The characters in the story don't belong to me. Just borrowing them for a
little escapade so lay off with the lawyer's letters. On with the story.
This is an alternate universe fic set in the present inspiration from a book I've read. What if the Kenshin we know and love never exists? What if there's only the battousai? And what if Kaoru isn't so innocent and pure? And what if they are bloodthirsty leaders of the yakuza? Hmmmm, read on and find out.
Kaoru had no memories of her childhood except for some blurred images. She vaguely remembered that there were six of them left in the orphanage. What happened to their parents she had no idea except that out of the six, only her twin sister, Tsubame was her blood kin. The other four were companions who could be relied on and trusted with their lives. They lived on an island orphanage and everytime a helicopter landed on the island, it signalled the time for them to separate. When she was eight, the helicopter came and this time, she and her sister were the ones taken away. From that moment on, all her memories were locked within a small, yellowed photograph of six carefree children standing in front of the gate of the old orphanage, grinning into the camera.
But life with her adopted father, Usui, was not what she had imagined normal family life to be. For Usui was the leader of a yakuza gang operating in Kobe. He was not a kindly father but a cruel and demanding one. When he set eyes on the girls, he saw at once that Tsubame would not be of use to him. She was too weak. They might have the same face but in Tsubame's eyes, he saw tears. In Kaoru's, he saw an unflinching directness. He knew then that this girl, when properly trained would be a very useful tool.
And so Kaoru's life of training began. On how to create differences between the traids, how to solve them, how to use a gun……all the required skills for a future yakuza leader. Best of all, her beauty. A natural asset that Usui had not counted on. At the age of fifteen, Usui called the two girls into his office. Studying them with a detached air, Usui could see that Kaoru was still trying to protect her twin. Indeed, the gruelling training that she endured without complaints were all to prevent her weaker sister from being targetted because she knew Tsubame was hostage in exchange for her compliance.
"I've sold you to the leader of the Shinzuku gang. From today onwards, you will be his daughter. Do not shame me." With that, he walked out of the room. As he passed by Kaoru, he leaned over and said in a tone only the two of them can hear, " Kill him for me. The deadline is ten years from now. If not, your dear sister is meat." Throughout the whole meeting, he did not spare a glance for Tsubame.
"Kaoru, I don't want to leave!" Tsubame wept. Although she did not live a good life here in the Kobe headquarters, she feared more the thought of living in a strange place when she had finally gotten use to here. The familiar devil was always better than the unfamilar one. "Don't worry. No matter what, we will never be apart." Kaoru whispered into her sister's hair, hugging her tightly.
"So, you're the daughters I've newly accquired," Jineh Hayashi stroked his chin as he circled the girls. He smiled cruelly. Usui's presents to him but they cost a pretty penny. He sized up quickly the dependence of the two girls on each other but only one was of use to him. In the blink of an eye, he drew out a gun from his hakama and shot Tsubame. Smoke rose from the mouth of the barrel. In the next instance, Kaoru had her gun out and pointed to Jineh's forehead. Her eyes wild with shock and grief, she ordered, "Call an ambulance, now!" Ignoring the gun pointed at him, Jineh smiled. "Don't worry, my pet. The doctors are already next door waiting for my orders. One rash move from you and sister will be really dead."
Kaoru slowly lowered her hands. "What do you want?" She struggled to keep her voice even.
"What I want? I want your total obedience. I know that Usui sent you here for a purpose. To assasinate me, right? Don't look so shocked, pet. What other tricks could that old bastard have up his sleeves? Your sister's life is in my hands. You know what to do."
Kaoru threw her gun aside and knelt down in front of Jineh, bowing her head. " My name is Kaoru Hayashi. I am your daughter. My loyalty is yours."
"Good. Look up." Jineh stared at the uplifted face. If not for his own son's weakness and lack of capability in leading the yakuza, he would have no need to resort to using an outsider but luckily, he could ensure her obedience as long as her sister was under his control.
"I don't like the look in your eyes. Don't let me see a trace of defiance." The unspoken threat of what he might do if he should be displeased lies between them, her lifeblood slowly leaking away as they speak. Kaoru looked at Tsubame, closed her eyes for a second before she looked up. Blankness and emptiness showed where passion was.
"Excellent." Jineh turned and pressed a bell. Within seconds, doctors and medic rushed into the room. "Remember, keep her alive or else you will be joining her." He warned the doctors.
"Come with me. I have a present for my new daughter." He walked out of the room with Kaoru behind. They turned around a corner of the corridor and into another room. Inside were two teenagers around Kaoru's age. "They are your personal bodyguards, Aoshi and Megumi. And," he smiled slightly, " They will report to you and you only."
Kaoru studied them. And made a single request. "You will only obey me. Swear that upon your life." Aoshi and Megumi took out a knife and slashed their palms. "Our master is you, Kaoru and we swear with our blood our allegience to you for as long as we live."
"Thank you, father. I like my presents."
