Time seemed to stand still and yet it seemed to be speeding by. Toshiro's turquoise eyes were shut tightly in hopes that the strike would never come. When he felt himself splashed with what he knew as blood he opened his eyes, he only saw red, but there was no pain. Is this what it is like to die a second time? Toshiro blinked his turquoise orbs in a sudden realization and his eyes widened in horror. It was not him who was bleeding. He looked down to see pink hair.

Kokoro wasn't exactly sure what had happened. One minute she was laying on the ground unable to move and the next she was in front of her best friend protecting him. Kokoro made a noise of surprise when it all happened. She felt something hit her, but she felt nothing more for a moment. She looked down slowly. All those memories from when she was attacked by a hollow came flooding back. She saw the huge weapon was lodged around her stomach and lower ribs. There was blood flooding from her tiny already broken body. The red stained the espada's zanpakuto. Kokoro looked up and she didn't know why but she smiled. Suddenly blood came rushing out of her mouth. Kokoro's eyes faded to back as if she were unconscious.

"Brat, she got in the way." Tia said. She flung the poor girl off of her zanpakuto towards the concrete. Kokoro left a trail of blood flying behind her. Toshiro was frozen with surprise, anger, and who knows what else.

"Kokoro no!" he screamed as he flew down to catch his best friend. Kokoro saw someone coming for her. She closed her eyes just knowing someone was trying to catch her made her happy. She never felt her body hit the ground. Toshiro caught her small body and flew to the top of another building. He set her down and held her closely trying his best not to hurt her. He could not feel Kokoro breathing. Blood stained his clothes as he held her. His hands shook upon just looking t her form. "K-kokoro, wake up! Please, open your eyes!" he nearly begged the pink-haired girl. "Kokoro, why…why couldn't I protect you? This is all my fault!" he almost yelled.

"D-don't say that…" Toshiro heard a small pained voice. Toshiro looked down to see Kokoro's good eyes squinting at him just to see clearly, "I thought I told you not to say that…remember…in school." She said mustering up a smile; trying to take his mind off of what had just happened like he did for her. However, she knew there was no denying what had just happened. All of the pain from her injuries had come back. A pool of blood formed under her body.

"K-kokoro…" Toshiro said looking at her. He tightened his hands on her arms. "Kokoro, why did you protect me? Why did you risk you life for me?" he asked not letting himself cry. He couldn't cry at a time like this. Not now not ever.

"I-I promised you…I promised I-I'd have your back…I meant it." Kokoro said weakly with the biggest smile even though she had blood running down her chin to her neck, "I kept my promise…aren't you proud this time?" she asked as jokingly as she could.

"Y-yeah." He said shakily.

"Hey…" Kokoro got his attention, "It doesn't hurt and we haven't lost yet…" Kokoro said looking at the sky. Toshiro had forgotten about his previous fight. "Go on…win your fight, I'll be fine…" Kokoro said reassuringly. Toshiro nodded

