This is a random plot bunny that stuck in my mind. Although I have plans for about three more, I only have one more chapter written. I'm currently working on another fanfic so this one will more than likely only stay at two chapters. Hope you enjoy it anyway.
Warnings: KuroFai flirts. (Only because there is no way to keep them in character without it.) Oc's. They won't really play that big of a part, but just to help the story flow.
Timeline: After Outo, and I think after Piffle. No set spot, though.
Spoilers: None that I'm aware of, unless you call Sôhi a spoiler.
Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever, have possession of Tsubasa. If I did, we would know all of Mokona's 108 Hidden Secrets. I do not own Dora the Explorer or the song "Shut Up and Sleep with Me."
Mokona Modoki's 108 Hidden Secrets
1: Band-aids
It started out like any other day: Being sucked through Mokona's mouth, plopped into another dimension, and placed into the most awkward and uncomfortable positions, their bodies twisted in ways more than likely not normal.
Just an average day. It even included the ever-so-popular "being-attacked-by-strange-new-creatures."
And that was when it started.
The blonde haired mage was dodging as spectacularly as always. The red-eyed ninja was fighting in his most typical grumpy/happy manner. And the young boy was holding on tightly to the sleeping princess.
The creatures were soon vanquished and the fight was over.
Kurogane complained unhappily about the lack of fighting. Fai hyuu~ed as he happily remarked that they didn't get hurt then, Kuro-wan. And Syaoran still clutched Sakura closer.
"Let's just go find out what dimension we're in now..." Kurogane growled as he stalked off.
"Just like Kuro-pyron!" Lacing his fingers together behind his head, Fai followed the ninja's lead.
Syaoran paused, but soon followed suit.
They had only gone a little while when the brown haired archaeologist spoke up. "Uh, hey, where's Mokona?"
The group stopped.
"I knew it was too quiet." Muttering, Kurogane scanned the scene. Trees were everywhere. In fact Kurogane had no doubt that he had led the group not to a village, but into a forest. "Great. That dumb manju could be anywhere..."
"Syaoran-kun?" Sakura raised her head slightly, using one arm to wipe at the sleep in her eyes. "What's going on?"
"We're trying to find Mokona." Noting her worried glance he quickly continued. "But we can still understand each other so..." He trailed off as he placed her on her feet.
"So we should be able to find her." Fai finished with a smile making the sleepy princess look at least a little less worried. "Let's get looking!"
They began searching, Fai leading the pack with Kurogane bringing up the rear. A rustling in a nearby bush made Sakura start and reach over grasping Syaoran's hand. Syaoran blushed slightly, but concentrated on the noise instead.
A small rabbit rushed out of the bush, and although the princess relaxed, she still held tightly to the boy's hand.
The search continued.
They all looked around, calling out for their traveling companion. Deeper in the forest they heard Mokona's voice calling out for help. Rushing to the place, they found the white manju being chased by a gray wolf-like creature.
Kurogane growled and pulled Sôhi out of its sheath. Squeaking, Mokona hopped into Fai's arms. The wolf snarled and lunged for the magician.
"Uwaah! Kuro-sama save us!"
"Tch. Such a pain." Kurogane slashed at the wolf, making a clean finishing blow. "Too easy."
"Kurogane-san, look out!" Syaoran yelled when he spotted another wolf coming into the ninja's blind spot.
In a gray blur the animal scraped its claw against the ninja's left cheek. However, the beast fell to the ground as a gunshot rang out.
"You guys OK?" A red-haired girl wearing blue jeans and a green T-shirt and holding a revolver ran up to them.
"Uh, yeah... Thank you." Tightening his grip on Sakura's hand, the young archeologist glanced at their new companion.
She in return stared at them. She did not seem too worried about Syaoran or Sakura, or Fai for that matter, but her eyes narrowed upon seeing the ninja's sword.
It seemed like hours as the two sized each other up, yet within only a few seconds they broke their stare, content that the other meant no harm at the moment.
A wide grin crossed the girl's features. "I'm Chiyose."
"Oh, I-I'm Syaoran," The brown haired boy then began to introduce the rest indicating with his free hand. "This is Sakura-hime, Kurogane-san, Mokona, and Fai-san."
"Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Chiyose-chan." Fai smiled as he cuddled Mokona tighter to himself.
"Mokona made a new friend!"
"Chiyose-san, can you tell us what country we're in?" Sakura asked quietly.
"Yes, this is the country of Jojin. Are you guys traveling? Your clothes are really strange." At their nods, she quickly pointed to a small house in the distance. "It's dangerous to be outside at night here," She patted the gun at her side. "Hence this thing. And the nearest town is at least ten miles that-a-way." Nodding her head in the opposite direction, she smiled once again as she noticed their faces droop. "You can stay at my house. I have some extra space and I can take care of that cut then." Pointing to the ninja's left cheek, she then turned and walked towards her house.
