The war ended a year ago next month. Harry asked me out a month after it ended and now we are at my brother's wedding. Who would have thought Ron and Hermione would ever have stopped bickering long enough to realize they were in love?

We stood through the entire ceremony, me being the maid of honor and Harry being the best man. It was sweet; I can only hope mine is as beautiful. Mum and Mrs. Granger had spared no expense when it came to this occasion, but my mind would not leave the fact that I wanted it to be mine. Harry seemed to realize how distracted I was, and, trying to ease my obvious tension, asked me to dance.

"What's on your mind, Gin? I know you're not completely zoned out without reason." Harry's words finally reached my brain and I struggled to respond. The conversation continued through the reception, lasting even when Ron and Hermione left.

Convinced that I wouldn't be much company, I excused myself and snuck away to the broom shed, hoping a good fly would clear my head. In most cases, it would have, but when I arrived at the shed, I found Harry waiting for me, bent on one knee.

My heart rose into my throat as he said to simple words: "Marry me?" Not trusting my voice for the first time in years, all I could do was nod. He slipped the ring on my finger as I leaned down to kiss him gently.