I don't own Harry Potter.

I feel like this chapter doesn't really go anywhere at the moment but it is what I got done and added the twist on why I'm calling this story Written Fate. Harry will try to explain what is truely going on to everyone, showing that their bond is not like the ones that Dumbledore has head about but not yet. I have it planned out on how to do so, you just have to wait. Hopefully next time I write about the Weasley men and just Harry.

Chapter 8


Harry couldn't believe everything that was happening, this past week. He had a family now to call his own. He knew for a fact that it was strange how he was accepting everything with no worries. They were wrong. He had worries.

1. That everything happened to be a dream and that when he woke up he would still be in the smallest room of the Dursley's house.

2. That everything and everyone will turn and tell him that everything was some big joke.

3. That Voldemort will show up in the middle of the night and kill everyone around him and leave him alone, just like all those years ago.

The list went on and on, but Harry knew that he couldn't let everything stop him and enjoy this. He may not make plans about tomorrow or in a few years, for that matter he made no plans at all. He lived day by day, minute by minute. It may seem strange to some people but it was how he was and may always be. Living under the stairs didn't really let a person keep track of time.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath, turned to his right, and slowly opened his eyes.

There she was.

Just where she had fallen asleep last night. Well, not exactly where she had slept. She tended to move in her sleep, a lot. The first night sleeping together may have fooled him, since she hadn't moved at all. Now her true self was out in the open.

He now saw another way that Ginny and Ron were alike. Seemed like neither Weasley could stay still in their sleep and he was beginning to doubt that any Weasley could keep still.

Chocolate brown eyes opened, blinking slowly still heavy with sleep. When they met the green eyes that studied her, Ginny went tomato red and pushed up. "What?"

"Nothing. You have a bit of drool on your chin." Harry said with a smile.

"What?!" With a frantic gesture she wiped her chin but found nothing. She narrowed her eyes down at Harry before hitting him with a pillow. "You liar. That is not something you say to a girl first thing in the morning."

Harry just laughed and could see the small smile on the young girl's face as she walked to the restroom.

With Professor Lupin living with them, it was different and strange. At first it was a bit awkward with the fact that his "secret" was out but slowly they opened up to each other. Harry learned that Remus actually was his parents school mate and one of his fathers best friends. Harry asked question after question about his parents.

He laughed out loud at the stories of mother rejecting his father because of his fathers idiotic behavior. With each story, Harry felt like the image of his parents were becoming more solid. Each tale was stored in a tiny vault for precious memories or thoughts inside Harry's mind.

"Hello, Professor." Harry said as he sat down in the breakfast table. He looked at everything and warmth spread through him at the sight of the food laid out before him. He had a choice on what to eat, no one was there to slap his hands away when he reached for the jam or to tell him that all he was eating was toast with a teaspoon on jam on it. His eyes fell on a stack of pancakes before him. His mouth watered as he piled some on to his plate and dripping syrup over them.

"Harry, I've told you to call me Remus. I'm not a Professor. I'm just your tutor." Remus smiled at him and sipped his coffee. "Today we are working on the simple spells you learned in your first year. I figured Ginny could make use of this lesson since the things that occurred during this past year. I'm sure she missed a decent amount of the work."

Harry nodded and shoved the fluffy bread into his mouth. A moan escaped his mouth. Remus smiled, a flicker of sadness appeared in his eyes but disappeared quickly. "Good?"

"Mm-hm. I only eat them at school so if I eat them any other time I enjoy it. I never knew when it would be the next time I would have some." The innocent comment may have meant nothing to Harry but to Remus it showed him something that he suspected but wasn't really sure about.

"Harry... Can you talk to me about the time you lived with your uncle and aunt?"

Harry 's eyes dimmed a little. He looked down to his food and cut the gooey bread into smaller pieces. "There is nothing to say."

"Harry, you seem scarred. I'm not talking about physically but emotionally and mentally. I can help you if you talked about it."

