Summary: the same

Warning: I changed the ratings to M, for things wouldn't go the same....would be gory and mysteries will appear.....hopefully, not a brain wrecking limes,,,,i can't write anything like that,,,

Disclaimer: Do you believe that i am kishimoto masashi?

Remember: the same....

Extra: i changed others' names for i can't remember them...i also changed the plot from the normal Naruto plot...if a plot is the same, i would just narrate it, since i don't want long boring plot lines with no difference from the original....

Dark Encomium

Spirit Within

He was alone, all alone inside the huge mansion he saw upon waking up. He looked to his body to find he was drenched in black water. Fascinatingly, he ignored it and stared to his surroundings. Plain stoned walls were on his each side while a large cube of ice diverted his attention from the many human statues gracing the empty room. His blue eyes bored through the thick ice protecting the body and posture of a woman with dark blue hair. The woman was clad in a white robe and a long scepter is placed on her right hand, the scepter is shaped like a triangle with mini triangles hooked to each side. He walks near the woman and upon reaching her; he let his hand touch the cold exterior of the ice bolder. He doesn't understand but her face was familiar to him, like he already knows her from the beginning of his birth. He lets go of the ice when he felt that his hand is being affected by the temperature but a sudden flicker of the eyes from the frozen woman caused him to stumble back falling from his feet. Emerald hues gazed to his blue ones. It was like she was talking to him, telling him something by the use of her eyes. He tries to stand up without breaking the eye contact when,

"Wake me and free my soul"

Wintry sweats trickled on the blonde's face as he instantly sat up. Pieces of his dream were still lucid from his mind. He wasn't sure but everything felt like it was real and not a dream. Shaking his head, he situated his feet on the floor before standing up completely. It is not the time to be thinking like this if he wanted to not be late. It has been three days since team 7 did rank D tasks, and all of them were bored to death, well, aside from Sakura, she still doesn't care for anything but Sasuke. The last mission they did was about a cat missing. They were successful and they went to the hokage tower to review the reports but on the way on discussing them, the Uchiha last survivor spoke up. He said they are obviously ready for a harder task and all agreed.

The Hokage wasn't able to do anything since he does trust them, especially Naruto. He knows he can do better with more difficult tasks. Just then, the Hokage summoned an old drunken man, said he needs company on his way to his country. Team 7 accepted the mission although with the old man's rattle about how weak they look.

After taking a bath and eating his breakfast, Naruto prepared his things and walked out from his house, not forgetting to water his plants first of course.

The team met up at the Konoha gate and for the first time, no one was late, or rather to say, their sensei wasn't late as usual. When everything's ready, they begun their long journey.


"Um, Tazuna-san, what's your village like?" Sakura tried to gather information about the village they will visit but unfortunately the old man simply drunk more of his wine and ignored the look the pink blob gave her.

They were walking in deep silence when the masked jounin noticed a puddle of water they were heading. Knowing what it was, beneath the sun rays, Kakashi performed a technique which will replace his true body. He then allowed himself to walk faster than the others.

Naruto was looking sideways, carefully inspecting different kinds of trees and plants when out of nowhere; the whole place became dark from his view. Everyone stopped moving. Naruto saw everything from the least significant detail of soil's particles to the most needed information like the real identity of the puddle just in front of the team. He can't understand but he was able to see things a normal person can't see. A byakugan can see far distances and see the chakras of living things while he can tell who one is, each individual's body capability, and see or feel things that don't have chakra in their body. Needless to say, Naruto could see the entire area leaving no specific information. It was like he was a part of nature itself. Now that he saw that there are bad guys hiding within the puddle Naruto halted his walking unnoticed by the others. He could tell them what he knows but Sasuke probably knew it all along because of his Sharingan, as well as Kakashi, also, he was too surprised to himself.

