"Stand, bow!"
Students dressed in maroon and navy blue uniforms begin to take out their lunches, chatting and laughing with each other. Two students sitting at the back of the class with their desk pushed together had fallen asleep, and the sound of the bell had not woken them. A boy with jet black hair, and wonderfully long eyelashes who looked almost a little to mature to be in high school was breathing in and out contently. The girl sleeping next to him was just as striking with her raven hair and angelic like face. She crinkled her eyebrows slightly, shifting in her seat as something changed in the, what seemed to be, an excellent dream. With their faces towards each other and the tops of their heads just barely touching, it was hard to see which head's black shining hair belonged to who.
"Go for it Kara, he's sleeping!" whispered one of the girls in the front of the class.
"I can't, what if he wakes up and catches me?!" Kara was nervously twisting a pink marker between her hands, pulling the cap off then clicking it back on again.
"As if he would, Yuki has been sleeping all morning. And besides it's just a little heart with your initials that you want to draw right? Go for it!"
The girl named Kara stated to slowly make her way through her classmates who were enjoying their lunches. She stopped in front of the sleeping boy named Yuki and clicked the cap off the pink marker, but instead of snapping it back on again she began to raise her arm to Yuki's face and right before the felt of the pink marker could touch his cheek a hand stopper her.
"If I were you I would rethink what you're about to do." said a cool yet serious voice.
Kara followed the hand that was beginning to hurt her wrist and saw that it lead to a pair of hard gold eyes on the face of an angelic nightmare. The temperature of the room began to drop and as Kara tried to pull her arm out of the girl's grip she began to regret her action.
"Shizu you don't need to go that far." said the sleeping victim.
Yuki still had his head on his desk with his eyes closed, he opened them slowly and gave Shizu an expecting look. Shizu shifted her gold gaze down to her sleeping partner and smiled sweetly at him.
"But Yuki that's not one of the normal washable markers, it's a permanent one and it would have taken you forever to scrub it off. So of course I would end up having to help you scrub it off, and I can't get caught in the boy's bathroom again because sensei will be very unhappy with me. And you can't come in the girl's bathroom again because last time some poor girl feinted at the sight of you. So you tell me Yuki what was I suppose to do?"
Shizu took a gasp of air and continued.
"And, I refuse to use the hose in the yard because last time we used the hose you sprayed me! So of course I had to spray you back and then we had to sit in the principal's office wet! That time I didn't have my gym cloths so I had to barrow some of yours, and you're just so gosh darn tall that I looked absolutely ridiculous, how tall can one person grow? I mean really Yuki you should really stop growing, I feel like a midget just standing next to you! How do you think that must make me feel? Besides if you grow much taller you are going to have a hard time getting through doors, and I can't even imagine how I'm going to help you with that—"
"Really Shizu you should breathe more, before I have to take you to the nurse's office, and you know how distressed Mrs. Nurse gets when she sees us coming."
They both smiled at Yuki's comment. During Shizu's long explanation Yuki had slowly sat up in his desk, causing Shizu to release the now very confused girl's arm. As the marker villain went back to the safe circle of her friends Yuki pulled a lunch out of his desk and handed it to his very best friend. At the exact same time Shizu pulled her lunch out and handed it to Yuki as well. Yuki smiled at her knowing exactly why they where changing lunches just like they did every single day.
"Pickled carrots again today?" he asked as a small smile started to form on his face.
"Leftover Lasagna for you?" Shizu responded with the same tiny grin.
"My favorite." They both said at the same time as they looked at their new lunches.
After a moment of silence they could not seem to contain the small smiles that had slowly been growing on there faces since before poor Kara had taken her first step toward them. Finally those two growing smiles cracked and they both stated laughing happily.
"Good work you two, the chemistry was just right there at the end! Great! "
As the director hurried away Mr. Yashiro walked over to his two favorite people and handed them both a bottle of water. They both accepted the bottles of water and smiled at him.
"That was wonderful to watch, Kyoko I loved the improv during your long speech, what did you think Ren?"
Ren looked at the young woman in front of him who was looking at him expectantly with large, round, trusting eyes and got a brilliant idea. Which, of course, meant that Kyoko was about to be played with.
"What do you think I thought of it Miss Mogami? Yuki and Shizu are suppose to be best friends who know exactly what the other is thinking and get along fabulously so…?"
Kyoko stared at her senior with a serious look, contemplating her answer. She then directed her thoughts at the floor. Had he approved of it? And if he didn't like what she had done would he have said so? She thought that she had grasped Shizu's character pretty well, even though there were still some holes to deal with, she had been pretty confident about the last scene. It had felt… warm, and fun. Ren's reactions as Yuki had been just what she had hoped for, if not more so, but was he disappointed?
As Kyoko fretted over his question Ren couldn't help but find her rapidly changing facial expressions incredibly funny. He turned away and began to laugh as nonchalantly as he could but his movement caught Kyoko's eye. She realized that he had been teasing her and blushed red right up to the tips of her ears. Finally when his laughter died down a little more, and Kyoko hid her blushing cheeks a little she gave him her response.
"I think that you were thinking of teasing me Mr. Tsuruga." Kyoko said, even as the blush in her ears grew.
"Me, tease you? I would never think of it Miss Mogami. Never." Ren said with his most professional face, just barely keeping the laughter away with a extremely small smile that was probably more of his own thinking than on his actual lips.
"Liar." Kyoko whispered to herself.
"What was that Miss Mogami?"
"Nothing! It was nothing!"
Ren laughed to himself as he walked off set to his dressing room to get ready for the next scene, Mr. Yashiro fallowed close behind. Once they both had reached the safety of Ren's dressing room Yashiro glared at Ren.
"What?" asked Ren.
"Oh I am soooooo glad I decided to take this job! I get to spend every day with my beloved Kyoko and we get to talk and laugh and FLIRT with each other without her running away screaming! I looove her soooo much, my ADORABLE Kyoko!"
"Really Mr. Yashiro I have no idea what you're going on about, but if you continue like this I'm going to suggest a shrink."
"Ha ha very funny Ren."
Ren started looking through his wardrobe to hide his face. It's shocking the way Mr. Yashiro can sometimes see his real feelings, and what a nightmare if he could actually read him all the time. The last thing he needed right now was someone reminding him of how much he cared for a certain girl who he could not care for.
Mr. Yashiro sighed.
"Really Ren I don't understand why you don't do something about this."
Ren looked at what was probably his only true friend here in Japan, and then went back to looking through his wardrobe.
"I wish I could Yashiro, I really wish I could."