Okay I absolutely love this couple so I just had to write a story about them. Slightly angsty. Jat. Rated T...just in case ;).

I Don't Hate You

With a sigh, Jade sat down on the steps in the main hallway of Hollywood Arts and listened to the squeals of teenage girls. She'd broken up with Beck yesterday and it wasn't a clean breakup. He yelled and called her names, but Jade knew he was just as relieved as she was to finally be rid of each other. Beck was nice and sweet, but he didn't have that certain quality that made Jade's heart skip a beat. Plus, Jade was sure that Beck had a crush on Tori, so now he can go and be happy with her...Jade would be happy too if her special someone would stop spacing out and realize what's right in front of them.

An unwelcome body sat down next to Jade, a little too close for comfort. "Hey, Jade!" Cat greeted happily with the usual cheerful smile on her face.

"Uhh...hey, Cat." Jade was confused. She and Cat never talked at school, much less in person. They only sometimes chatted on The Slap, but that rarely ever happened. Jade decided to cut to the chase, "Why are you here?" And why are you sitting so damn close??

Cat's smile didn't falter. "Oh, it's just that, now that you're not with Beck anymore you seem much more approachable."

Wow, that's a first. Jade thought. It's usually the other way around...

Not seeming to notice Jade's silence, Cat started to hum a upbeat song to herself. She kicked her feet out in front of her and let her heels bounce on the ends of the steps. Jade groaned and stood up. "You're annoying." She said bluntly before walking down the last few steps and heading towards Sikowitz's classroom. Jade glanced behind her once and saw a look on Cat's face that she just couldn't decipher. Feeling slightly guilty but not the kind of person to apologize, Jade walked into Sikowitz's classroom and sat down in the chair at the very back of the room.

Jade just wanted to get through the rest of the day without any run-ins with Beck or anymore strange happenings with Cat.

The warning bell rang and Jade prepared to tell anyone she didn't want to sit with to leave. Fortunately, no one she absolutely hated sat near her. Jade couldn't help but notice that Cat was sitting in her usual place up front and that Beck was sitting as far away from Jade as possible. Then Tori walked in and sat to the right of Cat. Cat didn't look at all thrilled. From Jade's position in the back, she could see Cat's shoulders tense up and she squirmed a little bit. Jade narrowed her eyes. What's going on with those two...

Meanwhile, with Cat and Tori...

"Cat we are so not done talking, and you can't just walk away in the middle of a conversation like that! Especially when I had just heard you say something really freaky and completely absurd!" Tori freaked as she sat next to Cat.

Cat shifted awkwardly and said, "God, can you please drop it? At least for now? I really don't want to talk about this right now. Not when she is here!" Tori rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine. But don't think I'm just going to forget all about this, Cat. Ya got it? As soon as class ends we are going to discuss this." Tori said firmly. Cat just nodded her head and chanced a glance at the back of the room where she knew the brooding brunette was sitting. Her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met and Cat quickly turned back around with a blush. Oh my gosh...please tell me she wasn't listening to us just now...my life's the worst! Cat glared at her open-toed shoes. But then she smiled a little. Her eyes are really pretty.

The rest of class was uneventful. A substitute teacher came in and said that Sikowitz had drunk a bad coconut and had to get his stomach pumped. The sub just had the class do their homework and study.

Jade sighed in relief when the lunch bell rang and hurried to pack her things. She felt as if someone was watching her as she left the room, but she shrugged it off and hurried to the cafeteria.

Cat watched Jade rush out of the room before she slowly turned to Tori, already dreading the conversation that hadn't even started yet. Tori was rubbing the back of her head like she usually does when she's confused or thinking. Once everyone had left, including the substitute, Tori quickly shut the door and immediately went off. "Talk. Now."

Cat clenched her fists before repeating what she had said before class, "I like Jade."

Tori didn't hesitate to ask, "So you're gay." Well it wasn't a question exactly, more like a statement.

