A/N: *****PLEASE BE NOTED I HATE First Person format. I have no idea why I wrote this in first person, but,
The following chapters after this are NOT first person.*****

Disclaimer: I do not own True Blood or anything affiliated. Only My character Hana.

Over 2 years have passed since my life has changed. So much has happened in so little time, and the thought of living this new life sort of overwhelms me. After being freed all of the trauma and abuse from my father, I'm quite surprised how I see each day so differently now. Mom got a good job, and my lawsuit finally came through. A brand new summer had finally arrived. I'm 19 years old, living with my Aunt Maureen in Bon Temps, Louisiana for the next 3 months. I myself didn't really understand why I wanted to go there so badly. I've never been to Louisiana before, so maybe the thought of continuing my fresh start in a different place would be a good thing for me.

Maureen came to New York to pick me up herself, taking me to the airport to take the plane all the way to Louisiana. I have a terrible sense of direction, and if she weren't here with me, I would have probably gotten on the wrong plane ending up somewhere else. I said my goodbyes to my mother and brother. My music coach was told ahead of time about my summer situation, so she understood and just told me to bring my keyboard with me. Music school is put on hold during the summer, so I didn't have to worry about missing anything. Mom made sure to send my keyboard and amp to Aunt Maureen's 2 weeks before hand, saving me the worry.

The flight to Louisiana was pretty long, but worth the trip. We picked up our bags and Aunt Maureen's pick-up truck was only a block or two away. She drove me to her house, and I settled in at around 7 or 8 at night. I unpacked my things in my room, and my beloved Yamaha keyboard stood a few feet away from my queen sized mattress. I was pleased with my arrangement. The walls were a pale shade of pink, not really my favorite color, but it was relaxing. There was an oak office desk in the corner with a laptop, fax, and printer.
But the chair wasn't one of those spinny office chairs I always liked, to my slight disapointment.

There was a dim floor lamp close to the side of the bed. The bed's comforter was white with a pink floral pattern. The floor was shiny wood, and personally I preferred it over any carpet. On the opposite side of the mattress was an accordian style closet with mirror doors. The whole setup was quite cozy, and since I had a 1400 watt air conditioner in the room, getting to sleep wasn't going to be a problem. As I was relaxing on my comfortable bed, I heard Aunt Maureen call for me.

"Bri! Come downstairs!
There's someone here I'd like you to meet!"
She yelled.

"Ugh. Coming now."
I yelled back, rising to my feet.

I made sure I was still wearing a bra, fluffed my dyed chestnut hair, and made my way downstairs. "I wonder if its a cute guy" I thought to myself as my around the clock hormones throbbed with curiosity. I met my aunt in the dining room, and my eyes locked onto a man sitting at the dining table. He had golden blonde hair, about mid-neck length. He was decently built, and looked about early 30's of age. I was dissapointed. He was good looking, but he didn't really suit my taste.

"Briana, I'd like you to meet Sam Merlotte.
He owns a bar and grill not too far from here."
My petite aunt chirped at me.

I shook his hand out of respect, sitting at the dining table. Sam looked at me with gentle blue eyes, sending me a polite smile. I smiled back on instinct, a bit curious about the situation.

"Sam is a good friend of mine and I just thought how nice it would be if you worked part time for him during the week.."
Aunt Maureen said to me.

"A job?"
I asked.

"That's right. I'd gladly hire you if you're interested."
Sam said with a smile.

"Mm.. it would be nice to make some money.
I guess I could work 2 or 3 days a week.."
I responded.

It was obvious my Aunt didn't have much time to spend with me since she worked hard during the week, and when I really thought about it, the few plans she wanted to have with me would be on the weekends anyway. A job in a new state would be fun for me, and it would make the week go by fast. The deal was settled, and Sam left. Aunt Maureen made us dinner and I got bored after a while. I was curious and wanted to look around town a little. I didn't bother to let my aunt know, and besides she was asleep anyway. I pulled down my flowing white top that covered most of my short denim shorts, quickly slipping on my black sandals, and headed out the door with my ipod in my back pocket.

Up the block from my Aunt's house was a forest like area with a long road and park across the one way street. The path was more of a walk-through shortcut to get to town than a park, but it did have benches and light poles. I didn't exactly realize it, but I had been walking for a good 15 minutes. "Thank god I brought my phone with me.." I thought to myself, remembering I was alone.I wasn't too worried though. I could see brighter lights up ahead. The plaza was close by, and I only had to walk a bit more to get there.

Just when I was about to turn on my ipod, I felt myself being forcefully pushed against a nearby tree. My back struck hard against the trunk, and I felt dizzy. I groaned and opened up my eyes to see a shadowy figure walk closer to me. My vision was blurry, and I was scared as fuck. "Oh great, a rapist." I thought to myself as my body trembled. I felt paralyzed as the laughing figure grew closer.

"What's a fine young lady like you doin' around these parts alone? Don't you know any better.."
The figure's voice revealed it's male gender, sounding low and husky.

