The Violinists' Child

SUMMARY:Tsukimori Harumi, the daughter of the world renowned violinist, Tsukimori Len and the best violin teacher for the children, Tsukimori Kahoko, will take her first step into conquering the world of music by, of course, being born into the world, right? How will things turn out for the violinists' child? Sequel to my fanfiction, Crying for You. R & R!

Pairings:LenxKaho, HarumixOC

DISCLAIMER:I don't own anything. This story is a fictional story. Any real name or situation similar to the story is completely coincidental. The plot is made by me, the facts and the characters are either from the manga and anime.

Chapter 2 –

Harumi's POV

Mom gave me a quick nod and smiled. She sat down on the piano's chair and eyed me. "Harumi, could you play the piece I thought you a few days ago?" She says with her gentle voice. "I am quite sure you've already mastered it." I nodded and I positioned my violin on my chin and I started playing. There was no doubt that I am the child of the two great violinists of their generation, Hino Kahoko, which is now Tsukimori Kahoko as my wonderful, and loving Mom and Tsukimori Len as my protective and accomplished Dad.

My name is Tsukimori Harumi. I am eight years old. I was born with cerulean hair (from my Dad) and a pair of golden orbs (from my Mom).

At the age of three and a half, I received my violin as a birthday present from my parents. I am dignified and honored that I received my music education from accomplished instructors such as my parents. Sometimes, I also take piano lessons from my grandmother, Hamai Misa. People actually call me as a music prodigy like my Dad with my exemplifying not only in my violin skills but also my piano proficiency.

With the last note played, a knock on the door was heard. I jumped in anticipation as I saw my Dad peeping through the glass of the door, smiling gleefully. "Dad," I say as I pull the door the open. "Welcome home." He brought me up to his arms and say, "I'm impressed, Harumi. You're improving a lot." With my arms, I hugged him. He curved his upward in a form of a heartwarming grin and he brought me down.

"Hey." Mom says tenderly as Dad walked up to her and kissed her hand.

"Hey." Dad replies back. He pulled Mom upwards and immediately, she fell into his slender arms. Whenever they do that every single day of my violin practice, they start being mushy and gooey-gooey and I think it's nauseating for an eight-year old girl like me. "Mom, Dad. Please stop being mushy in front of me. I beg of you." I say, covering my eyes with my two empty palms. "Don't ruin my childhood so early, please." Without any further delay, my parents burst out laughing.

"We're sorry, Harumi." Dad says, chuckling. Once again, he brought me up to his arms and looks at me straight in the eyes. "I heard you will partake in another music competition in your school, dear. What is it? My eyes gleamed in delight. I once said that as a young child, I received my music education from my parents who are very renowned and skilled. I grinned widely before saying, "It's a concourse for elementary students, Dad. It will be held three days from now." I say with a hint of satisfaction and merriment in my voice. "I wish I will do well again. I really don't want to disappoint the people who placed high hopes on me."

The satisfaction in my voice suddenly disappeared. Despite being born with renowned and skilled parents, I felt an enormous and unnecessary pressure. It will be terrible if I mess up and stain the family's name. "Don't worry about it, Harumi. I and your Dad believe in you. We know you will do well." Mom says.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad." I mouthed. "Anyway, I am actually hoping that you can see me participate in that competition and a bit of encouragement, enthusiasm and inspiration. But I'm sure you're really busy, right? Maybe Kabuki-san would accompany me again." I expected that they would be extremely busy, as always. Mom is always running around, arranging and organizing local concerts, charity concerts and sometimes recitals with Dad while Dad is most of the time staying overseas for international recitals and concerts. They often spend their time on work however, I am absolutely positive they are doing all of those things for me.

This is just one of those rare opportunities that Dad comes home and stays for approximately three months and eventually leaves again for the rest of the year. I can't blame them, I am sure what they're doing now is to set me a platform and a really bright future.

"We'll see you, Harumi. An invitation was already sent from the academy." Dad said. "Of course, even if they will not send an invitation, we would surely come."

