Chapter 1: Hotaru's plan

Hotaru's point of view:

I was going crazy! My Ruka pics. weren't selling! How was I supposed to blackmail him now? And what money would I have? "Hotaru!!!!!!" Mikan cried. BAKA! " New 5.0 baka supreme power gun. Invention in stores now for 500 rabbits. " MOU Hotaru you so mean!" she cried. " And who are you talking to?" " My fans of course you stupid aho!" Than a plan came to my mind. One that would benefit Mikan, sadly Natsume my horrible cousin AND me. What if I slightly drug Mikan and get her to a blog? Oh yes, that would get me millions! I chuckled darkly. " Mikan, ill let you hug me IF you try out something!" " OK!!!!!!!" she cried out happily. I quickly injected her with a small amount of the drug and she started to giggle uncontrollably. I got my laptop out pulled out the blog and said, "write. NOW." " ! Giggle." I texted everyone I knew to get online. This was going to be interesting.

Mikan's point of view

I was so dizzy, but I wanted to hug Hotaru! "HAHAHAHAH" I was so giddy I would hug her. I stated the blog.

OrangePetals has signed on.

IceQueen has signed on.

BunnyBoy has signed.

CrimsonFire has signed on.

OrangePetals: Hello handsomes!!!! Wat chu doen tonight? ;]

BunnyBoy: H-huh? *Blushes*

Crimson Fire: and who are u?

OrangePetals: UR sexy polka dots. Why?

CrimsonFire: WTF u've gone crazy.

OrangePetals: yup, 4 u. want to go out?

BunnyBoy: hotaru had something to do wit this didn't she.

IceQueen: maybe.

BluePenguin: aww how cute!

PinkCookies: since when did we get on?

Wolfy: since I was too lazy to put it.

MindReader: yes im here too! Hi Anna, want to go out?

PinkCookies: yes!

Wolfy: they went bye-bye. Happy Nonoko?

BluePenguin: yup, and me too cause I got a date with Mochiage. Bye!

Wolfy: eww. Bye now. Srry guys.

CrimsonFire: no u are not right in the head at the moment.

OrangePetals: SOBS. So cruel. I hate u! u can go die in a hole for all I care now. Im not taken care of u after missions. Unless u beg of course. But for now….. Hey Ruka!

CrimsonFire: um,um damn you n hotaru im leaving.

Wolfy: he leaves goen after Mikan.

IceQueen: soo much money for this.

Wolfy: I want 25%. I made this blog. N ur idea.