Obi's Mom is posting this story, not Obiwan456. This is the other story idea I had for a couple years.

Obi-Wan is 19, Siri is 17.

This story takes place one year after the events of "Secrets of the Jedi, part 1" .

This story is about the choice they made one year earlier to put away their love and commit to the Jedi. The mission they go on with their Masters will challenge that commitment to the max., they will be faced with feelings, emotions, and how other teens see them. Will they stay with their commitment? This has about everything in it, SiriWan, a little romance, friendship, action, angst, a little humor, some violence toward the end (part of the reason for the T rating), some hurt and comfort. I knew I wanted to do a basic story about Obi-Wan and Siri's relationship about a year after their decision, I wasn't sure about the rest of the story though. I felt like was getting in over my head trying to work out a mission story that would work with the main theme, and about gave up on it, but my son encouraged me to continue it. Once I got the story worked out, it flowed. The mission is part of the story, but this is really about Obi-Wan and Siri, and the testing of their decision.

This story is complete, I will be posting the next chapter about once a week, probably on Fridays, till completed. I hope everyone will enjoy this, and please let me know what you think.

One Moment in Time, a Siri-Wan story.

"Chapter 1: The Previous Year

Obi-Wan Kenobi stood with his Master Qui-Gon Ginn just to the left of the center of the council room. Just to their right stood Adi Gallia with her Padawan Siri Tachi. Obi-Wan and Siri looked straight ahead to the council members, keeping their eyes forward and their memories locked. This was the first mission the two teams were going to be sent on together since their mission one year ago to rescue a 9 year old boy, Taly, with his parents. During that mission Obi-Wan and Siri had discovered their love for each other, but because of the code that forbids attachments, chose to put away their love for the order. It was not an easy choice.

One year ago, almost to the day, Siri had backed away from Obi-Wan in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, making him promise never to remind her of what they had so briefly shared, then ran from the room, crying, "May the force be with you." Tears streaming down her face she had run straight to the training rooms, where she viciously trained against the droids, deftly blocking blaster bolts, leaping and twirling in a whirlwind of pent up emotions. After about 45 minutes of non-stop action, she had stopped, turned off the training droids and, exhausted, went to the womens locker rooms to take a shower, intending after that to go to her room and sleep..if she could. She went into the shower stall, getting ready to undress, but instead pressed her hands against the walls of the shower, head down, trying to command her heart to stop breaking, to no avail. Two other padawan girls came into the room while she stood there. They were just a little younger than she was, and she could hear their animated talk...about padawan boys, especially the older ones.

"Don't you wish we could have attachments?" said one.

"Not really, but sometimes I guess, " said the other, "why do you ask?"

"Well, there are a few boys who are sooo cute, and so nice I wish we could like each other as more than friends." she sighed.

"Well, yeah, Garen Muln is really cute, with his longer dark hair,"

"Yeah, but theres one guy who is even cuter than him".

"Who is that?" asked the other one.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Oh, yeah, definitely. Don't you just love those big blue eyes and long lashes, the few times he's ever looked at me, I thought I'd melt".

"They look more gray to me, but I know what you mean" said the other, "and when he smiles! He just lights up a room!" the two girls sighed longlingly.

"Yeah, Siri is so lucky, she gets to go on all those missions with him. I wonder if they've ever.."

Siri had enough. She stalked out of the shower stall, glaring at the two girls who looked surprised and a little guilty.

"Oh, Hi, Siri, we didn't see you!" Said one,

"I know, and do you think it's wise for padawan girls to be talking like you are?"

She didn't wait for an answer, but headed back into the training room, where she viciously attacked the training droids again.

Some time later, Adi Gallia, who had been with Qui-Gon and Yoda, trying to comfort Taly on the loss of his parents, had been apprised of the situation by Qui-Gon. She went in search of her Padawan, feeling her distress in their bond. She knew where she could find her, as this was a favorite way for Siri to release stress. She found Siri savagely attacking the droids in the training room, having already destroyed several. Adi shouted her name, but Siri didn't hear her at first. Adi went up to her, grabbed her lightsaber wrist. Siri looked at her surprised, then she seemed to deflate, her lightsaber dropping to the floor. Adi was not an emotional person, and she knew Siri was not normally so emotional either, but she could see this was an unusual situation. She looked into Siri's tear stained, heartbroken blue eyes, and wrapped her arms around her. Siri seemed to collapse in her arms, burying her face in Adi's shoulder and sobbed. She led her to a bench where she sobbed a long while. Then Adi retrieved Siri's lightsaber with the force, and took her to their room where Siri collapsed exhausted onto her bed, Adi having given her a sleep suggestion.

"Rest now, child", she spoke soothingly to her, smoothing her hair from her eyes and softly stroking her tear stained cheek. Adi walked out of her room, tears standing in her eyes. She brushed them away impatiently, but her heart was grieved to see her usually tough padawan so broken.

As soon as Siri had run out of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, Obi-Wan stood in the spray of the fountains, letting his tears fall freely. He finally sunk to his knees, doubling over onto the ground and curling up within himself, his face on his arms, sobbing in the pain. He didn't think he could stand it. One minute she was in his arms, ever so briefly, the next she was running from them. He knew they were making the right decision, but why did it have to hurt so much?

After what seemed like a long, long time, his sobs subsided somewhat, and exhaustion started taking over. Three days without sleep, plus the grief of what had just happened, had sapped Obi-Wan of just about every bit of strength he had left. He wearily rose to his feet, and stumbled out of the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It was evening meal time, and he could hear the happy chattering of Padawans, initiates and Knights heading to the cafeteria. He wanted no part of it, couldn't even fathom taking a bite of anything. He headed the opposite direction, wanting only to get to his room and go to sleep.