"We are really expecting you play your very best, dear one. Besides, I know that you are training so hard for this competition." Mom said and with those words of encouragement, I definitely felt a wide grin spread across my face. "I extremely appreciate this, Mom, Dad. I love you." I replied with utmost sincerity.


Once the bell school bell rang furiously, I dashed out of my classroom and into the hallways with my violin case at hand. "Uhm, Harumi-chan, please wait for me! I'll just talk with you about something!" A certain male voice called. Stopping from my tracks, I turned around and I quickly identified him. "Oh, Ryuu-kun, is there something I can help you with?" I immediately asked when he was all panting and breathing tiredly. Apparently, he was chasing me since I dashed out of the classroom; he is after all, a really close classmate of mine. Ryuu-kun is one of those limited people whom I call at a first name basis.

"I apologize for bothering you, Harumi-chan. I was wondering. Are you heading instantly to the city auditorium today?" He asked between deep breathing.

I nodded. "Would you care to join me, Ryuu-kun?" I invited, stretching my free hand to touch his. "Kabuki-san will take us there. My parents are surely waiting for me." Ryuu-kun gladly grinned at me and took my extended hand. "My Dad will also be there. He is organizing this charity concert for the children with disability across the town. I would be glad if you would come and attend it, Harumi-chan." He replied enthusiastically.

"I would be honored, Ryuu-kun. Thank you for inviting me. I would also probably ask my parents and join me." I replied. "Oh, wait. There's Kabuki-san." I pointed my finger at the window and I saw a man in black suit smiling at us. I pulled Ryuu-kun with me as we head out and meet Kabuki-san.

"Milady, Harumi-sama, how was school today?" Kabuki-san asked, taking my school backpack from me and placing it inside the car trunk. "I am positive you had enjoyed the day." Kabuki-san led me into the open door of the black car, alongside with Ryuu-kun, who, apparently, is still holding my hand and was acting in a timid fashion. "It was great, Kabuki-san! I perfected our mathematics problems." I said proudly. "Anyway, Kabuki-san, I would like you to meet a classmate of mine. His name is Ryuu, although I should ask an apology to you, Ryuu, because I did not keep in mind how to pronounce your family name." I looked a bit flushed and dejected; however, he just smiled at me.

"It's not a problem. It's really tough to pronounce my family name." He answered. Ryuu-kun turned around and bowed in front of Kabuki-san. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kabuki-san."

Kabuki-san beamed. "I suppose Ryuu-kun will be heading to the auditorium with Harumi-sama." He said. "I will gladly take you there. Please precede inside the car now, milady. Kahoko-sama and Len-sama have been waiting earnestly for your presence.

"So, how is your practice coming, Ryuu-kun?" I asked while we drive our way to the city auditorium.

Ryuu-kun is also participating in the school music competition two days from now. He is the one and only child of the world-renowned pianist across Asia and some parts of Europe and Australia, Tsuchiura Ryotarou-san. I believe so because he is an extremely amazing in playing the piano. However, because of my lack of importance to some things, like I said a few moments ago, I didn't keep in mind how to say his commendable and affluent family name.

"It's going great. I am certain that the music competition will be another challenging yet thrilling experience. Don't you agree? How about your practice? I am also convinced you are doing an astounding job." He replied and I chuckled in return. "Honestly, I still have a long way to go but I will definitely bring my best out on the competition. My mom used to tell me to keep on playing music as long as I enjoy and appreciate music. They say it brings out the best possible performance when you play the music with your heart's music sheet." I said.

"That's marvelous, Harumi-chan." He responded. "My dad was telling me of stories when he was still a high school student. Apparently, he joined a music competition and he met this remarkable lady who plays the violin with a carefree approach of playing in the course of that concourse and I can't help but wonder why those words ring a bell. He wouldn't say who is that lady. Anyway, I would really love to meet such people who create an untroubled music. They are great inspirations for the wide world of music."

From the driver's seat, I heard Kabuki-san chuckle in amusement and shot us a grin. "We're approaching the auditorium now, Milady."

"Oh, thank you so much for driving us here, Kabuki-san. I am indebted." I replied.


