Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot and the characters you do not recognise. The rest is owned by Stephenie Meyer.
A/N: So sorry for the delay. I keep saying that but I'm not truly working on my update skills. But ah well, it's here now and I might as well stop trying to explain myself ;) Thank you very much for your support I can't believe that I've been doing these series for almost two years now :O I hope you guys will like this chapter, I did for some odd reason. Normally I don't like what I write :P But I was happy with the way it turned out to be. You guys may not like the turn of events, or you might! Depends how you look at it. But let's say that there are loads of explanations left to be explained! And they will come next chapter. But first, some Paul and Julie interaction :) Enjoy!
Song used Heavy In Your Arms by Florence And The Machine
My Love Has Concrete Feet
If there was one way to explain everything I would've taken that shot in a heartbeat. But I couldn't even give an explanation for why I was feeling as if the world was crashing around me let alone explain what was to come. Paul had taken the liberty to pull his macho bullshit on me. I had no say in it at all and it made me wonder how I could've fallen for him in the first place. He had all this pent up resentment towards anyone who messed up once. He'd put them on this list full of traitors and keep that facade of being a male bitch. And I never ever had a say in it.
It was tough, not to mention unimaginable for others to wonder where the attraction then came from. Was it the imprint? Was that why I was attracted to him, because his stupid wolf genes picked me as his "mate" and I had no other choice but to react upon that.
Maybe this was our way of breaking the imprint. Destroy the relationship and gone is the imprint. If that's how it went then Rachel could have him. There was no place for someone like me in my life and I doubted he felt the same way.
I rather have my heart broken than try to be a part of something that never belonged to me in the first place.
But that was easier said than done. I knew that deep down, when all of this hadn't happened yet, there was a fire that burned specifically for him. No one else could spark that fire and even if they were able to cheat me on that, it would die out soon. Maybe that's what's happening right now. My fire is dying because I am so incredibly broken. But at least I wasn't alone. If I was falling to parts then I was taking Paul as well. And right now, I was holding his hand so tightly that breaking him down was an easy feature to accomplish.
"I don't want this." I murmured. I was next to Paul in his car and I was surprised that so much could happen in only 48 hours. It was like a roller coaster. I've had my fair share of danger for the rest of my life. I was completely done right now. I could live with a boring, apple pie life if something positive came out from this.
I strongly doubted it though.
"Yeah, well too bad!" Paul responded sharply. "Because you're coming with me." I rolled my eyes and rested my elbow against the window.
"You're an asshole." I stated simply and I dared to look at him through the corner of my eye. I could see a smirk tug at the corner of his lips but besides that his face was passive. His eyes dead for everyone to see.
"Heard that one before, sweetheart." I narrowed my eyes at the patronising tone. "Now, care to contribute something useful?" I raised my eyebrows and huffed.
I could feel it in the air. Despite both of our heartbreak, there was tension, so fucking thick I was surprised it wasn't smothering us yet. Though I was sort of expecting it to jump us in a matter of time. I bet we wouldn't have any defences up for that.
I turned my eyes back to Paul and noticed the thick blue bruise like circles beneath his eyes. Was he truly that exhausted? Or was he just overreacting. I wouldn't put it past him to pull this victim nonsense. I closed my eyes and flinched. I was incredibly harsh and rude for reasons that were there and no one could hold me accountable if I did lash out like that. But was it easier for me to lash out or was it easier to try and put it behind me. Because fixing things were out of the questions. I was not going to try and become a man. They were always so keen on fixing things. If he wanted to fix it, he would. But he wasn't, so that says enough.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked Paul casually. From now on, I was going to polite. Because politeness and distance could hurt someone far more than being far too eager for a fight.
Paul glanced at me surprised. "My place." He replied shortly. "From there on we'll try to figure things out."
I hummed in response. So they were still trying to protect me. I guess I should be grateful they wanted me alive. Though I could think of a few names that wouldn't mind me dying.
"Can I ask you something?" I turned my attention to Paul. "Why do you want to protect me so badly?" I asked him bluntly. "As far as I know, you could care less to what happens to me?" I know Rachel would be.
I could see Paul clench his jaw as his fists were tightly wrapped around the steering wheel. Perhaps I should've picked out a less hazardous moment to say things like this. But I was truly curious.
"Or am I imagining things?" I filled in, trying to coax a reaction out of him.
