Private's House 10:23 AM Sun.

It was A quiet day as Both Private and Skipper sat at the foot of the bed. Everything was silent as they played an old fashion game of Skipper Skadoo. Until the two heard a knock on the door. "Please come in." The shorter of the Two(Namely Private) Walked over to the door.

A tall women with short blond hair peeked into the small room."Maxy sweetie." Her voice was quiet and calm. "Your two little friends Christopher and Kliff are here." Mum it's Private. Not Max'y.

Private's mom let out a small chuckle under her breath."I see you still useing code names huh? Skippy, Rick,and wally right?" Private scratched the back of his head. "Huh. No mum. Chris is Kowalski, Kliff is Rico, Kip is Skippa, and im Private.

" Oh right. Right. I'll just leave you four alone then to do whatever you usually do." The women waved to four boy's goodbye as she closed the door behind her. Kowalski and Rico walked over to the bed to greet there commanding officer.

"Hello sir. Nice day isnt it?" Kowalski put his hand to his forhead and quickly put it to his side. "Sure is Kowalski but that doesnt give us any reason to slack off. Now men. In line!" Skipper had a cold stern voice. Private, Kowalski and Rico quickly stood in line.

Skipper was walking back and forth with a seriouse look in his fase. "As you all know, summer break starts the end of this week. But. Private wont be moving up to high school like the rest of us. Due to him being a year younger and all. That's why we need to make sure the rest of us get a passing grade on the final exam's, so another member of the group wont be left behind aswell. I will not except having half my team move forward while the other half get left behind!"

Skipper held out his hand to the other three who still stood in line. "Report cards." Kowalski and Private handed there report card's to skipper while Rico hesitated. "Rico." Kowalski nudged Rico's side. "Nu uh." Rico held his card behind his back. "Rico!" Skipper pushed his hand more into Rico's face. Rico grunted. "Fine." Rico handed his report card over to Skipper. Skipper swiftly pulled the card out of Rico's grip.

Although Rico could speak, he usually preferd not to. According to him, he never really felt the need to speak.

Skipper started to flip through the card's, every few seconds turning his stare to his three companions. "I for one pass...Private. I see you passed." Kowalski gave a pat on the back to Private. Private smiled to Kowalski and then turned his head to Skipper again.

Once again Skipper flipped through the cards. "Kowalski passed. Ofcourse." Private looked up and gave his friend a thumb's up. "Good work Kowalski! Rico nudged Kowalski's shoulder. Makeing Kowalski turn his head. "Good work" "Thank's Rico." Kowalski didnt know Rico was the congradualating type. Kowalski smiled at the thought.

"Rico!" The loud voice made the group jolt up and turn there attention to Skipper. "What is this?!" Skipper was holding Rico's report card in front of his face. "It seem's you have a failing grade in both Math and Science!" Rico rolled his eye's and crossed his arm's and let out a small grunt to show he had no intrest to what his commanding officer was talking about.

"This is seriouse Rico. Dont you understand that if you dont pass atleast one of your mafor 3 classes you wont be able to pass?!" Rico let out a sigh and turned his head the opposite crossed his arm's and turned to Kowalski. "Kowalski report. How much longer until the final exams." Kowalski held his clip board in his hand. According to my assumption, the final exams are this Friday. Giving us five day's to prepare." Skipper un crossed his arm's and looked at Kowalski. "Good it look's like Rico still has a shot at passing. Kowalski. Im expecting you to help Rico with his courses. If he doesnt pass it will be on your head. You are all dismissed." "Yes sir!"

Park 1:35 PM Sun

Kowalski and Rico sat at the swing's as young children and there parent's would run by. Kowalski was writing on his clip board unaware of his surrounding's, while Rico just sat there staring around the park. Chuckling every time somone would get hurt falling off the see-saw.

Kowalski would alway's be caught up in his work. He never really enjoyed being with rico. As it would alway's lead to some sort of catastrafy. But he had to admit. He sure was handsom to look at. from his un-combed hair, to his masculinity. Not that it meant anything. Did it?No! No It didnt! Rico turned his head to catch Kowalskie's glare. "What?" Rico asked in a low raspery voice. Kowalski came back into perspective. "Huh? Oh. You hungry?"

