I do not own anything.

Lily Evans

1. She missed the sister bond Petunia and she had before Hogwarts. Sometimes she wishes she wasn't a wizard at all.

2. In third year she had a huge crush on Remus. She got over it quickly when she found out that her best friend Katie was practically in love with Remus.

3. Ever since that day in fifth year when Snape called her the m word she has regret not forgiving him. She believes that if she actually listened to his apology he would not have gone to the dark side and he would still be her best friend.

4. She sent a wedding invitation to Snape. As she walked down the isle she looked for him but he wasn't there. But Lily still swears that she saw a hooded figure in the shadows at the back of the church though.

5. When Dumbledore told her about the prophesy she spent the first few months in denial. For who would ever want to hurt her son Harry?

6. She always had a bad feeling about Peter. He just seemed to be off around the time they joined the order.

7. She regrets to this day allowing James and Sirius to make Peter the seeker keeper. She should have just gone with her gut feeling.

8. She will never admit this but sometimes Molly Weasley got on her nerves. She loves her and all but she always acted like they were children who needed to be taken care of. Maybe at the age of eleven but not at the age of 21.

9. She always had a doubt in Dumbledore. For how could one man know what is the greater good for everyone?

10. She never actually liked Professor Slughorn. His parties were not that much fun and he always picked his favorites by how famous their parents were or who smart they were. It seemed unfair to her.