He loved the game. It had been going on since the moment they met. The rush of the chase, the mental challenges, the rhymes and riddles that satisfied his need for deduction and the challenge of a mental equal for his opponent. It was all they could have asked for. There was nothing as intoxicating as a spirited rivalry with high stakes, mental gymnastics, and twisting tests, constant attempts at one-uppance.

When he got the next hint, however, he felt confused. Everything he thought it might connect to made no sense. There was no precious gem that matched the description on the card, yet it couldn't be a fake. He knew KID's handwriting, and no one else he had ever met had been able to write such infuriating hints. The closest thing Shinichi could make of it was that perhaps the thief who had been leading him on rooftop chases for so many months wasn't after a gem this time, but something else, something that had meaning to him alone. It was frustrating. He thought he should know what the note meant, but he couldn't figure it out. KID practically wrote his warnings for Shinichi these days, counting on the detective's extensive knowledge and personal experiences to uncover the truth. This message was entirely opaque.

"What does he mean, 'and in the moon's light all's revealed'? It's going to be at the Tokyo tower, but beyond that it makes no sense…" Shinichi set down the rectangular piece of paper that had found its way into his morning paper. He didn't want to think too closely about how it had appeared. That would mean acknowledging that the thief both knew his schedule, and where he lived, which went a bit far obsession wise. He would be waiting for him regardless. It had surprised him that the note hadn't been announced to the public. It seemed that for once it was a message just for him.

Very well. He would take the challenge. In a way he was looking forward to not having the interruption of the police and fans for once. They were distracting, and he would rather have a face to face confrontation anyway. It was what made their confusing relationship fun. He laughed at a sudden thought. What would Ran say if she knew that his third best friend was a thief whose face he had never seen? Try explaining that one to the people who knew him. They would think he'd lost his sense of justice. But what real harm was a thief who returned what he stole when compared to murderers? It was all a game after all.

He finished his coffee, shoving away the paper and went to make preparations for the confrontation. He wasn't going in unprepared. He'd been gassed one too many times for his comfort.

Kaito grinned as he fixed his hat securely on his head. He was practically vibrating from excitement. Shinichi had gotten his message, and of course he would come. He couldn't help but wonder if his favorite detective had made any headway on the confusing labyrinth of a riddle he had left him. He supposed he would find out depending on how he reacted to the confrontation.

It had taken a long time to realize just why he liked his tantei-kun so much. He had been an interesting challenge as Conan, and when he came back as Shinichi, it was a whole new challenge, the same mind, but in a body that could keep up that much faster. It had disturbed him a bit to realize that he had taken to staring at the detective's butt when he wasn't looking or noticing that his stomach did flips when Shinichi grinned or when his face was flushed from exertion. But he had more than accepted it by this point. He quite liked how Shinichi made him feel.

He glanced at his watch as he double checked that everything was in place. Now, three…two…one, show time. The maniacal grin that made most sane people want to run in the other direction grew in full glory on his face. Tantei-kun was going to have an interesting response regardless of how this night turned out.

Shinichi knew the second KID arrived. It was as if the air gained a special charge and all his senses narrowed to the white figure in front of him. "KID," he said calmly. The usual insane smile was on the thief's face, and he wondered what chaos it meant this time.

"I'm glad that you made it Tantei-kun. I suppose it isn't that surprising though. You haven't let me down before." He tipped his hat in the detective's direction.

"What do you want KID? It's not like there are jewels to steal on top of Tokyo tower." Shinichi didn't like to admit his ignorance, but if he didn't it was likely they would just dance around the topic until he snapped. And it was worth trying to ask, though he didn't expect a straight answer.

"Tantei-kun, Tantei-kun~," KID sighed. "I expected better of you." There was laughter in his voice, and Shinichi wondered the sincerity of the words. Then he remembered who he was talking to and threw all reason and logic out the window. It didn't help much in the long run when the thief was involved. "Well, think of it this way, what day is today?"

"June twenty-sixth?"

"The full moon, Tantei-kun. And what did I say would happen in the moonlight?"

