Title: the first is always the hardest.

Summary: He was B's geeky friend, but we were both betrayed by her and I guess that's what drew me to him.

Starring: Chastity and Cameron. The double C's. Mentions of Bianca.

Chastity's pov.

This was so wrong; I mean this is Cameron, the loser. Yet here I was in the movie theater, watching "The losers" with him. We were so close that if I wanted to, I could just lean over and kiss him on the lips, those lips, so tantalizing and amazing. Wait, snap out of it Chas, this was B's geeky friend, but there was something about him that I was attracted to. I mean it was me who asked him out on date. At first he was a little worried, that maybe some sort of horrible joke but then I had to reassure him that it wasn't.

After the movie was over we walked out of the theater really close to eachother. I mean close, like if I tripped and fell he could catch me.

"So, that was an interesting movie." He said. I just nodded. "Well I should go, you know, curfew."

He turned to leave and I caught him by the sleeve. I turned him to me and I kissed him. I don't know why but I wanted to kiss him for some reason. The kiss was nothing like the one I shared with Joey, this one was way livelier. When I pulled away I looked at him, his lips were swollen, and I guess he never had a kiss like that before or a kiss at all. We smiled at eachother before interlocking hands and leaving together. School was about to get a whole lot interesting now.


The next chapter is Bianca and Joey, and after that, I don't know, who should I do after that? Let me know.