A/N I am sooooo sorry for taking so long to update this story I have spent most of my time focusing on updating my dual dimensions, so I ask that you please forgive me and that you read this chapter. Though I am personally not very proud of it, blech.
Jetravenex: Oh masky-kun!
Masquerade: Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?
Drago: XD masky? HAHAHAHAHA!
Jetravenex: Don't make fun of him, for that Drago you say the disclaimer.
Drago: *snickers* after that laugh I'll gladly say it. Jetravenex does not own me, Masky, or the bakugan show as a whole.
Masquerade: I will enjoy making you suffer this chapter.
Chapter 2
"Masquerade!" Drago snarled at the blonde. The boy merely smirked in response. He lifted Drago closer to his face to examine the small pyrus bakugan.
"Do you know of any other?" Masquerade asked.
"No, considering there's no one else on this whole planet that's half as cold as you." Drago hissed, while wishing desperately that this was just a really horrible dream and he'd wake up on resting on Dan's sill.
Masquerade mouth turned down in a frown before turning back up in sly smirk. "I'm wounded dragonoid, considering that I was kind enough to help you up after Dan," Drago shuddered involuntarily at the ice in Masquerade's voice at the mention of his partner's name. "Foolishly dropped you on the ground and abandoned you there so he could rescue his apparently more important goggles."
"I demand that you put me down this instant human!" Drago roared.
"Don't feel like it. In fact, I might like to keep you for a while."
"Dan left you here didn't he? And I happened to find you on the ground, thus I have the right to decide your fate dragonoid." He forced Drago to close into a red and gold ball and shoved him into his pocket. Then he took out his DT card from his pocket and held it up to his face. "Finders' keepers, losers' weepers dragonoid and I don't plan on letting go of such an interesting bakugan such as yourself any time soon." The black card began to glow multiple colors and then the masked boy disappeared in a rain of light, with poor Drago in tow.
Dan walked back to the park, pleased to have his goggles right on top of his head where they belonged. He was humming a cheerful tune as he approached the fountain. He sighed and flopped down on one of the benches near the fountain, the sun was just beginning to set behind the horizon casting large shadows around the park. Dan leaned back on the back of the bench and put his arms up behind his head.
"Man what a day, didn't know Shuji had it in him to go that fast. Now I'm too tired to even think about brawling. I think we ought to turn in for the night," He glanced down to his chest pocket. "What do you think Drago?" Silence met his words and Dan reached into his pocket. "Huh, Drago?" His fingers didn't brush against the cool surface of Drago's bakugan ball. "Drago!" His voice rising and taking on an edge of panic, Dan leapt off the bench and began to pace around the park searching the ground for any sign of the red and gold bakugan ball that was Drago. "Drago! Can you hear me! Holler if you can little buddy! Please!" He continued to call and scan the ground for Drago.
As the sun slowly slipped lower down the horizon Dan grew even more panicked, he dropped down to his hands and knees. He brushed his hands against the ground, searching for the small sphere that was Drago. He crawled around the fountain, and back to where, he'd fallen after Shuji tripped him.
As his search continued to bring no results a sense of hopelessness flooded Dan. Tears started to leak out of his eyes. He crawled under the park bench hoping beyond hope he'd find his partner there, heck he'd give anything to just have Drago lecturing him atop his shoulder. It would've at least meant he was there.
A faint rustle in the grass made Dan, jump in surprise, and a sense of deja vu flooded him, as his head collided with the bottom of the bench. He winced and grabbed his aching head, as he crawled back out from under the bench. "Drago?" He asked, raising his head to gaze in the direction of the sound. In the dim light he could see two bakugan balls rolling towards him. He let out a gasp of joy and was about to reach out and grab them when they popped open.
It wasn't Drago's ball form he saw among them; it was Runo's Haos Tigrerra and Marucho's Aquos Preyas!
"Hey, hey! Careful, I'm fragile!" Preyas complained, jumping back out of Dan's reach. A faint rustling in the bushes at the edge of the park made Dan lift his head to see Runo and marucho come out from the bushes.
"Dan, there you are!" Runo cried as she raced over to where Dan was kneeling on the ground, Marucho followed her a bit more slowly. Runo knelt down beside Dan and wrapped her arms around him. "Dan where've you been for the last few hours?" She demanded. "We were so worried about you and-Dan?" Runo's rant was cut short when she felt Dan's shoulder's shake under her arms, and she could hear faint sobs escaping the brunette.
"D-dan what's wrong?" Marucho asked as he walked closer to them. Dan lowered his head to the ground and tears began to roll down his cheeks till they dripped onto the ground.
"It's Drago." He managed to choke out between sobs. "I-I can't find him anywhere.."
A/N and I'm cutting it off their, cause I really don't want to have to do anymore, it would involve possibly writing some runo/dan and that might make me want to wring my neck. I feel so bad to all you who have been waiting for me to update this. I've just been busy and I sort of lost my drive to write it. T.T I fear it may suffer thwe same fate as some of my other stories at the moment, Dual dimensions is kind of the one I'm really trying to focus on at the moment. But anyways I've had most of this one written for a while and I just had to write the ending for this chapter, though I have no idea when the next update for this one will be. But anyways.
REVIEW it drives me to UPDATE faster!