Nom: A letter from a heart

Auteur: Rain

Disclaimer: Always this drabblite which keep following me… Mermaid Melody's not mine. %) Tripple drabble %)

"Hello my dear Sara

Here are my feelings, just a few.

First I'm still so badly in love with you, and you used to tell me the same, then left me, what a crime. What a crime, I wanted to keep you with me, to protect you. I would have be able to, you know, I was strong, so strong I could have gone mad when you left me.

I loved you back then, and I continue to do so, you know.

Time has passed. Everyday you're on my mind. I did not move on. I stayed there, unlike the others. I waited for you, day and night, all those years long.

Your love is for someone else now, what a bind. I'm so jealous, he's the luckiest guy I know, I hatedhim so much, I can't do this friendship thing anymore, so off I go.

I leave the world in peace now. No one will be sad.

Don't hate me for this, this is what pain is making me do. You were everything for me. My heart is broken in so many parts. Do I still have a place in your heart?

I won't know it anyway.



Gaito: … I did suicide? Go die. I'll kill you.

Rain: Take a ticket!

Gaito: … What?

Rain: Look behind me. What do you see?

Gaito: … Well… Hao, Caine, Yamasaki, Ryo, Dai Shi and some others…

Rain: You see, they want to kill me. So you take a ticket nicely without messing my room, and you go with 'em.

Gaito: … Oh.