Cat threw her hands up in the air, "I don't know!" Her palms went to her cheeks and she pressed them in frustration. "I just like Jade!"

Tori rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming. It just didn't make sense! Who would like Jade?! "Okay, okay. Is that why you were unhappy this morning?" Tori skipped the other questions she knew would only upset Cat more.

"Umm...not exactly." Cat said, hesitantly.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Now Tori could really feel a headache. She's already sounding like Cat!

"Well, you see, this morning I saw Jade sitting on the steps being her usual broody self. So I said to myself 'Self! We are going to talk to Jade!' So I sat down next to her. She looked kind of weird. Her face was all scrunched up. Anyways, I sat next to her and said that she was more approachable now that she wasn't with Beck anymore. She looked confused. So then I--"

"Cat! Skip all the details and just get to the point!" Tori exclaimed exasperated.

"Oh, okay. Jade said I was annoying." Cat said, now feeling depressed again.

"...that's it?" Tori questioned, not at all convinced.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean is that all she did? Hasn't she done anything meaner before?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Gosh! Cat! Jade's mean to everyone! If all she said was that you're annoying then you shouldn't be so down about it." Tori said, extremely frustrated. Cat was so hard to deal with.

"No, Tori. Jade is never mean to me. We don't really talk that much...only on The Slap. I like our conversations on The Slap. She's nice." Cat said pleasantly, internally glowing.

"...she's nice?" Tori repeated, not sure she heard correctly. "Okay, Jade and nice aren't usually used in the same sentence unless it's 'Jade isn't nice'!"

"No, really Tori! Jade is always nice to me. She doesn't say anything mean to me or anything! I think that's why I like her. She gets me. She doesn't get mad at me if I say something stupid..." Cat could keep naming everything she likes about Jade, but she knew Tori was being patient with her.

"Okay...so then why did she call you annoying?" Tori gave up trying to understand anything between Cat and Jade.

"I'm not sure. I was just humming." Cat pouted. "I thought we were getting along." Cat's pout turned into an uncharacteristically sad smile. "Or maybe I'm really wrong and she hates me. I'm probably just a nuisance to her..." Tears stung her eyes. "But I really, really like her, Tori! I just want her to like me back!" She quickly wiped her eyes and sniffled. "God, why is this so hard?"

Tori offered a melancholy smile for her friend. "Cat, just give her time. Maybe she's just had a bad day. She did just broke up her long relationship with her boyfriend after all."

Cat didn't understand. Couldn't Jade just forget about Beck and move on to someone better? Cat had never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before, so she had nothing to relate to.

Cat found herself alone in Sikowitz's classroom. Confused, she looked around and saw the door hanging wide open. "Tori?" Cat called. No answer. Cat shrugged and skipped out of the room towards the cafeteria. She was starving, and she felt like asking around for candy.

"Hey, Jade!" Jade furrowed her eyebrows and turned around. She was only slightly surprised to see Tori Vega standing there.

"What do you want, Vega?" Jade was not in the mood to have any kind of 'chat' with Tori.

"Why are you so rude? And mean?" Tori asked bluntly.

"What?" Now Jade was offended. How dare she just walk up to her and say she was rude. She might as well have said 'Hey, Jade. You're ugly and you're gonna die alone.'

"You heard me. Now answer the question." Tori crossed her arms over her chest to make her seem more intimating. However, just looking at Jade made chills run up her spine. And not the good kind of chills.

"I don't know, it comes naturally." Jade retorted.

Tori snorted. "Hah! Yeah, I doubt that. You're never mean to Cat."

Jade blinked. She was horribly confused. "W-what?"

"You're mean to everyone except Cat and, well you were nice to Beck until you dumped him." Jade glared.

"That's none of your business, Tori. Now leave so I can find a quiet place to eat my hotdog." Jade made a banishing motion with her free hand.