"You and your fucking need to be suicidal." Paul hissed. "I am trying to protect you because if I didn't you'd waltz back to Bryce and sacrifice yourself. You're so alike Bella Swan when it comes to the people you love." I narrowed my eyes.
"I don't love you." I threw at him but Paul scoffed.
"Course you don't!" He hissed back. "But still, doesn't change things. I am keeping you safe because someone has to!"
"Oh!" I raised my eyebrows. "You don't owe me anything!" I told him simply. "And I don't care if I'm like Bella Swan." Paul raised his eyes. "I did what I had to do."
"You were an idiot, Julie!" Paul replied. "A gigantic idiot, if you had just told anyone of us we could've pulled something off, instead you tried your hand at heroism. Look how that worked out for you!"
"I did it for us!" I yelled. His words hurt me more than I thought they would. I knew this, I knew how Paul felt. But it was still a stab in the back and he kept twisting that damn knife as his life depended on it. Cause mine specially did.
Paul turned his eyes to me. His brown orbs burning in a familiar way. "You did it for us?" He repeated monotonously. "What possessed you to do something so fucking idiotic?" Paul demanded. "You could've died, Jules!"
I crossed my arms across my chest. "And here I thought you'd shed a tear when that'd happen." Paul stepped on the brakes and I screamed as I felt my body swing forwards, only being held back by the seatbelt.
"How many times do I have to tell you?" Paul barked. "I don't want you to die!"
Feeling my chest constrict I decided to keep my mouth shut, fearing that I would say something that would set him off. And I most certainly didn't want him to phase in his car. I'd have that on my head as well.
"I don't want to either." I confessed and turned my head away.
Paul started the car again and we found ourselves in the middle of a silence. One that I did not particularly like that much. It was filled with awkwardness and most definitely hurt me more than I thought. I knew that Paul didn't want me to try and honestly, despite what Paul thinks, I did not have a death wish. Sometimes you just feel you have to do things and I had to do this because if I didn't, someone else was bound to get hurt.
And that would've been selfish.
So either way, it's never okay, because I'm always something I do not claim to be, whether it's positive or negative. Though it mostly has a predisposition to negativity.
As Paul's house neared I found myself feeling more uncomfortable than ever. Here I was, stuck in that one house that I never wanted to see again. And of course I had to stay there for the time being. I let out a sigh as Paul turned off the engine and got out of the car. He already was on my side as I slammed the door shut. His heat radiating like a fire that made my head spin.
"What are we going to do?" I asked Paul cautiously. I wasn't sure how to approach this.
"Do what, Julie?" Paul sounded exasperated and that bugged me immensely.
"You know what I'm talking about." I retorted. "So drop the oblivious routine, it's pissing me off."
Paul didn't reply as I followed him up the patio.
He opened the front door and pushed me inside.
"So this is how it's going to be?" I asked out loud as I stepped inside. The warmth insides seemed to seep into every pore of my being and tingled. I kept my eyes on Paul as he turned on the lights and I finally saw the exterior of his house.
We were in the living room, and though it had been years since I last been here, I was glad to see that there were some changes. His wooden floor matched his furniture and though there were all the necessary things present, his house screamed bachelor. I guess it just had to do with the fact that men did not know how to make a house homey. I turned my eyes back to Paul, focusing on him only. His shoulders sagged as his eyes met mine.
"What's going to be?" He asked lamely. I narrowed my eyes.
"Don't act stupid with me. You know what the hell I'm talking about." I hissed and I crossed my arms across my chest.
"No, I don't know what you're talking about Julie. So care to enlighten me?" He added with a mocking tone lacing his voice.
"You think you're so perfect, don't you?" I snapped. "Thinking that by protecting me you can actually make it up for all you've done in the past few months I've been here." Hell the past few weeks had been hell because of him.
Paul narrowed his eyes. "You think I'm trying to make things up with you?"
"Aren't you?" It's what he should be doing.
Paul took a step towards me. His tall frame towering over mine.
"Trust me, you'd know when I'm apologising." I blinked.
"Then what are you doing?" I whispered, feeling dazed by the close proximity. I could smell his deep, woodsy scent as it washed all over me. His eyes were darker than usual and I found myself leaning closer. What the hell are you doing? My mind yelled at me.
"Protecting you."
"I don't want you to!" I murmured back.
