The beginning of everything:

Authors note: This story well, I am not too sure about it. Its a what if there was a little brother on the little sister crew and with that this story is born. I hope you guys enjoy it. Its set on the course of the very very beginning of the game of Bioshock.

7:00 am Rapture:

It was too early in the morning, many people in the Olympus heights haven't woken up yet.

In the Mercury suits there was one person that wasn't sleeping.

In a couples bedroom there was a click on the door as it slowly and quietly opened, a shadow crept into the room, a figure quietly and quickly entered, walked to the desk, opened a huge

drawer and took out a box before running out and closing the door.

Entering in the room next to the couples bedroom.

The figure smiled with success as he held the box, the figure is that of a very young boy, around eight or seven, his hair short blond, pale skin, his eyes are very peculiar, one eye is a deep

blue, the other a pretty chocolate brown color.

Smiling he looked at the box, it said "Audio diary recorder, its your close and personal friend", it had a picture of the audio recorder on it.

"Now its going to become my friend" though the boy as he quickly opened the box and took out the contraption.

His dad worked as some big shot scientist, the pay is good, but what caught the boys attention is that his father always uses these audio recorders, the boy always wanted one and now

it was his chance.

Watching it the boy pressed the audio record button and as a test run he said

"Hello? is this thing on?.... okay since the box said that you were a close and personal friend I guess you should get to know me better, my name is Ryan like Andrew Ryan, only its not my

last name and Andrew is not my name. Me, mommy and dad came here to hide from war, my dad works as a scientist, my mom doesn't work. Recently she doesn't look like my mom, my

dad says she is 'splicing up' and no make up can cover it, whatever splicing up means".

Ryan stopped,

"I wonder if it recorded" he said then pressed the play button, it played:

"Hello? is this thing on?.... okay since the box said that you were a close and personal friend I guess you should get to know me better, my name is Ryan like Andrew Ryan, only its not my

last name and Andrew is not my name. Me, mommy and dad came here to hide from war, my dad works as a scientist, my mom doesn't work. Recently she doesn't look like my mom, my

dad says she is 'splicing up' and no make up can cover it, whatever splicing up means"

"Wow it works just like the commercial said" said Ryan as he hid the audio diary under his bed, his dad won't miss it, he thinks..

9:00 am, Rapture:

The morning was more noticeable, there was a smell of breakfast in the air, Ryan sat down on the table, wiggles his toes then looked at his mom.

His mother is very very beautiful woman from Italy, her eyes are a pretty brown, olive skin, red hair, today she wore a lot of make up, it made her look like a clown.

She brought a plate of pancakes and gave it to Ryan, short stack with strawberries and maple syrup, just like he like it.

Ryan dig in hungrily, his father entered the room and gave him a pat on the head.

His dad is a Russian, he always tells Ryan that the smartest people in the world came or comes from Russia, he has blond hair like Ryan does, green eyes.

Ryan asked him why he has one eye one color the other eye another, his dad always tells Ryan that its because of his genetics and leaves it there.

"Daniel" said Ryan's mother greeting her husband,

"Rachael" said Daniel greeting his wife.

Everyday Daniel and Rachael would have an argument because of Adam, he want's her to stop using Adam but she complains that she needs it to be beautiful.

Adam, the newest sensation in Rapture, it was discovered a month ago and it became a medical wonder.

"Its your turn to take Ryan to work" said Rachael,

"I know" said Daniel as he put on his coat.

Ryan looked, this was going to be a long day.

10:00 Fontain solucion:

"Ryan keep up with me" said Daniel as he walked to his office,

"Okay dad" said Ryan, he was dressed in cream color pants, white shirt over a blue vest, blue, his favorite color.

His father stopped to great a woman.

One thing that Daniel taught Ryan well is that no woman no matter how old she is or how she looks isn't pretty, all woman are pretty as long as their nice.

"Oh who is this nice young gentlemen?" she asked with her accent,

"That is my son, Ryan" said Daniel,

"Hello" greeted Ryan,

"Hello little one, my name is Brigid Tenenbaum" the woman greeted with her thick German accent,

"I am Ryan, but you probably knew that" said Ryan,

"Hahaha your a very funny little boy now aren't you" said Tenenbaum laughing a bit.

They continued talking about something, Ryan got bored and noticed his dad and that Tenenbaum lady were too busy talking to notice him so.

Carefully and quietly Ryan slip off to see the entire building.

2:00 pm, Fountain solutions:

"I have never been to these parts before" though Ryan as he walked higher and higher up the building, looking around he saw most of the doors were closely shut and locket.

There was one door in particular that attracted Ryan's attention, it said restricted,

"Hum" said Ryan as he looked at the lock, remembering his father was talking about some code,

"I wonder if it will open it" though Ryan as he began to put the numbers in, first slot was 5, then 3, then 4, then 0 and finally 5.

The lock click open, a cold draught escaped the room, made Ryan shiver.

He peeked in the room, it was dark, entering it low green lights click on revealing a huge tube.

Ryan has seen those before, his father calls them Vita-chambers, but only empty, this one was full.

Inside was a man of some sort, bigger than his father, had a diver suit.

"What is this?" Ryan asked out loud, suddenly a light turned on inside of the diver's helmet.

Ryan gasped in amazement

"A super hero" he said amazed, this man was staring at him,

"Hello" greeted Ryan, he didn't answer,

"Are you a super hero?" asked Ryan.

The man didn't answer then

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" shouted a voice, looking behind Ryan saw the security officer, he screamed at the officer before running away,

"HEY COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!" shouted the officer as he chased Ryan out the room.

The man in the vita-chamber looked then for the first time he though


To be continued....