James gasped as he woke up from unconsiousness. Where was he? How did he get here? He didn't remember. The singer tried to take in his surroundings, but all he saw was black. "Wh-What's going on?" he whimpered quietly, "Carlos, Logan? Kendall? Is this some kind of joke? If it is it's so not funny! This blindfold is going to mess up my hair!"

"James?!" A panicked voice rang out through the room.

"Kendall!" James sighed in relief, struggling to loosen the knots that bound his hands, "Kendall untie me! This rope is really starting to hurt!"

Kendall felt his stomach drop at his boyfriend's words. That's right, boyfriend.

Kendall had confessed his long hidden affection to his best friend six months ago, wonderfully surprised when James eagerly returned his feelings. They started their relationship that day, and while they had their share of fights, Kendall was seriously starting to think he loved the other boy.

"James, I can't move! I'm tied to this post and the ropes are real tight. Are you alright?"

James felt his heartbeat speed up when Kendall informed him of his situation. Why were they here? Who took them and why?

"Hello Kendall…James." A mysterious voice suddenly appeared next to the young male.

James yelped and jumped, or tried, to jump away from the new guest. Kendall growled protectively, not liking the way the man had purred his boyfriend's name.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Kendall peered thorough the darkness, and as soon as he blinked, the lights flashed on.

He closed his eyes tightly against the sudden light, but a few moments passed and after a few blinks, Kendall could see once again.

What he saw though, made him sick with terror.

There was his James, tied to a bed, limbs spread out and bound to each bed post. Biting his lip and pulled at the bonds, his love's body trembled as a man in black began petting his usually perfect hair. To say the man was huge would be an understatement. He had ox like shoulders, and was at least 6'2, easily towering over both boys. His large hand fisted the brunette's beautiful hair and pulled his head towards him when James had tried to get away.

"Don't you dare struggle boy." He growled out in a deep, angry voice.

"Get your filthy hands off him, you fucking pedophile!" Kendall pulled at the ropes, wincing and cursing under his breath as the coarse rope dug into his wrists.

James looked up, and despite the blindfold it seemed as if he was staring right at his boyfriend, "K-Kendall, help me…please?"

The singer felt his heart break at the desperation in the other band member's voice, "It'll be okay baby. I promise you're gonna be fine."

The man grinned, his cigarette stained teeth showing behind his thin, chapped lips; "Don't make promises you can't keep blondie."

James shivered as the hand released his hair and moved down his to shirt, it was his lucky white V-neck. It didn't seem so lucky at that moment. Kendall pulled again and groaned as blood began dripping down his raw wrists.

"Alright pretty boy, let's see what you're hiding beneath these clothes of yours." With that spoken, his large fingers gripped the thin material and tore it right down the middle.

James let out a sad cry as his lucky V-neck was destroyed, but the fear of his captor was growing with each passing moment. Not a moment after his shirt was shredded, the same hand began working at the button of his pants.

"No! Stop, what are you doing?!" The teen thrashed on the bed, trying to maneuver his body as far from the other man as possible.

Kendall's eyes widened as James' clothes were slowly removed from his body, his eyes darkening with each second. "Get the hell away from James!"

"That's not going to happen Kendall. What's wrong? Are you pissed because someone else is going to be the one to take you're precious boyfriend's virginity?"

At those words, both boy band members visibly paled; Kendall shook with rage and James shook with fear.

James looked up, his vision still blocked from the blindfold, "N-No, please don't. Please let us go."

The man simply shook his head and ran his fingers through James' once flawless hair, "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll make sure it doesn't hurt that badly."

James had to swallow heavily to keep back the cry that was building in his throat, "K-Kendall, please help me…"

Kendall bit his lip and struggled once again, "Listen, don't do this. What do you want? Money? That's not an issue. Our manager Gustavo will give you whatever you want. Just, please man, don't hurt him."

The brunette on the bed gasped as his hair was brushed away from his face, "Call me Bobby, I want you to scream my name…"

At those uttered words, something inside Kendall snapped. "Hey! Get the fuck away from James!"

Bobby pulled back from his "toy" and walked over to Kendall; kneeling down so he was at eyelevel with the sixteen year old, before slapping him across the face. The noise echoed throughout the room and earned a short cry from Kendall, a quieter whine coming from James. Bobby grabbed a fistful of blonde locks and forced Kendall to stare into his deep brown eyes.

"Listen to me boy, you have no power here, none. James over there," he growled, motioning to the boy on the bed, "He's mine now."

With that, Bobby smashed Kendall's head into the poll, spots dancing in front of his green eyes. Groaning, his head fell to his chest, his head throbbing with pain; he clenched his fist as footsteps faded away from him and got closer to James.

"Kendall? Kendall are you ok?" The concerned teen pulled at his bonds, hoping for his boyfriend's voice to ring out again.

