The sounds of the city wafted in through the open in window in Castle's study. It was a typical spring night in New York, a subtle breeze swirling through the room while the author sat in his chair, legs extended and propped up on his desk and his laptop open on his lap. Rick stared at the blank screen, fingers resting on top of the keys as if willing them to type something, anything. He had had writer's block before, but never this badly. He needed something to inspire him, get him writing like he used to.

He glanced over at his desk and reached for his cell phone, bringing up the first number that came to mind. He paused as he stared at Beckett's number before hitting the end button and putting his phone down, turning back to his empty screen and sighing deeply.

Beckett sat at her desk, always one of the last to leave the precinct. She stared intently at the murder board, looking over the details of their latest case. Normally she would be focused on the information in front of her as she tried to find a clue that they had overlooked. This time, she just stared blankly at it, other matters on her mind.

Kate knew she had a lot going for her right now; her team had been on a roll solving cases lately and her relationship with Tom had been going great so far. Yet something weighed on her mind still and she could not quite figure out what it was. Even though she knew she should be happy with the way her life was finally headed in the right direction, she still had an odd feeling of emptiness resting deep within her.

She needed to distract herself from these thoughts before they consumed her. She pulled out her phone and started to dial Castle's number, knowing he would still be awake and might be up for a late-night burger. Before she could dial the number, though, she thought better of it and put her phone away again. She sighed in frustration and grabbed her stuff, ready to head home. Maybe a long bath and a good book would be enough to take her mind off of things.