Sorry about deleting my first Naruto fic but I just couldn't come up with any ideas so I couldn't continue it. Oh well, I think you'll like this one much better.
Sasuke: Don't listen to her, turn back now!*points up at the 'back' button*
LittleMissWriter13: *glares at Sauke* Sasuke, shhhh, it'll get better as the story goes on *grins evilly*
Sasuke: *gulps loudly*
Naruto: LittleMissWriter13 does not own any characters, only the plot.
LittleMissWriter13: Thanks Naruto ^^ Now on with the story....
Kakashi groaned, looking at the ongoing argument between two of the members of his team. The Jonin sighed, shaking his head in frustration at the two Genin. He had told Sakura to leave about half an hour ago, he knew how long these arguments could go on, depending on the situation. Although she had begged and pleaded to stay so she could cheer on her crush Kakashi had stood firm and told her to leave. She had huffed for a few seconds but she eventually left, muttering under her breath. Shaking himself from his daze, Kakashi's settled on the scene before him. Naruto was arguing with Sasuke for the umpteenth time that week for a reason that was completely unbeknownst to him and at this point he really couldn't care less, al he wanted was peace. Sasuke wasn't really helping the situation either, he was just standing there with a little smirk on his face, which was aggravating Naruto even more. The Jonin heaved a sigh, stepping in between the two boys just before Naruto was away to throw a punch at Sasuke. Kakashi grabbed Naruto's fist and planted it back at the blondes side. A snigger from the raven caught his ears, which seemed to tick Naruto off even more because the blonde tried his best to get at the raven but Kakashi's arm was in the way. Kakashi heaved a sigh when suddenly inspiration struck. The white haired man smirked behind his mask, grabbing both boy's wrists, ignoring their protests.
"I've had enough of this arguing between you two. Being a ninja means working as a team, but we cannot be a team if you two insist on arguing with each other. Come with me and I will distribute a punishment that I see fit for both of you," Kakashi explained, dragging both boys by their wrists back to the village, ignoring their protests.
Meanwhile the Hokage sat in his office staring into his crystal ball, grinning to himself when Kakashi explained his plan to him through telepathy. He granted his approval so that Kakashi could go ahead with his plan. The Hokage grinned to himself, it would be interesting to see how both the Genin dealt with this rather unusual punishment.
Kakashi grinned down at his two pupils, the look of shock on their faces was priceless. When the metal had touched their skin their mouths had hit the floor. Kakashi leaned against the wall of his house, watching the two Genin comprehend the situation that they were both in. Both boys looked down at their now joint wrists before looking up at the older man, fury in their eyes.
"Kakashi-sensei, what the hell are these?" Naruto yelled, yanking his arm up, Sasuke's following shortly behind. The raven glared at the blonde but he didn't protest. Kakashi looked at the boys and chuckled.
"This isn't funny, it's anything but funny," Naruto seethed, waving his arm around in the air. Sasuke winced at the feeling of his wrist being twisted uncomfortably.
"Well, these are chakra absorbing cuffs, the more chakra you use to try to and break them the stronger they become," Kakashi explained, his smirk visible from behind his mask. Sasuke glared at the man while Naruto's jaw hit the ground. "Oh, by the way I forgot to mention something else, the cuffs won't some off unless I think that you are getting along better, and don't even think about pretending because I can use telepathy," Kakashi continued with a snigger. Sasuke frowned at the older man.
"You mean I have to spend all my time with this moron?" Sasuke questioned, pointing in Naruto's direction. Kakashi nodded.
"You two will be spending all your time together until you can work together efficiently and until then those aren't coming off," Kakashi explained, nodding his head in the direction of the handcuffs. Sasuke sighed in an irritated manner, knowing it was useless trying to argue with the silver-haired man, once his mind was set nobody could change it. Naruto on the other hand wasn't smart enough to think of this.
"Kakashi-sensei, please you can't do this, if you let us go I promise I'll be good and won't pick anymore fights," the blonde begged, pouting cutely. The raven rolled his eyes at this display while Kakashi just smirked.
"Nice try Naruto but that's not going to work with me, now no more protests, the more time you spend here the longer the cuffs will be on," Kakashi said, barely hiding his amusement. Naruto hung his head in disappointment. The blonde felt a tug on his wrist and flicked his eyes upwards to meet onyx ones. Sasuke nodded his head in the direction of the door, Naruto silently agreeing, knowing that arguing with raven wouldn't get him anywhere. The Copy-nin watched both boys leave, chuckling in amusement to himself.
A few minutes after leaving Kakashi's house Sasuke finally spoke.
"Do you want to stay at my house or yours. I mean we've got to sleep somewhere until the cuffs come off?" he asked, glancing over at the blonde. Naruto just shrugged.
"I guess we go could go to my house, it's closer than yours," Naruto stated. Sasuke just shrugged, he knew if he didn't argue with the boy the shorter time he would be attached to him. The thought saddened him a little, which surprised him but he dismissed it. Naruto smiled slightly at the raven, leading him through the streets of Konoha to his house.
Sasuke stood in front of the run-down shack that was Naruto's house, a look of pure disbelief on his face.
