Back on earth, Elita was struggling to keep her sparklings in check. While she was glad she had so many, it was a handful and she was nearing the end of her rope. Keeper was off guarding Prime, leaving Elita on her own. She was about to break down and cry when Bluefire and Seaspan came in and saw her frustration.

"Can we help, Elita?" Bluefire asked, surprising Elita, as she looked at the sparklings who were just shy of turning into younglings.

"Yes you can, I need help"

The twin seekerlings went to work and soon everything seemed to be much better under control. "Elita, you need a vacation – just you and Keeper" Seaspan stated, catching Elita off guard.

"What? How do you propose we do that?"

"Mom and dad do it occasionally. They leave us or another adult in charge for a few hours and then go someplace just the two of them. It helps them out tremendously, and they come back, ready to handle whatever comes their way" Seaspan stated, revealing to Elita that it didn't have to be a long time, it just had to be time for her and keeper alone.

"But Keeper has been so busy, how can he be expected to take time from it"

Keeper soon appeared in the doorway a befuddled look on his face until he saw his brothers helping out with their sparklings. Then it clicked as to why Fader had taken his shift.

"Keeper?" Elita asked surprised to see her mate.

"Yes, love it's me. Fader covered my shift. And I think I am beginning to figure out why" Keeper stated as he watched how his younger brothers worked with the sparklings.

Elita got up and went to him telling him what they had told her.

Keeper, though not liking that it was done behind his back, smiled as he realized what his brothers had done – they had given him time with his precious sparkmate where they could be alone, just the two of them.

Elita went with Keeper at his gentle tugging. "Do you really think this is a good idea?" Elita asked though she admitted she liked the idea.

"I think this will help both of us in the long run. Besides, it has been before our first twins were born since we have had much time for just the two of us" Keeper stated, soothing Elita's worries.

Elita nodded and she went with Keeper.

In the meantime, Mirage crawled away from Optimus when Optimus turned his back and the little sparkling was gone. And Mirage decided to explore a different area this time, as he headed right for Flasher and his mate's quarters. The only one home was Red Alert, who picked up the lost sparkling and wondered where it had come from, as the coloration didn't look familiar.

"Hello little one, now who do you belong to I wonder" Red said as he held the sparkling resting him slightly on his very round sparkling bump.

Mirage cooed and purred as Red held him. This was a sign to Red that whoever this bot was, was comfortable with him, but that still didn't help much.

Back in their room, Optimus was about to flip as he found the sparkling gone.

Red sat down with the sparkling and it wasn't long after he got a comm from Optimus and Red let him know the sparkling had found his way here.

Optimus was relieved and went to go get the little one but didn't manage to make it before Flasher and Charger made their way home to their quarters, and both were surprised to see Red holding a sparkling that was behaving quite well, as if it knew more than it was letting on.

Red told them what he knew and Optimus soon arrived.

Mirage reached for his mate, and Red gladly turned over the sparkling. Optimus could only hope his memory chips were repaired soon. And that made Optimus think – maybe it was time to stop in the med bay to see how things were going.

Optimus headed to the med bay holding Mirage and rubbing his little helm.

Mirage had been sleeping more and more, which Optimus was hopeful that it was a good sign. And soon the two entered the med bay, with ratchet on duty.

"Ratchet, came to see how things are going" Optimus said.

"Well, I have good news. The sparklings are fine, developing right on schedule and Mirage's memory chips are 100 percent defragged and 90 percent back in order. Hopefully, we can return Mirage to his real body soon" Ratchet stated, hoping Optimus liked what he was hearing.

Optimus sighed in relief. "That is good to hear Ratchet"

"My guess is it will be a few days tops. Has the little guy been giving you any trouble?" ratchet asked, having no idea about Mirage's wanderings.

"He's vanished twice now"

Ratchet nodded, for he was and was not surprised. "Optimus, remember when we went back to rescue Mirage…remember what his family was like?" Ratchet asked, and that was when all the wandering behavior seemed to make sense to Optimus.

Optimus nodded. "Well each time he's found someone good"

"His spark seems to know, and it has nothing to do with not liking you or Jazz, it has to do with his spark seeking out someone to love him in addition to you two" ratchet stated.

Optimus nodded. "Still I'll be happy when things are normal again"

"It will happen, soon, it will happen' ratchet stated, and with that Optimus took his sleeping sparkmate out of the med bay.

Optimus got him settled and tended to the other little ones.

Two days later and Mirage was fussy as could be, nothing could soothe him. It was as if he knew something. And unable to calm him, Bluefire brought his the little one to the med bay, as Optimus was too busy planning in his office. Bluefire brought the sparkling in and Ratchet knew instantly what was happening – Mirage knew his body and memory chips were ready.

Ratchet took the sparkling and brought him over to where the adult body lay to do what was needed.

Ratchet opened both spark chambers and the small piece that had been placed in the sparkling body joined with the rest of the spark, and while the sparkling protoform fell silent, Mirage started to moan and come to, in his adult body.

"Easy now" Ratchet said gently. "Welcome back"

'the babies… how are my babies?" Mirage asked, only focused on one thing at the moment – his unborn sparklings.

"Their doing just fine, right where they should be"

Mirage relaxed and fell into recharge in the med bay. Problem was, no one told Optimus, who came home to find Mirage gone.

Optimus panicked and didn't know that Mirage was back where he was supposed to be.

Optimus eventually made his way to the med bay after searching elsewhere, only to see the sparkling body slumped and not moving, and Optimus began to get angry as well as tears in his optics, fearing his mate was lost for good.

Ratchet came in and saw. "It alright Optimus, Mirage is fine He woke for a short time, he's in recharge"

"What do you mean "he is fine"? the little sparkling body isn't moving!" Optimus stated, and that was when Ratchet realized no one had told Optimus what had happened.

Ratchet told Optimus what had happened since no one else had bothered.

"Why am I always the last to know – if it concerns my mate, shouldn't I be the first to know?" Optimus asked, a little peeved from learning late what happened to his mate.