As Naruto stopped and everyone continued, the hidden ninjas took this as the right time and dispelled their technique. They assaulted the leading ninja who was the masked one, tearing him to pieces. Sakura screamed in terror while Tazuna's eyes became wide that it surpassed the limit of their sockets. Sasuke knew what he had to do, he jumped from his feet and threw a shuriken to the chain connecting the two unknown ninjas and just to ensure everything will be safe, he threw a kunai to support the shuriken, not without knocking the two ninjas first.

After the fast battle, the real Kakashi finally showed up. Sakura and Tazuna were both scared and relieved at the same time.

"Tazuna-san, care to tell and explain everything?" Kakashi asked as he approached the shaking old man.

Tazuna told them everything, from Gato's plans to what he must do. After that, Kakashi asked his team whether to continue or not. Sasuke agreed followed by Sakura who was still afraid to what she witnessed. Naruto, well, he was still astounded and wasn't able to answer.

Kakashi thought it was because of fear, but there was something wrong with the blond. He was looking everywhere, unlike before which he was just side seeing, he was looking more thoroughly around like he could even see what it is behind those large trees. Sighing, Kakashi told them to continue their journey.


Not long after team 7 first battle, they reached the last obstacle they have to pass, a wide river separating the wave country from other countries. They would be glad to walk and continue to search for a boat if not for the growing mist wrapping them around.

Kakashi activated his senses as he noticed that the mist wasn't a normal one. He told his team to gather around Tazuna, to protect him at all cost. Then unexpectedly, a wave of a sword blade crossed them. Kakashi was fast enough to tell his students to duck.

Sakura was successful on bending Tazuna with her. Sasuke was a little bit late hearing his sensei's warning that he almost failed to dodge the incoming attack, but he was glad that some pieces of his dark hair were only cut. Naruto already knew where the attack was coming from that he didn't need Kakashi's warning. He jumped from his path and with a swing of his leg he successfully hit the hidden man from the cloud of mist.

Team 7 immediately walked away leaving the kneeling enemy.

"Everyone, protect Tazuna, he is not just an ordinary enemy, he's the demon blade of the mist (?)" Kakashi told his students, seeing the true features of the man they are about to fight.

The students obeyed instantly without further ado. They brought out their kunais and formed a circle defense around the old man. This is the first time they felt fear, first time to know what its like to see a missing nin, and S-class for that. But they don't have any other choice; they agreed to continue their battle, so they must fight.

The man with bandage on his face coughed a blood which everyone noticed because of the red tint appearing on the white sheets covering his face. He then looked to his prey still kneeling, trying to seek who kicked him in the shin strong enough to make him wobble.

"Damn, you sure could kick, Kakashi, also called as the copycat ninja" the demon blade stood up when he was able to endure the pain, lifting his huge sword behind his back.

Kakashi didn't understand what the man was talking about, he never kicked anyone so why the hell is that? Confirming his theory, Kakashi looked behind to know who did the kicking but team 7 has the same expressions, fear and courage.

"I suppose you're one of them" Kakashi finally broke eye contacts with his students, failing to know the truth

"If you're talking about those who would kill that man-" Zabuza pointed the old man being guarded with kids by his finger, "then, yes I am one of them" Zabuza smiled cheekily.

They didn't have to wait for what next to come, Kakashi and Zabuza performed their own techniques, assaulting each other.

Kakashi activated his sharingan, copying and reading every movements of the man while Zabuza performed his water techniques, defending him from any attacks of the copynin.

Team 7 was awed; they never saw a fight like this. Kakashi and Zabuza sure move fast, they hardly see their movements, well, except Naruto, even with his eye closed, he could still envision their body actions.

The fight was a bit long, but in the end, Kakashi was captured inside Zabuza's water globe (?). Team 7 was surprised and anxious to what they must do, but then Kakashi commanded them to run for the enemy is undefeatable by them. Kakashi felt helpless, it's better to sacrifice one's life than to let many people die. He can't really see any fracture from the enemy's water globe that he could use to escape. His team, they are still weak or so he thought.