Bobby sat on the bed and decided that he had waited long enough; he swiftly tore James' jeans down to his ankles, earning a horrified gasp from the sixteen year old.

"Wait! Please wait! Don't do this!" Tears began soaking the blindfold, dripping down his angelic face.

The older male grinned and leaned forward, licking the tears from his victim's cheeks, "Don't cry sweetie, it'll feel better once I get started."

Kendall's head snapped up as James screamed in terror, feeling like he was punched in the stomach when his love's boxers were pulled down to where he jeans now rested. James' face was bright red as he was fully exposed to this man who had never even seen before. A gloved hand ran down his toned thigh, while the other played on his chest. Kendall's anger soon faded to desperation; James, the boy he fucking loved, was about to be raped, right in front of him.

"Please, please stop! Leave him alone! He's never done anything to you!"

Bobby turned, his smirk one of pure evil, "I know, I just want to show the world that I can get to anyone. From a random woman on the street, to James Diamond, the pretty boy of Hollywood."

James no longer had steady breathing, frantic gasps slipped through his lips and he pulled with all his might against the thick ropes. Kendall watched in unbridled fear as Bobby slipped out of his own clothing, thrashing against his bonds. This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't be! This was James, his James! The one who was fixing his hair every five minutes, the only male Kendall knew who would actually kiss his reflection. The boy who was least deserving of this horrible fate. Sure he was a flirt, but after he and Kendall started their relationship he really changed. James would still wink at girls, but no one got the stare Kendall received; a look of longing, admiration, maybe even love.

Bobby grabbed the teen's bony hips and lifted them into the air, he leaned over so his mouth was right next to James' ear, "Ready baby?"

This time, the sob escaped James' lips, he shook his head and whimpered, "Please, I'm begging you, don't do this. I'm scared, I don't want this. Please stop."

Bobby pulled away and smirked over at Kendall, whose head was lowered with tears falling from his eyes to the floor. Looking back at the sobbing boy beneath him, he tore off the blindfold. Bloodshot, sparkling green brown eyes stared up at him.

"Please…" was the last broken plea to slip past his lips, before he pushed into the traumatized boy.

"Sing for me James!"


Kendall's body shook as the shrieks of James still echoed fresh through his mind; his screams for Kendall to save him, Bobby's horrible laughter throughout the entire attack. As the man pulled out of the shaking teen, he looked into James' eyes once again; they were so…dull. Staring into nothing, tears still rushing down his face, his lips were bruised from the forced kisses and split from the occasional slap. Bobby smirked one last time, before he stepped off the bed and slipped back into his clothes; he took out a switch blade and cut the ropes from the singer. He walked over to Kendall, who stopped screaming after Bobby had threatened to stab James, and also cut him loose. He took in the damaged, bleeding wrists and ran his hand through Kendall's blonde locks.

"Those might need stitches babe. Maybe next time I'll come for you," he walked away and back over to James, placed a gentle kiss on the younger males lips, and walked away, out of their lives. Hopefully forever.

Kendall looked up and stood on his shaking feet, steadying himself for a brief moment, before running over to his damaged lover. He sat on the bed and ran a hand through James' hair, earning a wince and a choked sob from the teen.

"Shh, I'm here now James. I'm here. I'm so sorry, I love you so much." Tears ran down his own face as he placed soft kisses on his love's face.

"K-Kendall…" The broken voice whispered.

"James?" The singer pulled back, and looked at James' face.

"Kendall…h-he hurt me…" More tears, another cry.

"Oh baby, I know. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. But I promise you, no one will ever hurt you like this again."

"Pl-Please don't leave me Kendall…I'm sorry, I tried my best to stop him…b-but he…"

"Oh God James," Kendall pulled his love into his arms and hugged him close to his chest, "None of this is your fault. Ok? None of it. He's a monster, and he's going to be arrested and put in jail for the rest of his miserable life." He gently lifted James' head and placed a careful kiss on his bruised lips.

Calls were made, and in no more than fifteen minutes, Gustavo, Logan, and Carlos, shot through the door. Cops were swarming the area, looking for the man Kendall described to them. Logan and Carlos ran over to their friends, sitting close to them.

Carlos carefully brushed James' unruly hair away from his face while Logan held back his own tears.

Gustavo, of all people, was the first to speak, "The police are looking for this bastard. James, Kendall…if there's anything, anything you guys need, feel free to ask me. We're going to help you ok?"

Logan smiled as best he could and hugged his friends, "We love you guys, ok? Please know that. Everyone is going to help you."

Carlos wiped his own eyes and rubbed his friend's shoulders, "We're always going to be here for you. No matter what."

Kendall kissed James again, the injured boy whimpered and snuggled into his boyfriends toned chest.

They were going to get through this, together.