"No! I'm so sick and tired of your lame attitude. Oh and by the way, you practically made Cat cry today because of your harsh comment." Okay now that caught Jade's attention.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Jade asked.

Tori was thrown off by Jade's sudden compliance. "She, uhh, came to me all sad and then back in Sikowitz's class she almost cried because you said she was annoying."

Jade relaxed. "That's it? She almost cried because I called her annoying? Wow. Why was she upset about that? I call practically everyone annoying."

Tori rolled her eyes. "She said it was because you're never mean to her. And that you're...you're nice." She hissed the word.

Jade coughed a few times. "I'm nice?! Whoa!"

"I know!"

"But why--"

"She said that she and you talk on The Slap."

"Well, yeah, I guess...but not that often."

"She said she liked the conversations between you two." Tori added.

Jade had to take a deep breath. This was all too overwhelming. "I-I guess I don't say anything nasty about her...I know she's sensitive so I try to keep it simple. You may not know this but Cat's a little--"

"Off? Yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole school knows that." Tori said. "I also have history with her. She started crying when Eli asked why her eyebrows weren't the same color as her hair. She was all 'What's that supposed to mean?'" Tori giggled before realizing she was talking to Jade. Although she was delightfully surprised to see an almost smile on Jade's lips.

"Cat's adorable. She's sweet and I really don't want to hurt her feelings. It would be like kicking a kitten in the stomach." Jade said.

Wow. This is a side of Jade I've never seen before...I'm starting to think Cat was right! Tori thought.

"Besides, I don't hate her." Jade finished.

"Well, I think you should tell her that 'cause right before I left her in Sikowitz's room she was saying that she was a nuisance to you and that you probably hate her." Tori raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell her?"

"I-I guess...I'll go find her." Jade quickly walked away. She found herself liking her run-in with Tori, Jade shivered. It was weird being able to talk to someone and enjoy it. I guess I have Cat to thank for that. Jade smiled.

However, Cat found Tori first. "What do you mean you talked to Jade?!" Cat yelled, scared.

Tori smiled. "I talked to Jade and I'm starting to think you were right. She can be nice." Tori grinned.

But Cat wasn't listening. She was running all the possible scenarios through her head. "Like she doesn't hate me enough already!" She said out loud.

"Uhh, Cat, did you just hear me? I just said--"

"I knew it! She does hate me! Great, now I can live in misery for the rest of my life."

"Whoa I wouldn't go that far, Cat--"

"I'll live with one hundred cats and name each one of them 'Jade'."

"Okaaay...that's a little creepy." Tori said, awkwardly.

"Well, thanks a lot, Tori. Now that I know the truth I shall now go on and get rid of the dream I once had..." Cat spun around and left Tori without another word.

Tori stood there with her mouth hanging open. "Wait! Cat!!"

Cat ignored her and hurried through the hallway. She wasn't watching where she was going and ran right into the object of her affections and inflictions.

"Ow!" "Owwie!"

Jade quickly helped Cat stand back up. "Watch out, Cat. What's the rush?" She asked, a little worried about the fiery petite girl.

"I just want to run to the bathroom and cry my eyes out!" Cat half-yelled at the alarmed brunette. "I know you and Tori talked about me," Jade opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off. "I know what you're going to say, Jade." Cat looked at her with mournful eyes. "I'll leave you alone from now on, okay? I just—I really—nevermind, it doesn't matter." Cat hurried into the bathroom.

Jade stood there, frozen in place. "What the hell was that?!" She would have followed after the distressed Cat if it wasn't for another body colliding with hers. This time, it wasn't so enjoyable.

With an 'oof' Jade was crushed against a locker. She struggled under the panting body. "Get off me!" Jade threw whoever-it-was away from her. To her surprise, Tori lay on the floor looking slightly winded.

"Jade, have you seen Cat?" Ignoring the incident that just took place, Tori stood up and brushed herself off.

"Yeah, she just ran into me and then said a bunch of gibberish before running into the bathroom." Jade pointed towards the bathroom with her thumb.

