Disclaimer, I own nothing an I am doing this for my own amusement not to make money.

The North Atlantic, 1945

In the darkened hull of a US troop transport plane came the sounds to a new broadcast, the cheerful upbeat tone of the music felt alien in a place full of soldiers who were leading on the most important mission of their lives.

"Flash! This is the news that allied world has been waiting for!" came the announces voice over the speaker, his voice soft as he sat state side thousands of miles away. "The battle for Berlin has ended and German is expected to surrender in the coming days. After 12 years and 3 months Hitlers campaign has ended."

"An what of these reports of a Nazi superweapon aimed directly at Washington? Miltary sources say there is no such thing an we believe them. So to all of our G.I's out there we wish you a speedy return home"

"God damn it, will you turn that thing off!" came a voice of a soldier who had decided that they had heard enough of this broadcast. "Like any of us need to thinking of home at a time like this" this time his voice had softened as he lowered his head an started directly at the metal panel below his feet. The hull was silent as no one had the heart to speak, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the engines propelling the tin can across the sky

"Say sourkroutt" came a young mans voice as he held his camera up an took a picture of the scowling soldier

"Jesus Christ Barnes, here we are on a suicide mission an all you can do is take pictures. Don't you realise that we are gonna die down there"

"Nazis wiring you Dollars or Deutschmarks to lower Allied morale Kowalski, because its really working" came the young photographer Barnes towards his superior officer

"Kid, morale could not be any lower if my mother in law was here. Did you just sleep through that mission briefing? A Nazi superweapon is down there in a fortified stronghold with elite Nazi soldiers guarding it. What part of that scenario makes you think that our morale should be anywhere higher than freezing point right about now?"

"Ah jeez Kowalski! Hows about the fact that we have our very own super weapon right up here wise guy?" came Barnes in retort to his comrades negative statement

"What you mean that costumed clown that is paraded around by the recruitment folks? What age do you think we are that some 'Super-Soldier' is actually gonna do the stuff that you people write about? You mark my words, he is gonna die down there just like the rest of us grunts" came Kowalski his words full of venom, not a Barnes or any other soldier but at the situation he presently found himself in.

"Hey Jimmy, do you mind telling these guys that not once in the three years I have been doing these special operations have a lost a crew an to really hammer it home, all you fine gentlemen are invited to my impending nuptials" came a voice towards the back of the hull. There alone sat a man who standing would probably be around 6 foot 2, he wore the regulation boots, combat pants, and helmet. However his jacket had white an red stripes along the midsection an on his chest was a large S. On top of his helmet was a bright white star and he wore googles and a mask over the top part of his face. There were two straps over his back which connected to a shield which he had slung over his back.

The lights in the hull switched from white to red signalling that they were 1 minute out from their destination. The strange man stood up from his seat and slid a picture into the inner left breast pocket for safe keeping "One minute out men, get ready"

"How is that guy gonna help us? He doesn't even have a parachute?" asked Kowalski

"Haven't you even read one of the articles?" asked Barnes already seeing the answer in his friends facial expression. "Super-Soldier doesn't use parachutes, he says they are for girls"

With that Kowalskis face and a few others turned to shock at the revelation as to what their great american hero felt towards using a parachute. He may have thought they were for girls but they were not lunatics.

Iceland, 06.00 Hours

Exactly as scheduled 1 by 1 the men jumped out of the planes, their bodies falling towards the ground below. Even over the rapid wind they could hear the sound of sirens sounding in the distance. The Nazis had spotted them an were no doubt preparing a warm welcome for them.

The sky was soon filled with armed soldier parachuting, the Nazis soon opened fire as the Americans approached the trenches. The soldiers that made it to the ground in one piece ran for whatever cover they could find as machine gun fire hailed down all around them. Cannon shells flew through the air, at time colliding with bodies and blowing them to pieces.

Unable to storm the front gate directly due to it being too well fortified the soldiers elected for a strategic retreat. The barrage of bullets and shells didn't let up for a moment as Kowalski soon found himself blown off his feet with the wind knocked out of him. Jimmy soon found him an dragged him to cover.

"Where is your superman now Barnes, we are getting creamed down here" came Kowalski as if looking for some last measure of defiance to prove that his optimistic friend had indeed been wrong.

Jimmys ears soon hear the sound of engines as he looked up see his plane racing across the sky aimed directly at the stronghold doors an their heavy artillery. "Here he comes"

"Is he crazy?" responded Kowalski as he saw there there was very little time for the recruitment poster boy to jump out or he would either die in the crash or the fire afterwards. "Hes gotta jump"

But he never did, the plane riddled with holes from bullets and cannon shells had arrived at its destination. The impact knocked back the heavily fortified fortress doors as well as armoured fortifications which had previous held the main focus of the artiliary.

The american paratroopers approcahed the crash site cautiously, witnesses the flames slowly engulf the metal skeleton of the plane. Those in attendance of the religious persuasion offered their prayers to the departed captain an that his soul be welcomed into heaven.

The side of the plane then burst outward, the soldiers had fought it was just some spare ammo that exploded an caught them off guard. However there in the flames stood a living breathing Super Soldier who hadn't even received a scratch.

"Well ladies what are you waiting for Christmas? Lets take this dump!" commanded the Champion of America as he raised his shield with the colours of home high above his head rallying the troops behind him as the stormed the fortress.

