Disclaimer: Hey I just wrote this and this is crazy but here's a Disclaimer. I don't own it maybe

Hello! and welcome to the ending. I have decided to end this story as I have other commitments and story request to write and it's better to end this here. I can't believe I wrote this 3 years ago and today it needs to be done. Hope you'll like the ending!


For the first time in his life, Rick wakes up in a normal place and not somewhere in some random weird place filled with strange people, just like that one time in a gay nudey bar. He wonders why his head hurt a little. He got up to look for his team mates but first he feels the need to go outside for a breath of fresh air.

Once he got there though, all he could see was a bunch of grown men and most of them are his team mates, all piled together, under them was a naked Tyson. "what the hell happened last night?"

Kai and Hilary slept in Makoto's room, it was small but they managed to make it fit for two adults and 3 children. Because he's a businessman, Kai was accustomed to wake-up early. Feeling his movement Hilary wakes up and opened her eyes. She saw Kai was already sitting up and she did the same.

She gave him a lazy greeting "Mornin'" and she stretched, as she stretched she was fully unaware one of her hand connected to his cheek. Kai didn't react or say a word when her fist push his face, he just want to get up and get some coffee and see how everyone is doing.


For the guys outside who were dog piling Tyson when they woke up and found out beneath them was a naked man, they instantly got off of him.


"I need a bath!"

"Argh! It smell like piss here"

Oliver was crying a little to his comrades "I want to go home now"

They never really notice Rick standing behind them trying to hide his laughter at the amusement in front of him "You guys look like shit"


Hilary checks on how the other side of the room where the women where sleeping. When she opened, cottons from the pillow where scattered everywhere and everything else was a general mess. Kai came to her side "I can't seem to find the guys in their r-"

Kai stops mid sentence when he look and saw the position the women where in. It was almost like they were having a lesbian orgy with the hugging, leg revealing, erotic positioning and cleavage galore. Kai, as a man, couldn't help but stare. Luckily, Hilary was there to remind him he was married to her.

"Kai, should you be looking for Tyson and the rest?" Hilary reminded, there was a hint of threat in her voice. He snaps out of it and quickly averts his eyes away from the scene and walks away "Right, I'll be going then"


Tyson slowly opened his eyes and groans as the sunlight pierce his eyes harshly. He complains why it's so hot and bright today. 'Maybe a glass of water and aspirin will help'. Tyson slowly stood up and stretch, he was having a terrible hang-over. Of course Tyson was fully aware he was drinking that night but he has no memory of half of the evening traumatizing everyone. Makes the day even worse for Tyson when he still didn't notice he's still naked.

In the Granger's kitchen...

Feeling a whole lot better since that evening, Tyson's wife got up early and made coffee for everyone. She turns on the television and it was already on the news channel, there was a certain headline that caught Enrique and Team Barthez their attention.

It was a gang related war in a district where the guys hanged-out last night. The source of the conflict was unknown but all the report could recover was a rival gang were out looking for five beybladers and then another Yakuza group came and the place turns into an all out war. Kai secretly smirks when he heard his group had won and there was no link that was the leader of the said group.

Miguel and his team thinks it must have been a miracle sent from the heavens above. Enrique thinks otherwise, he swiftly took Kai's hand and kissed it, just like what every character does in the movie 'The Godfather', he even quotes the exact line "thank you Godfather"

Kai was weirded out by his actions and pull his hand away from the crazy Italian "the hell?"

Another news was about the hotel Team Allstarz were in. It shows a very angry hotel manager shouting a the screen with a very nervous news reporter.


"When I find those trouble makers I will make them pay! Can you imagine setting the fire alarm ON as a prank!? I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you don't give up yourselves, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you!"


All eyes were on the American team and all Emily could say was "What? it was an accident"

Emily decided to change the subject "Do you think Tyson would wake up and notice he's naked outside right now?". It was a hard night with the guys, dealing with a very intoxicated friend and get involuntary electrocuted by newbie cops really sets them in a bad mood.

Team Allstars didn't care, Micheal was too busy in the laundry trying to purify his precious cap.

Team Majestics just says "Meh"

Barthez Battalion. Both Claude and Miguel were silent when Mathilda wondered why her Yaoi book smelled funny and grew suspicious of the two. Aaron was in the washroom trying to wash his piss drenched dreadlocks.


The small chatter in the kitchen went quiet when everyone heard a loud scream running from the hallways and then they could hear the door shut in which everyone assumes it's the master's bedroom. The men finally in a good mood laughs while the women giggles knowing Tyson will be way too embarrassed to go out in that room.

Tala was too busy to care about Tyson and his nakedness, he was way to concerned about his team mate he left behind 'I wonder what happened to Bryan?'. He stayed like this, totally ignoring Julia who was trying hard to get her boyfriend's attention.

"Hey...Hey earth to Tala" Julia tries to poke his head but it didn't work so she tries another method "I'll let you squeeze my breast"

No reaction

"Fine! I'll let you sleep with me on our first date"


"I'll give you nude pictures of me"

Still nothing from the Russian

'Oh that tears it!'

She punched him, right in the jaw and Tala was unconscious. Raul shook his head and looked at Tala with pity 'I hope you'll survive this relationship' he said to himself.

Max looks around and notice there was someone missing "Where's Ray and Mariah?". Kai and Hilary looks at each other knowing full well what the Chinese couple were doing right now and soon everyone catches on. Emily was more forward than all of them "their catching up all the sex they missed".

"I hope their not doing it in the car" Kai silently told himself, Hilary could almost hear him "what was that?"


What they really didn't know...

Clothes where scattered, the car windows are filling up with steam, ragged breaths and moaning could be heard outside. Two people having their intimate moment until Ray pause for a moment.

"I hope Kai doesn't know were doing it in his car"

Mariah doesn't care "Shut up and take off your pants already Ray!"

At the hotel where Bryan was...

Bryan woke up and noticed he was chained to the bed (again), and that he was naked (again), but on the bright side he has two wonderful women laying each on his arms. No, not really, the moment he woke up he was the only one in the room. They actually left the poor sucker without a word or reason but Bryan didn't actually mind or got angry because of one important thing...

"Doesn't matter, got laid"

and it was awesome! Now how the hell will he get out of this mess?


Soon everyone was preparing to leave and exchange goodbyes. While everyone agreed it may not be the best reunion they had but it was the weirdest, freaky and insane one they ever experience and it was all thanks to Tyson. They ask him to never drink again and eyed suspiciously at the Russians.

Tyson scratches his head in embarrassment "ummm.. yeah, thanks" then he later adds "So, who's gonna host the next Reunion?"

(A/N): Now that this is finally over I can focus more on the others. Thank you for sticking for this story for too long and for my procrastination. Why did I procrastinate? it's the ending, it was suppose to be longer but as the drafts for future chapters continued to grow, they became nonsense, dull and out of place for this story.