"Mom, Dad!" I squealed excitedly as I came running to them while the sit on the front row of the auditorium. "I'm so glad to see you." They gave me a slight titter and an upward beam and hugged me tightly. "Harumi, there is someone we would like you to meet. He's a classmate of ours during high school and basically, he is an accomplished pianist, composer, a foremost organizer of major concerts and the owner of the company who manufactures the best musical instruments in the country." Mom explained. I questioned her in extreme enthusiasm. I must be really privileged to meet such people right now.

"May I ask who is he? I am so privileged to meet him." I said. "Although, why should I meet him the first place?"

"Well, we thought that since I and Kahoko are constantly organizing and attending both profitable and charity concerts in and out of the country, we decided to ask him to merge as with us." Dad explained. "We thought that it would be considerably better if you, our child, would come with us across the globe for music and have your debut as a solo child violinist but also as a duet with his child."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you guys would go through all this trouble for my sake!" I chirped gleefully, blissfully. It's beyond imagination that my happiness is really flowing. Finally, it has always been my dream to be a world-renowned violinist with a stable career among those affluent musicians around the world. It's a dream come true. It's really too good to be true. I wanted to cry in extreme happiness. "Thank you so much, Mom, Dad. This is the best gift I have ever received in my entire life, well, apart from being born, that is. But anyway, thank you, really. I couldn't possibly think of any other ways to thank you."

"What would you like me to do to repay this beyond kindness that my most important people have given me?" I added. "I could do chores at home, I could cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, I could sweep the floor, I will do whatever."

I must have a silly expression on my face as of this moment. My parents could not help but to chuckle every after word I have muttered. "Okay, oh, wait—where's Ryuu-kun?"

"Ryuu-kun?" Both my parents asked in unison.

"Oh, he is a close friend and classmate of mine. He's the son of the pianist, Tsuchiura Ryotarou-san. He said he was supposed to meet his father here. I wonder where in the world he went." I said. "He must have seen his Dad already, what do you think?"

"Ah! Harumi-chan!" Ryuu-kun bellowed slightly from the stage. "There you are. I was looking for you all over the place. Kabuki-san told me that you ran off carelessly from the car when we stopped. I was worried." I laughed, as always, Ryuu-kun is the ever-caring, worrisome friend I ever had in my entire life. "Speak for yourself, Ryuu-kun. I was also worried about you." I replied then I immediately spun around. "Mom, Dad that was Ryuu-kun. The one I was mentioning a little bit ago. He's a pianist and he will be joining the competition two days from now."

"Haha, small world, eh?"

"We can evidently see that, Ryou."

A man with dark green hair emerged from the backstage wearing a white polo and black slacks. He waved energetically at my parents who returned it with smiles and small waves of greetings. "I didn't expect you know the Tsukimori daughter, Ryuu." He muttered as he brought Ryuu-kun on his shoulders. "Well, Harumi-chan is my classmate and she is a magnificent violinist. I seriously admire her talents." He said, his face turned a slight shade of pink. "Anyway, I am honored to finally meet the legendary violinists of their generation. I am very pleased to meet you, Tsukimori Len-san, Tsukimori Kahoko-san."

"That's quite a dashing son of yours, Ryou." My parents commented and chuckled afterwards. "We're pleased to meet you, too."

"Oh, and Harumi. He is the one we are talking about a little while ago. And his son, Tsuchiura Ryuu-kun, will be your partner in your duet debut. I hope I made myself clear." Dad said.

"Crystal clear, Dad." I said, and I really felt happier than before. "Oh, it's a privilege to also meet you here, Tsuchiura Ryotarou-san." And to be honest, I find it hard to pronounce his last name. Forgive me, dear heavens.


Author's Note: Welcome back, me! :) Hurray for my first update of the year. ^_^ I humbly apologize for my absence. Really. I missed everyone. :D I also have a hard time pronouncing Tsuchiura-kun's last name. :) Lalalalalalala~ Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. :) Reviews are highly appreciated. :D

***miyakOoO-chan. :]