Before Harry could respond, Ginny walked in and sat down. "Good morning, Professor."

Harry shook his head and the look said that the conversation would continue some other time. Remus accepted that and dropped the subject. "Ginny, I've told you to call me Remus. Each time either of you calls me Professor I can't help but imagine Hogwarts' professors who seem as old as the school."

"So what are we doing today?" Ginny said. All three of them were in a spare room that looked like a miniature classroom but with only one table, some chairs, and a chalk board.

Remus walked to the board and wrote down each subject that required magic in them. "We are going to review year one of Hogwarts. I asked Professor Dumbledore to give me the lesson plans everyone used last year. Tell me what is the first spell you can think about." Remus said, his hand poised to the board ready to write.

Harry thought about the time they were running from Filtch after the "duel" and Hermione unlocked the door to the room Fluffy was in. "Alohomora; the unlocking spell."

Remus wrote it down. "For you to remember this than there must be a story behind it and I'm sure it has to do with a bit of mischief."

Harry just gave him an innocent smile. "Like Harry said, this spell is an unlocking one. It works the majority of the time unless the door and different enchantments on it."

The two young ones pronounced it over and over , before Remus had them practice on the door. That is where it became difficult. Harry blew up the door on the first try. Ginny ducked behind a chair trying to avoid splinters that flew everywhere. Harry flew back and landed on the ground, his eyes wide open. "Wow."

"I think this is going to be harder than I thought." Remus shook of pieces of wood off his tattered robe. With a wave of his wand and a reparo, the wood jumped up and formed the door once more. Ginny tried the spell next and had the same results. Remus was prepared this time and cushioned Ginny's fall and had Harry hide behind the turned table. "Yes, this is definitely going to be harder than I thought."

Harry never thought he would ever get tired of a spell but by the time lunch came around he was sick of saying that one word. Dobby created a small feast for them, Harry wondered why he had so much food; that is until he and Ginny sat down to eat. A good part of the food disappeared easily between all three magical people. No wonder Hogwarts served a feast at each meal. Using magic must make a witch or wizard more hungry than usual. Once they were finished they continued the unlocking spell until it did what it was suppose to do.

"I think that's enough for today. One spell at a time. I don't want you to use up all your magic and pass out, but before we leave give me one more spell and we'll work on that one tomorrow. Ginny, can you tell me one?"

"Umm, Wingardrium Leviosa?"

"Ah, the levitation spell." Remus wrote the spell on the green board and placed the chalk back down where it belonged. "Seems like an easy one to try. Let's just hope you don't blow anything up."

It seemed to become the case for every spell they tried. Remus started to have them wear bees-wax in their ears so they weren't damaged any more from the blasts.

The mist covered the path but he knew that she was there. She was always there when he gave the signal that said that he wished to meet with her. Soon they wouldn't need the signal, she will be his wife. Cone morning he was going to her father and asking for her hand in marriage.

Butterflies fluttered in his stomach at the thought of holding her anytime, with no need to hide. She will lay in his arms every night until dawn. She will bear his children. She will be his until death do them part and even after death they would rest in peace together.

His green eyes sparkled more with each step that brought him closer to their secret place. At the sight of him, she ran to him. "Oh my love, I have grave news. My father wishes for me to marry your enemy, Lord Valde. Please, let us run away. I fear my father will not deny that vile man's request come morning."

He arms tightened around her. It was not possible. He could not lose her to the man who took everything from him. "I will try to convince your father to give me your hand in marriage. I will not dishonor you by eloping."

That night there lovemaking was desperate and filled with fear of never being allowed to be together. Afterwards, they laid together dreading the time when they had to return. They had to be back before anyone noticed they were gone, but neither was compelled to let go of each other. Through out the whole time he kept whispering reassuring words into her ear caressing her red hair. Before they knew they had to leave, they made love once more, neither knowing that it would be their last time to do so.

