Every day in South Park is always the same. The temperature is just the same. The friendship did improve a lot. The weather was always snowing.

13 year old Kenny woke up from his old, dirty mattress. He stretched his arms and legs and scratched his stomach. He rubbed his deep blue eyes and yawned loudly. He didn't get enough sleep last night. He got up from his bed and looked at a small mirror. It has sharp, uneven sides. He found out his facial structure changed to somewhat feminine. It alerted him a little. He looked down to his body to find out that he was in a girl's body! He closed his eyes tightly and pinched himself really hard.

"This is not real. This is so not real. This is so fucking not real!" He repeated the words several times in his head. He opened his eyes slowly to find out that his body is still girly and feminine. His breasts were somewhat large, his waist is small and his shoulders weren't wide like it used to be.

"Shit. This can't be good." He muttered lowly. How can he explain this to his friends? He'll just have to keep this a secret until they find out.

"Kenny! Hurry up, you're going be late for school!" a woman yelled in a Southern accent. Kenny was about to protest when he thought about his voice.

"My voice…" Kenny thought. He said his name to hear his voice high-pitched. His eyes widened. If only he knew this sooner or later. Luckily, his voice is muffled and he's mostly the silent type. He grabbed his orange parka and trousers and put it on him. He looked at his chest to see his breasts noticeable. It's shocking that his female body is well-developed for a 13 year old.

"(Where the hell am I going to get bindings?)" He muttered once more. He has to go to the mall. He slowly sneaked out of his window and went to the mall. His stomach growled but he didn't care, he has to use his preparation time for buying chest bindings. To his horror, the mall is closed. Not only did he missed his breakfast but also went to the closed mall for nothing. He went to the school bus stop to see Stan, Kyle and Cartman.

"Oh. Hey, Kenny." Stan and Kyle chorused.

"(Hey.)" Kenny muffled. He didn't realize Cartman was looking at his chest.

"Wow, Kenny. Just because you love boobs doesn't mean you should wear bra." Cartman chuckled.

"Shit." Kenny thought. Was his chest really that noticeable?

"Why are you wearing a bra?" Stan asked, simply.

"Are you gay or something?" Kyle asked cluelessly.

"(I'm not gay. I just lost a bet to my brother and I had to wear a bra.)" Kenny lied nervously.

"Oooooh." Stan said. The bus soon came and they went inside. Kenny crossed his arms to flatten his chest which worked. He sat next to Craig, still crossing his arms. Everyone in the school bus was so noisy.

"I SAID 'QUIET,' OR ELSE I KILL THE BUNNY!" Mrs. Crabtree shouted, still holding the bunny's ears. Her other hand has a gun pointed beside the bunny. Mrs. Crabtree hasn't changed. She's still the hot-tempered, impatient, fat bitch.

Everyone stood quiet. They're scared of the innocent creature getting killed. Some even think that after the bunny was killed, they might be the next victims. Mrs. Crabtree put the bunny and the gun inside the container with holes and started driving. Soon they went to the South Park Middle School. Everyone went out and then Mrs. Crabtree drove off.

"Am I ever going to cross my arms forever or tell them I lost the bet to my brother?" Kenny thought sadly. Crossing arms was tiring and telling them that he lost the bet wasn't that bad, because if he died next time, he might be a guy again.

He went to his locker. He opened it and got his Math book. He run after his friends, while he's at it, he looked at his chest. His eyes widened. Did it just bounced? He looked at everyone to see them minding their own business. He sighed in relief. He slowed down his pace and caught up to his friends, it was great that they all have the same classes together, except for Cartman. He's so stupid.

"Oh, damnit! I forgot my English homework. Can I copy yours, Kyle?" Cartman panicked. Cartman and Kyle's friendship increased slowly. But Kyle still hates Cartman and Cartman gave Kyle a little respect.

"No." Kyle said simply. Everyone knows Kyle is a genius, he gets A's and he rarely gets B's.

"Aww, come on, Kyle! Let me borrow your homework now!" Cartman demanded angrily.

"I said no, Cartman!" Kyle said, angered. Soon enough they were arguing, while Stan and Kenny was put out of the conversation.

"Oh, come on. Not again." Stan slapped his forehead. Kenny shook his head in agreement. Their constant arguing used to be hilarious but now it's getting annoying and old.

"…For the last time, Cartman! NO! Why don't you bother someone else?!" Kyle said angrily.

"Well, fine, Kyle! Why would I even bother you in the first place?!" He paused. He looked at Kenny. "Hey Kenny, may I borrow your English homework?" Cartman continued.

"(Fuck no.)" Kenny said.

"Fine, Kenny! You don't want to borrow your homework because you're stupid! Poor people are stupid anyway!" Cartman said angrily. He marched angrily leaving his three friends alone.

"What a fatass." Kyle muttered. Kenny nodded his head. Stan didn't do anything. He was just glad the fight was over. They all went to the Math class and went to their own respective seats.

Kyle thought about making new stories in his fanfiction account. His stories were all about Terrance and Philip, nothing new.

Stan thought about how his date with Wendy will come out tomorrow night.

Cartman thought about copying somebody else's homework.

As for Kenny… He wonders if he can go through the day as a man trapped in a woman's body.

The teacher was busy lecturing everyone. Kenny looked at his chest, he felt like slouching. But he didn't feel like it. He was used to have his back straight. But it makes the chest a bit smaller. So he slouched. He feels uncomfortable so he had his straighten his back again. He felt uncomfortable about his chest.

"Kenny? What are you doing?" Kyle whispered. Kenny flinched. Stan looked at Kenny. Kenny was in between Stan and Kyle.

"(Nothing.)" Kenny muffled smoothly.