"Reign over the frosted heavens…Hyorinmaru." Toshiro iced over Kokoro's wounds trying to keep her bleeding to a minimum. "I'll be back, count on it, and you better be alive when I get back." Toshiro said sternly. He flew back up to fight and win. Kokoro held her smile until he wouldn't be able to see her clearly. Kokoro let blood flow from her mouth as she coughed violently. She gasped at the pain in her body as she tried to breathe. She had to hide her pain from Toshiro otherwise he would only blame himself. Kokoro knew how hard Toshiro tried to protect her, but she wished he wouldn't, because when she tried to protect him he would just take it out on himself. Kokoro would fight off death as long as she could just to be able to watch over Toshiro in this life. So many things happened while Kokoro was down. The Vizards had come to assist in the battle and Kokoro was in awe at their power. They had taken down a huge group of hollows by themselves. Kokoro wished she was able to help, but in her current state it would be amazing if she moved her fingers. Kokoro had given up on trying to suppress her coughs after struggling for so long. She was lucky that Toshiro's zanpakuto froze over her wounds to keep her from losing more blood, but unfortunately it couldn't heal. Many of the other wounded officers were getting treatment, but she was left to only hope she would live. She had been placed in an area where she would not be found easily. Kokoro didn't want to worry about her own injuries, but it was hard to keep her mind off of the pain. She could feel the cold ice around her injuries, but also the warm blood under her. Kokoro could see Toshiro get assistance from two of the Vizards. Maybe they would be able to help him more than she could. Kokoro had lost all feeling of time. It felt like hours had passed since she had been injured. Kokoro nearly panicked when she saw Sosuke Aizen approach where her captain was. She didn't know what to think when he killed his own third espada. Kokoro made sense of it all. Since she heard the first two espada were defeated Aizen decided one that was weaker than both of them would be of no use, but Kokoro didn't appreciate that he doubted his own subordinate. Clearly the connection between Aizen and his subordinates was different from Toshiro and his subordinates. Kokoro smiled at the sight of Ichigo Kurosaki coming to the battle ready to save them all. She knew that because of everything she had heard the substitute had done for them the Soul Society would defend and protect him. Kokoro knew that because the substitute had not seen Aizen's shikai he would not be tricked by the ex-captain's attempts at hypnosis. Kokoro had a good feeling about this moment. It felt as if the Soul Society might actually win and now that Captain Unohana was back she would help to heal all the others who were hurt. Others were in Hueco Mundo hopefully winning their battles. With Captains Zaraki and Kuchiki there it was likely they would all win. Kokoro managed to force a smile. Toshiro was too far away for her to see, but he often looked down to where she was to assure she was still alive. He knew she didn't have much time to spare. This had to end quickly or her fate as a Soul Reaper of a human wouldn't matter anymore. Kokoro watched carefully, how she was still alive or even awake was beyond her knowledge. Time passed as the battle continued with other arrivals from Kurosaki's father and Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin. She had lost track of who arrived and when all she knew was they were there. Suddenly the sight of Toshiro rushing at Aizen struck fear into every part of Kokoro.

"N-no…don't Toshiro." She said as loudly as she could, but that was not saying much. Her scream was barely above a whisper. Her pink eyes shook at the sight of Toshiro successfully running the monster through. Kokoro's eyes filled with tears; she didn't know if it was with happiness, fear, or relief. Soon enough she heard Ichigo Kurosaki yell and suddenly what they thought to be reality was simply an illusion. Toshiro had not run Aizen through. It was Momo. Kokoro's eyes filled widened in shock. How had he played a trick on all of them, even the captains? Kokoro saw Toshiro catch Hinamori. She knew Toshiro would never cry. He would only get angry. Kokoro would cry for him if he wouldn't. She let hot tears fall from her eyes at realizing the pain her friend must be in. He had run his childhood friend through the chest. Kokoro wished she could help him. She wished she could tell him how it was not his fault. Kokoro saw Toshiro run at the real Aizen in a fury. Kokoro thought he was only angry about Momo, but he was angry at Aizen for Kokoro's injuries as well. She saw Aizen take him down. Kokoro's eyes filled with fear and disbelief. Aizen took down so many people with one quick strike. Kokoro saw Toshiro's ice that kept her from bleeding out melt away. She knew that meant his life was nearly over. "N-no, no, Toshiro…you can't die…TOSHIRO!" Kokoro cried out into the open air. That scream of pain, disbelief, and pure fear for her friend took the last of her energy. The ice fell away and blood continued to rush out of her wound at a terrifying rate. Kokoro let her tears fall as blood started to fall from her mouth again. Kokoro tried to get up, but she could hardly feel anything anymore. All the pink-haired girl could do now was cry. So that's what she did. She cried for the fact her best friend might die, she cried because she was scared, and she cried because she would never get to stay with Toshiro. Kokoro knew she shouldn't be crying over such trivial matters, but it was beyond her control now. Why was she so weak? Why couldn't she stand and fight rather than let herself get stabbed?