Naruto was having a dilemma inside his mind while Sasuke and Sakura were ready to flee any moment.

What should I do? Should I use it? But, would they be scared if they saw me use it? Damn it, but, what can I do? This man is dangerous as Kakashi-sensei said. I can defeat him, that is certain, but if defeating him means being called monster by my own teammates, then I rather don't do anything. But I don't care about anything right? Why am even caring about them?

Naruto knew the questions to his answer, he doesn't want his teammates to feel alienated to him because he was used to their behavior, may it being stoic or being bubbly, but better than being treated like a monster. Thus, Naruto doesn't want to lose this kind of atmosphere they were having before. But the enemy is ready to kill any of them. Collecting his head, Naruto tried to search for any useful things that could help his technique be less terrifying.

Sasuke noticed how Naruto was shaking while his eyes were rounding each corners of the place. He was going to yell at him when Naruto spoke up, his eyes hold strong demeanor.

"Sasuke, use your fire to attack him" Sasuke gave a look that says –are-you-mad- to Naruto. He can't understand him. They were about to die, what could they possibly do?

"Don't be stupid, dumbass, we can't defeat him!" Sasuke tried to change Naruto's thinking but it was no avail, Naruto was certain and serious.

"Sasuke please!" Naruto begged in a small voice. He has pride but Sasuke was a stubborn one, and surely, a lot prouder than him.

They heard Kakashi yelling at them to just give up and evade the place but they didn't listen. Even Sakura was having turmoil in her mind, whether to left her teammates, but since her Sasuke-kun was there, she must stay strong.

After a while, Sasuke stabled his intellect. It's better to die with a fight, if he can't surpass this; he will never be able to defeat that 'man'. Thus, walking up ahead, which made Kakashi groaned from his throat whilst making the missing nin curious, Sasuke did his hand seals, blowing up balls of fire toward the enemy.

Zabuza was about to pull his sword from the water when the unexpected happen. The water itself was preventing him to pull out the sword. Thinking fast, he untouched the sword and performed a seal using his free hand, but once again, the water didn't obey him, resulting to his utter failure in keeping custody of the masked jounin. The fire balls hit him, throwing him to a trunk of a tree. It didn't hurt that much, but the kids were able to free their ace card. When he contemplated hard enough, he understood that it wasn't the dark-haired kid who was the cause of everything. He surveyed the children letting his eyes fall upon the blonde kiddo. He knows he was the one who made the water sticky and unable to follow his commands.

Beside Zabuza, everyone was also shocked; another unexpected thing has been done by Naruto.

Sasuke was obviously pissed. But at least, for now, they are saved by HIM and his other teammate.

Kakashi after being freed threw a questioning glance to Naruto, but he wasn't looking at him, he was looking at his own hands. Kakashi, still aware that the enemy is alive, let his question pass as he looked behind him to see the missing nin standing once more, ready to fight.

Naruto wasn't exhausted, hell, he could do that again. But remembering that his teammates are watching, he needs to compress his ability.

Before attacking each other, Zabuza and Kakashi let themselves rest a bit, just to regain strength and chakra, then after that, another collision came, tantalizing the spectators. But the difference before, is Kakashi is stronger than ever, making him able to beat the other man with the enemy's own technique, tsunami (?).

Zabuza was flown away and had been hit to a bolder of rock strong enough to make him loss consciousness. Kakashi was ready to finish the man when out of the blue, a masked ninja appeared beside the unconsciousness nin, lifting the man to his shoulder and disappearing once and for all.

Kakashi stared in shock, he was sure that there are more enemy to come, but for now, rest is what they need.

Team 7 together with the bridge builder, departed the fire country, continuing their journey to wave country riding a ship. There, they were able to rest a bit.

"Guys, I do believe that there are more enemies bound to hunt down Tazuna-san" Kakashi said in a serious tone that made the bridge builder flinched from his position. Now, he is very, undeniably scared for his life.

