A/N : When I think of batman, the one that comes to mind is the 1992 Batman animated series, and mask of the phantasm. Same goes for the other characters that stared in the show like Catwoman, Batgirl, Robin, the Joker and Harley and so on... That being said, his suit in my mind is more similar to the one in Batman: Arkham Asylum. So when reading, just so you know, that's how I envision them. I'd love to have seen how Diana would look in that animation style, and while I might play with that image in my head, the Justice League WW is good, though her looks in the comics (the most recent ones, like Blackest night) are also excellent...

Diana and Bruce had been dating for next to eight months and it was going very well, even if the beginnings were a bit shaky, both were committing, both would help each other whenever and in whichever way they could, professional and personal. Batman would lessen his guard around her. He taught her in much of his skills, for several reasons, not the least of which because she was quite stubborn and very good in convincing him to do what she wanted.

One night, Diana had decided to put her 'newfound skills' to use, and who would be a better test than Bruce himself. She told him she some work to do tonight and a few hours after he left she followed him.

When she found him he was busy observing something through his binoculars, so she had the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind him. Knowing his extremely observant nature, she had decided to track him from further than she actually felt was needed.

Hours later, finally some excitement broke the monotony of constant stake outs. Not that she minded. Even from far away that she couldn't hear him, she enjoyed watching him, even if cloaked in his cape. His broad shoulders were her reference points. She knew what every millimeter his shoulders moved meant. And that's how she knew that now something was going on, something that caught the Dark Knight's attention more than the usual criminals.

Wondering what had aroused her dear dark hero's interest, she followed him, keeping enough distance to not alert him to her presence. Not long after, she also spotted what had made the Caped Crusader start the hunt. The figure he was chasing was fast, agile, slender, with pointy ears. As they briefly step into what little moonlight past by the buildings, she could see that Batman was in pursuit of Selina Kyle, the Catwoman.

He told her of Selina. Told her what he felt for her once. What she felt for him once. As she observed the two, she couldn't help noticing how the villainess's lines were ever so finely pronounced by her skin tight grayish costume. Two thoughts went through her head. The first being that she could surprise Bruce by putting on something similar. She smiled. And the second was a slight jealousy at the fatale kitten, as she had the attention of her Batman, and not Diana. True jealousy was nowhere near her mind. She trusted him, she loved him, as she knew he did her too.

Just as she thought of that, she remembered unwillingly the unpleasant situation she found herself in with him 5 weeks back. They were in Wayne Manor, moving around, doing nothing special, merely enjoying each other's company. For no particular reason, she entered his embrace and after enjoying the closeness for a few moments, she whispered to him in her most loving voice, with the most loving look she could give him.

"I love you, Bruce."

Her words struck him surprised, but with obvious joy in his eyes. He couldn't move his look of her eyes, her smile. He fully immersed himself in the moment, the emotions, her. They were happy. Finally he pulled her closer to himself and hugged her strongly, yet gently, to him as if he'd never let go.

When she could eventually feel his hug loosen enough so she could look at him, her gaze met two ever so beautiful eyes looking at her as if she was the whole world, which in his eyes she truly was. She could see more than just the adoration he had for her in his eyes in that moment. She could see him wanting to tell her he loved her too, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything. He tried several times and each time she saw his eyes filled with thoughts that troubled him. Some tense minutes past, until she finally broke it saying: "It's okay. You can tell me when you're ready", she comforted him, his gaze turning to a apologetic look, and before he could say anything, she said: "I said it's okay."

After that incident, not much had changed between them. He was the same, aside from seeming lost in his thoughts more often than usual. But after 5 weeks of waiting, she began to wonder whether he will ever be able to tell her he loved her, whether he'd admit it to her and himself, let himself be vulnerable with her. Whether he'd...

Her thoughts were interrupted by Batman finally cornering Catwoman, and she knew that a fight was imminent. She wanted to see how Bruce would handle it, she was after all a woman he once loved. The scuffle between the two masked opponents was dragged on, as neither was willing to commit themselves to fully attacking one another, whether because of weariness of each another, or maybe some feelings that were left behind.

