Minna-san! Chapter 8 is here! I thought it will be done at chapter 6, but I kinda enjoyed writing this so I prolonged this just a little bit.. I hope you enjoyed this too! Sorry for updating soooo late.. been busy in school and other stuff.. This is the final chapter you guys!

Arigatou gozaimasu!

Chapter 8: Epilogue: It's worth it after all

It was a cold winter night, Sakuno Ryuzaki, 16, is walking home from school. They had their Christmas party; her classmates are quite enthusiastic about it, that they forgot about the time. So here she is walking in the middle of the snowy night with her coat and hat on, with mittens and scarf. She is also carrying the gift that her classmates gave her and the gift she got from their class' exchange gift.

"Mou, I thought I will get rid of the extra baggage when I got home", earlier, she brought more number of boxes, for her friends and for the one she picked from the draw. But this time, there's only two—only heavier, because her classmates only compressed it into one medium-sized box so Sakuno will be able to carry it home. Her classmates sure love their Class Representative; Sakuno was working really hard for it, from Festival preparations to Educational Trips, to Parties—everything goes smoothly, thanks to her, and her classmates appreciate it a lot.

People who don't quite know her might think that she is really diligent, but people who know her all too well thinks otherwise—she's keeping herself busy. Too busy to even think of the loneliness she's feeling inside; too busy to even think of other things; too busy to even think about him. Yes, the Prince, her Prince. But no matter what she does, he would still pop into her mind and she would feel like crying at times. How long was it anyway? Four years? Right, four years without him; four years with just fortnightly letters from him—letters that she won't even read. She just keeps them in a memorabilia box that she made especially for those letters. She sends him letters, too, of course, and since she doesn't read the one's he sends, the contents of her letters are not the answers to his. Surely he finds it odd, but she doesn't know about his questions because she doesn't read his letters. She was tempted once; he sends her a letter on her birthday, four years ago, it was only two months since he left. She reads it, and like she said before, she broke. Every night after that she was just crying non-stop, to think that it was just two months. When she was elected as class representative for the first time, she was able to snap out of it, and so, here she is now; the busy-body Sakuno.

"I wonder if Oba-san would be angry; I did tell her that I will get home late, but not this late." She is now turning at the corner, into the street where their house is located.

"Ore? Oba-san is already asleep?" Sakuno said to her self while eyeing the unlit window of her grandma.

She reached their doorway and placed her baggage on the ground, and then she looked for the keys in her bag.

"Oh no! I forgot my keys!" She said as she poured out the contents of her bag. She fell on her knees when she was definite that the keys were not there.

"Mou, this is terrible! It's so cold here!" Sakuno shuddered at the thought of her having to sleep outside while it was freezing cold. She was too occupied with her pessimism that she did not even noticed that the light at the entry way was turned on; not until the door opened for her…

It was like a fairytale—when the Princess was in trouble, and then her Knight in Shining Armor suddenly came with his horse to save her—though she is not a princess and there is no way that someone from inside her house would be riding a horse. Anyways, it is still a fairytale because it was her Prince; the one she has been waiting for all these years, is in front of her, in her house, and in this late hour?


She was cut off when she was pulled by the arm, and then strong arms wrapped her body, hugging her closer. "Tadaima", he said.

Sakuno smiled. This is the best Christmas gift one could get. She tightened her arms around him. "Okaeri".

The two of them are now in the living room; Ryoma prepared hot chocolate for Sakuno to ease out the cold from walking and staying outside; he also got a blanket for her. He settled himself beside her. Sakuno is just silent. But she is happy—more than happy. She's smiling to herself that made Ryoma smirk.

"If I don't know that I'm the reason why you're all smiling like that, I would've been cross-questioning you about what happened to you when I was not here."

Sakuno pouted. "Isn't it a bit confident of you to think that you're the reason of me being happy?"

"Isn't it true?"


"I knew it", he said while snapping his fingers.

"You know everything."

"Actually I don't. Why didn't you answer my letters?"

"What are you talking about? I sent you as many letters as I can!" Sakuno said defensively.

"You did send me letters, but the contents are odd. For example, the one I sent two months ago, where I asked you if you want to come visit me this Christmas break, you answered that you'll be doing nothing the whole vacation. You did not even say no or yes, that's really, really weird, you know."

"You…asked me to come visit you?"