"That all would be revealed." Shinichi frowned. "But what do you mean all will be revealed? Did you honestly go through all this trouble just to talk?"

"Is that such an unpleasant concept?" KID relaxed, putting his hands on his hips. "Tantei, we have been playing in the moonlight for over two years now. I've helped you with your Crows a time or two, and you have both helped and hindered me numerous times, knowingly or not, in my own goals. I would like to think that I'm entitled to a bit of a chat if I want to." He smiled, but it wasn't the crazy one he usually wore. Almost unconsciously, he started playing with a deck of cards. "I thought it was time you learned a bit about me since I know all about you." The smile was now closer to a leer, and Shinichi had to stop himself from stepping backwards in apprehension.

"Why share with me? I think Hakuba is more desperate than I am to find out your motives from your mouth. I would rather figure it out on my own."

"Tantei-kun," KID said, now sounding slightly disgusted. "If I were interested in telling Hakuba-san my reasons for being a thief, I would tell him. He thinks too much in black and white. You at least appreciate that the world is shades of gray. There is evil and good, but sometimes you have to bend the rules to do good."

"And that is what you're doing?"

KID spread his arms out, the perfect showman as his cape fluttered in the wind. "I'm trying to get justice for my father's killers and keep the secrets of immortality from falling into the serpent's jaws." He smiled grimly, eyes hard and serious. "And I am doing it one stone at a time, being a target to keep the innocents from being killed in this insane struggle. No one gets hurt after all. I have done my best to keep that promise."

Shinichi blinked. He would never have guessed such a serious reason. He associated the thief with sharp wits and a mischievous spark that spoke of stealing as nothing more than a game. To think that it was such a serious reason… "But you seem like you have so much fun," he said, baffled.

KID smiled. "Oh, I do. But I started for my father, and every heist carries a bit more risk as I draw unwanted attention. I'll admit, I've always been a bit of a showman—" He ignored Shinichi's snort. "—doing this sort of thing has only fed the habit of being…flamboyant." He snickered at a private joke. "Of course, you were a large part of making this enjoyable." He turned an intense stare to Shinichi.

The detective, caught under the look, squirmed slightly. So he did it for himself as well as for a goal. Ok. Was that it? "Is this the only thing you wanted to tell me?"

KID cocked his head to one side, still staring intently. "No. there's more I could tell you about my situation, and the organization trying to kill me like they killed my father, but there is something I would like to do." He walked forward purposefully. Instinctively, Shinichi backed up until he hit the railing.

"KID," he growled in warning.

A mask of a smirk couldn't quite completely hide the strange expression in the thief's eyes. He stopped in front of the detective studying him. Then he leaned down and kissed him. Shinichi's mind went blank from shock.

Kaito was nervous. He had no idea how Shinichi would react to his next move, but he kept a perfect, confident poker face as he approached. The detective seemed to sense that something odd was happening. He looked like he would flee if he hadn't been as brave as he was. Kaito liked that about him. He stuck where Kaito would have flowed in the path of least resistance. He shoved straight ahead when Kaito would have searched for the cracks and chipped away at the problem.

He leaned down and did what he had been tempted to do for several months now. Shinichi's lips were softer than he was expecting considering how often he saw the detective bit his lip in frustration. But it was just as sweet as he had hoped, for all that he stiffened, and he didn't get the immediate kick in the balls he was expecting. He pulled back, heart hammering, feeling his mask slip for a second, showing all that he was feeling to the stunned detective before he regained control over his expression. It seemed that that surprised Shinichi a second time, for he blinked a few times before frowning deeply.

"What was that?"

"A kiss." Kaito rolled his eyes theatrically. "I knew you had a lousy love life but I would think you would know what a kiss was."

He flushed. "No, I meant why did you kiss me?" He shoved Kaito away as if he felt a bit trapped.