"On that I agree I didn't know you hadn't been informed Optimus otherwise I would have commed you"

Optimus calmed down a bit. "Can I at least see my mate?" Optimus asked, exasperated.

"Of course Optimus, go right ahead"

Mirage was awake again, and when he saw his mate, he spoke in soft, airy whispers. "I'm sorry, beloved…I didn't mean to worry you"

"Its alright my love" Optimus said soothing Mirage. "How do you feel"

"Tired….but good overall" Mirage stated, wanting to hug but not sure if he was strong enough to give one.

Optimus gently pulled Mirage into his arms and held him.

Mirage curled into his mate – this is what he had missed the most.

Optimus was happy to hold his mate in his arms and he kept him warm.

Mirage fell asleep, finally content to be in his mate's loving arms.

Optimus was happy to hold his mate in his arms and he kept him warm.

Elsewhere, Firestar was starting to feel a bit off. The femmes had began to respect her more, and Air Raid did his best to help her out. She just felt blah this day, and so she decided to take a sick day, and just lay in the berth, catching up on much needed recharge.

Air Raid found out about it and came to check on her and stayed with her for a time.

Firestar woke for a brief time and was surprised to see her mate in the room with her. "Don't you have work or practice?" Firestar asked in a wavering voice, which allowed Air Raid to see that his mate really wasn't feeling very good.

"I traded shifts, would you like to go to the med bay my love?"

"No, I think I just had some energon that didn't agree with me. Should be gone by tomorrow" Firestar stated, forcing a smile.

Air Raid wasn't quite sure about that and gently caressed her face gently. "Try and rest"

Air raid was surprised when not only did Firestar go back to sleep, she curled up close to him, as if she wanted to snuggle – which was a tad unusual, as Firestar rarely "snuggled" per se. She liked cuddling in short sprints but snuggling was something totally different.

He pulled her close and kept her warm and kissed her helm softly.

She curled into him, snuggling up nice and close. Now Air Raid knew there was more going on than met the optic, but he wasn't sure what he should do about it.

He thought about it and tried to decide who he should comm and decided to just comm Ratchet with his concerns.

Ratchet answered and soon visited while Firestar was deep in recharge, deep enough that almost nothing could rouse her. Ratchet scanned over the femme, and then told Air Raid something that explained everything – Firestar was sparked. And with that understanding, everything else made sense. Ratchet soon left, leaving Air Raid to wrap his processor around the fact that he was going to be a father.

Air Raid would tell her when she woke and had energon that Ratchet said to have on hand for her.

Several hours later, Firestar finally roused again. She noticed Air Raid was acting different, as if he knew something she didn't. "What's going on?" Firestar asked softly.

"I was worried about you" Air Raid said. "So I called Ratchet and he came and examined you, my love...we're going to be creators"

Firestar was a bit worried. It wasn't that she didn't want to be a creator, for it was a lifelong dream of hers, it was that she had been told that she would never be able to have sparklings. Ratchet must have forgotten when he examined her, as he was the one who told her she wouldn't ever spark sparklings.

"What's the matter my love?" Air Raid asked.

"Forgive the tears, as I am glad I will be a creator, but you have to understand, and this is something I have never told anyone, but the day I turned into a youngling, Ratchet told me that due to the fact I was sparked way too early, my sparkling development chamber was not like it should be, and he also told me that day I would never have any sparklings of my own. I was devastated, as I had always dreamed of having my own sparklings and having a family. Ratchet must have forgotten he told me that" Firestar revealed, shocking poor Air Raid.

"He said everything was fine with you and our sparkling" Air Raid said. "And I will take care of you" Raid said and grabbed the energon he had waiting and helped her drink some.

"I guess this little one will be our miracle sparkling" Firestar stated, though neither Ratchet, Air Raid,Firestar or anyone else was were aware that Firestar's spark held twin sparks that were going ot need to have protoforms built.

"That they will be" Raid said. "We'll take you in for frequent check ups, Ratchet said he wants to see you tomorrow and I'll come with you"

The next day, Firestar was still nervous, as according to what she and her mate had been told, she was at least three months along. And so, heading in, Firestar was ready to give Ratchet what for, as she remembered what he had told her.

"Alright Firestar up on the berth" Ratchet said.

Firestar did as asked, and then took her jab at Ratchet. "well, gee, it looks like the great medic Ratchet was wrong for once."

"Excuse me" Ratchet asked as he shot the femme a look.

"You heard me. You are the one who damn near dashed all my dreams when you told me that I would never be able to have my own sparklings" Firestar bit back with surprising bite, that , though it didn't show, even surprised Ratchet.

"I told you that yes, because the odds of what's happened happening are extremly rare" Ratchet said and moments later Soundwave came in. "Statement you commed me Ratchet"

"Yes Soundwave I did, how quickly can you build two protoforms"

"Query, how far along is the femme"

"3 months along, plus has a one growing that will be sparked with a body already formed" Ratchet stated, and that is when Air Raid fainted as he realized he would be getting triplets.

"Nice going, hatchet' firestar stated, surprising Soundwave who had never seen anyone defy ratchet so openly.

Ratchet turned on her. "You may not call me that Firestar"

And then firestar got pissed, as a mood swing took over her, and for as fiery as her personality was already, Ratchet was surprised by just how strong she was as she pinned the older medic against the wall. "I will call you whatever I damn well please, and there is nothing you can do to stop it" and with that, Firestar, with strength from who knew where, threw the medic who was bigger than her clear across the room. Ratchet had truly forgotten, it was never wise to piss off a femme, especially one who had Optimus's anger in her. And just as Ratchet was dusting himself off, Firestar went off on him again. Needless to say, by the time Firestar was finished with her mood swing induced tirade, ratchet was glad he was not bonded to a femme.

"If you are finished now, speak with soundwave if you want two of your sparklings to live" Ratchet said.

Firestar calmed down and spoke with Soundwave. She was not picky other than she wanted both of her sparklings to have some silver and some blue in their coloration, the rest was up to whatever Soundwave could gather, which made things much easier for Soundwave.