Hours passed as Ichigo Kurosaki fought Sosuke Aizen. Kokoro didn't watch the fight out of her inability to handle anymore of the battle. She had seen enough bloodshed. Kokoro simply waited for someone to find her or for her death to take her from this hell she saw before her. As soon as she heard the swords stop clashing and the blasts stop destroying Kokoro looked up. She knew the war was over. It was finally over. Kokoro had no more tears left to cry. Kokoro tensed as she heard footsteps come toward her. She couldn't turn her head to see who it was. She knew whoever it was wouldn't hurt her, but she couldn't help but be a little bit scared. She heard a voice and was sadden as she knew it wasn't Toshiro's. She saw a face she didn't recognize. Whoever he was he was blonde and he looked saddened. He had been injured, but was treated. He looked alarmed at her injuries.

"You're…you're the one I saw fighting that monster. You protected my friend Shuhei Hisagi. You don't have to be afraid, I'm Izuru Kira. I'll take care of you. How long have you been like this?" the blonde asked

"I-I don't know." Kokoro answered him, "A while." Izuru nodded and scooped her bleeding and beaten body up. "Thank you…" Izuru nodded and ran down to find Orihime Inoue. Izuru did not know Orihime that well, but without her help the girl in his arms may not live to see the light of tomorrow. Izuru flash stepped to where he saw the substitute Soul Reaper's friends. He approached them carefully. Kokoro was slowly losing consciousness.

"You are Orihime Inoue, correct?" Izuru asked. Orihime looked confused, but then nodded. She looked from the blonde to the girl in his arms. She gasped,

"What happened to her?" she asked worried. That was Orihime, always worrying about others even if she just met them.

"I'm not quite sure, but she protected my friend and I'm trying to repay her. Her total injuries are beyond our abilities unless she gets treated right away and nearly all of squad four is busy. I ask this as a favor, Orihime Inoue, please treat this girl. Just help her until her life can be sustained." Izuru may have only just met this girl, he didn't even know her name, but she protected Hisagi and that was enough reason for him to help her. Orihime nodded.

"Yes of course. I'd be glad to. Lay her down here." The orange haired girl ordered. Izuru gently put Kokoro on the ground. She was unconscious now. Orihime started to heal Kokoro's injuries. Izuru stood by and watched as Kokoro's stab wound closed up, but it was not fully healed. After a while Orihime stopped, "I couldn't heal her completely, so you must be careful with her still. The wound to her stomach and lower ribs have closed, but are still liable to be opened again."Izuru thanked the girl and took Kokoro back to where everyone else was.

When Kokoro next woke up she didn't know exactly what happened. She looked around realizing she was in squad four being rushed to emergency care and she saw Momo not too far away. Kokoro saw some of her wounds had been healed, but pain still attacked where she was stabbed and her legs still couldn't move without shooting pain through her back. She sat up despite her body's screams to make her go back down. She pressed her hand to her stomach to try to relieve the pain without much luck. She looked back to where Momo was,

"Miss, miss you must lay back down! You could reopen your wounds and you're still in really bad shape!" said the lieutenant. Kokoro turned back to the lieutenant,

"No, I won't." she said sternly.

"What? What are you talking about?" the squad four member asked

"I won't let you or anyone else treat me until Lieutenant Momo Hinamori is treated and her life is stabilized." Kokoro said pointing to the unconscious girl.

"Please, miss she will be treated soon, but your injuries are for more widespread and you lost so much blood-" the older woman was interrupted

"I will not be reasoned with until she is treated." Kokoro said. Kokoro knew she wouldn't end up staying as a soul Reaper, so she might as well try to spare one who is, especially the one who means the most to her captain. Kokoro knew how much Hinamori meant to him and if she died he would never be the same again. Kokoro would do anything to make Toshiro happy and if Momo made him happy she would assure her safety before her own. The lieutenant sighed realizing if she wanted to heal Kokoro she would have to treat Momo.

"Alright, if you need anything I'm Isane Kotetsu." Isane said. She turned to the others, "Alright I'll be right back, Hanataro come with me you all treat Hinamori until I get back." Isane went off. Kokoro laid back down trying to keep herself from crying out in pain. Momo was lucky she was unconscious because Kokoro was already regretting not getting treated. Kokoro looked back to Momo and saw Lieutenant Kotetsu and Captain Unohana herself treating Momo. Kokoro knew with the captain healing Momo, she would be better in no time. Kokoro laid back down to wait. She felt something press to her lips. She looked down to see medicine in her face. She looked up to see Izuru Kira again.

