .
Ten months later, I had his son. My heart almost stopped. He looked nothing like me, he was his father in miniature. The black hair, the smile and his eyes. His sea green eyes, exactly like his father, the way they shined when he was happy. Sometimes it hurt to look at him, because it brought back sad memories.
One day, it happened. He found out and went to Camp Half-Blood. He approached his destiny. He brought back Zeus's lightning bolt and stopped a war. I was proud, I really was. But it meant that a few years from now, my son, my only son, might die. I wanted him to never know, to not get involved.
I didn't get my wish.
A few years later, I met a man. He was charming. He was wonderful, and I could have him. It happened. He proposed to me and we got engaged.
Then something even bigger, even greater happened. My son, his son, saved the word. He defeated the Titan Lord. We were saved. But the only thing that I cared about was that my son was alive.
After that, I got married and had a little baby girl. She looked like me and was so tiny, so delicate. It reminded me of my son when he was born, which reminded me of him. The love of my life.
I may be married. I may have a child with a different man. But I would always wish that I could be with him, that he could be mine.
Late at night, I stepped outside, on to the balcony. My husband and daughter were asleep. My son was with his friends.
I sighed. Even he wasn't mine anymore, he had his own girl. I took a sip of water to cam myself down.
Then, it happened.
One star twinkled in the night sky. No stars were around it, it looked lonely. I remembered an old legend, where a princess and a cow herd fell in love, but they were forbidden to date. The couple didn't listen, and kept seeing each other. But somehow, their secret leaked out and they were separated on either sides of a big river. But the princess's father, who had pitied them, let them meet once a year, on July 7th. Now they live on in the sky.
Such like my story. Except that they could meet once a year, I couldn't.
I wished on that star, that I could be with my love forever. But I knew it would never come true.
For I had wished on a star, a wish that would never come true.
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