Sleep eluded him when he returned, so he mentally prepared himself on how he was going to speak to his lover's father. Once the old man woke, he asked to speak to him.

He got to the point, having no time to waste. "I would like to have your daughter's hand in marriage. I ask that you give me your consent."

"Ha! As if I would let my only offspring marry the likes of you. You have nothing to offer her or me. I have already decided to marry her to Lord Valde. He is more than worthy." With a wave of elder man's hand, he was forcefully taken out of the room. No matter how much he called upon the man, he was denied entrance.

Upon hearing the news of her father denying her lover, the beautiful red-head locked herself in her quarters. She remained there after hearing the news of her impending marriage to the evil Lord Valde. Her face became permanently stained by her tears. She cried out the name of her green eye lover. It was on the day of her wedding that she made the decision.

She was found dead in her wedding dress. Her red hair unbound and spread around her like blood. A tiny vial was on the ground next to her. The doctor who checked it, reported that it was a poison of instant death. A note was also found.

Death is better than never being with the one I love.

At the news of his loves death, his cry of pain and anguish could be heard throughout the country. All the thoughts and plans they had for the future flashed before his eyes. None of it would ever happen.

He locked himself in his study, holding a miniature painting of the woman he loved and forever will.

The next morning his servants found his body after forcing entry to the study. A similar vial of poison and a tear-stained note laid next to him, along with an engagement ring and the portrait. His note read,

Maybe in death we shall finally be together.

Harry woke up, his lungs heaving for air. His hands clawed at his chest. The pain seemed the weigh heavier on his chest. I lost her. I lost Ginny. Ginny! Turning frantically to his side he found her lying on her side, her chest moving steadily as she slept.

She was there. Not six feet under the ground. Not lying dead on the floor. She was alive. He hadn't lost her. Not this time. He was going to do everything he could to make sure they didn't lose each other.

Without thinking about it, he laid down again and wrapped his arms around her. Her eyes fluttered open when she felt him. "You're awake... What's wrong?"

"Nightmare." Even with her in his arms, the panic was still there. Tears ran down his face and into her shinning red hair.

Luckily Ginny didn't ask what it was about and hugged him back. "It's ok. It wasn't real. None of it was real."

For some reason he felt like she was wrong and that it was very much real.

The dream kept coming back to him. His mind continued to be haunted by the image of Ginny lying in a wedding dress dead. Since the dream, each morning he made sure to wake up before her and touch her hand. Needing to feel the warmth of her skin to reassure him that she was still alive.

His old worries were still there and kept being amplified at different times of the day and night. It was getting to the point that he had to have Ginny in the same room as him. The minute he would lose sight of her the panic compressed his chest, the dark rings surrounded his vision. The first time it happened, he fainted again.

He could tell that Professor Dumbledore and Professor Lupin Remus thought that they were entering the third stage of the bond. He didn't correct them in their misunderstanding; if they continued to think that than they would do everything they could so the two pre-teens could be together at all times. He felt guilt for deceiving them like this but it got him what he wanted; Ginny to always with in his sight.

The red-head was not fooled. It was two weeks after the dream that she confronted him in their bedroom; knowing it would be the only time they were truly alone. "What's wrong, Harry?"

"Nothing." He couldn't meet her eyes, fearing that she would see the truth.

"That is a bunch of bull." Her brown eyes narrowed at him as he laid down under the covers. He ignored what she said and rolled away from her. With a huff, she jumped on the bed and roughly turned him around; not that big of a feat with him being as small as her. "Look at me! Answer my question."

The minute their eyes met, he felt tears beginning to glaze his eyes. "Please, Ginny... Let it go."

Her facial features changed, softening. "It helps to talk about the problem instead of ignoring it."

"You don't. I know you have nightmares every night. No matter how quiet you try to be I hear you crying. I know you think that I hold you because my nightmares make me need to feel that someone is there, but that's not true. I hold you because you need me too." Harry tried to turn the attention away from himself.

