'Move, Puckerman.' Kurt Hummel pushed past Puck who was standing at the door to the bathroom with a pile of jocks.

'Hey, Hummel? Why don't you just go to the girls instead?' one of the jocks lashed out at him, and he just rolled his eyes, trying to get through the boys.

'Hey, Puck. You slept with his mom, right?' whispered someone.

Well, I haven't but there's no harm pretending I did.

'Hey, Hummel. Did I ever tell you I slept with your mom? Yeah, I cleaned your pool then had sex with her on your couch.'

Kurt paused, and turned around, his face white, and suddenly he seemed taller than all of the jocks together.

'Hey, Puckerman,' he said, and all of the jocks recoiled, they had never heard such hate in anyone's voice before. It seemed Puck had hit a nerve, but he was unafraid, and he laughed. Not a wise move. Kurt moved forward so quickly he was in front of Puck, and he looked into his eyes.

'Sure it was only a dream? 'Cause it helps if she wasn't six feet under. Unless you sleep with corpses, and I doubt even you would be that desperate. You necrophiliac.'

He opened the door, and paused, turning to Puck.

'And we don't have a pool.'

Kurt's mom was dead, and it hit Puck like a speeding bullet.

'Sorry,' he muttered, but Hummel was already in the bathroom.