"Take him to the Containment Chamber! We'll drop him in the ocean. If there's one thing McMullen did right, it was finding his weakness."

"But sir, won't McMullen-"

"Look, McMullen works for us, we don't work for him. We have the upper hand and we can do anything we want to, Mercer. Now, take him into the chamber."

"But ...Sir?"

"What, Admiral?"

"Which ocean should we drop him in?"

"Did you really just ask that question?"

"Well, sir. Yes. We could drop him somewhere so far away and so deep that it will only take time before he can finally catch up to us."

"Good point, Admiral Johnson. Drop him in the Mid-Atlantic. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Alex Mercer's eyes fluttered open, his vision blurred and his head dizzy. Before General Randall gave the command of putting him in the containment chamber, they heavily sedated him, leaving just enough time for him to realize that he was at the bottom of the sea. But by the time Alex would realize it, it would already be too late. Mercer groaned, sitting up in the cramped containment chamber. He stared at his small surroundings, and it took him a moment or two to realize that he wasn't in New York.

Or on land altogether.

Now alert and ready, Alex panicked, his face and hands pressed to the cold glass of the window on the containment chamber.

"What the....?" He gasped as he looked where he was. Everywhere he looked, there was blue. Fish danced, octopi glided through the cool clear waters, and a whale passed him, it's low, deep, graceful bellows made Mercer's ears ring. Shaking his head with disbelief, he realized something.

He was at the bottom of the ocean.

Frantically pressing his face more to the glass, Alex tried to look up, only catching a glimpse of what seemed to be the surface, now far beyond his reach. A cold pang of hate filled his stomach, as he gritted his teeth, and his vision blackening again. Looks like the sedation is still going strong... Mercer thought as he slipped into unconsciousness...

"Look, it's one of 'dem Bathyspheres!"

"Someone's inside of it!"

"That's not a Bathysphere, you moron! It's something else..."

"Maybe they have ADAM~ Mmmmm...How long has it been since we had ADAM?"

"How long has it been PERIOD. We've been here so long...Even our folks seem to think it's an eternity..."

"Are there even anymore Little Sisters around? They used to be chock full 'o 'dem...."

Mercer stirred, groaning. He whole body felt numb, and weak...Like someone injected him with that horrible anti-virus he was subjected to not long ago. He heard one, two...maybe three people. All of them seemed to sound like their mouths were numb with Novocaine, or whatever those dentists filled your gums with.

"Look, he's waking up."

"Should we kill him? It'll make the Little Sisters come."

"...Yeah...And then we can get all the ADAM we want!"


Immediately, Alex shot up, realizing that he was sitting inside the container, and that three people were crowded around it. Two men, one woman. But both were horribly disfigured, and the woman was wielding a wrench. He slid far to the back of the containment chamber until the cold metal was pressed into his back. He didn't know where he was, or if he was dreaming. But Alex knew one thing: He had to get out of here.

BANG! With one hit of the wrench the woman opened the door to the containment chamber, the door opening with a hiss. Her melted face smiled with glee as she put one foot in the chamber.

"We don't like newcomers to Rapture...It tends to get...complicated. However, you might have some ADAM inside of you...And we would love to have some." She licked her lips and smiled again, but she didn't smile when Alex's right arm began to pulsate and transform, his body made of biomass allowed the arm to transform into a large, sharp blade. Instantly, the woman stepped back, and Mercer smirked. His emotion changed; however, when he realized that he was still under the sea, and the woman mention Rapture.

"Answer me this: Where am I and what is Rapture? And what the heck is ADAM?" The woman merely stood there, her disfigured mouth agape. The other two men peered in, one cried out in surprise as he saw the blade that was Mercer's right arm.

"That must be some kinda Plasmid!" One of them uttered, donning a suit and a Fedora hat that masked his obvious lumpy head. The other shook his head and bopped him on the head.

"How can it be when HE JUST CAME HERE?!" The man in the Fedora frowned, his head bowed. Alex stood up, and grabbed the woman's dainty yet dirty hand.

"Where am I?" He growled. She stuttered before saying,

"R-Uh, R-....Rapture. It's a city. Underwater."

And how come the people up above never heard of it? Alex thought as he stared at her, cold blue eyes prodding hers. He didn't even notice the wrench falling to the floor, the woman too scared to even wield it. The other two men stared in silence as Mercer's grip on the woman's hand grew tighter, the pure thought of being stuck here enraged him.

"Ah-ah! You're hurting me!" The yelped, trying to wrench her arm away.

"You know more than you're telling me. What's Rapture, and why haven't people on land heard of this? And what's ADAM, and Little Sisters?" She said nothing, but screamed when Alex grinded her small fingers together. Immediately, the man in the Fedora growled and grabbed the woman's other arm, pulling her away from Mercer.

"Hey! You can't do that to her! She's a lady!" He picked up the wrench and smashed it against his hand, which had no effect whatsoever. Alex frowned and raised his blade of an arm and brought swiftly brought it down, chopping off the hands of the woman and man. Both screamed, the blood spurting deliciously from their wounds and decorating the containment chamber. Mercer stepped over the now crumpling couple and walked over to the last man standing; He looked like more of a wreck, his melted face painted a comical picture of fear as Alex grabbed him by the tattered clothing he wore and hoisted him into the air.

"Last one. Tell me more about this place or I'll end you in a worse way than your buddies over there."

"I-I-P-Please! PLEASE DON'T!" The man cried, thrashing in virus' strong grip. "I know who you can go to, I'll even take you to him!" Mercer shook his head and threw the man into a Vita-Chamber (though Alex didn't know what it was). A sickening splat was heard as bone and dying flesh met the hard cold melt and glass of the chamber. Surprisingly, the man was still alive. Barely. Still alive to say, "...Splicer....Matthew...." Alex cocked his head to the right in questioning the man's dying words.

"Should have kept him alive." He muttered as he saw the man slump, dead. "Would have been a lot easier. Alright...Now, Splicer. Matthew. Rapture. Little Sisters. ADAM...This is going to be one heck of a time."

"Look, Mister B, an angel. There's a light in his tummy."


"Who wants gonna wake the little angel? I doooo~ I doooo~"


Shick! .....Shick! ......Shick!