Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Twilight. What I do own? An open book about Western Civilization for the test that I'm supposed to be studying for, but I'm not.

A/N: This is what I think would have happened if the Volturi hadn't stopped. It's rated M for lemons and language, though the lemons won't happen until later chapters. Enjoy!

Prologue--Seven Years Previously

Jacob's POV

"You're the only one we could ever trust her with. If you didn't love her so much, I don't know if I could bear this. I know you can protect her Jacob," Bella said to me quietly her amber eyes looking straight into mine. If she were able to cry, she would have been. How did she know? Was this what she had been doing when she went on all of those trips? Arranging a way out for Nessie and me?

What? I thought and Seth's, Leah's Quil's and Embry's voices in my head echoed my thoughts as they heard what I heard and saw what I saw. I shook my head and butted it against her shoulder, No, we are going to win this Bella. I thought even though she couldn't hear me.

When she had whispered in my ear that I was supposed to run with Ness, my heart froze and I was still in shock. Frankly, I didn't know if I would be able to run at all. My heart rate sped at the look of grief that was on Bella's face. Nessie's fingers intertwined tightly in the fur on the back of my neck as I began to feel like my legs were going to give out.

"I know, I love you to Jake," Bella said in her bell like voice that sounded like wind chimes. A sob shuddered in my chest and a fat tear leaked out of my eye. It hurt more to cry in this body, than it did my human one. Edward leaned his head against my shoulder, instead of shaking him off like I would have, just seven months ago. I wished I were human so I could embrace him back. I wished I could do anything than just stand here and whimper.

Jake, we love you, I heard my pack say in unison, We'll make it safe for you. We'll take every last bloodsucker down so that you and Ness can be safe.

I love you man, if you ever come back, tell Claire how much I loved her and how much I'll miss her. I choked, we knew that the grief from the imprinter was enough to kill him, but what would it do to the Imprintee. Claire was so young, would she ever remember. Would I ever be able to come back? I tried to stifle those thoughts so that Quil could retain some hope.

Jacob, Sam's voice rang in my head, Run my brother. We are behind you in this decision. If they will not stop, we will make them stop. I nodded, Emily understands, so does Kim, and so does your sister. Be strong for them and come back when it is safe, if it ever is.

Why did they deserve to die, but I could get away. I wanted to stay and I wanted to die with them. But the small girl on my back gave my hair a tug and I knew that was impossible. I could not let Nessie die. I trembled just thinking about it.

"Goodbye Jacob, my brother, my son," he whispered to me. Gut wrenching, that was the only word to describe the look on Edward and Bella's face right now. I heard the other murmured good-byes that were occurring all around me. I couldn't stand it. This body was not equipped for human emotions.

I'll take care of her I swear. I promise Edward, I'll look after like you would. He nodded and I knew he understood me. I wished there was someway I could say a better good bye to the first girl I had ever loved. But there wasn't. I stared at her back and she embraced her husband. It had just gotten okay between us, we were supposed to have time to become best friends again, or even better best friends than we were right now.

It started then. They didn't even follow protocol just like the creepy bloodsuckers had predicted. The huge vamp, Felix, came charging out of the ranks, following some unknown signal and his fellows followed him. I wanted to tell Ness to close her eyes, not to watch. But at that moment, Leah yelled in my head Run Jacob! Run! I saw then that the fight had broken out.

Demetri, or whatever, was charging towards me. Emmett flew out of nowhere as I backed up shakily and he was on him and their dance began. I stared at Emmett and he nodded at me. I never really got to know him, I bet we would have been really good friends. Emmett's big hands came swinging around like lightning and Demetri lost an arm. I looked away not being able to watch, I didn't want to know who would win that one.

I turned my back and ran as fast as I could from the melee before anyone else could come chasing after Nessie. The keening, screeching, sound rang in my ears and I knew that I had to get away from it before that was the only thing I could remember. I had to get Nessie away from it because I didn't want her to be scarred with these memories for the rest of her life.

"I love you Mama!" I heard Ness cry out in her high voice and my heart thudded in my chest. She was the most important thing to me right now. I felt two voices leave my head violently and I shuddered. Quil gone. Embry gone. I needed to get out of here. The muffled yelling in my head told me that the rest of my pack was on it's way out as well. I swallowed back the bile that was in my mouth. I didn't want to be anywhere near here when that happened, because I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from turning around and joining the fight.

"I love you Nessie!" I heard Bella cry back, before a gurgling sound ripped from behind me cutting off Bella's last word. I heard Edward cry out in pain and agony and then his screams were cut off too. They were gone, and she had to watch them go. My mind was made up right then and I ran as fast as I could out of the clearing.

I kicked it into over gear once I hit the woods and I ran as fast as I had ever run while Nessie sobbed into the fur on my shoulders. I wouldn't stop until I had gotten to the airport, and like Bella said, we would figure it out from there.

A/N: Soooo that's it, I hope you enjoyed the Prologue. Let me know by Reviewing! It would mean the world to me. :)