To my devoted reader/fan of "So Close",

I'm so glad you like my story (ies) enough to put up with me and still send in reviews.

Thank you very much for that.

Before you say anything about the long hiatus, I will hopefully be coming back very soon. I have pretty much had the worst year of my life and hopefully 2011 will be better for me. It's one of my biggest New Year's resolutions: To get my butt back on FF and WRITE SOMETHING. I haven't been able to write for a long time, so I'm giving myself a month (January) to re-read the MR books, write a couple of samples, do some writing exercises, to get back on track, because I don't want to come back and write a chapter that is unlike my usual writing style.

In February, the 7th book is coming out, so I MIGHT wait for that.

So, overall, sometime towards the middle of February, you will get new chapters (with less AN's).

Thank you so very much for putting up with me and 6 months without any news.

I respect you all so much for that.

The Winged Wonder.

(Also, those who got these in their inboxes, please disregard it. I had to post this as a chapter because I wanted the reader's who didn't allow PMing to be aware of this also.)