"Here, take this it'll help with the pain." He said giving her the medicine, "Go on, I used to be in squad four I know my medicines." Kokoro took the medicine graciously and the pain lessened, but it was still there,

"Thank you again. If I may ask why are you helping me? You barely know me?" Kokoro asked

"You protected one of my friends I'm just returning the favor." Izuru said, "I never got your name."

"I'm Kokoro Haruka." She said smiling as best she could. Izuru left her with a thank you to help others. Kokoro saw Lieutenant Kotetsu come back to her side after a while.

"Lieutenant Hinamori is stable, but she's going to need a lot of time to recover. Now will you let me treat you?" Isane asked worried. Kokoro nodded,

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Isane bandaged and used kido on Kokoro's wounds and set her in a room with Rangiku. Rangiku was asleep, but Kokoro was told the lieutenant would live. Kokoro wished she could sleep as soundly as the other girl. Kokoro's mind kept wandering to Toshiro. She had heard nothing of whether or not he was okay, also the pain was too much for her to be able to sleep, but her injuries were the least of her problems. Kokoro's right knee had been shattered, but it was bandaged. Her whole rib cage was wrapped in white and her arms had scratches that were wrapped up too. Kokoro's uniform had been so ripped up and bloody that it had to be throw out so she only had the pants. Kokoro's left arm was in a sling, but luckily she was right handed. Kokoro sighed knowing she would never be able to sleep with so much on her mind. Since she could not heal herself she needed to find to peace of mind. Kokoro forced herself up off the bed and stumbled into the wall. She panted at being exhausted from just that small movement. Kokoro was on the side of the building where those who needed quit were so hardly anyone was there. She looked through the open doors to see if maybe Toshiro was in one of them. Kokoro had stumbled onto the floor from exhaustion. Suddenly she felt someone sit her back up.

"Kokoro, what are you doing out of bed? You're hurt and in no condition to be roaming the halls!" that familiar voice told her. She looked up and smiled with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"To- Captain Hitsugaya, you're alive!" Kokoro said hugging him so as not to hurt him, "I was so scared you were killed. I didn't know what I'd do without you! Captain I'm so glad you're alive!" Toshiro looked down on her with a softer look. She was nearly hysterical.

"Kokoro, it's alright now. We all survived so there nothing to be so scared about." Toshiro said patting her back.

"Captain, you don't seem at all surprised that I'm alive too." Kokoro said

"Well, I told you to be alive when I got back. You always listen to what I say." Toshiro said. Kokoro smiled. "Do you know anything about Momo?" Toshiro asked

"I…All I know is she's going to need a lot of time to recover, but she is stable now." Kokoro said. Kokoro noticed the bandages around Toshiro's body as well. "You need to get your rest Toshiro, I'll just go now." Kokoro said starting to get up. Toshiro got up with her, making sure she didn't fall again. There they were again. Their faces were so close. Why did this always happen? Without thinking or a second's warning Kokoro leaned in and kissed Toshiro. Toshiro was confused, but he didn't feel opposed to Kokoro's action. Kokoro suddenly pulled back putting a hand over her mouth, "I'm so sorry Captain Hitsugaya." Kokoro used all of her strength and ran back to her room and locked herself in the bathroom. Toshiro stood in the hallway still dumbfounded by what had just happened. Kokoro kissed him. She actually kissed him. What was going to happen now? Did he feel the same way she did? He sat back in the hall thinking. He saw Lieutenant Kotetsu approach him,

"Captain Hitsugaya, you should be getting rest." Isane said helping him up to his feet.

"Yes, sorry, I saw Kokoro out here and I wanted to help her." Toshiro said. "Will Kokoro be alright, she seemed like she was in a lot of pain when I saw her."

"She was hurt pretty badly, but she'll live. You know she refused to let any of us even touch her until we treated Momo Hinamori. She's strong and cares about her friends; that's something I've found that I admire about her." Isane told the young captain. Toshiro looked surprised at hearing this,

"She actually did that?" he asked

"Yeah, she's was so worried about her." Isane said not knowing the significance of Kokoro's actions. Toshiro looked out of the window in his room. Kokoro had done her best to help Momo just because Momo meant something to him. Toshiro knew Kokoro was willing to go so far for him, but he never suspected she would protect him from such a fatal blow and refuse treatment just to help his childhood friend. Through the years he had known Kokoro, Toshiro found himself growing closer and closer to her every time he saw her. Had he actually fallen for the pink-haired girl? The answer…yes.