"What do you want me to do?" Paul pulled back and just like that the magic was broken. I sniffed, feeling somewhat sober now he was farther away from.
"Nothing." I replied back. "Don't do anything. You're good at!"
Paul's sudden movement startled me and I stumbled backwards. The shards of glass were already covering the floor as I realised that he had thrown a stray plate off the counter. I suppose I was already treading dangerous water. But with Paul, everything was hazardous. Showing him his flaws was a guaranteed success for pissing him off. And apparently I was rather good at doing that. Seeing the fire in his eyes actually gave me the answer.
"I can't do anything good, can I?" He yelled at me. His hands were gripping the kitchen table with such fervour I wondered whether he wouldn't break the damn thing. I could see the strain in his muscles, it moved all the way to his shoulders and I realised he still wasn't wearing a shirt. Why couldn't he wear clothes? The fire was already consuming, he just had to fuel it.
"No!" I scoffed. "But I think you already knew the answer." Words kept escaping my mouth and I barely registered what was said. Only that my tongue was at its peak.
"Damnitt Julie! Shut the fuck up!" Paul gritted his teeth.
"NO!" I yelled back. "I won't shut up! I won't do what you say! I won't take your bullshit just because it's convenient for you!"
"Then what will you do?" Paul yelled back.
"I will make you feel the way I did for the past few months! I want you to hurt just as much as I did! I want you to realise that everything that has happened was because you didn't trust me! And I want you to get over those fucking issues and just see what the hell is going on!" Tears were brimming and my chest heaved with the pent up frustration. Finally, I was going to say what I felt.
Paul stared at me stunned. I knew words wouldn't come out eloquently, unless he was angry, of course.
"I do trust you." Paul said finally. "You just don't trust me!"
"Liar! You don't trust me." I confessed. "That's what this whole thing is about! Though you're right about one thing. I don't trust you!"
Paul narrowed his eyes and I could physically seem his restraint. Though I wasn't done yet. I wanted to get it off my chest, get rid of the constricting ache that kept hold of me.
"Glad to have that sorted." Was the only thing Paul said.
I scoffed. "Isn't that just fucking peachy!" I felt the tears brim over and stain my cheeks. "I'm glad I was able to shed some light on that!"
"Don't patronise me, Jules!" I narrowed my eyes.
"Then don't call me Jules!" I replied.
Paul pushed himself off the table and moved to the other side of the living room, banging everything as he went. I frowned and though I couldn't keep myself from looking, I did try to be as unaware of him as possible. Though that was like ignoring a fucking earth quake. Shattering and destructive, yet completely present.
"Say it!" Paul continued. "Say what you want to say, because we might as well get this whole fucking confession thing over with!"
"This is not a joke, Paul!" I cried out. "This is serious! What's going on is serious!"
"I know that, Julie! I am not a child!" He hissed.
"Are you?" I questioned. "Because your behaviour tells me otherwise."
"Tell me then." He settled against the couch. "What does my behaviour say?"
"It says you're an untrustworthy asshole." I shot out immediately. Though my words were harsh, his body language was much worse.
"And?" He taunted. I glared at him, blinking to clear my vision from tears. They were gone now though, anger taking place for hurt.
"I hate you!" I continued. "I hate so much that it hurts. And I don't want it to hurt." I confessed. And gone was anger. Just like that. In a blink of an eye Paul's eye softened as my tongue took over again. "You should've trusted me when I told you what happened. You should've taken my word for it and things could've been so much better for the both of us!"
Paul sagged against the cushions. "No it wouldn't." He admitted as he averted his eyes. "It would've been exactly the same." I frowned.
"Why?" I asked him. "Because you never trusted me in the first place?"
"It's not you who I don't trust." Paul turned his eyes to me and before I knew it he was off the couch and up on his feet again. Pacing the living room with a new vengeance. "I know what I did was awful and Damnitt I'm going to try to fix it."
"But nothing." Paul settled and he stopped pacing. "I am going to fix things and you are going to let me!" I laughed mockingly.
"Let you fix things?" I repeated. "It's not up to you to fix things." As he so eloquently put it. "I'm in the equation as well. "You hurt me, Paul! Incredibly so and this is not something you can fix in a second. It takes time!"
"And that's what you promised to give me!" Paul barked. "I don't care what you think!" Paul continued. "I am going to fix it and you are going to let me! End of discussion!"