"This is not about me. Don't you even try to change the subject. I'm going to tell you something. I may be eleven years old but I always get my way. You might as well learn that now; after all we are married and you're stuck with me." She crossed her thin arms in front of her chest and sat back on her heels.

Harry gave her a half-smile before the wobble of jaw made him lose it, sobs were wrenched out of him and he lay his head on her lap his own thin arms wrapped around her waist. Ginny just ran her hand through his dark hair and made soothing noises. Once he quieted down she asked, "Ready to talk now?"

In a soft voice he told her about his dream and his fear of losing her. "I know this seems like a lot. Everything is too much and happening is so little time. I know it's sounds weird for me to say these things since were are just kids but I can't lose you. Your mine now, you're my wife. I can't lose you, not when I've lost everything else before I could even do anything to stop it." Harry tightened his arms around her.

Ginny just smiled softly down at him. She knew she should be worried or freaked out by the things he was saying but for some reason everything he said felt right. "Feel better?"

He just nodded from his place. "I'm not freaking out. I know we're kids but pretty much what you said is true for me too. I know you think that this fear you feel is only about the dream but I think... I think this is about you losing your parents when you were a baby. You are scared of losing someone else that you care about and cares about you. I felt similar fear both times you passed out. I kept thinking that I couldn't lose you, not when I just found you. I think the bond is making us need each other more. About the story in your dream I don't know why you dreamed that. Maybe the father rejecting you was because you feel like my family, especially my mom, won't accept you being bonded to me or our marriage. You're also scared of losing them, too."

Harry knew that she was right but couldn't shake the feeling that was it. There was something more about the dream, for now he would keep it to himself and wait for the answer to come to him.

"Go away!" Ginny's muffled voice could be heard through the door to the bathroom.

"Ginny! Come out now! What's wrong? I- Did I do something to get you mad? I mean, was my morning breath that repulsive?" Harry said with a wobbly smile. His puny attempt to humor fell flat when Ginny yelled at him more.

Remus knocked gently at the door. "Is everything okay? I could hear yelling all the way down stairs."

Harry's worried eyes glanced at him before turning back to the door. "Something is wrong with Ginny. She jumped out the bed and ran to the bathroom. She won't come out."

"Ginny, are you okay? What's wrong?"

The response was the same. "Go away! I'm fine!"

"Do you need anything?"

"I want my mum."

Remus just stared at the door some more and turned to Harry. "Maybe we should get Professor McGonagall to help us."

"Professor McGonagall, sir?"

"I think she just need help from another female. There are some things that a girl cannot talk about with a boy, it doesn't matter if you're her husband. You're still a boy. Come on, Harry."

Harry gave the closed one last glance before walking out with Remus.

"Ms. Weasley. I mean, Mrs. Potter?" Professor McGonagall knocked gently at the door. "You can come out now."

Slowly, Ginny opened the door, peeking out, checking if anyone else was in the room. Seeing that the older woman was alone, Ginny walked out and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her gaze stayed glued to her hands, resting on her lap. The older woman sat down next to her. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

A blush appeared on Ginny's face. Her tear glazed eyes looked up to the professor. "I'm bleeding."

The words came out in a rush. Confusion showed in Professor McGonagall's face before understanding and compassion took its place. "Oh, dear, that's something normal that all girls go through."

"You don't understand, Professor. I woke up with the sensation of wanting to go to the restroom but I couldn't seem to hold it in. When I got there I saw that it was blood coming out. Something's wrong with me. I'm broken!"

The older woman just smiled down out her. "I'm sorry you had to learn about this like this. Did your mother ever talk to you about the changes a girl goes through so she can become a woman?"

"She started to talk about something like that a while back but she went red and said she would explain it later."

"When was this?"

"Before they went to visit Bill. I wish Bill had stayed when he visited the beginning of the summer instead of going back; that way mum would still be here and I can talk to her about this."