Garen and Reeft met him as he turned the corner toward the lift to take him to his quarters.

"Hey, Obi-Wan! You're back!" exclaimed Reeft happily, "How was the mission?".

"F..fine, it went ok. We stopped the bad guys". Obi-Wan replied, trying to sound normal but failing, keeping his eyes on the lifts, not wanting to really talk to anyone at that moment.

"Woh, Obi, you look really upset about something", Garen said, "Want to talk about it?"

"Un,, Garen" Obi-Wan stammered, REALLY wanting to escape at that moment, not sure how long he could stand up. "Just really tired, three sleep, and all"

He moved past them and they looked puzzled and concerned at their friend. "Well, ok, we'll see you tomorrow then". Garen said.

Obi-Wan gave a small backhanded wave and went for the lifts, praying he wouldn't run into anyone else. He hated brushing them off like that, but he just couldn't face his friends right now. He got into the lift and headed for his quarters.

Qui-Gon Ginn had been with Yoda, Adi and Tali since Siri had run into the Room of a Thousand Fountains with the news that Taly's Parents had been killed. He sat, quietly offering comfort along with Adi to a stunned, inconsolable 9 year old boy, while Yoda saw to arrangements for Taly's care. Qui-Gon felt so sad for the boy, and regretted that they were unable to protect his parents. His thoughts every so often went to the young man he left desolate in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, knowing that he and Siri was coming to a decision that would either way affect their lives. He knew they would make the right decision, but he also knew the heartbreak that would be involved. He felt a surge in the force within himself, and he knew it was from Obi-Wan, he just about couldn't stop the gasp of grief that almost escaped him. Yoda came back with the Senate representative from Taly's home planet and a child care advocate to take Taly to a place where he would be safe. Qui-Gon and Adi said their good-byes to him, and they watched a lost, lonely little boy being led away.

"Poor boy", Adi said, "I hope he's going to be ok."

"Oh, I have a feeling about him," Qui-Gon replied, "He's going to be fine."

Then Yoda looked at the two masters with sad eyes, and said, "Go to your Padawans, you should." He quietly walked away, his gimer stick tapping on the floor.

Adi turned to Qui-Gon and said "Does that have anything to do with the peculiar feeling I felt from Siri a while ago?"

"Yes, I was going to tell you about that." Qui-Gon said. He told her what had happened while they were absent from their Padawans during that 4 days, and afterward, ending with the confrontation in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. He said he had left them there to come to Taly, and he believes they came to the very difficult, but correct decision.

Adi, looking very startled and concerned about her Padawan, said, "I need to find her". She nodded to Qui-Gon and left quickly to get to Siri.

Qui-Gon also wanted to find Obi-Wan, so he got back to the Temple as quickly as he could. He ran to the Room of a Thousand Fountains, and didn't see Obi-Wan anywhere. He didn't think Obi-Wan would be in the mood for eating and chattering but he went to the cafeteria anyway, to be sure. He looked around the busy, noisy room and didn't see surprise there. He started to leave, but Garen saw him and called out,

"Master Qui-Gon! Are you looking for Obi-Wan?"

"Yes," he answered, "do you know where he is?"

"Well, not for sure, but it looked like he was heading for his quarters. He looked really tired, and that something had upset him. He didn't say much when I asked".

"Hmm", said Qui-Gon, not wanting to give anything away, "Thank you, Garen, I will see to him".

Qui-gon turned and left, heading for their quarters. He walked into the door, and walked quietly into Obi-Wan's room, where he found his heartbroken Padawan curled up on his bed, fully clothed, hands grasping his pillow tightly and sound asleep, dried tears streaking his face. Qui-Gon's heart broke to see him that way. He gently pulled of his boots, and Obi-Wan moaned a little, turning in his bed. Then he took the blanket and covered his Padawan, brushing a stray tear off of his cheek, he gently kissed Obi-Wan's forehead and quietly left the room. Then he softly wept, both for his Obi-Wan, and the remembrance of a heartbreak he had not so long ago endured when Tahl, his love, had been killed. He silently cursed a code he had not agreed with for a long time, but had to enforce because it was a code they lived under to be Jedi. He hoped fervently that somehow, someday that infernal code against all attachments could be changed.

It took Obi-Wan and Siri a long time before they could stand to be even in the same room together. They avoided each other, and Yoda had agreed with Qui-Gon and Adi that perhaps they shouldn't go on any more missions together for awhile. Both teams kept busy with many missions (apart from each other), and Qui-Gon always noticed a lightening of Obi-Wan's spirit whenever they were away from the temple. They stayed away as much as possible. Occasionally it happened that Obi-Wan and Siri had to be in a room together, for a class or training exercise. They were always cordial to each other, and worked together when they had to, but there was no interaction between them. They were upbeat and normal with everyone else and Garen was curious about it, knowing how close friends they had been, but neither Obi-Wan nor Siri was inclined to open up to him about it. He could guess though, and felt bad for them.

Qui-Gon and Adi decided after about six months of this to schedule a few sparring matches between the two Padawans. At first they were very reluctant, but after a few rounds, and possibly to take some of the pent up frustrations out on each other, their competitive natures took over and they sparred for several rounds, each one getting the upper hand against the other. A few times of these sparring sessions, and the ice that had formed between them started to melt. They smiled a little more at each other, teased a little more, a little shyly at first, but after awhile, seemed to be friends again. Qui-Gon and Adi were relieved.

So here they four stood, having endured and been changed by the events of a year ago, awaiting instructions on this new mission.