Note: This was written as part of my The Mouths of Babes universe, but it can be read as a stand alone piece. Chronologically, this takes place the morning after the events at the end of The Mouths of Babes.

"Do you remember what happened to my pants?" There's a sleepy, mumbled response from the direction of the bedroom, but Derek can't quite understand it with his head stuck back behind the couch. He rocks back onto his heels, a hand braced on the ground to keep him from falling over, and leans to look down the short hallway. "What?"

"I said, is early. Look la'er."

Derek rolls his eyes. "Come on, Spencer." He doesn't even try to stop his smile when he calls Reid 'Spencer'. He's actually allowed to call him that now. "I have to go. I need to get a change of clothes and take care of Clooney and work out. Just help me find my pants and you can go back to bed."

Assuming that the rustling and grumbling coming from the bedroom means that Spencer's getting up to help, Derek ducks down to look under the coffee table again.

"Did you mean these pants?"

Derek looks up to see Spencer grinning and leaning against the wall, his arms folded loosely across his bare chest. His hair is a chaotic mess around his face, which is still creased from his pillow and slightly puffy from sleep. And, hanging precariously loose on Spencer's narrow hips, are Derek's pants. When he shifts, the gap at the waistband gapes a little wider, exposing a bite mark under the sharp jut of a hipbone, and Derek's mouth goes dry. All it would take is one little tug...

All of his thoughts must be on his face, because Spencer's grin turns wicked and he lifts his arms in a slow, languid stretch, his back arching up off the wall and his face contorting with pleasure. The pants slip dangerously, obscenely low.

"Fuck, pretty boy," Derek chokes out, his voice suddenly low and husky.

"That's kind of the idea. Is there any reason you couldn't do an alternative workout here this morning," Spencer asks, his tone all innocence, looking like some sort of debauched angel.

And, you know, Derek can't think of a single damn reason why he shouldn't.

Good habits result from resisting temptation. ~ Proverb

I deal with temptation by yielding to it. ~ Mark Twain

Feedback is always appreciated.