"Nah." Rico turned his head as his stomach started to growl. Kowalski let out a quiet laugh. "Haha. You sure about that?" "No." Kowalski stood up and put his crayon in his pocket, and holding his clip boared under his arm. "Wanna go get some is cream? Rico stood to his feet picking up his backpack. "Ok."

Kowalski and Rico raced to the ice cream parlor, with Rico winning as usual. The two walked in and walked to the cashier. "I'll buy the ice cream, you go find us a seat." Rico shrugged and wanderd off. "I'll have two ice cream sundae's please." Considering Rico is like an empty black hole when it comes to food, mabey he would want more than one. But Kowalski actually liked that about him. He couldnt tell why, he just did. "make that Three please."

After about five or ten minutes, Kowalski walked over to Rico holding the ice cream on a tray. "I figured you might want two." Rico nodded and grabbed the two sundaes off the tray. Before Kowalski even got done with half his sundae, Rico was already done with one and about 75% done with the other one.

"I figured you would get done even before me." Kowalski laughed swallowing another spoon full of ice cream. "Hm?" Rico couldnt understand wether it was a complement or an insult so he just smiled and took another bite.

Private's house 4:23 PM sun

Skipper was sitting at the computer. Browsing the internet, while Private was laying in a bing bag chair watching t.v. Private turned the volume down, and made his way over to skipper. "Hey Skippa? What's you doing?" "Im seeing if there's any way to skip a grade other than being some sort of genius like Kowalski. You know are team wont be the same without you Private."

A frown appeard across Private's face. "Promise you wont replace me Skippa. You know. When you all get to high school and all?" "Ofcourse Private. Why would we replace you? You've been with us from the beggining." Private smiled again. "Good."

Kowalski's house 7:48 PM sun

Kowalski and Rico were walking up the front porch. "See you tommorow Rico. Come to my house Tommorow at around nine. That's when my mom leaves for work. But make sure it's not before nine. Im not suppose to have anyone over." Rico let out a small sigh. "Alright." Kowalski put his hand on Rico's shoulder. "Listen Rico. I know you dont like studying, but if you want to pass, you have to pull through with this. Ok?"

Rico pushed Kowalski's hand's off his shoulder and put his hand's in his pocket's. "Whatever." Rico grunted and jumped down the steps. Kowalski waved goodbye and walked in the front door.

"Mother! Im home!" Kowalskies mom walked in the living room wipeing her hand's clean with a rag and walked over to hug Kowalski. "Welcome home Christopher." She had a slightly calm voice, had Brown hair and she wore a lab coat. She also had a Black pair of glass'es, almost like kowalski's except her's had a small peice of metal on the rim.

Kowalski took off his backpack and headed to the hall way. "What's for dinner mom? Smell's good." His mom entered the kitchen not noticing what her son had just said. "It's always the same with her. She never listen's. Alway's just caught up in her work."

Kowalski entered his room and threw his backpack in the corner. His room had a queen sized bed in the middle left, and in front of that is a tv with a couple game systems against the wall. To the right of the bed was was a computer. To the right side of the room. was a desk and a desk lamp with a bunch of paper's piled in a stack. Next to that was a small trash can with a couple peices of paper. overall his room was neat and clean with no sign of untightyness watsoever.

Kowalski sat at his desk and pulled out a pencil.

Rico's house 11:56 PM sun

Rico alway's hated returning home. All it was to him was getting yelled at by his mom, and after that, getting a beating from his dad, then going to bed. Hopfully they'll be in bed by this time though.

He decided to sneak around back just in case. He open the back door and quietly locking it behind him, he grabbed a coke from the fridge and headed to the hallway. after he took a couple of step's the light flicked on.

"Damn." Rico grunted under his voice as his mother entered the room. She had dark black strangely hair down past her neck, and she was holding two empty bottle's of beer in both hand's. "Were the fuck were you!? It's past midnight! You should be in bed!"

Rico examined his mom and noticed the beer bottle's she was holding. "Gross."

"Dad?" Rico popped open the soda and started to take big gulp's. His mom threw a bottle against the wall. The bust made Rico flinch but not enough to notice. "He's at the damn bar! You know he's getting tired of you! I would be suprised if he just came home and kicked you out of the house!

Rico turned down the hallway to his room. "Yah yah."