"Fuck you Paul!" I yelled. "This whole thing has escalated to more than just fixing things! Other people are involved too! Do you even realise what's going on?" Paul rolled his eyes but crossed his arms over his chest. Pronouncing his muscle in such a way it distracted me.
"I do know what's going on Julie! Thanks for informing me though!" He replied sarcastically.
"And how are you planning to fix that?" I asked him. "Because last I checked, you can't bring back the dead!" Paul snapped his head back to me. "And you can't take away the guilt!" I whispered the last bit.
"I can make you forget though." I glanced at him incomprehensibly when he closed the distance between the two of us in a few strides.
I was too far gone to actually put a stop to it, because when I felt Paul's lips on mine, all my resolves shattered and my walls fell down with a loud crash. I grabbed at his shoulders as I felt his arms around my waist. Crushing my chest against his, feeling both of our heartbeats beat simultaneously. Speed up simultaneously. It even echoed simultaneously. I couldn't believe that I was actually doing this. But apparently I wanted it, because every single fibre in my being was already gluing itself to Paul and it clung so desperately that I would feel bad pulling away.
My arm wound itself around his neck as I pushed myself to my toes. Feeling the burning intensify in the pit of my stomach was providing me enough encouragement to continue with this. Because, God, it truly felt good to feel Paul like this again. He was like a drug. Every single part of his skin yearned to be touched and I wanted him like that. I wanted to touch him, feel him, taste him. I just wanted every part of him to be a part of me again.
I found myself on my back as it collided with his couch. His lovely weight pressing into me as he hovered above me. A sight to be behold preciously. Through half lidded eyes filled with lust did I watch him. As oxygen became a must we separated though his wonderful lips continued to trail a path down my neck. Going lower as the fabric of my clothing became more of a bother than before. I found myself pulling at my shirt as his hands moved up my shirt.
The roughness was actually so gentle that a spasm of pleasurable pain went through my limbs. They were like little stars burning every inch of my skin. I wasn't sure what to say but right now, feeling felt so fucking right. I dug my nails into his skin, trying to leave as many marks as I could. Knowing I would like to behold them for as long as I could, for it would be proof that we truly doing this.
My shirt was discarded swiftly, and I was on my back again as I arched my back into his hands. His fingers on my waist were tight and I bucked my hips against his. My heated core pushing against his throbbing member. I felt a sharp pain of pleasure again and words escaped my mouth as I barely noticed what I said.
His lips were on mine again, wet and hot as it moved down my chin to my throat. His teeth, nipping and leaving marks. I trailed my hands down his abs, feeling the strain against my fingers was like finding relief in a way. I gasped as Paul's hands moved across my chest. The peaks just begging to be touched. I pushed him off me as my eyes opened with a snap. I was sick of foreplay. I wanted heat. His heat to be exact. The same heat I'd feel as before. The same heat he was going to make me feel now!
He sat up straight and our eyes met briefly as I pulled myself to a sitting position. I rested my hands against his shoulders before straddling his hips. Our lips met again and I felt him unbuckle my bra in a split second. So he was finally catching up. There was a little voice in the back of my head. Whispering words that I should care about, that this was a stupid thing to do. But right now, I was helpless to temptation and I was already too far gone. I might as well do it properly before falling apart completely.
Slowly our clothes were discarded and I was aligning my body with his again as I lowered myself down on him. Things from there on just escalated. Our rocking bodies, his mouth on my shoulder, muffling sounds as I felt my walls tremble around him. I pushed myself closer against him and as our climax neared I realised that I had just crossed a line that should never have been crossed. And for some odd reason, I felt that I had opened another can of worms that was merely asking to be left alone.
I gasped as I collapsed and found myself murmuring words that should not be said.
"What did we just do?" I whispered against his skin as I felt him press a kiss against my throat. Our skin, sweaty due to our activities felt sticky. My heart, still recovering from its peak would crash completely if I couldn't handle Paul's next words.
"I made you forget and that's what I'm going to do again." Paul responded before lowering me on my back again. I could faintly register the last look on his face when I realised he wasn't done yet.
But nor was I.
A/N: So here I give you smut! I know I could've continued, but I suppose you'll have to use your own imagination because it only reminds me of my own lacking at the moment :P lol! Anyhow, I love to hear your thoughts :) So leave me a review!