"Statement…they will be mechs as they are easiest" Soundwave stated.

"that is fine and thank you, soundwave. I know you don't have much time, I just want the protoforms to be ready when I spark" Firestar stated,kissing Soundwave on the cheek before dragging her passed out sparkmate out of the med bay.

"Statement, the femme is...extreme" Soundwave said to Ratchet.

"Believe me I know, she is Optimus's daughter after all" Ratchet said and rubbed a slight injury he had because of Firestar.

"Statement…she is aptly named" soundwave stated, "but at least she gave me free reign with protoforms…makes easier to have ready on time." And with that Soundwave left.

Ratchet was alone and scanned himself and did self repairs on himself.

Having brought Mirage home before all this happened, Optimus was surprised by the damage he found in the med bay and was surprised to find Ratchet actually nursing some superficial wounds.

"Ratchet what happened?"Optimus asked.

"Firestar happened" Ratchet said and told him what had happened.

"I am going to put her in her place. I am going to put her in the brig" stated Optimus, and while Ratchet was ok with Optimus wanting to punish his defiant daughter, Ratchet was concerned that if left in the brig, Firestar might lose all her sparklings, as she was already in a precarious position to begin with.

"Optimus normally I have no problem with that but you must be careful" Ratchet said and told him that two of the sparklings were just sparks and only one was going to come with a body.

Optimus sighed, as he didn't want to harm a sparked bot, especially when two were only sparks. "What do you suggest I do, ratchet, as I can't allow her to get away with that behavior"

"Ask Mirage for something creative" Ratchet suggested.

Optimus went to seek out his mate, and told him what had happened. "I have an idea. Let me talk and deal with her, as she and I have always been close. I know she will listen to me' stated Mirage. Optimus saw little other choice and allowed his mate out of the quarters to go talk with Firestar. Mirage got to her door and knocked, "Fire, we need to talk."

"Yes mama?" Fire asked as she opened the door.

"mind telling me what's going on, baby" Mirage asked as he stepped inside his daughter's quarters.

"What do you mean mama?" Fire asked.

Mirage told his daughter about what he had learned and that it was her father who had reported it to him. Needless to say, Firestar was absolutely embarrassed beyond belief, but she also knew she needed to tell her mother what had gotten her so wound up. "I'm here to listen, honey, talk to me" Mirage stated.

"Mama...I'm sparked" Firestar said and told her mama the rest of it and what Ratchet had told her about her not going to be able to have sparklings.

And it was then that Mirage understood. "oh, Fire, my baby, I'm here, I'm here" Mirage stated as he gently held her and allowed her to cry on his shoulder. Firestar began feeling better now that she had told her mother, and now she felt guilty for what she had done. "I can't let you get off easy, dear, as you know Ratchet is a chief officer" Mirage stated.

"I know mama...I feel bad about it" Firestar said.

'The first thing that I want you to do is go apologize to ratchet and Soundwave and let them know you are truly sorry for the way you acted. And then we will go from there" Mirage stated.

Firestar nodded. "Yes mama"

And while Firestar was out apologizing, Mirage drew up all his knowledge about caring for sparklings, but he also removed something he had given to Firestar. It was something she had wanted forever and used often. He knew that if she did not have access to this item for a while plus the apologies would teach Firestar her lesson, and when Firestar returned she immediately noticed to was gone, but she also knew why as Mirage explained. "…Do you understand?"

"Yes mama..." She said.

And after that, Mriage started talking about what to expect and how to handle being sparked. And all in all the two had a wonderful conversation.

Elsewhere, Optimus was worried as Mirage had yet to come back. But that was when Ratchet happened to spot the leader.

Ratchet told of the apology.

"maybe Mirage really did know best" Optimus stated.

"Yes and if she weren't sparked I would have happily said toss her in the brig"

And it was at that point that Mirage came back, and he didn't look too happy as he saw ratchet, which puzzled both Optimus and ratchet.

Ratchet looked at Mirage wondering what he had done this time.

"I can't believe you told her that at such a critical time in her life and without one of us present. You have a got a lot of nerve" Mirage stated, and Ratchet knew what the bot meant instantly.

"I wasn't thinking alright" Ratchet said he knew that didn't excuse it but there were times when there were more important things going on but he didn't dare tell Mirage that.

Optimus was confused, but after ratchet left, Mirage explained what Firestar had told him. And now Optimus could understand why his daughter had gone off so much at the medic.

Optimus understood and took Mirage home and got him comfortable with warm energon.

"don't worry beloved, I made sure to punish Firestar" Mirage stated as he showed Optimus the object he had taken. 'She won't get it back for a week." Optimus knew this, plus the heartfelt apologies, was much better than what he had originally intended to do.

"That's just fine love, Ratchet had suggested coming to you for punishment"

"well, there are times where throwing a bot in the brig doesn't work or can't happen. That is when you need a different game plan" Mirage stated, enjoying getting spoiled by his mate.

Optimus nodded and rubbed Mirage's shoulders and neck.

Mirage purred, his aft grinding into his mate's groin.

"Hmmm, would my love like something else" Optimus teased softly.

Mirage just smiled and planted a kiss right in the center of Optimus's mask and ground his aft in more, hoping Optimus would get the message.

Optimus smiled behind his mask and teased Mirages aft a bit.

"ooo…" was all Mirage could say, which was enough to let Optimus know exactly what Mirage wanted.

"What to do, what to do" Optimus teased gently.

"Just do something before I go find a toy" Mirage stated, obviously a lot hornier than he had previously let on.

Optimus chuckled and slid his spike into Mirage's aft.

Mirage mewled in pure unadulterated pleasure as his mate took his aft.

Optimus kept his movements slow and gentle.

Mirage was just happy to be sharing the time with his mate.

Optimus caressed Mirage's abdomen as he thrust in and out.

Mirage moaned even more, bliss shooting through him.

"Does this feel good my love"

"ugh… ugh… ngh oooo y-yes…. Yes beloved… more more…please" Mirage responded.