"I-I, anou. Ryoma…" Sakuno scratched her head; she can't believe that she lost such wonderful opportunity just because she deliberately did not read any of his letters. "It's just that, I-I don't read your letters." She said while looking down her cup of hot choco.

"Why is that?"

"Anou, I did ask you not to call me, right? Because…", she can't make herself to say it. To say that she'll shatter once she hears his voice. "You already know why", she chose to say. "A-about the letters, I-I feel like the same will happen if I read them s-so I decided not to read them." She said while looking away.

This earned her a silent nod from Ryoma. She thought he won't reply back so she scanned through her brain for something to say, but she's too nervous to think of anything. But, alas, she was saved when Ryoma finally said something.

"I understand. But, you should at least tell me. I mean, I almost…"

"Almost what?" Sakuno asked when he did not continue.


"What? Come on, tell me."


"Why won't you?"

"Because I don't want to." Ryoma replied while looking away and crossing his arms on top of his stomach.

"You're so unfair." Sakuno crossed her arms over her stomach, too and she turned her back from him. "Why are you here at my house anyway?" She asked pretending she's mad.

"I just got here, and decided to visit you, but you're not here so Ryuuzaki-sensei said that I can wait here since you might go home late. I ended up spending the night here since you came home really, really late. Good thing I still have my baggage with me so I don't have any problems on what to wear."

'He just came back from America, yet he decided to visit me already?' Sakuno smiled inwardly, not letting Ryoma to see. She's still playing hard to get.

"Ne, what do you did with my letters, then?" Ryoma reiterated as he placed his chin over her shoulder which made Sakuno blush a faint shade of pink.

"None of your business", she said as she stood up that made her shoulder bump into Ryoma's chin, she resisted looking at him when she heard him cry in pain. She then threw the blanket on the floor.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere." Ryoma said playfully as he stood up too and pulled Sakuno's hand but he accidentally tripped because of the blanket.


Sakuno closed her eyes waiting for impact, but it did not come. The next thing she knew, she's on top of her savior. As she opened her eyes, cat-like orbs are looking directly into her.

"Sakuno, don't be mad like that."

She averted her gaze, she's not mad, she's more of embarrassed, and besides, how could she possibly be mad at this person? She did not wait for him for so long just to be mad at him now wouldn't she?

"I'm not mad." She attempted to stand up, but Ryoma restrained her by hugging her.

"Wha—, Ryoma."

"Can we stay like this just for a moment?" Ryoma asked as he tightened his arms around her. "I—I just really missed you." He said as he buried his face in between Sakuno's neck and shoulder.

Sakuno, who was using her elbows for support, relaxed and nuzzled her face on his left shoulder. She did it slowly as if unsure with what she's doing, but really, it's just like her will to stand up turned to dust when he heard the things he just said. At first, she was resting her chin on his left shoulder, facing her right arm, but when she noticed that Ryoma isn't talking, she turned her face to her left so that she's almost kissing his neck. She could feel Ryoma's steady breathing, so steady as if he's asleep—wait a minute, Sakuno raised her head to look at his face—he is asleep.

"Oh, you just got here, right? You're probably tired, how insensitive of me." She reached onto his stray locks that we're almost covering his eyes and swept them out of his face. "Goodnight, Ryoma." With this, she rested her head once again on his shoulder—facing his neck—and waited for oblivion to come.

Ryoma awoke earlier than he usually does, probably because where he is lying is a bit uncomfortable for him, but as he opened his eyes, the uneasiness was replaced by contentment. Sakuno is not on top of him anymore, probably, in the middle of the night, she fell by his side, yet she still held onto him. She is using him as a pillow, not that he mind, her head is on his chest and her slender arms both above his stomach. Ryoma's left arm is around Sakuno, holding on to her waist while his right arm holds one of Sakuno's hands. He could stay like that forever, but then again, he can't. One reason is that the old hag might come down anytime soon, and who knows what'll be her reaction to this. Another is that Sakuno is starting to stir, signaling that she's waking up. He thought of pretending to be still asleep but then again, who is he kidding? When he's quite sure that Sakuno is already awake, he kissed the top of his head that made Sakuno look up to him.

"Good morning." He said as he gave her a smirk. She blushed at this and looked down; she realized how close they are from each other and she blush another shade deeper than the first one. "Good morning, Ryoma."

They were silent for a moment, Ryoma broke it first. "Ne, Sakuno…"


"Won't the old hag do something, uh…violent if she sees us like, uh, this?"

