Authors note: I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update! Here is an update that I kind of like. I know it's face paced but that is kind of how this whole story has been. I hope you enjoy it!

P.S Also sweet little Quill moment this week on Glee. That nice little hug!

It became tradition soon after that. Will's bed had been uncharted territory to Quinn, but some nights she would find herself crawling into his bed at night, scooting until she was resting against him and his hand snaked around her continuously growing waist. Some nights however, she'd be rolling around on the couch, unable to get comfortable, and she'd hear his footsteps on the carpet, and she was always grateful when he gently helped her up and lead her back into his room to sleep comfortably next to him. One thing that had happened since their blow out though is there wasn't much talking about it between them. Everything was still very hesitant. Sometimes he would kiss her, but it was always slow and unsure. Also, it was a little bit fearful. When his arm would wrap around her he would keep a safe distance. It was only in the safety of the night, that he would full wrap around her, letting her settle into him as closely as she could. This continued each night for weeks. However, after they won regionals they had stepped into the apartment though and he had lifted her up and twirled her around in his arms. His lips planted firmly against hers. It felt like a breath of fresh air each time and Quinn melted into the embrace.

Neither of them were ready for it when the contractions started. It was the night they won regionals, they had barely gotten to bed after the entire glee cast had gone out to dinner. Kurt had sat faithfully by her side all night, clutching her hand as she felt complete discomfort and occasionally pains that should have been a warning sign to her. Kurt had regarded her seriously that night, telling her to call him if she needed anything. Quinn was curled up in Will's bed, turned away from him, taking deep breaths with each contraction. They were getting closer together and she tried to remain calm. It didn't take long for Will to wake up and touch his hand to her shoulder. Very gently and carefully, how he always had been with her.


"We need to go"

Will knows exactly what's she's talking about and doesn't question. He gets a bag together, putting everything he thinks she'll need in and goes outside to start the car, and setting her things in the back. When he comes back in he is practically carrying her out and all she can focus on is the pain and the fear coursing through her veins. As much as she had prepared herself for this moment she didn't feel ready at all. She clutched onto him until he had her in the car. Will shut the passenger door and hurried to get to his own seat, latching the seat belt and starting the car. The drive to the hospital was silent. He clutched Quinn's hand as she gasped several times, and let out a few pained cries. She knew this was going to be hard. This was happening, she was bringing a child into the world, a little girl. A little girl who would be a part of her, a part of puck, and even in an indirect way a part of Will.

"I need you to call Puck, he deserves to be here. I know he hasn't always been there, but i want him here for this"

Will simply nodded keeping his eyes trained on the road.

"I also need you to call-" She sucked in a sharp intake of breath. "I need you to call Kurt, he's the only other person in the world I have besides you"

At that Will's eyes turned towards her, they were sympathetic and kind and it made her want to burst into tears. Before she even had the time though, they were pulled up in front of the hospital and he was rushing to get her inside. Everything flashed by in a blur, she was being taken back in a wheelchair and Will was trailing behind her, making the calls she had asked. When they checked to see how far along she was he left the room, mumbling a quick excuse and it was only then that Quinn allowed herself to cry. The nurse was sweet, offering up words of comfort and touching Quinn's arm softly. When Quinn had finally calmed down they discovered she was dilated at a 5, about halfway. Then when she asked if Quinn wanted her to go and get her boyfriend, Quinn didn't even take the time to deny anything, just nodded her head and let out a shaky breath.

Will came back into the room and he pulled up a chair beside her. The nurse shut the door behind her and Will brought his hand up to smooth back her hair, which as stuck to her forehead from the sweat. It was then that he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to her lips, and then brushed his lips against her forehead. A comforting gesture that seemed to warm her entire body.

"Puck and Kurt are on their way,"

Quinn simply closed her eyes and clutched his hand tightly in hers. There would be explanations she would have to give, Puck probably wouldn't question too much, but she knew Kurt would. In the back of her mind though, Quinn knew that she could trust him. He wouldn't give their secret away and he would try to be supportive in any way he could. At least that is what she hoped for with all of her heart, because she needed Will there with her. And true to what she thought when they arrived Puck was too wrapped up in concerns for her and the baby to notice Will's chair placed next to her, though at a further distance then before, and when she met Kurt's wondering eyes simply mouthed 'later' to him and he understood completely. Puck held her hand and Kurt offered soothing words.

When it was time to push she held out her hand to will, pleading silently for him to stay, Kurt went to wait in the lobby and Puck stayed. This time he questioned their teacher's presence. Will offered an explanation of how he had been helping her out for the past few weeks, claiming her water broke shortly after dinner and he was the first to get to her. The explanation didn't make much sense, however, Puck chose to trust him. Which surprised her beyond anything else. Everything started to move in a blur again as when she had arrived at the hospital. Quinn was pushing with all of her might, clutching Will's hands so tightly she was surprised his fingers didn't snap. The doctor was urging her on, Puck whispering how great she was doing, his voice thick with emotion. When Quinn gave her last push, she was vaguely aware of Puck cutting the chord, her head fell back against the pillows and she felt herself giving into exhaustion. Her senses seemed to strengthen however when she heard her baby give her first deafening wail. It was then that sobs over took her. Puck was helping clean off the baby and despite how disgusting she knew she was, Will wrapped his arms around her as she cried the hardest she could ever remember crying. It was sharp and hurt her throat, and she cried along with her daughter.

"You did amazing sweetheart, she's okay, your okay" Will sneaks a kiss to her forehead and tried to offer soothing words, but nothing seemed to dull the ache in her chest. Except for the baby. When they brought her over and placed her in Quinn's arms everything stopped. All Quinn was aware of was the baby in her arms and her tears gradually stopped and she stared into hazel eyes that mirrored her own. There in her arms was a tiny child with olive skin, and thick dark curls, but those eyes, so similar to Quinn's.

"You are so beautiful" She whispered in awe.

Her daughters cries had also stopped and her eyes were round and curious, blinking several times, adjusting to the light. There was nothing in the world. Just the two of them. When brought her hand up and pressed it to the babies palm, her eyes welling up again when she wrapped her fingers around her mothers own finger.

When Quinn finally found the strength to look up Will was leading Kurt back into the room and Puck's eyes were misty. Quinn looked at all of them and took in a deep breath. Her life was changed forever, nothing was ever going to be the same no matter what. For better or for worse she would never really know. There was nothing she could, or would take back however in this moment. Puck reached for their daughter and Quinn hesitantly handed the baby over. Puck's eyes locked with hers, even if they would never be together, they would always have this. When she looked at Will she realized the same thing, he was just as much a part of this as they were. It was then that the hysterics bubbled over and she let out a sharp cry. Everyone in the room looked at her in shock, but she only caught Will's eyes this time.

"I can't do this, I can't do it" She didn't let her voice get to loud, not wanting to alarm the baby. But still her voice shook with every word and tears poured rapidly and she wrapped her arms around herself.

"I can't do this, this is my baby. My daughter. I can't give her up. This is my daughter, don't you understand. I can do this. I'll get a job I'll do anything"

Despite the others in the room Will took his place next to her and wrapped his arms around her. Her cries and turned into quiet sobs and he leaned closely to her, and just for her ears he whispered.

"If this is what you want, I promise, we can figure it out"