Optimus happily gave Mirage what he wanted and moved a bit faster.

Mirage tried to give his mate pleasure in return, but Optimus stopped him as this was for Mirage's pleasure.

"No my love this is all for you" Optimus said as he pleasured Mirage.

Mirage felt spoiled and hoped Optimus was enjoying this as well.

Optimus was enjoying himself and was happy to see to Mirage's needs.

Elsewhere, Flasher and Fader were sparring and trying to teach each other knew things without Mirage around.

"You really think this is a good idea Flasher?" Fader asked.

"why are you so worried?" Flasher asked.

"I just dont think this is a good idea"

"Ya scared, Fader?" Flasher asked, not sure why Fader was so resisitant.

"A little" Fader said.


"I don't know alright" Fader said. "I just don't think we should be doing this"

Flasher stopped and thought for a little bit. Maybe fader had a point. Maybe he was right.

"Come on lets go back"

Both were heading back when a con came along. Flasher did the only thing he could – he pushed his brother inside and then allowed himself to be captured, though not without a fight.

"Flasher!" Fader yelled as he watched his brother get captured and he commed for help.

Keeper led the charge as multiple Autobots headed out to stop the Cons from taking Flasher.

On Keepers word the seekers took off, their plan was to surround if possible the con in question.

Thrust tried to got out of the way, but everywhere he went, he ran into gunfire. And then he stood face to face with Keeper – this was gonna hurt and hurt big time.

"Release him" Keeper told Thrust. "And I may let you leave in one piece"

"Why should I release this worthless Autobot, especially when Megatron would nothing more than to use this bot for… target practice" Thrust stated.

"Well, if you somehow get passed me you have to deal with the seekers who will be more then happy to tear you to pieces"

"That's the problem with you Autobots, all bark and no bite" Thrust, as he fired several wild shots that missed Keeper by a mile.

Starscream grinned and returned fire hitting Thrust in the arm and leg. "What was that Thrust"

"You've gone soft, screamer" thrust stated, not realizing that the trine had already taken out his back up of Astrotrain and another con. Thrust continued firing wildly, holding Flasher in a choke hold, to the point Flasher had passed out.

"You always were clueless thrust, look behind you"

Thrust looked and found his "backup" temporarily offlined. Thrust let the passed out bot go and flew off, leaving his teammates behind.

One of the others went over and picked up Flasher.

"Same old Thrust" Starscream said.

Keeper took a look at his twin. Flasher was passed out and had several injuries. Keeper was worried as Flasher remained in temporarily stasis lock, and bleeding energon.

TC came over and did a few field repairs. "Best get him back"

"I am too big and slow, any way one of you seekers can get him there?" Keeper asked, worried.

Skywarp transformed. "Put him on me, I'll teleport back to the base"

"Thanks, warp" Keeper stated, not looking forward to telling his parents, particularly his mother, Mirage.

Once Flasher was settled Warp teleported directly to the med bay.

Ratchet was startled when warp showed up. "What the pit?"

"Long story right now he needs help, TC did some field repairs"

Ratchet did the best he could and finally stabilized poor Flasher.

By that time the others had returned to the base and Warp was sitting close by sipping energon.

Keeper made it into the base and the med bay. Flasher was stable, but now Keeper was worried about something else – not only telling Flasher's mates but also mom and dad. Keeper really didn't want to do it, but he saw no other option.

"Best get it over with" They told him. "Delaying will just make it worse"

Keeper went to Flasher's mates first, and then the worst part – to Optimus and MIRage.

Red and Charger waddled down to the med bay and Keeper went to his parents.

Optimus was quickly informed and began planning. And that left Mirage, who was not in the best of moods as his pregnancy was hitting him hard.

"Mama" Keeper said gently while Fader headed to the med bay quickly.

"Yes, hon?" Mirage asked.

"Are you upset that this happened? We tried to get him back sooner and in one piece"

It was then that Mriage realized he hadn't told his kids. "No its not that. Keeper, I am sparked again and it is wreaking havoc with my systems."

"Oh mama why hadn't you said anything? Do you want some energon? Do you need to rest?" Keeper asked.

"I didn't want to burden anyone" Mirage stated.

"Oh mama, come on lets get you off your feet" Keeper said.

"But I want to see Flasher" Mirage stated, but no dice as Keeper was too much like his father.

"Right now you need to rest mama, Flasher is stable Ratchet said"

Mirage wanted to go, but with Keeper being just like Optimus, Mirage finally just gave in, as he didn't have the energy to fight.

Keeper got his mother some energon. "Here mama, rest a bit then you can see Flasher"

"Thank you, baby" Mirage stated, carefully drinking the energon.

"Can I get you anything else mama?" Keeper asked.

"Your father" Mirage stated, and Keeper knew instantly what that meant.

"Of course mama" Keeper said and got his father who came over to Mirage.

"Are you alright my love?"

Keeper soon left. Optimus was confused until Mirage rubbed his own abdomen and moaned – then Optimus got it.

Optimus nuzzled Mirage before he began rubbing and caressing here and there.

Mirage was so horny, it didn't take Optimus long to coax his mate to open his plating.

"Mmm, so needy my love. How do you want it? Do you want my hard spike buried in your tight little port?" Optimus asked kissing Mirage.

Mirage could only nod, as his systems buzzed with pure pleasure.

Optimus freed his hard spike and fingered Mirage's valve a bit before he eased into the dripping valve.

Mirage did whatever he could to make sure he and his mate both felt pleasure.

Optimus just enjoyed the heat that was Mirage and was making sure his mate got the most pleasure.

Mriage just rode the waves of pleasure that broke over him.

Optimus took his time as he thrusted gently yet deeply, and rubbed Mirage's abdomen wanting to give him even more pleasure.

Mirage encouraged his mate, as this all felt so wonderful.

Optimus kept up his administrations, he wanted Mirage to be in bliss.

Mirage hit one overload and was quickly on his way to another, and hoped that his mate would soon take his aft as well.

