
Ok, I get the feeling I majorly pissed off a lot of people ending the story so abruptly and, apparently, confusingly, so for those who care to know, I'm writing a brief explanation of circumstances.

I started this story a while ago with the intention of making it much longer, developing the relationship between L and Light and having their Seigi venture carry through with both of them working together to control the world (mwahaha). Unfortunately, I severely underestimated how little time I would have for writing this due to real life circumstances. As I hate to disappoint people by not finishing a story, I tried my best to come up with a brief but satisfactory ending. Sadly I guess a lot of people were understandably not impressed, since I had given the impression that things were just getting started. A million apologies, since it's inexcusable for a writer to screw over her readers.

I don't have the time or energy to write the story as it originally should have been, and I am happy with this ending as a twist at the end. HOWEVER, I realise that it was far too abrupt, since I really hadn't planned it, so what I will do for anyone who would care to read is go over the entire story and repost it with a few fairly minor alterations which will make the ending sit a little better. You know, a few hints and suggestions and so forth. If you look back, there are already a few there about a person Light cared about a lot, and had been searching for...

So sorry, thanks for those who were positive about the end, and I hope this will make you feel less short-changed!


So I worked my ass of yesterday editing the entire story to my personal satisfaction and I've just finished uploading the new and improved version which, hopefully, is new and improved. There may still be some imperfections or whatever, but frankly even thinking about going through it again makes me want to cry, so anyone reading this new version will have to tell me if anything is glaringly wrong with it or if any individual bits could be improved. I tried very hard to smooth the ending into the rest of the story, so if i achieved that to any extent I will be happy. I really hope this story will satisfy, and I feel really bad for not sticking to my original promises, but this is the best I can do for now to make up for it. If time miraculously allows there might be a L/Light sequel one day in which Mikami gets his sorry ass soundly kicked, but for now I hope you enjoy this story.