Disclaimer: Don't Own Harry Potter, only my characters and the plot.

Finally I put out a new chapter!

Sorry I have not updated in a very very long time my life had a big change happen and I've been extremely busy. Please Review Thank you readers I will try to continue this story.

Family Dinner

She said I love you. I could not just stand there and let her try to steal my boyfriend. So I ran quickly around the corner that I bumped into Scorp.


"It's ok I'm just glad that you came, sorry I wasn't there when you got out of the change room."

"I see you got stopped." I said nodding towards Rose.

I put my hands around his neck, and then his arms automatically found my waist. Rose was just standing there dumbfounded. Like what she said was going to make him come crawling to her. Sorry that is not going to happen. My first thought was 'whoa who do you think you are?' Then I thought 'he's mine now back off.' But before I could even say anything Scorpius made us turn toward her and told her off.

"Rose, I know you think that you love me but you don't. You just love the idea of me and you together. But let me tell you something right now ok, I love Lily and only her. So you need to back off. This is your last chance; I'll give you my only warning because I won't try to stop Lily when she hex's your sorry arse."

Smiling at him, I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. But then all of a sudden Rose came in pushed me and slapped Scorpius. I was about to punch her square in the face but Dad saw what was going on and grabbed my wrist and gave me the look that meant you don't hit family. I looked at him with a sad look in my eyes and lowered glare at her.

"Rose better watch it Dad."

Scorpius pulled me away from the area before I started saying other things. But before we left mom came and said "We'll see you both at dinner." Mom, Dad and Albus stayed to wait for James to get out of the showers.

We walked out to the middle of the pitch where Draco and Astoria were waiting for us. We were going to the Hogs Head for dinner, and we are meeting my parents there. Scorpius stopped and pulled me into deep kiss that took my breath away. "Babe I love you so much."

"I love you too Scorpius" I kissed him lightly. We kept walking holding hands. I can just not think of anyone better to be my boyfriend. He is the sweetest, romantic, caring, and handsome guy I know.

"Scorpius dear what happened to your face? " Astoria asked touching his cheek

"Its fine, mother just a jealous cousin of Lily's."

"Yeah my cousin Rose has been let's just say upset about my dating your son. She is really not always this horrible. Lately she has just been getting under my skin."

"Trust me she won't be anytime soon" Scorp stated kissing my forehead.

Draco nodded at his son and put is hand on his shoulder "Son I am very happy that you found this wonderful witch." My cheeks were red. Scorp had said in reply "Oh I know Dad."

"Thank you sir, you and Astoria have raised one brilliant son." I grabbed Scorps hand, and then we all started to walk down towards Hogsmead.

I really wasn't that sure about this dinner with both of our families together. When our dads were in school they were rivals, they hated each other. But Scorp kept me calm telling me that it would be fine. We arrived and Draco said that we needed a table for six. James and Albus said they had to work on school work so they were just going to eat at the castle. We sat in the back corner of the Hogs Head; a girl came over to us and asked us if we wanted to start with drinks. Draco and Astoria ordered Firewhiskey, Scorp ordered Butterbeer for us.

"That was an incredible game today." Draco said to Scorpius.

"Thanks Dad"

"Babe it was brilliant how you just grabbed the snitch."

"Just like his father Eh Draco" Dad said as he pulled out mom's seat out for her. They had heard us when they walked in and just followed the sound of our voices.

"Harry, do you remember that game where I almost tried that move on you, but it ended up you caught the snitch. You were always one inch ahead of me every time." Draco chuckled.

All of our parents were laughing reminiscing about the old times. Mom and Astoria were never friends but they were never enemies either. They both were engaged in polite chit chat. Dad and Draco actually really talked to one another and apologizing for everything that happened when they were in school. Our time together as families was great there was no arguing, yelling or taunting each other. Scorp and I just sat together smiling about how our parents were getting along.

"Scorp we need to get back to the castle shortly" I told him loud enough for our parents to look up form their conversations.

"Lily, dear we best be going then, tell your brother to write us." Mom said as we got up from our table.

Dad shook Dracos hand and said "I think this is the start of a new friendship."

"Harry I couldn't agree more." Draco smiled.

Deep down I think that Draco was waiting for this moment for along time. I hugged Mom and Dad while Scorp hugged his parents, then we all left. When we got outside we all went our separate ways. Scorpius took my hand and led us towards the castle.