A/N: I doubt this character I've created is in Lord of the Rings but rather something I learned in Greek Mythology. So bear with me this is an AU and perhaps a Mary-Sue. I'll try to stick close to the books or movies but we'll see how my memory goes. Enjoy :)

My Dryad


What madness brought me here to Lorien? I had to simply walk back to my own home in Fangorn and forget about being here. Yet, I couldn't... I was young and eager to explore middle earth from all the stories I've heard. I was no longer a child but fully grown. The elves fascinated me the most, their story was so intriguing I couldn't help but try to find one myself. And so, here I am in Lorien hoping I could spot one from the top of this tree.

Fangorn had been my home for years. It had always been safe from the world around it but lately things began to change. When I first spotted the most oddest creatures I'd ever seen years back it frightened and amazed me. The rotting teeth and skin with the beady eyes and gnarling teeth made me wonder what sort of creature could that be. Perhaps an orc like the stories have told? Surely something so frightening couldn't exist.

Whatever it was, it killed all those that I knew. My family and friends all perished from the forrest but soon died once the tree's they've been bound with were destroyed. The one I had chosen to bond with when I entered my adult stage stood upon a hill surrounded with many other tree's in the depths of Fangorn. Luckily those creatures hadn't destroyed mine or I'd be dead too. My life depends on that tree. As long its alive so am I.

It was just me now... as far as I knew. My kind was always so few, we protected the forrest from strangers with the Tree Ents but something was going on in middle earth that was daring to challenge us. And I had to find out what was out there. My people paid the price for being ignorant, I didn't want to suffer the same consequences.

I felt the tree's within my reach. Ever part of them, their hunger, their strength, and their weaknesses. I felt them reaching out for me to protect myself from this strange territory. They could sense my fear and wanted to ensure everything was alright. But I pushed it away and continued to sit atop this tree until someone would show.

I felt the tree trying to communicate as its branches grew closer around me. I mentally ensured I was alright and simply curious among these lands. These tree's would fight for me just like those in Fangorn. My kind had a spiritual bond between every living thing in the forrest besides animals. I could sense ever aspect behind the plants, the earth, and especially the tree's.

We had received numerous warnings from the tree's in Fangorn that danger was coming from those monsters. But my kind would never depart from the one tree they have bonded with unless there was no choice. The tree's gave all their will to defend us but we were weak against the hundreds of monsters attacking us. Once we saw this was a battle we could not win, all we could do is run. I warned my tree I needed to depart but that I would always reach for it within my heart.

It was the most difficult task of all to leave the one tree your spirit is bound to, but I had no choice. I watched as all my friends and family fell to the ground dieing when their tree was destroyed.

I brushed a tear off my face. The tree's branches enveloped around me to give me comfort and I smiled as a silent thank you.

Suddenly, wind blew harshly around me and leaves from other tree's struck against my body sending me a silent message. A group of creatures were headed towards my direction.

The tree surrendered itself to me as my body became one with it. I was disguised as the tree itself so whatever was approaching couldn't see me.

I heard footsteps approaching and a bit of bickering between a raspy and fair voice. I forced the tree to tilt to one side as I tried to see who was it. I saw 8 creatures. I spotted the shortest one with fuzzy hair growing on its face first, then four others just as short as he but not so scruffy and appeared like children, and three others were the tallest except one seemed to have pointed ears. Perhaps it was an elf? No, those four short ones had pointed ears too. Elves had to be more mystical than just having pointed ears.

"Stick close hobbits! They say a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall upon her spell... and are never seen again!" Said the scruffy short one. The small children huddled closer to him. One grew puzzled as though he was hearing something off in the distance.

"Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily! I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!"

The tree's around me grew startled and I sensed more creatures were coming. Suddenly, arrows from all directions encircled the eight and the dwarf grew startled.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could've shot him in the dark." Said a tall man with pointed ears. He appeared to be the leader of the band of creatures around him. I was beginning to believe this new group was elves after all. Something about them gave off this aura I've heard about in the stories.

One of the man stepped forward and raised his arms to surrender. "We do not mean any harm in these territories elves of Lorien." So, they were elves after all.

The elf smirked. "You bring a dwarf in elven territory, surely that means trouble."

The group of elves pressured them to move forward with arrows ready to shoot if anyone thought about running. I had to follow them as my curiosity got the best of me.

"Hantanyel," I whispered to the tree as I parted from it. I climbed up its branches trying to jump off to the other tree as quietly as possible. I needed to follow them as closely as I could to not lose their sight.. The tree's aided me by extending their branches to one another but I was having some difficulty keeping quiet as I grew tired. The group was moving too fast for me to follow and I slipped on one of the branches. Luckily one of the trees grabbed me from the waist but I did make some noise. I didn't expect for anyone to hear but the entire group stopped in their tracks.

The leader of the band walked towards my direction and I quickly wanted to hide within the tree so he wouldn't spot me. Just as I climbed up the branches reaching closer to the body of the tree I sensed the elf spot me.

"You there!" I saw him point at my direction and I gasped in shock. How did he spot me so soon? There were so many branches and leaves shielding me yet he noticed I was here.

A couple of elves pointed their arrows at my direction and the tree seemed to sense my sudden alarm. It quickly bonded with my body so I wouldn't be seen and I saw the elves grow puzzled. They walked closer towards me and I urged the tree to stop them. A root from beneath the ground rose up and tripped the elves. The leader stood standing in surprise as he managed to miss the root.

"What magic is this?" He muttered.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head and the tree grew still. I felt him break away from me and my body separated from the tree. I fell to the ground in shock and wondered why it would do this to me. These tree's were supposed to protect me with their life, not even the plants or earth around me seemed to care I was so vulnerable to these creatures. I couldn't seem to reach them in any way. I felt so alone and frightened that nature who protected me was ignoring my cry for help. It was as if I had lost my powers.

"Who are you!" Cried the elf.

I shielded myself with my hands in fright. "Please! I mean no harm! I- I'm so lost!"

He grabbed me from my shoulder and forced me to stand. I stared straight into his icy blue eyes and he stared into my emerald green ones.

"You are unlike any other creature I've seen before. You will tell me who you are or you will suffer the consequences. Tell me, are you sent from Mordor?"

I couldn't find the words to speak. I froze in his grasps as I couldn't believe I was standing before an elf. One that was willing to kill me though. All along I wanted to meet one and ask so many questions, yet I stood there like a coward.

"Very well then. Since you may be a spy of Sauron himself, you will join this band of trespassers and answer before Galadriel." He urged me to walk with the others but I turned around to face him.

"Please, I am no enemy! I'm just a Dryad, I don't wish any harm!"

"Dryad's are just a myth. Your attempt to escape is quite foolish." He gave me a slight nudge, "Keep walking."

I had no choice but to follow his orders. There were arrows ready to shoot at me too. I wrapped my arms around me as the forrest continued to grow still around me. I felt so vulnerable and frightened I hoped they would find out I meant no harm. Dryad's were considered a myth, but my people had kept it that way. We always remained apart from the rest of society afraid they would take advantage of us. He was right, I was so foolish to even consider walking among these lands. So much for being curious.

Review please :)