I do not own Inuyasha.




"I have to run, I can't stay here. I just can't take it anymore. I know what I have to do. I have to get away from Inuyasha. Inuyasha, you have betrayed me for the last time. I'll go get Shippo and leave. I'll return home first to tell my mother good-bye and that I won't be coming back." Kagome thought as she ran from the scene of Inuyasha and Kikyo mating. Kagome ran to Keade's village to get Shippo.

Kagome burst through the forest line yelling, "Shippo let's go!"

Shippo's head snapped towards the woman he thought of as a mother. "Where are we going momma?"

She stopped in front of him and told him, "We are going to my time so I can get some supplies, and then we are going to travel on our own. Is that okay with you, honey?"

Shippo was jumping excitedly, "Yes momma, I'm happy as long as I'm with you but what about Sango and Miroku?"

Sango and Miroku, who had heard their dear friend yelling, had come out of the hut to join them. "We heard everything. Do what you have to Kagome and always remember we love you."

Kagome sagged in relief saying, "Thank you Sango and Miroku. Well, come on Shippo, we need to go before Inuyasha comes back." With that, she picked up her big, yellow pack. Shippo jumped on her shoulder. Kagome was holding the tears at bay while telling them good-bye and how much she would miss them.

Miroku told her in a comforting way, "I'm sure we will see each other again, Lady Kagome. Good-bye until then."

Kagome gave a watery smile and waved over her shoulder before she ran to the well with Shippo on her shoulder. She didn't even stop when she got there; she just jumped right in.

Kagome jumped out of the well in her time with Shippo on her shoulder.

Shippo looked around with wide eyes, "Is this your time momma?"

Kagome looked at her son proudly and stated, "Yes Shippo, it is. Are you ready?"

Shippo was almost bursting at the seams with excitement to see what was outside of the well house as he nodded enthusiastically. Kagome gave Shippo a handkerchief with her scent on it to cover his mouth and nose, then she covered his ears to prepare him for the smells and sounds he would be exposed to once they left the well-house. Then, she ran to the house.

Kagome walked into her home, removed her shoes, and called out, "Mom, Souta, Grandpa, I'm home and I have someone I want you to meet."

She heard her mother respond, "Okay dear, I'm in the kitchen."

Kagome walked into the kitchen and gave her mother a hug. While introducing Shippo, she explained, "Mom this is Shippo my adopted son."

Her mother smiled gently at the child that had managed to hide himself behind Kagome, "Oh my, he is just too cute. Hello sweetheart you can call me Mrs. H."

Shippo shyly peaked out from behind Kagome, his little nose twitching taking in the older lady's scent. Shyly, he said, "Hello, are you my new grandma?"

Mrs. H smiled gently and said 'yes'. A little boy came running into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Kagome. He exclaimed excitedly, "Sis, your back! I'm so happy. How long will you be here?"

Kagome sighed, "Just tonight, then Shippo and I will leave."

Souta looked to the small demon clinging to his sister's leg, "So, this is my nephew?"

Kagome smiled brightly, nodding her head while suggesting. "Souta, why don't you take Shippo to your room with you guys can play a game?"

Souta looked at Kagome, then back to Shippo before nodding. They both ran out of the kitchen to go play.

Mrs. H looked at her daughter worriedly. Her daughter had never brought another demon, other than Inuyasha, home before. Also by Kagome's appearance, she looked like she had rushed here to get away from something. "Kagome, are you okay? Where is Inuyasha?"

Kagome gave her mother a half smile. "Mom, I'm fine and I've decided not to travel with Inuyasha anymore."

Mrs. H took her daughter in her arms in a hug. "Oh sweetheart, what happened?"

Kagome sighed and looked away. "I caught him mating Kikyo."

Mrs. H's eyes widened. "Oh my, well if you will be traveling with just you and Shippo I guess it's time you knew the truth about our family," she finished with a gentle smile.

Curious now, Kagome asked "What do you mean mom?" Her head tilted to the side in a cute way, almost as if she where a confused child.

With no other way to go about it Mrs. H took the direct route. It was about time to tell her daughter anyways. "Kagome, dear, we are not human."

Kagome gasped, "What are we then?"

Mrs. H sighed while explaining, "We are fox demons, and after meeting Shippo, I now know why you adopted him so easily."

Kagome tilted her head again, "I'm a miko though."

Mrs. H smiled at this, "You are a miko-demoness the only one of your kind. You also are not Kikyo's reincarnation."

Kagome looked at her mother with wide eyes, "I'm not? Then, whose am I?"

Mrs. H, who was very happy to give out this bit of information, stated, "You are Midoriko's reincarnation."

