For quite a while Arpegius didn't understood the relationship between his sister Stella and his friend Shep. Honestly, he didn't know it existed. Sure, he knew that the ship commander had feelings for Stella -because of his confession on what they believed to be his death bed- but after the group had returned to their planet, not much had been said about it. They band had become very close to their savior and all the time the two had spent together seemed quite normal.

Well at least at first.

Arpegius had become suspicious during an music award ceremony on their planet. The Crescendolls had been nominated for an award and Shep had tagged along as Stella's escort for the night. During the event Stella had excused herself to use the restroom. Only five minutes later Shep left get some fresh air, mumbling something about being "uncomfortably cramped in formal attire."

Both returned at the same with clothes looking disheveled, as if they had been pulled and tugged on and their hair out of place. The couple sat down looking as emotionless as possible and simply watched the show acting as if they didn't look like they just ran a marathon.

The after party had been even more interesting. The band mingled and chatted with the room, thanking the occasional fan or congratulator. Shep was typically shy at the parties, his newfound title as a hero often shook his humble person and hid the socialite that he truly was. So it was no shock to see him off in a corner, having a nice chat with Octave. Tired of entertaining, Arpegius decided to join the two. They talked for quite awhile and it wasn't until Octave's sly comment that he had noticed Shep appeared to have lipstick smudged on his mouth.

Shep's hand instantly jumped to his face and he wiped where the keyboardist had hinted. He stared at his hand and after realizing what was on his face there seemed to be a slight blush. Octave smirked.

Later that night, he noticed a strange mark on Stella's neck. When he tried to ask her about it though, she clamped up and insisted she knew nothing about it.

He was curious as hell, but he wasn't one to jump to conclusions.

It was the next day when Arpegius had walked into Stella's room (she was staying with her brother while her house was being painted) unannounced and found a half-naked Shep sitting on the edge of her bed that he clearly understood.

It was calm at first. Each of the three persons in the room looked absolutely shocked for mostly the same reason.

"Shep? Stella?"



" . . . "

The guitarist was happy for the two, don't get him wrong. But he was a big brother, and big brothers did not like discovering half naked men in their little sisters' rooms.

Arpegius took off after Shep while Stella remained in her room wondering what exactly had just happened.