He gripped to my thigh with one hand and clenched my throat with the other. His hands on me felt abnormally cold, and the fact he had sharp nails didn't better the situation. My vision blurred on and off, but I saw his pale face. He had dark red circles around his eyes, looking sickly. I trembled even more now, feeling thoroughly paralyzed. Tears began to shed from my emerald eyes, as I began choking out my words.

"P-please don't rape me..We can j-just..forget this ever happened..
I swear I won't tell a soul.."
I pleaded in desperation.

The cloaked man continued to laugh, roughly tilting my neck to the side. His cold lips pressed firmly against my jugular, and I felt sharp fang like tips point against my sensitive skin.

"I was actually planning on sucking you dry..but fucking you first sounds like an even better idea.."
He said as he gripped tightly to my breast, starting to rip at my top at an unusually fast pace.

I let out the loudest scream my trained vocal chords could muster, praying someone would hear me. The man clenched to my neck again to press me hard against the tree to silence me, but before he could remove my denim shorts, I saw his form being thrown a few feet backwards. A tall, built man held him by his neck, commanding him to leave or he'd suffer his consequences. My blurry eyes watched him run away at an abnormal super speed, and I wondered if this was just some fucked up nightmare I didn't wake up from yet. My tall savior appeared in front of me in a blur of an instant, pulling me up to my feet with ease.

I trembled as I rubbed my back, panting and crying all at the same time. The tall man held me by my waist with large, strong, hands, holding my traumatized body up. I gazed up to look at his face. He was very pale like the scumbag from before, having the same red circles around his icy blue eyes. I started to cry again, feeling my body throb and ache. The mysterious man scooped me up off the ground, carrying me in his arms as he took me to a nearby bench. I was gently placed on his lap, and he stroked my hair, calming me down while he whispered "Shh.." and "It's alright" in my ear as though I were a restless baby.

I felt my back sting with scratches and open cuts, and they burned like hell. The man's long fingertips stopped an inch above the cuts that were on my back as if he knew they were there before I did. I was confused as hell when I saw him bite his arm roughly, leaving an open gash as his dark blood dripped down his forearm. He placed his new wound to my lips.

His firm voice commanded me.

Okay, now I was really confused. How the fuck would drinking this man's blood heal my injuries? This has to be a dream. I whimpered as my wounds stung when I moved a bit, but I did as he commanded, possessing most of his wound as I could with my petite rouge lips. His thick blood rushed down my throat in that instant, and it tasted strangely delicious. As I drank more and more, Instantaneously, I felt undeniable relief down my entire back. The stinging sensation was entirely gone, and the back of my head had stopped throbbing. I felt entirely healed, and at that moment, I pulled away from his arm, licking my lips and nervously looking around me, before my gaze matched his.

His icy blue eyes locked onto mine while his lips formed a smirk. He held to me tightly, amused with my confused expression. The fluorescent park lights shined down on his features. He had thick platinum blonde hair that was pulled back. He wore a black tank top, explaining why his entire arms were entirely bare. I felt his abdominals pressed against my stomach and it made me blush to be held by such a toned man. His dark denim jeans comforted my mostly bare legs. This entire moment almost made me forget about my questioning confusion, but I remembered after about 3 sweet minutes of being gently held.

"Why did that scumbag say he wanted to suck me dry?
and how are my wounds healed..and what..what are you?"
I asked, still in a state of confusion.

He chuckled, gently removing a strand of my chestnut hair from my face to tuck it behind my ear. His icy blue eyes locked onto mine again, but he looked serious, loosening his grip on me.

"The pathetic insect from before was a vampire who wanted to feed from you.
Because I am also a vampire, my blood can heal your wounds entirely without fail."
His firm voice responded.

I blinked a few times. Even shook my head in disbelief. I kept tapping the side of my head to make sure this wasn't just my imagination and how I'd wake up in my bed at Aunt Maureen's. But I didn't. To my astonishment, this was all real. I looked into his eyes, my mouth agape.

"Wh-what? Y-you're..a..a vampire?"
I asked to make sure I heard him correctly.

"Yes. We have revealed our existence about a month or two ago around the globe.
I am surprised you have not heard.."
He responded with a weak smile.

I was still taking everything in. Maybe if I asked Aunt Maureen she would tell me if this gorgeous man was right, or if he was just plain crazy. But the fact that my wounds felt like they weren't even there told me that he wasn't lying.

"I didn't..but..oh wow..uhm..man..Th-thankyou..so much..."
I stuttered, blushing deeply at the current position I was in.

"Are you afraid?"
He asked me, that sexy voice of his ran right through me.

"Not at all.."
I replied, not realizing my palms rested on his chest the entire time.

His forehead rested against mine while he gently pulled me closer to him. I felt my nipples erect fully against my cotton top, and my legs filled with goosebumps all over again.

"Tell me..Why are you walking around at night alone?"
He asked me softly.

I explained to him how I just arrived here to live with my aunt over the summer. I told him I wanted to explore the new area since I was wide awake and wanted to get to know Louisiana. It was obvious I didn't know where I was going or where I was exactly.

"So I see..now you know not to explore this area at night unless I accompany you."
He spoke in a playful tone.

His sexy smirk sent chills throughout my entire body, but damn, did it feel good. I couldn't even take my eyes off of his for even a second. I nodded with a giggle in response to him.