Optimus could feel what Mirage wanted and so when he sent Mirage into another overload he removed his spike from Mirages valve, only to slide it into Mirage's aft.

Mirage's body hummed and purred as he felt the pleasure all over again, after having been denied for nearly two weeks because Optimus was being an aft.

Optimus went just a little harder then he had when his spike had been in Mirage's valve.

Optimus realized that he was wrong to have been such an aft as he enjoyed his mate. Mirage moaned, as there was little else he could do.

"What else do you want my love" Optimus asked as he thrusted.

Mirage, if he were in his right mind would have realized the absurdity of this, stated "more…more of your spark and more babies"

Optimus chuckled and gave Mirage more.

And then optimus noticed something strange about his mate. Mirage had a second "front port' or "valve." And with mirage as out of it as he was Optimus slid into this totally new, virgin territory.

The tightness reminded Optimus of the first time he had ever lain with Mirage so long ago and Optimus was gentle with his thrusting.

Mirage was still awash in pleasure, and Optimus remembered that Mirage had said more babies, and so Optimus wanted to try it.

"Show me your spark my love" Optimus said.

Mirage was too far gone to not obey and so, Mirage's spark soon came out.

Optimus released his spark and let it join with Mirage.

Optimus had a chance to see that Mirage's spark did turn colors.

He was quite surprised but continued to make love to his mate.

Mirage overloaded one last time before crashing into recharge.

After overloading Optimus cleaned them both up and laid with Mirage.

Mirage was finally content.

Red and Charger stayed with Flasher and rested like Ratchet said too as both were close to sparking.

Flasher slowly recovered from his situation, surprised to see his mates by his side.

"How are you feeling" They asked.

"Sore" Flasher stated.

"You'll be able to come home shortly, and we'll look after you"

"But you two are sparked" Flasher stated.

"But we're not helpless, we can do some"

Ratchet soon came over, and assessed the situation. 'Alright Flasher, you can head home, but let your mates take care of you for a bit, until you are back on your feet" Ratchet stated.

Flasher nodded and Red and Charger helped Flasher back to their quarters and got him settled and some energon.

Flasher was getting back to normal, which was a very good thing, as both red and Charger were feeling very needy.

They both kissed him softly and very gently touched here and there.

Flasher enjoyed the kisses and used his hands to trace along both of his mate's exposed, wet valves.

Red and Charger moaned and pushed against Flashers hands.

"So hot, my lovelies' flasher stated, as he released is stiff spike in front of his horny mates.

"Hot for you Flash, we need you so bad"

Flasher pulled his mates closer by their stiff spikes and then began the hand play once again.

Red and Charger moaned and bucked into Flashers hands. "Nnnnn...Flasher..."

Flasher used his left hand to pump into Charger's valve while he used his right hand to Guide Red to his own stiff spike, as they hadn't had any for quite some time.

Red moaned as he felt Flashers large spike push into him, and it felt so amazing.

Charger moaned and moved onto the fingers pumping in and out of him.

Flasher smiled, happy to have this special time with his mates.

Red and Charger were happy to have this time with Flasher as well as Flasher brought them both to overloads.

'Are my sweets satisfied?" Flasher asked. And while red was, Charger wasn't, as he wanted his mate's spike in him. Flasher, knowing what his mate wanted, brought charger closer to him and with a quick slip, Charger felt Flasher's spike throbbing inside him. Red was hot from the action, but he just kissed Flasher as he watched Charger ride the spike.

Charger moaned as he rode Flashers spike and he begged for more. "F...flasher..."

Flasher lasted only a little bit longer, and then overloaded again, his fluids going into his horny mate. Flasher was a little tired, but since red felt horny again, and Charger was not quite satiated, the two decided to put on an X-rated show for their mate.

The two heavily sparked bots kissed each other deeply and started to play with each other, fingering and sucking each other. They needed more overloads and happily put on a show for Flasher.

Flasher smiled. Oh he still remembered the day he found them, fighting over him. Now they were both happily his mates. He thought it just couldn't get much better than that.

Red and Charger soon brought the other to overload again and were both tired now but happily sated.

While they rested Red cried out in pain as his oil broke, Charger held Red's hand. "Flasher!" Charger yelled.

Flasher calmly settled his mate down as he called for a medic to come. Charger just watched, knowing he would spark soon as well, but it wasn't going to be today.

Ratchet left Aid in charge and went to Flasher and checked red to see how far he was.

BY the time Ratchet arrived, Flasher was helping his mate spark the first sparkling. Ratchet swore as he wished Flasher had been more specific in his comm..

"Next time tell me some one is sparking" Ratchet said as he came over and gently nudged Flasher out of the way and took over.

It didn't take too long before Red had sparked three healthy sparklings, all mechs. Flasher smiled, as did charger. And soon Growler, Zapper, and Zinger joined the growing brood.

"Now before I leave Charger how are you feeling?" Ratchet asked.

"I feel fine Ratchet, honest"

"watch him closely, Flasher, as I don't think charger has much time left before he will spark."

"I will Ratchet" Flasher promised.

Elsewhere, Mirage was getting up, not realizing what exactly had happened.

Optimus was sleeping soundly next to his mate.

Mirage saw his mate next to him. Optimus may have been asleep, but there was at least one part of him that was awake. And not thinking anything of it, Mirage began to suck on his mate's stiff spike, hoping Optimus would enjoy being woken up this way.

Optimus let out a moan even as he responded to Mirage's administrations slowly onlining.

Mirage used his knowledge and soon Optimus was releasing his fluids right down Mirage's throat. "Good morning, beloved. Hope you didn't mind the alarm clock this morning" Mirage stated as he realized his mate was now awake.

"Mmm, not at all I think I love this alarm quite a bit"

"You know you are spoiled rotten, my beloved" Mirage stated, with a smile as he teased his mate.

"That is because I have such a loving mate" Optimus said pulling Mirage to him and kissed him softly. "I love you my sweet"

"I love you too, but I better head to the med bay, as Ratchet wants to check on the unsparked sparklings" Mirage stated, returning the kiss.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"You can't, you have a meeting with Prowl, Jazz, and a couple other bots while I visit ratchet" Mirage stated, causing Optimus to groan.