"Don't worry Tazuna-san, we are here to protect you from the bad guys" Naruto grinned trying to enlighten the mood which succeeded immediately.

"Naruto, what was that?" Kakashi asked bringing everyone's attention to their blonde company. Everyone was obviously curious, never have they seen a technique to oppose a technique.

"I don't know actually" Naruto rubbed the back of his head, frowning lightly. He can't tell them, that is for sure, "Um, it just happened I guess" He tried to ensure his team but all he got was an interested stare, an envy look and a fascinated smile.

"Well, at least it helped us" Kakashi said. Just then, a shake of the ship startled everyone. They stood up from their positions and looked at each other.

"We are being attacked!" Someone screamed in terror. Team 7 knew who they were. Unfortunately, the ship has many people inside; they can't fight them off in the middle of a river. They are less unlike the enemy who was a battalion.

"What should we do?" Kakashi said as more bombing came, shaking the ship more. People inside became fearful as they tried to hide, but then again, if the ship sink, they all die.

Naruto saw everyone's tears; he saw how a mother covered a child as she heard him crying. He saw how an old man has been guided inside by an unknown person. He may have hated humanity, but he never meant to hurt them. He closed his eyes as he made a decision, he will use it, even if it means sacrificing his identity.

Entering Naruto's mind,

Naruto stood in front of a large gate that has a seal upon its lock. The place was like a sewer, but definitely creepier and scarier. Inside the humungous gate, a giant fox stared at Naruto in annoyance; his canine teeth could be seen grinding at each other while his claws were attached to the gate itself.

"Damn it, brat! Using that technique may destroy your consciousness" the kyuubi snarled, his voice echoing in the sewers.

"Kyuubi, I'll say it one more time, let it free, even for less than 1 minute, that would be enough to protect the ship" Naruto spoke with superiority.

The kyuubi doesn't care whether Naruto was left behind by his team, but what worried him, is using that power, the power that the child in front of him holds. The power that is beyond a ninja's capability. He was locked inside the child to ensure that the power would be locked as well, but now, Naruto was pleading it to be free, even for a mere minute.

"Fine, but don't free me, understood? I don't wanna die" Kyuubi knows what could happen when he was freed from the seal, he would simply be killed afterwards. It's better to hide on a child's body than die without freedom.

"I won't, I just need a slip up of it" Naruto ensured the nine-tailed fox.

In the real world, the battle was ongoing, two ninjas to hundred, Sasuke and Kakashi. Sakura was just guarding the bridge builder who was cowering under a barrel.

"Naruto, wake up, damn it!" Sasuke yelled, he was getting exhausted. Its been a while since Naruto stood rigid, not moving an inch, letting him and Kakashi to battle only with the two of them, and its like they can't fight anymore.

Fortunately, Naruto did awake. But his eyes no longer held the blue hues but black orbs switched the old ones. He smiled evilly as he walked to where the two ninjas were fighting.

"I'll take care of this, go in the boat" Naruto said in his normal tone with a hint of dangerous aura.

Kakashi and Sasuke looked to each other. They don't know what the blond is going to do, but it's better without anything to do so they left the enemies and stepped on the ship's deck.

The battalion of ninjas begun running after the ninjas. Naruto saw them; he then opened his arms, waved them around and lastly, letting his hands meet at the top of his head. As he did the action, the water around the ship begun to form as a circle; it was like a giant water globe.

The enemy tried to enter the globe but the water sphere created numerous amounts of spike around itself, protecting it from any harm. The giant water then turned around fast, not letting any enemy to enter. Once they stood near, the spikes would cut them to pieces.

Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura were once again enthralled. Naruto was really full of surprises.

A ninja tried to break the globe by throwing a kunai with explosive but it was a futile attempt, after the water exploded the water was rebuilt again. Other ninjas tried to swim beneath the boat, but just the same, the water was a total globe, may it be on the surface or below. After a while of charging, they gave up and went away, seeing many ninjas died while their fleshes flew away, not knowing where its destination.

