Inu-Yasha and Ranma 1/2 belong to Rumiko Takahashi, not me!!!!!!!!

Chapt 9 We Meet Again

Inu-Yasha stood there. He was still as cute as ever, Kagome thought. Blushing, she shook the thought out of her mind and regained her stony look.

"What do you want, Inu-yasha? I'm busy!"

Inu-Yasha couldn't resist himself, and ran over and hugged her. He had longed to hold her in his arms for so long.

"Inu-Yasha…" Kagome felt her resistance slip away.

"Kagome, I don't have any feelings for Kikyo. I just love you. You're the only woman in my life."

            Kagome wanted to just lie there, contented in his arms, when the image of the day she caught Kikyo and Inu-Yasha kissing floated into her mind. His eyes had been looking at Kikyo lovingly while they had kissed. Kagome felt sick again, and pushed Inu-Yasha away.

Startled, Inu-Yasha asked, "Kagome, what's wrong?"

Kagome looked at him spitefully.

"What's wrong!?! Okay, you just kissed Kikyo passionately two days ago, and you now you come back, and hug me!!! How can you tell me you love me when you looked at Kikyo with such love the day I caught you two!?! Forget it, Inu-Yasha. We're through."

She stomped away, but Inu-yasha caught her by the arm.

"You aren't going to leave me," he said, and an insane look was in his golden eyes.

Kagome felt scared, the grip on her arm was tightening, and his claws were digging into her skin.

Inu-Yasha continued on. "You'll stay with me if you know what's good for you!" His voice was rising by the second.

"Let go of her!"

Inu-Yasha turned. There was that annoying boy from before.

Smirking, he said, "Oh, and I suppose you're her boytoy, eh?"

Ranma glowered, and his ki shone, blinding Inu-Yasha for a second.

"I'll take you on!"

Inu-Yasha gave an insane laugh. Well, he was going to kill that boy anyways, so why not sooner?

He let go of Kagome, and flexed his claws.

*    *   *

kawaii2: kewl! I updated this story along with my other one! Anyways, if you think I hate Inu-Yasha based on the story, you're wrong. I like him, but I felt like doing something different. I seriously don't care how Kagome is paired up in fanfics, as long as it's interesting-but that's just my opinion. Anyways, plz review!!!!!!!