"I had forgotten, thank you for reminding me love" Optimus said.

"Don't worry, I will tell you about the visit once we both are done with our respective meetings' Mirage stated, unaware of the surprise he was going to get in the med bay this day.

Optimus nodded and with a last kiss they soon headed on their way.

When Mirage got to the med bay, ratchet was waiting for him, but Mirage unknowingly had a surprise for the cocky, overconfident medic.

"Right on time, on the berth Mirage" Ratchet said.

Mirage struggled a bit, but was soon on the berth, and in the correct position. And then the exam began.

Ratchet went to say everything was fine when he caught something odd. "What the..." He said and started doing more scans.

"something wrong, Hatchet" Mirage stated, knowing that Ratchet wouldn't dare hit him in his current condition.

"Mirage have you been hiding something medical I need to know about"

"You do my maintenance check every year ratchet, I think if I had hidden something, you would have found it out long ago' Mirage stated, not realizing what ratchet was getting at.

Ratchet showed Mirage what he had found. "This is new"

"oh, I knew I had a second valve, I just usually keep it hidden" mirage stated, frustrating Ratchet.

"Why the pit didn't you inform me of this" Ratchet wanted to know.

"It's supposed to be a non functioning valve, so I never saw any reason to inform anyone of it" Mirage stated.

"Well its functioning just fine now" Ratchet said sighing and showed Mirage what else he had found.


"Oops is not the word I would use" Ratchet grumbled.

"ummm….what word would you use, Hatchet?" Mirage asked.

"Its better you not know"

"tell me, Ratchet. What's going on?" mirage asked, in a very serious tone, as he sensed something seemed to be amiss.

Ratchet sighed and told Mirage.

Mirage, in response, passed out, worrying ratchet to the point Ratchet called Optimus out of his meeting.

Optimus rushed down to the med bay. "What's wrong?"

"Mirage is carrying 5 sparklings now. Three I knew about, but his supposedly non functional second valve is now carrying sparklings as well. I am worried that Mirage will have extreme difficulty with this, especially as the sparkings are about a month apart. I want Mirage off all duty, and on bed rest, only to be up as absolutely necessary" ratchet stated, "and I want o be sure he is seen daily by a medic."

Optimus knew there was no way he could take the two sparklings since he had no chamber. Optimus nodded and said he would make the arrangements.

Mirage started coming around, still reeling in shock. He had been told all his life that the second valve was non-functional, and so had never worried about it. But now that he found it was functional and he had been lied to, Mirage didn't know what to think anymore, and he began to cry.

Optimus pulled Mirage close holding him gently.

"What are we going to do now?" Mirage asked, concerned.

"We will take this day by day and eventually welcome five new sparklings" Optimus said.

Mirage curled into his mate's arms, still tired and worn out, but feeling better than he had.

Optimus told Mirage what Ratchet had told him and Optimus said he would make sure someone was with him at all times when he couldn't be.

Mirage nodded, as he understood that the sparklings' lives as well as his own were on the line if he didn't follow the medic's orders.

Elsewhere, thanks to being sparked, Jazz was having a bit of trouble, and Prowl had gotten the two of them alone and asked what was wrong.

In a shaky breath jazz began his tale.

Jazzmin stretched as best as he could, he could feel the sparkling he carried move with him and Jazzmin smiled and rubbed his sparkling bump. "Hello my darling, oh how I cannot wait to hold you my little Jazz" Jazzmin decided mech or femme his little one would be called Jazz.

Taking in the time Jazzmin picked up around the small home playing his music as he did so knowing his mate would be home soon. Jazzmin sighed his mate used to be so kind and loving, but lately...his mate had started becoming abusive. He knew if he didn't finish he would be beaten, again. He turned the music off before he knew his mate would he home, everything looked to be in place.

He rubbed where his sparkling was kicking when the music had stopped. "I know my little one but daddy will be home soon." Sure enough Jazzmin's mate came home in a foul mood and was soon hitting and kicking Jazzmin who curled up protecting his sparkling. When he were grabbed and abused, Jazzmin cried out in pain and begged his mate to stop.

Jazzmin's mate, a rough mech named Snapper, had lost job after job and hated the job he now held. And due to his own stresses of his own inadequacies, Snapper had taken to beating the tar out of his mate when he was in a foul mood like he was today, as his employer had shorted him quite a few credits and refused to pay Snapper what he was owed. And in rage and frustration, Snapper took it out on the only bot who could stand him – his mate.

After thoroughly beating the tar out of Jazzmin, Snapper's anger subsided, and he began to gently help his mate up. Snapper was also jealous of the little life growing inside of Jazzmin, and only to keep Jazzmin from running off did Snapper agree not to force Jazzmin to abort the developing sparkling. But that didn't mean Jazzmin was free from abuse, as that only meant Jazzmin was more of a target than usual. Jazzmin had nowhere to go as he had been cut off from all his former friends and his family. And so Jazzmin suffered alone, with only Primus reassuring him that he was truly loved.

Jazzmin let Snapper help him to his feet where he then managed to pull away from the other. With shaky steps he made it to the couch and curled up his back to Snapper, it was moments like this he wanted his parents to curl up in their strong arms and know he was safe.

The days went by, and Jazzmin got bigger and soon was at the point of sparking. Snapper wasn't home, and Jazzmin ran out the house to try and find help. He found it in the most unlikely of places, a bar where a good sparked mech who was a medic, saw the distraught bot. The medic ran to the bot. "My name is Windrider, I'm a medic. what's wrong?"

"I am sparked, and I think the sparkling is coming" Jazzmin stated.

Windrider nodded. "Do you live far" Rider asked gently as he supported the young mech.

Jazzmin pointed to a dilapidated house and the medic helped the bot back. Jazzmin was in pain.

Windrider got Jazzmin settled before taking a look. "Soon, has your oil broken? And what is your name?"