Kokoro sat against the door of the bathroom. She was panicking. She had just kissed Toshiro. What had gotten into her? Was she crazy? Why did she have to be so careless? She had convinced herself Toshiro would never feel the same towards her. Why did she risk their friendship? Kokoro buried her face in her knees scolding herself mentally. She heard a knock on the door,

"Kokoro, what are you doing in there?" Kokoro knew it was Rangiku.

"N-nothing." Kokoro answered

"Well you're obviously doing something!" Rangiku said "What's wrong, I'll punch you if you don't tell me." Rangiku said

"I…I k-kissed the captain." Kokoro said blushing

"Aw, that's so cute, I wish I had my camera! If only I had woken up a bit earlier! So why are you so stressed?" Rangiku asked as if it were nothing unordinary

"Didn't you hear I kissed the captain! Do you know what a big mistake that is! What if he doesn't feel the same way, what if he never looks at me the same way again?" Kokoro asked upset

"If you are honestly asking yourself those questions you must not know that captain as well as you thought you did." Rangiku said. Kokoro was confused. Rangiku softened a bit, "You may not have noticed, but I've seen the way the captain looks at you when you not pay attention. You've known each other since your school days. It's only natural you would do what you did. The way I've seen the captain stare at you isn't like any other stare I've seen from him. He needs you Kokoro, and he won't let you go back to the world of the living. You shouldn't worry about this now because even if the captain didn't love you he would still want you to be his friend. Of course from my view you two are just right! What'd I tell him, sparks are definitely flying now! So come on out of the bathroom so I can hug you, and plus I really have to go too." The lieutenant said urgently. Kokoro opened the door and was met with a crushing hug form Rangiku. Kokoro suppressed her pain and smiled,

"Thank you Rangiku." Kokoro said.

After a few weeks Kokoro was well enough to get out of squad four, but she would have to take it majorly easy since her arm was still in a sling. Captain Unohana told her not to fight or move too much for a while. Kokoro dared no defy her orders. Rangiku and Toshiro had been released a while ago, but Hinamori needed more time. Kokoro felt guilty. The only reason she was up and walking was because Orihime Inoue healed her and closed her wounds. She was grateful, but wished that girl was there to heal Momo too, but Orihime had a lot of things to do of her own. Kokoro walked towards squad ten, but saw a Hell Butterfly and it landed on her hand.

'Report to squad one barracks immediately for the judgement of Kokoro Haruka'

The butterfly went back and Kokoro slowly made her way to the first division. Kokoro knew she would see Toshiro there. They hadn't seen each other since she kissed him. Kokoro was dreading it once again. She went in the huge doors and saw Rangiku, Toshiro, and Head Captain Yamamoto there. Kokoro walked in and stood beside Rangiku.

"Former fifth seat Haruka. As you know today is your judgement day. Today it will be decided if you will stay a soul reaper or if you will be a human." Yamamoto started, "After making careful a careful analysis of your fight in the battle I have made a decision." Kokoro trembled, but felt a hand take her own. She looked down briefly to see Toshiro holding her hand so she didn't shake so much. "In your battle with a fraccion you fought alongside Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto. You failed to defeat a single one of them, but did manage to do battle with them for an appropriate amount of time. When it came time to fight the monster, Ayon, you were defeated easily and were rendered immobile so you lost the first fight."

"Now wait a minute! Kokoro fought just as well as the rest of us! I was defeated by those fraccion and Ayon as well!" Rangiku argued

"Silence, I am not finished. You, Kokoro Haruka, were defeated in your first battle and failed to do much damage to your enemy. Furthermore-" Head Captain Yamamoto went on

"I won't let you do it! I won't let you send her back to the world of the living! If you send her back you'll have to send me with her! If you get rid of Kokoro, you'll lose another captain!" Toshiro argued with a passionate tone. "Kokoro fought just like the rest of us and just because she couldn't bring down that monster down by herself you want to get rid of her!"