So, you like? I based the story on this book but I changed things here and there. Give me some reviews and let me know what you think. Thanks.
This is an alternate universe fic set in the present inspiration from a book I've read. What if the Kenshin we know and love never exists? What if there's only the battousai? And what if Kaoru isn't so innocent and pure? And what if they are bloodthirsty leaders of the yakuza? Hmmmm, read on and find out.
Kaoru had no memories of her childhood except for some blurred images. She vaguely remembered that there were six of them left in the orphanage. What happened to their parents she had no idea except that out of the six, only her twin sister, Tsubame was her blood kin. The other four were companions who could be relied on and trusted with their lives. They lived on an island orphanage and everytime a helicopter landed on the island, it signalled the time for them to separate. When she was eight, the helicopter came and this time, she and her sister were the ones taken away. From that moment on, all her memories were locked within a small, yellowed photograph of six carefree children standing in front of the gate of the old orphanage, grinning into the camera.
But life with her adopted father, Usui, was not what she had imagined normal family life to be. For Usui was the leader of a yakuza gang operating in Kobe. He was not a kindly father but a cruel and demanding one. When he set eyes on the girls, he saw at once that Tsubame would not be of use to him. She was too weak. They might have the same face but in Tsubame's eyes, he saw tears. In Kaoru's, he saw an unflinching directness. He knew then that this girl, when properly trained would be a very useful tool.
And so Kaoru's life of training began. On how to create differences between the traids, how to solve them, how to use a gun……all the required skills for a future yakuza leader. Best of all, her beauty. A natural asset that Usui had not counted on. At the age of fifteen, Usui called the two girls into his office. Studying them with a detached air, Usui could see that Kaoru was still trying to protect her twin. Indeed, the gruelling training that she endured without complaints were all to prevent her weaker sister from being targetted because she knew Tsubame was hostage in exchange for her compliance.
"I've sold you to the leader of the Shinzuku gang. From today onwards, you will be his daughter. Do not shame me." With that, he walked out of the room. As he passed by Kaoru, he leaned over and said in a tone only the two of them can hear, " Kill him for me. The deadline is ten years from now. If not, your dear sister is meat." Throughout the whole meeting, he did not spare a glance for Tsubame.
"Kaoru, I don't want to leave!" Tsubame wept. Although she did not live a good life here in the Kobe headquarters, she feared more the thought of living in a strange place when she had finally gotten use to here. The familiar devil was always better than the unfamilar one. "Don't worry. No matter what, we will never be apart." Kaoru whispered into her sister's hair, hugging her tightly.
"So, you're the daughters I've newly accquired," Jineh Hayashi stroked his chin as he circled the girls. He smiled cruelly. Usui's presents to him but they cost a pretty penny. He sized up quickly the dependence of the two girls on each other but only one was of use to him. In the blink of an eye, he drew out a gun from his hakama and shot Tsubame. Smoke rose from the mouth of the barrel. In the next instance, Kaoru had her gun out and pointed to Jineh's forehead. Her eyes wild with shock and grief, she ordered, "Call an ambulance, now!" Ignoring the gun pointed at him, Jineh smiled. "Don't worry, my pet. The doctors are already next door waiting for my orders. One rash move from you and sister will be really dead."
Kaoru slowly lowered her hands. "What do you want?" She struggled to keep her voice even.
"What I want? I want your total obedience. I know that Usui sent you here for a purpose. To assasinate me, right? Don't look so shocked, pet. What other tricks could that old bastard have up his sleeves? Your sister's life is in my hands. You know what to do."
Kaoru threw her gun aside and knelt down in front of Jineh, bowing her head. " My name is Kaoru Hayashi. I am your daughter. My loyalty is yours."
"Good. Look up." Jineh stared at the uplifted face. If not for his own son's weakness and lack of capability in leading the yakuza, he would have no need to resort to using an outsider but luckily, he could ensure her obedience as long as her sister was under his control.
"I don't like the look in your eyes. Don't let me see a trace of defiance." The unspoken threat of what he might do if he should be displeased lies between them, her lifeblood slowly leaking away as they speak. Kaoru looked at Tsubame, closed her eyes for a second before she looked up. Blankness and emptiness showed where passion was.
"Excellent." Jineh turned and pressed a bell. Within seconds, doctors and medic rushed into the room. "Remember, keep her alive or else you will be joining her." He warned the doctors.
"Come with me. I have a present for my new daughter." He walked out of the room with Kaoru behind. They turned around a corner of the corridor and into another room. Inside were two teenagers around Kaoru's age. "They are your personal bodyguards, Aoshi and Megumi. And," he smiled slightly, " They will report to you and you only."
Kaoru studied them. And made a single request. "You will only obey me. Swear that upon your life." Aoshi and Megumi took out a knife and slashed their palms. "Our master is you, Kaoru and we swear with our blood our allegience to you for as long as we live."
"Thank you, father. I like my presents."
So, you like? I based the story on this book but I changed things here and there. Give me some reviews and let me know what you think. Thanks.