"My name is Jazzmin, and yes my oil has broken. Please hurry before my mate comes home and beats me for having you in our home" Jazzmin stated.

"It doesn't work like that, sparklings come when their ready and your little one isn't ready" Rider said gently. "I will deal with your mate if he comes"

Jazzmin swore, as he was in pain but he wasn't fully dilated. And while the two were trying to take care of this, Jazzmin's mate came home unexpectedly. Jazzmin was about to panic, which Windrider knew was not good for the sparkling.

"You must calm down, its not good for the sparkling or yourself" Windrider said. "You're soon to be a father" Rider told Snapper.

Snapper calmed down a bit, as he knew well enough that if he did anything in front of the medic, he would go to jail. And so Snapper allowed the medic to help with the sparking. Windrider could see bruises of varying shades, but there was little the medic could do, especially with the abuser right in the room.

Windrider kept track of Jazzmin's progress. "I can see the head, I need you to push"

Jazzmin pushed and pushed hard, and soon the little black and white racer came out, squealing. Windrider took the sparkling, which Jazzmin had named Jazz, and took it elsewhere to examine it. And while the medic was in the other room, Snapper snapped, and beat his mate to within an inch of his life. The medic returned with the sparkling, and it was only through a miracle by windrider that Jazzmin lived after that beating.

But Snapper wasn't done. About a year and a half later, when Jazz was just old enough to be able to walk and play on his own, Snapper committed the ultimate betrayal and offlined his mate. And afterward, he paid a couple of thugs to take care of the medic who had seen what had happened. And so Jazz was left in the care of his abusive father until his father was killed, thanks to a visitor to the past.

The thugs failed to finish the medic and the medic never knew what became of the little sparkling.

Little Jazz sobbed and curled up with his mothers offline body and it wasn't long after that Snapper started to abuse his son.

Jazz sobbed into Prowls arms as he remembered his mother's death. "No one but that medic helped"

Prowl just hugged Jazz, trying to comfort him. "You're safe now, my love' Prowl stated as he held his mate.

"I barely knew my mama, I just remember his wings and him holding me"

"And his love for music" Prowl added as he played a song he never cared for but he knew Jazz loved, and Prowl now knew why this song was so precious. This song was the song that always made Jazz think of his mom and his mom holding him and humming to him.

Jazz held onto Prowl and cried silently as pain moved through him.

Elsewhere, Dart was fooling around with his mate again. Powerglide had recently found out he was carrying triplets again. And Dart was being the concerned creator he should have been as he helped take care of all the sparklings including Dash, Zip, Airglide, Streamline, and Miracle.

Glide kissed Dart. "I love you so"

All of the sudden an "eeewwwww" came from across the room, as Airglide and Streamline didn't like seeing mommy and daddy kissing. And it didn't help when Zip, barely older than the two made his own comment.

"get a room" Zip stated, causing the little ones to laugh and run off, but Dart was not happy, as Zip should have known better.

"Love its alright" Glide said soothingly. "They'll grow out of it"

"But Zip knows better. I don't want him to be a bad influence on his brothers. And speaking of sparklings, you seen Dash recently? I went to try and talk to him this morning, and he wasn't in his room or anywhere in the quarters, and it has me worried" Dart stated.

"I'm sure he's probably snuck off to Wheeljacks lab again" Glide said.

That worried Dart even more and he went off to look for his oldest sparkling.

Outside, somewhere Dash shouldn't have been on his own, Dash was sitting on the roof of the base. Keeper had visited with the young bot not long ago, but Dash wanted more time outside as he was tired of being so cramped up in their tiny quarters, and he hated now that he had to share a room with Zip.

Optimus was going for a short ride when his sensors caught something and he found Dash. "What are you doing out here little one"

"I only have a year left until I am a youngling, so I am hardly little" Stated Dash, "but if you must know I am upset. Glide is expecting again, triplets. And due to that I was kicked out of my own room and I am forced to share one with Zip. Neither of us are happy about it, but neither mom nor dad seem to want to listen to our concerns, so fragging concerned with the young triplets and the triplets on the way that I think Zip and I have become casualties of the whole process."

"Dash you will always be a little ones no matter how old you become" Optimus said and took Dash into his arms. "Now I'm sure I can find some bigger quarters for you and your family. Dart and Glide love you both I know it but I'm sad to say things like this do happen"

"well, that isn't even all of it, Glide still has his own room for something and Dart has two rooms we aren't allowed to go in, but I lost both my own room and the room I used to learn how to repair things. Why I am the one who has to sacrifice? Why Zip? He lost his own room and his room that he used to do his own crafts in. why are we the ones who have to give up our rooms? Why can't mom and dad give up some of their own damn space?" Dash asked, surprising Optimus, and Crankcase overheard as he was walking by. Crankcase came out to talk to the young one as well.

"Those are very good questions" Crankcase said coming over and took Dash from Optimus. "I say we go find out why that is"

Optimus nodded and made arrangements to have two rooms made for Dash and Zip.

The three went in and found Glide home by himself. Glide allowed Crankcase and Optimus in with Dash. Optimus and Crankcase told Glide what Dash had told them. Glide was shocked, as he had no idea Dart had done that. "No one even told me. This is most unacceptable" Powerglide stated, telling the others that dart had never even told him he ahd done that or Glide would have stopped it.

"I am going to set this right. You and Zip will have your rooms back this instant" Glide said. "And I am going to have a very long talk with Dart"

Dart hugged Optimus and Crankcase as well as Glide, as finally someone had listened to him. And just after the two older bots and Glide had rearranged things, Dart came home, unable to find Dash. "There you are, why I have a good mind to make you sleep on the couch for the next year" Glide stated, furious.

Dart was confused. "What did I do love"

"Oh you know good and well what you did what possessed you to take away Dash and Zips rooms. And without even speaking to me about it"

Dart swallowed hard, as he hadn't expected this to come from such a minor little thing, or what he thought was a minor thing. He had no answer.

"Do you have any idea how crushed and pissed both Zip and Dash were? And I have to say that I don't blame them one bit, you arrogant fool" Glide stated angrily.

