Selfine:Hello there..hope you'll like this story^_^

Leah:Disclaimers:The author doesn't own anything...

It was christmas day. The day Mana found Allen, he also considered this day as his didn't want to tell anyone about it because they will be busy celebrating christmas.

'It would be troublesome to celebrate my brithday...'.Allen sighed.'I guess I will be celebrating it alone'. Timcanpy was flew above him then rested on top of Allen's smiled at the golem. He reached up Timcanpy's wings then stretched them. He held Tim in front of him. "Happy Birthday to me...."Allen said with a sad smile on his face. He sighed as he lean on the wall. Allen just watched as Tim fluttered above him. Suddenly, his stomach growled loudly.

"I guess I should go eat something...", he straightened up then left the piano room.

Timcanpy watched as the teen leave the room. His master deserves something special on his flew away the room to do the task he set on himself...

Allen had just came from the cafeteria after filling his stomach. He can't think of anything to do, so he decided to watch the party preparation. They were just putting up the last decorations when Allen came in. He sat on a chair then sighed. It was one of the disadvantages on having your birthday set on the same day of a special occasion. People would be busy preparing for the occasion to bother celebrating 'some' people's birthday.

He was surprised when someone tapped him on the was Lavi.

"You're coming to the party, right Allen?", Lavi asked, grinning.

He nodded. "Of course".Lavi saw Kanda pass by then ran to catch up with him."Hey, Yuu-chan--!". Kanda immediately brought out mugen then pressed it on Lavi's throat. Lavi held in hands up in defense. "No need to be harsh , Yuu!..."

"Shut it , Baka Usagi!", he hissed. Allen smiled at the scene then it quickly faded. He stood up then left the room. Lavi stared watched as Allen leave the room. "Allen's awfully quiet today , don't you think?"

"Che, like I care about that beansprout", Kanda stormed away from the room. At the same time, Tim came inside suddenly tackled Lavi."Owwwwww..What was that for?!", Lavi complained. In response , Timcanpy bit his pulled away in pain. Now, he's getting the idea that Tim is trying to get his attention.

"What is it, Tim?".

......Allen has been wandering around the hallways of the Order. He had been doing that for about...hmmm..four hours?

He stopped walking, he could faintly hear music and sounds of laughter.'The party had probably started'.He decided to follow the music to lead him towards the room where the party is held. He peeked inside, he could see that everyone was having fun inside. It had been a really time since anyone in the Order have fun like this. But he couldn't see Lenalee or Lavi inside. 'Where could have they gone to?'

Allen decided to retreat to his room. He was surprised to find Lenalee, Lavi and even Kanda inside his room.

"Happy Birthday, Allen!", they greeted blinked in surprise. "H-how did you know?".He asked was completely dumbfounded, he hadn't told anyone about his birthday.

"Errr..Timcanpy sort of told me..", Lavi said, speaking up while showing the bite mark he got from Timcanpy."Timcanpy?".Tim immediately flew to Allen and rested on his head.

"Why didn't you tell us about it, Allen?", Lenelee asked.

Allen answered."Umm..I thought it wasn't worth any attention."

"Oh, Come on, Allen..You know that it's important",Lavi said,"Right, Yuu?"."Che, You've only dragged me to this."

"Anyway, let's eat up",Lavi said, showing the cake Lenalee made," we could join the party downstairs."Allen happily nodded then sat down with his friends.

"Thanks, Tim", Allen whispered as Timcanpy rest on his head.

Selfine: Sorry if this story is short..Oh yeah, please review!~