Super Solider took point on the mission as the soldiers attempted to hold him back with machine gun fire. The shells however just bounced off his chest as he looked at the guns concentrating his heat vision on the barrels melting them closed. The soldiers attempted to run to alert the rest of the forces.

Super Solider increased his speed, moving faster than the others could see, swiftly catching up to them and rendering them unconscious. As they continued to move from room to room of the expansive building Super Soldier attempted to locate the main launch site only to find that the walls had been lined with lead. Who ever is in charge here must have anticipated my arrival he thought as they came up to the entrance of the main hall.

As they entered quietly Captain Clark Kent saw the towering structure of a missle directly in the middle of what was once a dining hall. He walked out from behind cover only to gather the attention of some minor soldiers who he left for other soldiers in his charge as he took flight across the room to what looked like the command centre for the whole operation.

As he landed he saw several scientists eagerly typing away on various computers while being assisted by strange bipedal creatures. They stood at between 7 to 8 feet tall, their skin resembling that of a crabs carapace armour. With strange white glows through out segments of their bodies.

"Guten Morgen, Super Soldier" came a voice from the shadows. Standing there was a man of about 5 foot 9, dressed in the regulation Nazi officer uniform complete with a red Swastika armband on his left arm. The skin on his face was gaunt revealing the bones underneath his skin which was a sickeningly green colour.

"Green Skull, I am surprised that you would be here, considering that Hitler has been killed an the rest of the german military forces are surrendering to the allied world as we speak"

"Fool!! Take a look around, do you actually think that this has anything to do with Heir Hitler?" the mad man laughed at his nemesis

"Surrender now Green Skull, you know that you are no match for me, the rest of your men are either dead or captured. Do not throw your life away" commanded Super Soldier as he approached the Green Skull.

"You patriotic idiot, I was expecting you to come here. The walls are lined with lead to slow you down. But you are right, I may not be able to stand against you but he can"

With that a large metallic beast arouse from behind Green Skull, it must have stood about 10 feet all. Its 'skin' looked to be of some unknown metal as it approached Americas Champion its steps left large dents in the solid stone ground. It had a metallic skull for a head along with a large swastika painted on its chest, with a strange green rock glowing in the centre.

As the metallic marauder approached Super Soldier began to feel weaker and weaker till it felt like his blood was boiling beneath his skin. The veins on his hands became more pronounced an they shock violently as he struggled to regain control.

"What is wrong Captain? Not feeling so Super now are you? Hahahah!!" came Green Skulls voice as he witnessed the most powerful man on the planet be brought to his knees

The metallic brute swung its large fist at his smaller opponent, sending his body flying back 10 feet almost nearing the edge of the platform. "Wha... what have you done to me?" asked Super Soldier feeling some of his strength return now that he was further from his robotic opponent but not nearly at full strength

"Me? I have done nothing, you should blame those fools at Washington. They used the alien DNA that they found to create your superman formula, combined it with Vita-ray therapy to bond it with your own genetic make up but they failed to take into consideration the strange meteors which had landed at around the same time"

"Meteors? What are you talking about?" asked the Captain as he tried to stay on step a head of his opponent so as not to receive another blow.

"These" said Green Skull as he held a small chunk of glowing rock similar to one located in the robots chest. "Of unknown origin but I suspect they came from the same world as the alien, an quite remarkable really. To normal humans they can cause all sorts of mutations, a shame really that you will not see my own supermänner. However to anyone with the DNA of that alien race its rays are like poison or in this case power my metallic juggernaut!!."

Clark got the idea, the rock in the robots chest was robbing him of his powers and he needed so why to block the rays. If his ability to see through objects was hindered by lead then it must be able to block other forms of energy. He quickly searched the command centre, all the while dodging blows from the relentless metallic monster. He finally found a piece, he held it arms length long enough to heat his with his heat vision before charging at the cruel construct, their bodies colliding suddenly as Super Soldier felt the last of strength leave him.

However it was only temporary as he soon stood up the rocks rays were blocked and Green Skulls rock was too far away to be of any effect. The missile on the other hand had already left the silo as it was launched during the battle.

In hot pursuit of the rocket, Super Soldier took flight into the air, he was not at full strength but fought as hard as he could to will his body to fly faster. He was closing in on the rocket when he felt something grab his leg, he turned around an saw his robot opponents vice like grip pressing down on his ankle.

"Not you again" stated the Captain as he tried to shake the metallic foe. The two started to fight over the ocean as the rocket sped towards Washington. As the two exchanged blows Super Soldier soon got the upper hand as he used his heat vision to blast off the robots jet pack sending it to a cold watery grave below.

He soon resumed his chase for the rock, as his strength and speed returned under the bright lights of the sun it only took him a fraction of the time. He was unfamiliar with the design an rather than disarm the bomb he used his heat vision to cause it to explode. He attempted to fly away however the shockwave from the explosion caused him to weave of course, the smoke filled his lungs with some strange green gas which caused him to choke. He felt his powers leave his body as began to fall towards the water below. They never found his body.

Two years later he was officially declared dead, with a large ceremony held at Washington with a large memorial erected in the city park and a painting in the white house in honour of all the work he had done to turn the tide of the war.

A/N: Readers please review an if you have any questions just drop me an email