"Anou, Ryoma, Grandma already left earlier this morning, and, um, she did not say anything about… this, she was surprised at first, but, um, I think she doesn't mind." Way the go Sakuno! She said something embarrassing without stuttering, but still with those fillers (ums).

"She is? Where did she go?" He asked smiling to himself.

"I believe today is when she's suppose to visit a friend in Osaka."

"So she won't mind then."

"Won't mind what?"

"That we're here all alone." Ryoma said it ever so casually.

Realization struck Sakuno, they are alone indeed, just the two of them. "Oh," was her short, surprised answer.

Ryoma can't stop but smirk. "Ne, Sakuno."


"I'm hungry."

"Oh, right." She sat up fast in panic.

"Hey, I'm not yet that hungry, so take your time."

"Yes." Sakuno stood up, but Ryoma seemed unwilling to let her go.

"Ryoma, I can't prepare breakfast if you'll hold onto me like that."

"Right." He let go and stood up himself.

"And, Ryoma, you can take a bath while I cook."


"Welcome." She said and she disappeared into the kitchen.

Ryoma went upstairs to the room where he is supposed to sleep, his things were there and he retrieved a towel and his clothes from his bag and went into the bathroom that is across his room.

After he took a bath, he went downstairs to where he smelled a delicious scent coming out of the kitchen. He peeked to see Sakuno in front of the stove almost finished in her cooking.

"It's smells really delicious, I can't wait." He commented as he leaned on the nearby wall.

"Just a little bit more, Ryo—" Sakuno trailed off when she saw how dashing Ryoma is with his wet hair, and hands in his pocket.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Ah! Nandemonai." Sakuno replied as she hurriedly looked back at what she's cooking, and smiling to herself. "I'm almost done, so just settle your self at the table." She said as she turned the omelet one last time.

Ryoma can't help but smirk at her reaction, but he obediently followed what he said and he went to the table. Plates are already arranged and he smirked yet again with how efficient Sakuno is. As he sat down, Sakuno neared the table carrying a tray where her delicious cooking is. She placed the plates one by one, and she went back to the kitchen to get the rice. After that, she sat down across Ryoma. Ryoma took the rice bowl and place rice on his plate, he also did it for Sakuno, earning him a blush.

After breakfast, it was Sakuno's turn to take a bath. Ryoma waited patiently downstairs as he watched TV. He is only channel-surfing, can't really find the program that he's interested to. When he finally did, guess what it was—a tennis match. (Right – sarcasm intended)

"Sorry to keep you waiting Ryoma." Ryoma's head turned to where Sakuno's voice came from. It was his turn to be dazed by her. Sakuno's hair is not in her usual braids—she just took a bath after all—she's wearing a white blouse and brown shorts that's just above her knee.

"It's nothing." He opened his arms inviting her to come to him, and earning him a blush from her once again.

Sakuno came near to him. She's shy at first, not really sure where to sit, but Ryoma took her by the arm and settled her on his lap—and there! A blush once again.

"I like your hair." He paused as he played with it. "But it's still too long."

Sakuno is still blushing. "Mou, Ryoma. There's nothing wrong with its length."

"If you say so."

The two of them are now watching the game, Ryoma giving some remarks about how the players should play, or when he finds it really amazing but most of the time he only gives negative remarks.

"Um, Ryoma?"

"Yes?" Glancing at her to confirm that he's listening then looked back at the TV.

"Um…" Sakuno hesitated that made Ryoma look at her.

"What is it?" he pressed.

"I was just thinking…"

Ryoma raised his eyebrows expecting her to continue.

"It's just…anou…"

"Sakuno, you can ask me anything."

"I was just thinking if…if you're still going b-back to A-a—" she took a deep breath. "I was just wondering if you're still going back to America?" Sakuno said while looking away.


'Ryoma did not respond again, it was the same four years ago, when I asked him how long he will be gone. Then it means…' Sakuno trailed off from her unhappy thought.

"Sakuno", Ryoma started as he tilted Sakuno's face to look at him. "I am not going anywhere."

Sakuno blinked a few times. She is surprise to hear it, that all she said is a meek "You're not?"

Ryoma had a playful smile on. "I'm not. I'm here for good." He replied as he rested his back on the couch.

With this, Sakuno is filled with happiness; all she did is to hug Ryoma as tears streamed down her cheek.

"Hey, why are you crying? I did say I'm not leaving, right?" Ryoma asked as he returned the hug.

"I'm… I'm just so happy. I'm happy that you don't have to go away anymore."