Sensing that the enemy is no longer present, Naruto slowly dispatched the water spiked globe, clearing the view of the people inside from the sun rays. His eyes turned to normal, while his deadly aura disappeared. Turning on his back, he looked to see what the reactions of his friends are, yes, friends, he likes to treat them like it.

Sasuke wore a scowl, never before he saw a technique like that, he was very envy.

Sakura was a bit afraid, but being aware that Naruto is a teammate, Sakura gave him a smile, thanking him for saving them.

Kakashi, well, he was simply curious, not knowing what the technique is called since Naruto never spoke.

The people on the boat walked to where Naruto was. Naruto thought they were going to tell him cruel words, like monster, evil, dangerous child but hugs and gratitude weren't the compliment he expected to receive. For the first time in his entire life, Naruto understood the word, 'happiness'.


The ship finally reached the deck of the wave country. Everyone went down and went away. Team 7 was amazed to see another country; everything was watery, full of river and seas. Well, that is to be anticipated by the name of the country.

Tazuna guided them to his family's (?) house where the visitors were treated nicely. Maya (an), the mother of the household was a good cook, she served her visitors great delicacies for protecting her father all the way, however, Mizuno (an), the son of Maya, questioned the astonished ninjas. In the dining table, Mizuno caused uproar; he tattled anything but the goodness of being a ninja.

"Why do you want to become a ninja when ninjas are meant to die" the child said, running away with tears beaming on his face.

After that, the people left behind were in awkward silence. No one spoke up until,

"I'll just go outside, need fresh air" Naruto stood up as well, walking to where the child went.

The moon illuminated the dark river, letting the species beneath to be seen. The light also caused the water to sparkle, adding beauty to the river itself but nevertheless, the person beside the river wasn't as glamour as the river. He held a giant frown on his face. There were some remnants of dried tears on his cheek but he didn't care for it. He was mad and sad; all in his mind are about becoming a ninja and being killed afterwards, just like the fate his father established.

Drowning his bare hands on the water, he heaves a sigh before splashing the cold water to his face. He would've repeated the process when a reflection caught his attention. It was the blonde boy, the same ninja his grandpa hired. Glaring at the reflection of the intruder, Mizuno asked in an annoyed voice.

"What do you want?" the new guest smiled at him, knowing he was looking at his reflection. He sat beside the little boy as he answered.

"Y' know, being a ninja isn't that bad" Naruto heard the boy huffed.

Mizuno crossed his arms hearing the blonde's words. What could be good upon being a ninja?

"Really, tell me?" the little boy glared at the true features of the teenager himself.

Naruto heaved a sigh, but the smile on his face never fades. He stared up in the clouds to see the moon floating in the horizon while twinkling stars decorated the whole space.

"We fight, we win, we lose-" Mizuno was about to break the boy's sentence when Naruto said in a stern voice, "but we have dignity and honor"

Mizuno was surprised, he never thought of that. He always believed that being a ninja is about sacrificing you, nothing more, but there's less.

"I don't know who you loosed, but everyone's not going to stay here forever" Finally, Naruto stood up and woke away, leaving the astounded child behind his back, but sooner a smile was crept on the boy's face.

Earlier that morning, team 7 met up in the forest. There, they trained themselves walking at the tree. They learned it fast, without sweat trickling in their faces. Hence, Kakashi simply told them to train themselves, for they know more about their own capacity but with his guidance of course.

Sasuke trained his Sharingan, wanting to wake it up and to make it stronger.

Sakura learned how to control chakra, she also tried it by smashing a tree making the boys to sweat drop.

Naruto simply sat up and closed his eyes. He used his new found technique on sight seeing the wave country, trying to locate the enemies.


Inside the huge mansion, some of the frozen statues disappeared without a clue to where they went.