"Ginny, look at me." When eyes finally met. The transfiguration professor continued. "I can assure you that you aren't broken and even though I look "Old", I was once a young girl like you. Most girls bleed around your age. It is one of the first changes that happen to the female body in the transition to become a woman. There are other things that will change in your body through out time. There are a couple of things you must do. Every time you must clean your... area so you don't get infections. You will use a bit of padding to prevent staining your clothes with blood. If you ever feel pains, cramping, than you should take a vile of pain medication. I will as Madam Pomfrey to send some things so you can use."

Ginny grained. "I have a feeling this is going to become a drag and something I will dread. Please, tell me that this will go away quickly. Wait, how long will I be getting this."

Professor McGonagall chuckled at the red-head as she stood to walk out. "This will last a week every month. About how long you will be getting it, it will be a long time before it goes completely away I suppose when you turn forty or so. When you are going to have a child it will go away during the time that you carry him or her in your womb, but it will come back after giving birth."

Ginny groaned once more and laid down on her side. "Why does this curse happen to us?"

"Don't worry so much about it. You'll get used to it." The older professor smiled before walking out.

Ginny groaned again when she remembered certain raven head.

Downstairs, Harry and Remus were in the sitting room. "Do you think she will be alright?"

Remus smiled at the worried question as if he knew something the young boy didn't. "I'm sure she's fine. She just needs to speak to another female."

"Urgh! Why are girls so wierd? Not long ago Ginny was hitting me 'cause I said her hair looked more puffy than usual." Harry lifted his arms in an exasperated gesture.

Remus muffled a laugh. He was sure that the reason Ginny's hair looked puffy was because she was trying to look prettier and catch Harry's attention, but Harry being a boy didn't really pay care much for girls... yet. He is like his mother in this sense; not paying attention to the opposite sex until they are a bit older.

"Now that we are alone, do you think you can tell me about your aunt and uncle?" Remus leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees.

Harry hesitated before saying, "What do you want to know?"

"Everything, from the beginning."

"Well, you know my aunt and uncle are muggles who have a son. I didn't know I was a wizard until Hagrid told me. I lived with them for the summer but now I don't. That's it."

"I'm sure there is more to the story than that. Tell me how did they treat you?"


"I know it's hard but you have to tell someone or else one day you'll pop from the pressure of holding this and other things in."

"They were the worst guardians ever. I was fed only enough to survive. I slept underneath the staircase until my first Hogwarts letter arrived. I was 'punished' regularly and had meals withheld if I did something 'freaky'. I was given used items that once belonged to my cousin; clothes, shoes, toys, and etcetera. I was verbally abused everyday. I did chores every day. I think my aunt felt guilty sometimes because I did everything and would be 'mad' and make me stop what I was doing and leave. I hated and still hate it there."

Remus said nothing for a minute, his hands clutched tightly. "How about school?"

"I loved it but hated it. I liked learning something new and was feed twice during the day. I was marked as a troublemaker. I once tried to tell a teacher how I was treated at home and I was branded as a liar. My cousin made it impossible for me to ever have friends. Everyone was scared of him since he was the school bully. Others would join in when I was being bullied; they made fun of my clothes, hair, or grades. My grades would have been good but was 'punished' if I did better than Dudley, so my grades were below average since his were low scores."

Remus was shocked about what his closest friend's son had to go through and still manage to be a selfless person. Harry's eyes looked at everything but Remus until they finally settled at looking at the floor as if ashamed. Remus kneeled before Harry, forcing him to look at him. The older man leaned forward and hugged Harry. "I don't know what to say to make you feel better but I'm proud that you did not become like them. I now your parents are proud that you managed to stay strong and survived living there."

Harry's face crumbled and tears streamed down his face. His thin arms wrapped themselves tightly around the man he was beginning to look up to. "Thank you."

Outside in the hall a young red head looked in the direction the two males were at with tears stream down her eyes.