"I've learned my lesson Sakuno. Never ever leave something important."

A comfortable silence followed.

"Ne, what is it that you almost did when I did not directly respond to your invitation of me visiting you?"


"What is it?" Sakuno asked, this time she let go of the hug and looked at Ryoma.

"I, well, I sort of almost ditched my matches for the US Open."

Sakuno's jaw dropped making her lips curve into an "o" and her eyes becoming as big as saucers. "You…"

"And I have to say, if I wasn't actually hinted by Momo-sempai, I was prepared to scram back here already. I would've been home last month."

"Hinted by Momo-chan-sempai? About what?"

"About how weird you are, silly." He said as he pushed Sakuno by the forehead using his index finger. "That conversation relaxed me, and at the same time, agitated me further. Relaxed because at least I know you're still waiting for me, and agitated me further because I don't want you to wait any longer." He said as he looked thoughtful. "At least I made it through another month to attend to my matches and some interviews and all, despite that agitation."

"And so here you are."

"And so here I am." He said, mimicking her.

Sakuno rested her head on Ryoma's chest. "Making me wait is rude."

"Ne, are you angry or do you have any bad feelings about me? Just say it; I'm ready for the consequences."

"Making me wait is rude…", she repeated. "…but since it's you, it's worth it after all."

"Thank you." He said as he kissed the top of her head. "You never did tell me, though."

"About what?"

"Your grade in your English report 4 years ago."


"You know, the one that is written in the notebook you left at your room that I found."

From confusion, Sakuno's face lightened into that of understanding. "Oh"


"I have failed everything there is to fail in English." She paused as she remembered that time. "But, thanks to that report, I actually passed and not need to take summer classes."

"And who do you owe it from?"

"Stop being full of yourself. I was the one who wrote the report, not you."

"But if I hadn't found it, there is nothing for you to write, and submit is there?"

"Well, I guess…" Sakuno said, admitting defeat. "It's your turn to tell me something." Sakuno said in a soft, hesitant voice.

"What is it?"

"You already know that I am your tennis coach's grand daughter back then, right?"

"Yes," Ryoma said cautiously, thinking where this is leading.

"Then why didn't you just gave me my notebook instead of asking me whether I know who owns it?"

Ryoma fell silent. He does not have an answer to that. Truly, at that time, he already knew who she was and that she is the owner of the notebook he found lying on the table when he happened to pass by their room that afternoon, but since she was crying, he doesn't want to get involved too much so he just said it to make it look like he's passing the responsibility of looking for the owner of the notebook ironically, to its actual owner.

"What were you doing walking around the corridors at that time anyway?"

"I was hiding from the crazy fangirls. And I randomly picked a room to hide myself into, which was your classroom and I saw your notebook being ruffled by the wind so I decided to take it. I was about to leave when I thought that you might be looking for it so, I came back, only to see you crying. That's much about it."

"I can't believe that's how we met. Tragic, really tragic for you to see me like that."

"Right. What's more tragic than that is when you forgot the bag when you bumped your head onto mine. I can't believe that someone can be as forgetful as you are. That was twice in a row."

"Sou da ne." Sakuno said as she held her forehead and pushing her bangs in the process, and she also remembered something that happened after that. She dispelled the painful memory and changed the topic. "Why are we suddenly talking about the past. Does living in America make you cheesy like that?" She teased as she let go of her hold of her forehead and her bangs falling back to her face, covering her eye.

"Not really." He said as he swept the stray locks out of her eyes. Ryoma somehow got through her poker face smile. 'She remembered that time.' Yes, that time when he unthinkingly and rudely told her to get out of his way. But every painful memory is accompanied by a happy one. When he became her owner for 10 days is happy. But then again when he told her he's leaving is yet another painful one. But that was also the time when they told each other their love for one another, which reminds him… "Sakuno…"

"Hm?" Sakuno looked at him and hazel-colored orbs captured his chocolate-colored ones.

"When I was leaving, the one I told you, that was true, and is still true up to this day."

Sakuno understood. It was true, and it feels true. "I know. What I said was also true…up to this day." She said while looking intently at him.

Ryoma started leaning closer to her. Registering his actions, Sakuno slowly closed her eyes as Ryoma eradicate the distance between them to place his lips onto hers. They shared their first kiss after all those years of waiting. It is worth it, indeed.


it's dooone! thank you guys for staying with me! keep supporting my fanfics, ne? review please! :)