Fai shrugged and followed their new acquaintance. The rest soon followed suit.
Kurogane growled. As if it wasn't bad enough that he had been injured- both his ego and left cheek- but this was just going overboard, bordering on unbearable.
The proverbial "salt in the wound."
Mokona patted Kurogane's nose. "Mokona will take good care of you!" With that the white furball placed a thick pink and purple band-aid on the ninja's cheek. "This is one of Mokona's 108 Hidden Secrets! Putting on Band-aids!"
"Putting on Band-aids?" Sakura asked.
"Yup! Yup!"
"Wow! Mokona is pretty amazing, right Kuro-puu?" Smiling broadly, Fai went over and patted the raven-haired man's head. "And such a cute wittle band-aid too." Fai poked the band-aid with a giggle.
"Dora the Explorer!"
They all stopped and blinked.
"Wha-What was that?" Syaoran asked protectively stepping in front of Sakura.
"Oh, that's one of our 'singing band-aids.'" Chiyose grinned and poked it again.
"Dora the Explorer!"
"When you press it, it sings a pre-programmed phrase."
"Oh!" Sakura and Fai's eyes lit up as they "ooh"ed and "aww"ed at the new creation.
"The only one I had left on hand was for a child... Eh heh heh." When Kurogane glared she quickly backed up. "But I'll go get more- uh- adult ones."
Not wanting to face Kurogane's wrath Syaoran and Sakura quickly followed.
"Mokona will go too!" The white fluff ball chirped as it hopped into Sakura's arms.
With the four gone Kurogane relaxed. "Now I only have to deal with him." He thought as he glanced over at Fai who was sitting quietly across the the room.
"He's too quiet.." The ninja growled but grabbed his cup of tea. He sat there sipping his tea stoically, waiting for the mage's attack.
But the magician merely sat there nibbling on a cookie.
Relaxing some, Kurogane let his mind wander to the tea. It was good. He'd have to say it was one of the best tea out there.
The floor creaked and the raven-haired man slid his eyes towards the sound.
Fai was sneaking like a robber in a laser-filled bank, coming closer to where he sat. When the mage was only about a foot away, the blonde stopped and stretched out his long, pale fingers.
"Dora the Explorer!"
Fai jumped and hid behind a table.
Kurogane sighed muttering a curse under his breath.
A few minutes of silence passed before he heard the floor creak again.
"Dora the Explorer!"
The mage dashed behind the table again.
A minute of peace.
Kurogane growled.
"Dora the Explorer!"
A little less then a minute of peace.
"Dora the Explorer!"
This continued with the periods between the "Dora the Explorer" getting shorter and shorter.
"Dora the Explor-"
"Dora the-"
"Dora the-"
"Dora the-"
"Dora the-"
"Dora the-"
"Dora the-"
"Enough already!!" Kurogane yelled thrusting his fist down onto the magician's head.
Before it connected, Sakura's voice stopped him in his tracts.
"Kurogane-san! Fai-san! We're back!" The ninja growled but pulled his fist away from the mage.
Sakura came rushing into the room. "You two should see the town! It's beautiful!"
"Oh really, Sakura-chan? Maybe Kuro-pyuu and I can go see it sometime." Fai smiled and snatched up a cookie from the glass jar on the table.
Syaoran who was holding a rather large bag of supplies leaned against the table. Having a little more weight on him then he was used to, he banged the table causing the glass cookie jar to roll off the table. It shattered to the ground, sending sharp pieces of glass flying throughout the room.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Syaoran's eyes were wide as he knelt down to clean up the shards.
"Don't worry about it. Never liked it anyway... Is everyone okay?" Chiyose asked as the rest of the group tried to help clean up.
"Oh, why hello there." They glanced over at Fai as he gently pulled a small shard from his palm, causing a small trail of blood to flow down his wrist.
Chiyose gasped, grabbed the nearest box of band-aids, and quickly cleaned the cut.
When she had finished Mokona came over and placed the black band-aid gently over the wound. Curious the white manju poked the mage's plastic bandage.
"Shut up and sleep with me!"
Sakura and Syaoran blushed like crazy and made some excuse to leave the room.
Fai's face was a cute shade of crimson.
Chiyose busied herself with cleaning up.
Kurogane was the only one who seemed amused. He smirked as he came over and poked it.
"Shut up and sleep with me!"
"Kuro-rin..." The mage let out a groan as his blush grew brighter.
"Payback, Mage. Payback."
Fai pouted but unable to hold himself back he poked Kurogane's band-aid one more time.
"Dora the Explorer!"
Kurogane's fist connected with the magician's face.
"Uwah! Kuro-daddy hit me!"
A/N: Thanks for reading! Please review because I want to know what I did good on and what I need to work on. Thanks to DarthHawk32 and temari13 for editing the chapter.