After finally realizing that there was no way to clear her way of the Dark Knight Selina decided to change tactics. She stood up from her combat stance, and looked flirtily at Batman, started moving enticingly towards him. Diana couldn't believe what she was seeing. Did that woman actually think that would work on Batman? Maybe back when he was single it would have had some effect, but there's no way her Bruce would let that woman get close to him now. No wa...

Her thoughts simply vanished when she saw the femme fatale put her hands around the neck of her Batman. Why did he not stop her? She grabbed the ledge of the building from which she was watching the two such that the bricks started cracking under her fingers. She couldn't stand the flirtatious look those green eyes were directing at her Bruce, especially from the distance they were from him. When Catwoman drew closer and closer to kissing the Dark Crusader, Diana assumed that now he'd intervene and stop her. He wouldn't allow her to... kiss... him...

The bricks under her fist turned to dust as she watched how Catwoman was kissing Batman. HER Batman. She could barely keep her fury in check, when to make things even worse, batman placed his hands on Selinas hips, from where they traveled upwards over her ribs, shoulders up her arms until the handcuffs he placed on them clickered. The realization of what he had just done infuriated both women. How dare he deceive her like that? How dare he let that woman touch him, let alone kiss him?

After dropping Selina of with the police, batman aimed his grapple at the roof of one of the buildings. As he climbed up he was greeted with a very angry view of a quite displeased Amazon princess. Surprised to see her, not to mention the way she looked at him he didn't know what else to say except acknowledge her being there by speaking her name.

"Diana" he said in his stoic voice.

"What was that just there? Why were you kissing that woman?" Diana just barely managed not to raise her voice.

He raised an eyebrow, taunting here into further explaining here query.

"Why were you kissing Catwoman back there?" she exclaimed noticeably irritated by Bruce's gesture and lack of an explanation.

"To get her into a position so I could handcuff her" he said in a almost unnoticeably less stoic voice, realizing that wonder woman was indeed talking about what he had hoped was not the case.

"You could have done that just as, if not easier had you taken her down in the fight."

At first he said nothing, as he didn't know how to answer that. But then he said: "You don't have to worry. It didn't mean anything. It was merely a distraction tactic. I don't care for her anymore. You've nothing to be jealo..."

Before he could finish his sentence, wonder woman barked at him: "You think I'm jealous? You think the only reason I would be angry at you for kissing another woman was jealousy? How about the fact that we're in a relationship, a long and working relationship?"

"Diana, you know how I feel about you. You know that meant nothing to me. You are the only woman that means something to me. In fact, you mean everything to me."

Just as Diana was about to reply, an explosion went off in the vicinity. They looked in the direction of where the sound came, then at each other. "This isn't over yet, Bruce! Now, what's going on?" He took out his binoculars, and as he was zooming into where a lot of commotion was happening he told his angry girlfriend: "No real names when out on a mission, princess."

She gave him an angry glare, even if he couldn't see it. "The Joker, Harley and a few henchmen are robbing a jewelry store."

"Have you kissed her as well?" Diana angrily asked.

"No" he exclaimed, pausing for a moment to observe something through his binoculars. "She kissed me, once. Well, technically twice."

Surprised by the answer she wasn't expecting, Diana had no idea how to reply.

"Go back to the mansion, Diana. I'll be back in an hour and we can talk about this then."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"I don't need your help" Bruce answered faster and harsher than even he expected.

"I didn't ask if you needed help, I asked if you wanted my help."

"Just go home, Diana."

"Home?" she asked, slightly confused. She thought she knew what he meant, but had to be sure.

"Wayne Manor." , he said, his mind obviously more focused on how he planned to dispatch the Joker, as he pulled out his grapple and swung into action.

"Home?" she repeats aloud, while thinking how this is the first time Bruce called Wayne manor her home, and thus, THEIR home. Confused, but joyous, she flew towards Wayne manor, "her home".