"If you feel uncomfortable wearing a bra, why don't you take it off?" Kyle asked, raising a brow.

"Yeah, dude. Bras doesn't suit you anyway, you're a fucking guy for God's sakes!" Stan whispered a bit loudly.

"(Well, Kevin says I have to fucking die to take it off. I don't want to cheat the bet.)" Kenny muffled again.

"Kenny, just take off the fucking bra, damnit!" Kyle muttered angrily.

"(No.)" Kenny said simply.

"Suit yourself. It's not like I'm the one who lost the bet and wear a bra until I died." Kyle whispered. Kenny felt like punching Kyle.

"Stan. Kyle. Kenny? Are you listening?" the teacher asked.

"Yes." They chorused.

"Well then, I want you three to answer these following problems on the board." the teacher ordered. The three grabbed the chalks and began to answer.

Stan has to answer the square root of 16. He was sweating really hard. He didn't know the answer so he had to guess, he answered 6.

Kyle has to answer the cube root of 1000. He answered the problem with ease. He put 10 as the answer.

Kenny, who wasn't listening at all the whole time, has to answer the square root of 81. He felt nervous about answering.

"Well, Kenny? What's the answer?" The teacher asked softly. Kenny gulped. He was sweating really hard. He put 8 as the answer. The three boys went back to their seats.

"Stan, your answer is incorrect. The answer is 4. You were really close. Kyle, your answer is correct, I thank you for that. Kenny, your answer is incorrect. If you skip counting by 8, you would realize there wouldn't be 81. 9 times 9 is equal to 81 so therefore it's 9." The teacher said, trying not to be angry.

Stan was not nervous but he nodded. Kyle felt proud of himself for being good at math. Kenny sighed in relief that no one notices his womanly chest. He didn't feel embarrassed about his answer anyway. The bell rang loudly and everyone went outside of the classroom. Kenny went to his locker which was next to Stan's. He opened the locker and put his math book inside. Kenny didn't notice that Stan was leaning against his locker to wait for Wendy. Soon enough, Wendy came to him.

"Hey, Stan. I hope our date will be successful." Wendy said softly.

"Y-yeah. I hope so." Stan grinned like a maniac. He was also blushing. Kenny closed his locker and Wendy looked at him.

"Kenny, are you wearing a bra?" She said, clueless. Kenny looked at her and his eyes widened. He looked at Stan and silently tells him. Stan seems to be out of his dream state and understand what Kenny is trying to say.

"He lost a bet and he has to wear a bra." Stan said bluntly.

"Oh…W-well, see you later, Stan and Kenny." Wendy said, and left.

"(Thanks, Stan.)" Kenny muffled nervously.

"You're the one who told me that you lost a bet, dude." Stan said, shrugging.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" Kyle came and greeted.

"Nothing much." Stan shrugged and Kenny nodded in agreement. They all went to Art Class and unfortunately, Cartman was there in their class.

"Hey, guys. Unlike you, Kyle and Kenny, I asked Pip if I can copy his homework and he did!" Cartman smirked.

"Well, at least you won't bother us about copying our homework anymore. You can take advantage of Pip now." Kyle said bluntly. Kenny nodded in agreement.

"That's right, you guys! He's smart, you just don't want to borrow your homeworks because you're both stupid. You know, Jews are so stupid they don't know what two plus two is and Poor people lack proper education." Cartman chuckled at his own joke.

"That's it, Cartman! You are so dead!" Kyle shouted angrily.

"(Fuck yeah!)" Kenny agreed. Kyle kicked Cartman in the balls then Kenny punched Cartman in the stomach and twisted it. Cartman spat some saliva. The next thing happened, Cartman whined like a spoiled fat ass he is.

"Well, it looks like Cartman deserves it. He has gone way too far." Stan clicked his tongue a couple of times. The three boys walked away leaving Cartman in his weak state.

"Fuck you, Kyle! Fuck you, Kenny!" Cartman shouted before they disappeared from the hallways. For the mean time, everyone was looking at Cartman.

In Art Class, everything was fine until the teacher asked them to draw a nude model. They can also ask someone who they are really close to.

"Dude, I'm not going to do it. It's just sick, dude." Stan said, disgusted.

"Well I'm not going to be the model, either." Kyle agreed. Then Stan and Kyle looked at each other and they both looked at Kenny. Kenny knew what they meant. "You've got to be kidding me." Kenny thought, frightened.

"How about you, Kenny? Would you be the nude model? All you gotta do is pose for us. We'll both give you 20 bucks which means a total of 40 bucks." Kyle said. Kenny gulped. They were taking advantage of his poverty.

"(Uhhh… I don't want to do it either.)" Kenny said nervously. Stan and Kyle widened their eyes. Did they just hear Kenny said that or were they hearing things?

"Pardon us, Kenny?" Kyle said.

"(I said no.)" Kenny said. It was unbelievable, Kenny is saying no to 40 bucks! That's absurd! Kenny is poor. He must need money!

"Did…Did you just say no?" Stan asked.

"(I said no.)" Kenny said.

"But why?! 40 fucking bucks! You're saying no to that?!" Stan said.

"(Of course I am saying no to that, it's just that I'm wearing a bra.)" Kenny reasoned out. "You're such a fucking liar and unreasonable, Kenny." He thought.

"Dude, we're not asking you to pose while wearing bra. We're asking you to pose as nude!" Stan said.


Sorry, guys. I have to sleep. Sorry about the cliffhanger though. I tried my best making a South Park Fanfic though. _

Note that slash is okay, but I don't really like it. I also don't want to put OC's in my story even if I want to. Kenny has to be girl because he's going to pair up with Stan, Kyle, Butters, Cartman (EWWW!) or other minor characters? Or just be a girl that will turn into a boy soon.