Tori threw her head back and groaned in frustration. Jade raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so I told Cat that you and I talked...and then she freaked out and wouldn't listen to anything else I said! And then she said some pretty weird things...but that's besides the point! The point is you have to get in there and comfort her." Tori finished with a stressed sigh.

Jade shook her head. "I'm not good with emotional stuff. Can't you just go in there and get her to stop crying and then make me talk to her?"

"No, Jade! You have to go in there yourself. Afterall, this is mostly your fault."

"How is this my fault?"

"If you had learned self-control when you were younger, then you wouldn't have hurt Cat's feelings, therefore everything that led up to this point wouldn't have happened." Tori blamed with a harsh glare.

Jade glared right back. "I know self-control. I use it all the time! Like right now for example. Instead of talking to you, I'd much rather spread a fake rumor about you."

"Oh, yeah? And what would the rumor be?"

"That you like to eat the gum off of people's shoes." Jade said.

"Ew, gross!" Tori exclaimed, scrunching up her nose and sticking her tongue out.

"Exactly." Jade said smugly.

"Look, Jade," Tori sighed. "Either we keep arguing about ruining the other's social life, or you could go in there and tell Cat you like her." Tori was way to tired to keep this going.

"Hey, I never said I liked her. I just don't hate her."

Tori rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time and just nodded her head, "Sure, whatever, just talk to Cat." With that said she turned around and walked briskly down the hall.

Jade groaned but walked into the girl's bathroom anyway. "Cat?" There was a small squeak that sounded from the stall furthest from the door. "Cat, I just want to talk."

"Go away. I don't want to talk to you, Jade." Cat's voice was heavy from crying and her nose was stuffed up. And it was true. She didn't want to talk. However, she did want Jade to hug her. But what were the chances of that happening?

"Cat, you completely misunderstood the conversation!" Jade tried explaining to her. "It was a good talk."

Cat got the wrong idea once again. "So, what, you like Tori now?" Cat cried harder. "You two should just go and be happy together then. Who cares about lame Cat? No one. And I'm not bi-polar!"

"Uhh I didn't say that you were." Jade said sounding really confused.

"Well, everyone says that I am. I'm not." Cat sniffed. Wow, that was random Jade thought.

"Okay, wait, whoa! Do you actually think I like Tori?" Jade wanted to laugh at how ridiculous that was, but she knew better than to laugh. There was no response. "Cat. I will never like Tori. Not like that anyways. I can barely see us being friends." Jade rested her hand on the door to the stall. To her surprise, the stall door wasn't locked.

Cat sat there looking pathetic as she wiped her eyes with toilet paper. She sniffed. "I th-thought I l-locked the do-oor." Cat hiccuped and Jade wanted nothing more than to brush that red hair back and wipe those tears herself.

Jade surprised herself by stepping forward and kneeling down in front of Cat. She grasped her trembling, clammy hands and said, "Will you please stop crying, Cat?"

Cat let out a high-pitched whine before shaking her head. "I'm sad. I can't not cry."

"Can you try?" Jade nearly begged. Nearly.

Cat took a deep breath and slowly the tears stopped. Cat smiled joyfully. "Hey, it worked!" She said before she sobered up and avoided eye contact with Jade.

"Good job," Jade congratulated. "Now let's get out of this stall. My knees are starting to hurt." Cat nodded slowly before carefully stood up and walked behind Jade until they were out of the stall and standing next to one of the sinks.

Cat leaned against the wall and rubbed her eyes. "Why are you doing this, Jade?" Cat was in deep turmoil. "I thought you hated me." Jade rolled her eyes. She had to clear this up before Cat really started to believe it.

"I don't hate you."


"I said I don't hate you." Jade repeated, walking closer to Cat.

"B-But--" Cat was trapped. She wanted to shrink away but she was already against the wall.