"That is enough! Once again I have not finished my assessment!" the elder man yelled over them, "Furthermore you were incapacitated most of the battle…however…"

"There's a 'however', did you hear the 'however'?" Rangiku asked excitedly

"Quiet Rangiku!" the young captain ordered

"However, you in a nearly immobilized form managed to use the flash step and protect a captain and lieutenant of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads with your life and fought each of your enemies with all of your power and protected the Soul Society in every way you could and did not as I suspected betray us. So it is my final decision after taking all these factors into account that Kokoro Haruka…" The three stood in anticipation, "That you will stay in Soul Society as a Soul Reaper of Squad Ten." Kokoro felt her knees go weak and she nearly fainted, Rangiku supported her with her arms,

"H-head Captain I can stay?" Kokoro asked in disbelief

"Didn't you hear me?" Yamamoto asked opening one eye

"But you said you wouldn't let me stay here if I didn't win my first fight!" Kokoro said

"You young people don't listen. I said 'if you were not successful' success isn't always just winning." Yamamoto said to the three of them. "Yet, you will no longer be the fifth seat, I will see to it that you are promoted to the third seat of squad ten."

"Thank you Head Captain, you will not be disappointed with your decision!" Kokoro said bowing. The three squad ten members left the first division. Yet as they approached their barracks Toshiro had not released Kokoro's hand. Noticing this, Rangiku stretched,

"I'm going to go take a nap Captain! All this stress has worn me out!" Rangiku said as an excuse to leave the two alone. She ran off

"Hey Rangiku!" Toshiro shouted after her, "It's not use." Kokoro laughed for the first time in what felt like forever. "How do you feel about-"

"I feel great! I get to stay here with my friends and with you! I'm so excited and yet I'm still trembling!" Kokoro said happily with a chuckle of embarrassment from her shaking

"That's great, but I was actually going to ask something else." Toshiro said seriously. The mood changed, "I wanted to ask how you feel about me?"

"Well, you're my friend. I feel a lot about you." Kokoro said trying to escape the awkward situation approaching

"I mean do you feel anything more than just being a friend?" Toshiro asked. Kokoro blushed this wasn't like him to ask such a question.

"I-uh-I…look about that kiss if you don't feel the same way I am so sorry!" Kokoro said quickly.

"So you do feel something for me?" Toshiro asked lifting an eyebrow knowing her answer.

"I…I…know it's wrong, because now I'm your subordinate and you're my captain, but I promise I won't let my feelings get in the-"

"It's okay Kokoro. You don't have to worry about your feelings because I…well…I don't know how to say this, but I…I have feelings too. Feeling for you much like yours and perhaps since share those feelings we could…well I don't know what… we could-" Toshiro didn't know where to start when he was putting his feelings into words. Toshiro and Kokoro felt something push them forward and their lips meant. This time they kissed each other. The two stopped a moment,

"Captain…is it okay to say 'I love you'?" Kokoro asked quietly

"I don't see a problem with it third seat Haruka." He said smiling.

"I love you Toshiro." Kokoro kissed him once again this time having no regrets for her actions. Rangiku smiled. She had just snuck up on them and pushed them together to end the awkward and spread the love. After the kiss didn't end for a few seconds Rangiku clapped her hands,

"Okay you two either get a room or I'll get a crowbar." She said jokingly. The two pulled away blushing wildly,

"RANGIKU!" Toshiro shouted as she ran away laughing and yelling,

"I TOLD YOU SPARKS WOULD FLY!" She said running. Who would've guessed that girl in the picture would end up being the one Captain Hitsugaya actually loved, the third seat of squad ten, and what Rangiku hoped to be her knew drinking buddy?

Rangiku did. Yeah, she totally knew.

AN: This is the end of the story! It was so fun to write so I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you all who reviewed and were faithful to the story until the very end! I'm probably going to end up writing a prequel to this, like more into detail of how Toshiro and Kokoro were in school. I don't know how well it'll come out, but it'll happen! Thanks again all readers! Reviews would be nice, but don't feel you need to ;)