Kaito flowed with the force. "Because I've wanted to for a long time. Ever since the first time I saw you outside of the heists in your non-chibi state." He smiled slightly. "Not that you knew I was there. I don't make a habit of talking to detectives besides Hakuba when I'm out of uniform…"

Shinichi blinked again as Kaito watched him process the seemingly random information. He probably was filing away the fact that Hakuba knew Kaito outside of the heists away even as he looked over the knowledge that his rival had wanted to kiss him for who knew how many months. Then he blushed. "You have to be kidding. Why would you want to do that? And why are you telling me that we've met as civilians?"

"As for question one, I find you attractive, both mentally and physically. Question two, I figure it is only fair to inform you of this. After all I plan to be a regular visitor in the future."

"Wait. What?" Shock after shock had left Tantei-kun looking a bit pale. Kaito wondered if he would be offended if he helped him sit down somewhere.

"Get ready for a new friend outside of the moonlight, Tantei-kun." Kaito smiled, peeling off the poker face for a moment. "You're stuck with me. And I've seen you quite a few times outside of work. You just never noticed because I wasn't KID then, but myself. There is a difference."

Shinichi studied this more vulnerable face and nodded. "You seem…well, less intense…and more sane."

"Ah, but sanity is in the eye of the beholder."

He shook his head, wonderingly. "Do I have a name to go with this new friend, or would you prefer to keep that to yourself?"

"Would you turn me in?" Kaito asked, honestly curious. He was also surprised that his kiss had been completely ignored, but perhaps it was a defense mechanism, focusing on what was important and ignoring what he couldn't understand.

"Good question." Shinichi sighed. "No, he said after a long moment. You have reasons for what you do that I can't really complain about. And I doubt you would stay in there anyway."

"That's the only reason?" Kaito prompted, hiding a smirk.

"I suppose I'd miss the challenge," Shinichi admitted grumpily. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to catch you on my own terms."

"I wouldn't dream of asking that from you." He carefully straightened, bowing elegantly as he doffed his hat to his beloved rival. "Kuroba Kaito, magician, student, general annoyance, and occasionally moonlit thief." He smiled up into the wide blue eyes of the man he had steadily been falling for for what had to be quite a long time. "If you would honor me in being my friend outside of the moonlight, and perhaps more?" He let his voice lift into a question in the last word.

Shinichi flushed. How did he answer that? And it was no little trust that the thief was giving him. He really didn't know what to think about the kiss. But he could answer part of the question. "I wouldn't mind a friendship. I haven't fit in as well since I changed back. I could use another friendly presence. I can't really give you an answer for the other one."

Kaito shrugged, dropping all formality as he replaced the hat on his head. "Better than I was expecting. I always thought you liked Mouri."

"I did. Do. It can't work anymore."

"I see." Kaito offered a genuine smile that showed the wear and tear that few had ever seen. He especially hid it from Aoko and his mother. A rose materialized in his hand. "Then I will have to try my best in courting you, ne? Goodnight Shinichi-kun."

Shinichi scowled, but took the rose. "Don't treat me like a girl. Good night to you as well…Kuroba-kun. You owe me more explanations."

"Of course, Shinichi-kun. We have all the time in the world now." He vanished in a puff of smoke before he showed more than he could bear, feeling a joy he hadn't felt since the first time he had used the hang glider. It was the euphoria that came with narrowly escaping danger mixed with the rush and knowledge that Shinichi hadn't rejected him. That was a victory in his book. He wondered how long it would take Shinichi to realize that the note had alluded to stealing his heart. Probably never. He was dense when it came to himself. He laughed in pure happiness, the night air buoying him up in lazy spirals as he headed home.

Shinichi stared at the youth at his door. It felt a bit like looking into a funhouse mirror. It was him, but subtly different, a bit rounder faced, more unruly hair, eyes a deeper, more purplish blue, and an air of fidgety energy that never surrounded Shinichi.

"Hi," the young man said warmly, eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Hi. Kuroba-kun." He smiled slightly. It looked like KID was serious then. This would be interesting… or potentially disastrous. Whatever. He liked risks. "How much do you like mystery novels? There happens to be an extensive library in my dad's office…."