Okay chapter six of Ouran chat! enjoy! ^^

Kaouru: Wow, bummer.... Lets go on a date!

Starr: What!?

Kaouru: C'mon! Please? Just one date; a double date with Andrea and Hikaru!And I might help you get with Honey again... Maybe.... -smiles-

Starr: -sighs- Fine... One date!

Kaouru: YEAH!! -jumps in mid air and freezes that way-

Starr: Umm, are you okay...?

Kaoru: Nah, I feel like role playing. I'm in a musical!

Starr: Well, that's not creepy at all.

Kaouru: Hehe.

-----------LATER THAT NIGHT-------------

Andrea: I'm glad you guys came. ...But I thought it would be with Honey...What Happend...?

Starr: Well Honey saw me kissing Kaouru and....

Andrea: Wait. What!?! I thought you liked Honey, not Kaoru!

Starr: I do, but... -sighs- I don't know. He probably hates me now... -frowns-

Hikaru and Kouru: -singing American Idiot [by Green Day] on the karaokemachine-

Starr: Oi....

Andrea: Look, don't worry. Honey will forgive you.

Starr: I sure hope so. I really do love him... Sometimes, I wish I could bewith Honey AND Kaoru, you know? At the same time, I mean.

Andrea: I know how you feel

Hikaru & Kaoru: "Well maybe I'm the **, America!"

Andrea: Hikaru! Watch your language! There are two ladies sitting RIGHT. HERE.

Hikaru: -giggles- Sorry, your highness ;P

Starr: You too, Kaoru! Be good or I'll never come on another date with you again!

Kaoru: Okay, I'll be good... We're almost done, anyways.

Hikaru & Kaoru: -come back and sit down with Starr and Andrea-

Hikaru: -kisses Andrea on the cheek- So, what were you two ladies talking about?

Andrea: -blushes- Nothing, really.

Kaoru: -kisses Starr on the cheek-

Starr: -slaps Kaoru-

Kaoru: -rubs cheek, like in the movies- Ow! What was that for?

Starr: For being an idiot!

Andrea: -dies laughing-

Hikaru: Bro, you should take it slower -grins-

Kaouru: -grins nervously- I'll know better next time.

Starr: -mumbling- I'm sorry, it's just... Honey...

Kaoru: I understand. Finish your meal, and I'll drop you off at your house.

Starr: Thanks.

Andrea: Hikaru and I will just stay here...

Hikaru: Actually, I was thinking... Maybe I could go over to your house...?

Andrea: -blushes- Sure...

Hikaru: -grins evilly-

Andrea: Don't make me slap you.

Hikaru: -giggles- Come on, let's go.

WOO cliffhanger! yeehah!!

Kaouru: Ya know i kinda liked that chapter -smiles-

Me: of course you would you went on a date with me!

Kaouru: Tehe.

Me: -Smiles lightly and giggles at him- Goofball..

-Starr-chan ^^