"This is your house?" the raven half asked, half stated, raising his unattached hand to lazily point at the building. Naruto focused his eyes on the Uchiha and glared.
"Not all of us can be born as the heir to a fortune Teme," he snapped sarcastically. Sasuke's stomach clenched with guilt. He hadn't meant to upset the boy. Naruto sighed and tugged his wrist forward, making the raven stumble after him as the blonde made his way into his house.
Sasuke looked around the interior of the house and swallowed thickly. It was a simple house, it consisted of three rooms, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom he suspected. Pushing one of the doors open Naruto walked inside, taking Sasuke with him. The room that the had entered was the kitchen, or that's what it was meant to be. It was a bit hard to tell by the way it was decorated. The room consisted of a fridge, a long L-shaped countertop made simply from wood, a few cabinets underneath, an stove in the far corner of the room and that was it. Sasuke glanced around the room, unsure what to do or what to say. Naruto turned towards him, tilting his head in confusion at the raven.
"You ok Sasuke? You were daydreaming for a few seconds there," Naruto asked, watching the raven realise what he had said. Nodding slowly Sasuke kept his mouth shut, knowing he would probably do something that would further embarrass him and Uchiha's don't do embarrassed. He opened his mouth to apologise for his day-dreaming but Naruto cut him off with a grin.
"Don't worry about it, I drift off all the time," the blonde comforted, before turning his back on the other teen so that he could dig around in his cabinets with his unattached hand.
"I've got some ramen we could have if you're hungry," Naruto stated, his azure flicking upwards to get the ravens approval.
"That's fine," Sasuke said with a nod, watching as the blonde grinned up at him. Naruto stood up, two packets of instant ramen in his hands, closing the cabinet door with his hip.
A few minutes later both the boys were in Naruto's bedroom/living room, sitting together on a rush mat, kneeling at a small table in the centre of the room. They ate silently until Naruto did his best to strike a conversation.
"Hey Sasuke, can I ask you something?" he asked, the beginnings of a blush on his cheeks. The raven raised an eyebrow at the blush but he nodded in spite of it. He heard the blonde nin gulp loudly and turned to face him, his attention entirely focused on the boy before him.
"Sasuke, do you like anyone ?" Naruto asked shyly, ducking his head to hide his blush. Sasuke opened his mouth in shock, suspecting that he looked like a fish that had been dragged out of it's wonderful watery home. The raven felt heat rise up on his cheeks, a dark rose blush flourishing on his pale cheeks. Shaking his head Sasuke broke his trance, he raised an elegant eyebrow at the blonde.
"No, not at the moment, why are you asking?" Sasuke queried, staring curiously at the other nin. Naruto shook his head, a blush still evident on his cheeks.
"I was just wondering, I mean you've got closer to Sakura recently and I ….," Naruto trailed off. Sasuke chuckled slightly, shaking his head at the blonde.
"I don't think anything will ever happen between Sakura and I dobe," Sasuke replied, amusement in his voice. Naruto nodded and for the rest of the meal both boys ate in silence.
When they were both finished Naruto and Sasuke struggled to their feet, both boys reaching for the empty ramen containers. Their fingers brushed together as they both went to pick up the containers. Cerulean eyes flickered upwards bashfully to met onyx, drifting back down in embarrassment. Without a word Naruto picked up the containers, walking into the kitchen to dispose of them properly, in an attempt to salvage whatever dignity he had left, Sasuke a few steps behind. Sasuke watched the blonde walk into the kitchen and put the containers in the trash can, avoiding the Uchiha's gaze as best he could. Naruto walked right past the raven back into the bedroom, ignoring the other nin completely despite his close contact. Sasuke didn't mind being led around by the blonde, it was his house after all and since he didn't have a clue where anything was in the tiny house so it seemed appropriate that the blonde should lead him around like a shepherd does with his sheep. Naruto knelt down on the floor, pulling Sasuke down to his knees as well. The blonde nin reached under the table that they had both been eating off of a short while earlier and pulled out two pillows and a rolled up blanket. Setting the pillows side by side Sasuke watched on in horror.
"I've got to sleep beside you !" he stated in disbelief, pointing feebly at the makeshift bed. Naruto twisted round and glared at the other boy.
"Well yeah unless you suggest I fucking levitate," he snapped, sighing irritably. Sasuke reeled backwards, quite shocked by the blondes outburst. The boy was usually like a hyperactive ball of sunshine, making everyone smile wherever he went but now he was like a woman with PMS.
"Look I'm sorry, I'm not thinking straight, I'm just tired," the Uchiha apologised, stifling a yawn. The blue-eyed nin smiled sympathetically at him.
"Same here, sorry I snapped at you," he replied, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. The raven snorted and waved a hand in dismissal. Yawning loudly Naruto snuggled under the blanket his eyes drifting shut. Sasuke's eyes softened as he watched the nin fall asleep. Following his companions example he got under the blanket, pulling it up around his chin. Suddenly Sasuke felt pressure on his joined hand. He looked over and saw that the blonde had interlinked their hands, their fingers laced together. Sasuke smiled lightly, choosing not to wake up the other boy. Closing his eyes he drifted off into the dark abyss of sleep, a contented smile on his lips.
I will continue this as soon as I can. Please R&R .xx