A New Beginning Part Two [3 months on]

Chapter 1

Jack walked around the body trying to fathom out what killed the man. There wasn't a mark on him.

"Better get him back," Jack said, "let Owen do an autopsy."

"Right," said Ianto, getting down on one knee.

"Here, let me help."

Ianto put his hand up, to stop Jack. "No, I've got it, thanks, Jack."

Ianto lifted the man into his arms and carried him to the back of the SUV. Placing him in the back , he closed the door and got in the passenger seat beside Jack.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "I'm impressed."

Ianto shook his head. "Drive, Jack."

Jack started the engine and headed towards the Bay.

"Have you been working out down in the archives?"



Ianto smiled. "Who needs to work out when they have you."

Jack saw the glint in the younger man's eye.

"Why Ianto Jones. I don't know what you're talking about."

"As if."

They drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence.

Owen was busy helping Tosh when Jack and Ianto arrived with the body. Jack was carrying him, and placed him on the autopsy table.

"Not a mark on him. Do your stuff, Owen."

"Where was 'e found?"

"Bute Park."

"Couldn't 'ave been outside long."

"Why?" asked Ianto.

"He's quite dry. It rained last night," he smiled at Ianto. "You should get out more."

Ianto blushed.

Jack jumped in and spared Ianto anymore blushes. "So, when can I have the results?"

Owen took the hint and got to work. "I'll bring the report to you, as soon as I've finished up."

"Thanks." Jack said and went up to his office. "Ianto, coffee."

Relieved, Ianto headed for the coffee machine.

Gwen winked at Tosh, who laughed.

"Get out more," said Gwen. "Right."

Taking coffee to Gwen and Tosh first, Ianto placed it on the workstations. Then he took coffee to Owen.

"Great. I could do with coffee right about now."

Ianto nodded his understanding.

Jack was the last one to get coffee. Industrial strength.

"Thanks, Cariad."

Ianto bowed his head, then left.

Everyone had accepted Jack and Ianto's relationship. Owen was the least surprised. Gwen on the other hand, thought she and Jack might have a future together. It wasn't to be.

While Jack was away, Rhys finally proposed and Gwen had accepted.

Jack had loved Ianto from the day they first met. During Ianto's suspension, Jack had confessed his love for him, and vice versa. They had spent quite a bit of time together until Ianto had served out the month.

Ianto was the coy and inexperienced pupil Jack the elegant experienced teacher.

Jack was content and happy now with Ianto beside him.

Owen did a full autopsy, and wrote down all his findings. When he had washed up, he took the report to Jack.

"Well?" asked Jack.

"As far as I can see, he was a fit thirty something male. Well developed. No distinguishing marks. No tattoos. No scars. No obvious wounds."

"Cause of death?"

"His heart stopped."

Jack frowned.

"I can't find any other cause of death. His heart just stopped."

"Frightened to death, maybe."

They both turned in the direction of the voice.


Ianto shrugged.

"'e's right, Jack. It's a gooda diagnosis than I've got right now."

Ianto turned and left the office.

"Ianto?" Jack called. "Did you want something?"

"Oh, yes. Your cup. Sorry." Ianto took the cup and left.

"Why 'ave we got 'im anyway Jack? The body I mean, not Ianto… although…."

Jack glared at Owen.

"Just kiddin', Jack."

"Andy phoned it in. A dead body. No visible cause of death. As you said, quite dry. Must have been dumped there. He thought it was suspicious, so he phoned me."

"So, 'e may or may not have been scared to death. But do we know by who or what?"

"No Rift activity."

"Maybe it's already 'ere."

Jack sighed. "But what are we looking for? He didn't look scared."

"Somethin' stopped 'is heart."

"It ain't necessarily so. It ain't necessarily so. The things that you're liable. To read in the Bible. They ain't necessarily so…."

Singing wafted up from the Hub. Both Jack and Owen walked to the top of the stairs and looked down. Ianto was singing away merrily while filling a black bin bag with rubbish.

"'e's 'appy in 'is work."

Jack smiled. "Yes, he is."

"Right. You got my report. Shall I put him in the freezer for now?"

Jack nodded.

"Jack!" Gwen called.


"Another body. Same MO."


"On a tour bus. Parked by the Castle."

"Ianto, you're with me. Owen, put him on ice and get ready for body number two. Gwen, talk to Andy Davidson. See if he's found out anything. Tosh, recheck to tapes on the Rift for the last 48 hours. See if anything slipped by us."

Everyone got on with their work. Ianto waited for Jack.

"Okay," Jack chucked the car keys to Ianto. "You drive."

Ianto smiled.

It was a woman this time. Quite elderly, but with no visible signs of injury. Just like the first body.

"Did you see anything suspicious?" Jack asked the driver.

He shook his head. "No. She was up there alone. Got on about ten minutes ago."

Ianto saw a dark shape out of the corner of his eyes. "Jack?"

Jack continued to talk to the drive.

"Was she alone?"


Jack ignored him.

"Yes. Just her."


As Jack turned, he saw the look on Ianto's face. Pure ecstasy. Then he collapsed. Dead.