"Cat. I don't hate you." Jade almost smiled at how cute she was.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Cat really wanted to know. Her mentality depended on it.

Jade sighed before reached out to pet Cat's red velvet hair. Her hand went to the back of her neck and she pulled. Their lips collided.

Ohhh... Cat thought, finally getting it. Her arms wound around Jade's neck and she reciprocated.

Kissing Cat was better than what Jade had expected. She tasted like Candy, very, very sweet Candy. And she found herself liking it. I could get used to this...

Cat was thinking along the lines of the same thing, except she was doing a happy dance in her head. I'm kissing Jade, I'm kissing Jade! Mmm...she tastes soo good! Cat moaned into Jade's mouth.

Jade pressed Cat further against the wall, leaving no space between them. The kiss deepened, both girls desperately trying to convey their feelings; feelings they've known about for months.

"I don't hate you." Jade breathed as they slowly pulled apart but stayed close together with their arms still around each other.

"I get it." Cat giggled while she rubbed her nose against Jade's affectionately.

They stayed in their embrace until Jade sighed and said, "I think we have to go and find Tori."

"Aww, why?" Cat pouted. She liked Tori but she wanted to keep kissing Jade. She tasted better than any kind of candy she'd ever eaten, and that's saying a lot 'cause she's eaten a lot of candy in her sixteen years of living.

"Because Tori was really worried about you." Jade said, stroking the smaller girl's arm. Cat purred in delight. "And I promised her I'd talk to you about...," Jade waved a hand between the two of them. "...this. Whatever this is." Jade knew what it was and she hoped Cat wanted it too.

From the way Cat was leaning into her, she knew Cat did. "I want us to be together." Cat stated, picking at Jade's black jacket. She gazed into Jade's eyes. "You do too, right?" Cat bit her lip adorably. Jade kissed her briefly, saying 'yes' through the kiss. "That's great!" Cat didn't think she'd ever felt so happy in her entire life. "'Cause I really, really like you, Jade."

Jade smiled. "And I really, really don't hate you too, Cat." Cat laughed and pulled Jade by the hand as they left the bathroom.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down!" Jade shrieked as Cat tugged her down the hallway. She quickly caught up with her and put an arm around her shoulder. "Man, you're energetic all of a sudden."

"Yes! I can't wait to tell Tori that we are together!" Cat smiled wide and she laughed happily when she spotted Tori by her locker. "Tori!" Cat called to her friend and, again, nearly pulled Jade's arm off as she ran forward.

"Cat!" Tori smiled at her and glanced briefly at Jade, giving her a small nod in greeting. "You're not sad or crying! That must be a good sign." Tori joked as she put the remaining books in her locker and slamming it shut.

"Well, duh." Cat said, making a funny face. "Jade's with me, so of course I'm not sad." Jade was touched at the simple, yet meaningful statement. She squeezed Cat's hand and Cat's smile grew, if that was possible.

Tori grinned at the couple and patted Jade's shoulder. "So you told her, eh?"

Jade scowled. "Of course I did. What, did you think I would have just walked away?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Tori said, nodding her head.

"Jade was really sweet." Cat interrupted, gazing dreamily at Jade. She hugged Jade from the side and declared, "I want to be with her forever!" Jade blushed and patted her head.

"Aww!" Tori squealed. "That's so cute! Ya know, I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it

with my own eyes but..." She looked the cuddly coupled up and down. "you two look really good together." She smiled warmly. "Oh, and let me to be the first to congratulate you two." She hugged them tightly.

Jade squirmed in both Cat and Tori's embrace. "Okay, okay we get it! Now let go." There's only so much affection she can take in one day. Tori let go but Cat stayed where she was. Jade sighed but didn't push her away. Cat was special after all.

End of first chapter out of two! (I think) I made it longer than I planned.

Yay! My first Jat story! I think I did a pretty good job. Although I made Jade nicer than she would be, but that's okay. I'm already working on chapter two so be prepared!!