Hi guys, this is a really short chapter I wrote a while back.

I'm not entirely happy submitting it but I'm doing it so that you know I haven't given up on it.

Updates will be few and far between since I don't have too much free time lately.

As always, I don't own anything relating to Fullmetal Alchemist, other than my keychains.

The basin slowly filled with warm water as Roy prepared to rid himself of the sticky coffee, that he had abruptly dumped out on himself when he had sneezed. He gathered the soap and a washcloth in order to wipe his bandaged right hand which Riza had so carefully attended to. Roy submerged the washcloth in the water, watching it drift down to the bottom as he took of his stained damp shirt.

Roy fished the submerged cloth out of the basin and awkwardly squeezed out the excess liquid. He carefully placed the cloth on the edge of the basin before reaching for the soap and rubbing it on the cloth. He clumsily lathered the cloth with his uninjured hand, then began washing himself taking care not to wet his bandaged hand.

Riza lay down on the bed in the room, exhausted from the little bit of exertion, still not fully recovered. She found her thoughts drifting to Roy and wondering if he was alright. She had heard him go into the bathroom and wondered if he was managing without using his right hand. She sat up, trying to decide whether or not to offer him assistance…Roy was independent and hated asking for help. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and made her way to the bathroom.

The door stood ajar, Riza gave it a small push and it swung open easily. Roy stood before the basin clumsily wringing the excess water from the cloth. Hearing the door open he turned to see Riza standing in the doorway.

Riza felt the heat in her face as she flushed slightly. She had seem Roy without his shirt on numerous times before, but somehow this time seemed different. She only hoped that the colour on her face didn't give her blush away, and that Roy would merely think it to do with her health. She made her way towards him.

"Here, let me help. I'm sure it's awkward to do this with only one hand", she said as she gently took the cloth from his hand. She immersed the cloth in the water and lathered it before tenderly wiping Roy's right arm.

Roy watched as Riza worked meticulously to rid him of the sticky coffee spots that he could not reach himself, with only the one hand to work with. He found himself seeing her in a different light, than the usual strict, no nonsense lieutenant. He now found himself seeing her as a soft, kind-hearted, beautiful woman. Though he had known that about her for years, this was the first time he was seeing it with regard to himself.

A/N: Like I said at the top, updates will be very random, but this was just to let you know I'm still here.

Please review and give me your opinions, constructive ones are appreciated :)