"Please pardon my manners...I am Eric.."
His firm tone danced right through me.

"Oh..! I'm Bri..but I'd rather you call me Hana.."
I replied shyly with a smile.

Eric nodded, politely releasing grip of me. But I grabbed his hands to place them back. Hell, I didn't want him to let me go. Eric chuckled when I felt myself get wet with anticipation. It was as if he knew how I felt..but he had to have felt the same considering my thighs grazed his beautifully solid bulge through his denim jeans.

"Before I forget..I must let you know, from drinking my blood,
your senses are keener..as well as sexual appetite.."
Eric said to me with a smirk, curious of my reaction.

I felt even more moist now, and my heart skipped a beat. I smiled non-chalantly to hide my overwhelming combination of shyness and excitement. I felt so safe in this vampire's arms, and letting myself go for him wasn't a fear of mine. I nodded, tempted to fall asleep on his chest when my fatigue started to take its toll. I felt Eric's icy blue eyes stare down at me again, looking all serious, even emotionless now.

"Mm..I should take you home..you look quite drained.."
His tone tickled my libido once again.

I was dissapointed at his words, but I was also tired as fuck as jetlag kept up with me. It was about 11pm or so, and I haven't slept for a while. But damn, I didn't want to go anywhere. I felt Eric's strong hands gently remove me from his lap, placing me on the ground. I stood in front of him with a sense of want, and the only thing that stopped me from pouncing him was the serious look on his face. He smirked at my pout, rising to his feet now as his built form towered over me. It was obvious he wouldn't take no for an answer, so he walked me back home. He stopped when we reached Aunt Maureen's porch. The door was still unlocked as I had left it and the living room lights were still on. My emerald eyes locked onto his icy blue orbs. I hugged him tightly and he returned the embrace, but released hold of me when I felt my sense of gratitude rise to an aroused level. He smiled at me, cupping the side of my face with his palm.

"Will I see you again?"
I asked, desperately holding my needy emotions back.

"As long as my blood flows through your veins..I will come to you.."
Eric replied with a grin before we shared a heat of the moment kiss.

I immediatly wrapped my arms around his neck, slipping my tongue inside of his mouth as I felt his smooth tongue do the same. He held to my waist while our kiss deepened, but then his sharp fangs instantly stuck out, lightly stabbing my tongue. Eric pulled away from me in that instant, retracting his fangs with caution. I wasn't afraid, and I honestly didn't care about the outcome. But he did, and the possibility of wanting to feed from me screamed at his instinct. He took my hand and kissed it gently as his eyes met mine again.

"I must go now..we will meet again..."
He spoke to me, stepping back before I could grab his hand.

I understood he had to leave and I grew tired as well. I nodded to him, gazing back into his eyes before he winked at me, vanishing into the night with that super speed I need to get used to. I sighed with a yawn, going into the house and closing the door behind me. I headed up to my bedroom to get some sleep. I would masturbate to calm my restless body, but Eric's kiss was enough to repay my fatigue in my dreams. I slipped out of my clothes and threw a night down on, then I shut my lamp off and drifted off to sleep.

Eric's P.O.V.;

The night was still young, and I'm starting to feel drained myself. I've arrived at Fangtasia, unable to shake off her sweet scent. She wasn't just another human. I could feel just by her pulse that she was thin blooded. Wreaked of -A negative. Her scream for help simply beckoned me. I could have just left her to die, but why did I not? The overflowing rage that came from me just to protect her from my own kind really had no explanation. At least, none I can think of. The way her vulnerable, weak, delicious, body clung to me in gratitude awakened a protective nature in me, something I haven't felt in over 500 years.

Walking through the private entrance of my bar, I took my place at my throne, inspecting my surroundings as I usually did. I couldn't get Hana off of my mind. That heat of the moment kiss we shared, it was too late to lie and say it wouldn't ever mean a thing. Every part of her was just undeniably sweet.
We were so natural with everything we said and did, in just a half hour of meeting, and I, as a thousand year old vampire, did not regret a single thing I did with her, a human. I take back ever critisizing Bill Compton for falling for Sookie. Humans are just as real as we are. Though we are vampires, foreign to emotion, we can never forget how life was when we were once human. I wanted to cringe at the thought of feeling human again, as my vampire instincts dismissed the thought. Suddenly, I sensed Pam's presence. She leaned against my throne and flashed me a feminine smirk. She was seemingly curious.

"You were gone longer than I thought. Did you feed during your walk?"
said Pam.

"I did not. I'm actually quite famished. Bring me a morsel.."
I commanded her.

"Any type in particular?"
Pam asked me.

"+A positive. Please hurry."
I told her, wanting to forget all about Hana's -A negative blood.

I watched her vanish into the "VIP" room to find me a human to feed on. I thought about Hana again. Her perfect curves, her soft, wavy, hair, and those little lips of hers that quivered when I touched her. The way she pouted for me to hold her more empowered me. Because my blood runs through her veins, I could sense everything she feels inside. She wanted me, and I knew it instantaneously. At that moment, I felt like her lover. Her lover that wanted to capture her and not release her until she trembled in satisfaction.