Kagome gasped, "I am? Wow. How come my fox demon form has never been released? Is it because of my miko powers? How come my senses aren't like that of a demon? How come Inuyasha couldn't tell and is there anything else I should know?"

Mrs. H smiled while shaking her head, "Your father placed a seal on you when you were a baby, that is why your fox demon form has never been released and it's also why your senses are only that of a human's. Your father made the seal strong enough so that no other demons could tell what you were through your aura or scent. The only ones that could unseal you are your father and myself. That's all I know dear. I do have a request." Kagome nodded her head for her mother to continue.

Mrs. H spoke, hoping that her daughter would accept her next words. "I want you to stay here for a month and train before you go back. I already know someone that will train you with your miko and demon powers. I will release your seal after this talk."

Kagome worried her lower lip, "I don't want Inuyasha to come and get me though."

Mrs. H shook her head, "The person training you will be able to seal the well so he can't get through. They will unseal it when you are ready to return. I must tell you though, once I release your seal and you go back through the well you will not be able to return. Sweetheart, I've known for awhile that you don't belong in this time. You are happier there than you are here."

Kagome's eyes widened. She would never be able to return once she crossed over to the feudal era. The news stunned her. She knew she would miss her mother dearly, but if she were a demon, she'd be able to live long enough to see her again. Still worrying her lip, Kagome asked, "Are you sure mom?"

"Yes dear, I will miss you but all I want is for you to be happy." Mrs. H said with a gentle smile and knowing look. Kagome threw her arms around her mother saying 'thank you' over and over again. Mrs. H smiled happily and hugged her daughter back, taking that as a yes. Then, she shooed Kagome off to tell Shippo. Kagome took off upstairs with a huge grin on her face, while her mother was shaking her head and picking up the phone to call her friend.

Kagome knocked on Souta's door before walking in. "Shippo, will you be okay with us staying here for a month?"

Shippo looked up from the game with a smile. "Yes momma."

Mrs. H stood at the bottom of the stairs and called, "Kagome dear, can you come down here?" Without a word, Kagome ran back downstairs to her mother.

Mrs. H was standing by a lady Kagome had never seen before. "Kagome this is Luna; she will be training you."

Kagome smiled at the lady and, with a bow, stated, "Hello, it's nice to meet you and thank you for training me."

Luna smiled gently at the young miko, "The pleasure is all mine, Kagome. Shall we go ahead and seal the well so that Inuyasha can't come here." Kagome nodded her head enthusiastically, so they made their way to the well and sealed it.

Once the well was sealed, Luna looked to Mrs. H. "Mrs. H, I believe it is time to unseal Kagome's demon side."

Mrs. H smiled, "I believe you are right. This won't hurt at all dear." Kagome nodded and stood perfectly still for her mother. Mrs. H's hands began to glow a light blue. She placed one on Kagome's head and the other on her heart. They stayed that way for five minutes.

Once done, Mrs. H sighed after seeing her daughter unsealed for the first time in a very long time. "All done, would you like to go see what you look like Kagome?"

With a huge smile and a nod, they all went inside and to Kagome's room. When Kagome saw herself her jaw dropped. Kagome hair was still black but she now had pale blue streaks in it, pale blue fox ears sat atop her head, a black fox tail with pale blue streaks through it, fangs, and claws. Her eyes were light blue with a silver ring in it. She also had a silver stripe on each cheek, wrist, ankle, and hip. As well as a pink sphere on her forehead, much like the Shikon Jewel she guarded. Her figure was also curvier.

When they went down to dinner everyone was happy with Kagome's new look and told her so. Luna told Kagome her training would begin in the morning and her son would be helping her. Kagome nodded in agreement. With everything said and done, they bid each other farewell.

Inuyasha glared at the well and his friends, "Why the hell can't I get through? Why the fuck did you guys even let her go?"

Sango, who was ready to smack Inuyasha, yelled, "Don't take that tone with me, you jerk. I'm going for a walk." She glared at him before she promptly walked away.

Miroku sighed, once again having to state the obvious, "Inuyasha, I believe Kagome saw you with Kikyo and sealed the well. She no longer wants to travel with you. She took Shippo with her, so it's safe to say she will be back. We just have to wait and see what she has to say."

Inuyasha grumbled but relented, "Feh, I'll give her six weeks to return and then we are going to set out again."

Miroku smiled, "Thank you."

Inuyasha, who was already running back towards the forest, threw a 'whatever' over his shoulder.

This is the first chapter's redo. I would like to thank my awesome beta Smortz for helping me with this story.