Disclaimer: Square Enix will name my child, whether they agree to it or not. :D

Accepts: Reviews, Flames, Suggestions, and everything else

Warnings: none; implied yaoi though.

Author's Note: I'm trying out a new FF7 story because, as much fun as 'Traitor' is to write, I need to show more FF7 love. Plus, 'Traitor' was written for amusement, yet I want a more serious fanfic.

Italics - special emphasis, inner monologue, voices inside Cloud's head

Bold - huge, usually important, emphasis, past words by Zack or spoken memories

Horizontal Line - means a break, or switch, in action or point of view

"People are ignorant. They'll feel better as long as someone is punished." - Rufus ShinRa

+ Secret Ending +

And so he takes sword in hand once more, remembering the single most important secret he has kept dear in the three years since the final showdown at the North Crater. No one knows what truly happened that day, just the rumors and tales filtering through the lands. Even those chosen by the planet, those that followed him to the very end don't know what transpired when he alone faced the ex-general for the last time. At first it was but a nightmare, an agonizing revelation that this man—his precious idol—would soon die by his hands and nothing could alter the course of fate.

Outraged by the reminder of whose sword rested in his hands and the flower girl sleeping beneath the waters in the Forgotten City, the urge to forget those past memories took over and compelled him to dash forward and attack. Dancing with destiny, free of the strings of a puppet—or so he believed—he struck first at his enemy and began their dance of swords. Frightening attacks and bursts of aura shook the already breaking and quaking scenery of marred snow amongst spurts of green fluid from the lifestream gushing to the surface. With each blood curdling sound the two men fought to the death, until one stumbled in his efforts and allowed the other to seize the opportunity.

A deafen scream shook the already trembling atmosphere as a long glinting sword—Masamune—pierced his stomach and lifted him like a rag doll to hang in front of the master of his broken strings. Feline, mako-infused, hues ignite with a sharper glow at the visage of pain and despair playing across his feature so unguarded. Words are spoken, a grin rising onto that fiendish face, before a black gloved hand tightens upon the hilt of the sword and flings him into the collapsing crater in the distance. The initial impact is too painful to describe or release in screams; there is merely an opened mouth portrait of sheer misery and rising defeat as the warrior struggles upon the ground. Trails of blood weave into his sweat and traitorous tears as the anguish overwhelms him, and nearly becomes his undoing. Yet, by the will of determination, the fallen man forces out inner strength to rise again and call forth the essence of the perfected technique left to him by his best friend: Omnislash.

Surging with new power, calling worth all he has left to give, the man dashes forward in the epic finale to deal the killing blow to his enemy. Not even the slightest sound disrupts the single moment in time of achieved victory, as his prized Buster Sword pierces straight through the legendary general who would soon be dead along with his wave of madness. However, as adrenaline fades and time begins to flow again, along with the splatters of dripping blood, a dark grin spreads across the ex-general's features. Strong arms gradually surpass normal human resolve to grip the broad sword in his gut before jerking the weapon further into his dying body. With each power tug, the chosen warrior is driven closer to the insane man, and out of petrified confusion he is too startled to release his grip on the hilt.

Soon those hands are on him, trailing up his shaking body to settle around his throat. Bright blue eyes are bound to the sight in front of them, too afraid to look away from the long dripping silver tresses and the unmarred smug look on his adversary's face. Even like this there is an unrivaled beauty to his idol—to the one-winged angel—and he is terrified yet excited to find out just what the man has planned for him. For a long time those gloved palms merely rest against his throat, neither tightening nor retreating, as he slowly inhales and exhales in wonder. Eventually, the man shifts just enough to unsettle silver tress and reveal one staring catlike green eye. In that instance he is enchanted and once again bound to the will of the man and monster known as Sephiroth.

"I won't be forgotten...you will remember me...in your memories. Forever." As those words course through his mind, carrying across the mental link between master and puppet, the chosen warrior can only bow his head numbly in answer. It is an unspoken agreement, a dedication no one could ever know about as long as he lived. In the past things were similar to a moment like this, a situation so far in the past when he merely existed as a failure cadet smitten by a general so far out of his reach. Rekindling those thoughts and feelings only made everything all the more real. He just murdered his beloved, and now...he will only have despair to embrace him at night instead of those strong arms that held him so tightly into the dawn.

As new emotions—ones once forgotten—swell within him and crystal tears rush down his cheeks, a pair of deeply familiar lips seal over his own in a scarlet kiss. Immediately, by the course of his own trapped desire and spellbound will, the warrior responds eagerly to appease his dying lover in their farewell embrace. In the one visible green hue, a strange glint breaks to the surface revealing sanity where there was once none. In their conjoined minds an alien echo of ignored shouts can be heard, the voice of Jenova in outraged panic as her stolen son moves of his own mind and will. In time the woman's voice fades and disappears until silence remains in her wake. At that moment, the last of the one-winged angel's feathers cascades to the ground right before Sephiroth succumbs to his fate and falls for the first and last time.

"Thank you... Cloud."