"I have set things right but if you do not apologize and make things right with them you will be sleeping on the couch"

Dart swore under his breath, for Zip and Dash refused to see him. Glide went to the berth alone, leaving Dart on the couch. Dart realized he had screwed up big time again.

Glide would make Dart stay on the couch until he could get Dash and Zip to forgive him.

Elsewhere, Mirage was just rousing from a nap, and not seeing anyone in the quarters, Mirage got himself up and walked into the area where the energon was kept. Little did he know someone was watching him and didn't think he should have gotten up on his own.

Wingspan was getting energon when he saw his brother and went to him. "Mirage"

"What Can't I do anything on my own?" Mirage asked as his balance wasn't the best and he started leaning to one side then another.

Wingspan went and balanced him. "I was already here brother, what's the matter"

"I am hungry and I don't want to be waited on" Mirage stated, still a little wobbly from carrying 5 sparklings.

Wingspan sat Mirage down and got him energon. "Drink up brother"

Mirage drank 7 cubes, surprising wingspan who had never heard of a bot consuming 7 cubes.

"Do you feel better now brother?" Wingspan asked putting his shock aside.

"Yeah, and now I am tired" Mirage stated, just about falling asleep at the table.

Wingspan got up and got his brother back to quarters and settled in the berth but stayed close.

It wasn't too much longer before Optimus finally came to check in on his mate, and Wingspan informed him of what had happened.

Optimus nodded thanking Wingspan before he stayed with mirage.

Mirage woke up several hours later and tried to get up on his own again to get something. Carrying 5 sparklings made him very wobbly as he walked, but he didn't like being restricted to the bed. Mirage did what he could to try to do things on his own, something which no one seemed to allow him to do but he needed to so badly as it was part of his personality.

Optimus went to him and supported him. "I've got you love"

Mirage let out a streak of swear words as his mate caught him. Mirage was not handling this very well, and it left Optimus wondering if there was something he could do to make his mate feel better and tolerate this whole thing better.

"My love what can I do to help you anything at all"

"I don't know…I am just sick and tired of being treated with kid gloves and not being allowed to do anything. They even took all our younger babies away from me. I feel like a blimp and no one ever tells me what is going on. It is just frustrating…" Mirage stated, starting to let loose all his pent up anger. He was weak from carrying but that didn't mean he was any less opinionated.

"We just care about you so much my love and I want you safe. would you like to see our babies?" Optimus asked.

Mirage nodded, as he missed them so much.

"Lets get you settled on the couch love and I will have our babies brought to us, hows that sound?"

Mirage smiled for the first time in two weeks, and Optimus realized just how isolated Mirage felt.

Optimus made some comes and had the children brought to them.

The younger sparklings had missed being around mom and clung to Mirage, the same way Mirage hugged many of the young ones tightly. And finally, Optimus could feel Mirage's gloomy mood lift. If this was all it took, Optimus realized that if he had their sparklings come by often, Mirage would feel much better.

Optimus sat beside them for a time before getting all of them energon. "Feel better love?"

"Yes, beloved, I do" Stated Mirage, finally relaxing and settling down.

"I will make sure you get to see them more often my love" Optimus said. "Can I do anything else for you"

"Can you just hold me please?" asked Mirage, surprising Optimus.

"Of course" optimus said and moved so he held mirage.

Elsewhere, Ironhide was starting to realize how draining it could be to carry a new life, as the spark growing on his spark seemed to make him wear out a lot quicker than normal, but he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, as he and Hound were finally going to have their own little miracle sparkling.

Ironhide sat down finally in the rec room not really up to walking any further at the moment and his hand went to where the spark grew.

The precious little one seemed to send her love straight to Hide's spark, which made his feel better about carrying the precious little one.

"Sweet little one, your gonna be just like me I bet" hide said rubbing.

And suddenly, hide felt like he had been hit right in the chest by something large, as pain overwhelmed him. Thinking little of it, he remained where he was, thinking it was just another little glitch of having a spark attached to his own, but what Hide failed to realize was that his spark was ready to go into her own body and was detaching from the main spark. Thankfully, Soundwave, who was heading to the med bay to deliver the femme protoform, stopped by the rec room, and soon he realized exactly what was going on. Hide was writhing on pain as the spark separated from his. Soundwave, familiar with the procedure, worked with Hide, and soon the spark was no longer in Hide's spark chamber, but Soundwave had gotten the spark into it's body, and Hide was looking at his and Hound's own little precious femme.

Hide looked at the sparkling he held. "She's beautiful Soundwave"

Soundwave smiled. "Query Do you have a name?"

Ironhide thought and then said, "Ironwill"

"Statement, I will take you to the med bay"

'thanks Soundwave, and while we're walkin' there, ay'll call hound" Hide stated as they headed for the med bay. 'Ratchet ain't gonna believe this."

On that Hide was correct and hound met them there and he kissed hide lovingly before looking at their sparkling.

Hide told Hound about the name he selected and Hound only had one thing to say, "good fit as I am sure that is what she will have"

Ratchet examined hide and ironwill. "All things considered both of you are alright."

While Ironwill was being examined, she put up a fight, trying to punch, scratch, bite, anything to get away from the medic. Hound laughed, as Ironwill was just like her bearer.

"Knew she would be like me" Hide said grinning.

"that is all we need is a female Ironhide around here" ratchet jested as well.

"More to love" hide said laughing.

Outside the med bay, Bluesky was carrying around Grunt, trying to figure out how they were going to take care of two more sparklings.

Grunt nuzzled his mother and kissed her cheek.

"Don't be sad, mommy" Grunt stated.

"I just don't know what to do my little one."

"It'll be ok, mommy, you see" Grunt stated.

Bluesky smiled a little and kissed her sons helm. "I'm sure your right"

"Me Swoop here, lets check on sparklings" Swoop stated, going into the med bay with his mate and son.

Ratchet had them get on a berth and looked them both over.

"Well Grunt is healthy and both developing sparklings are healthy as well" ratchet stated, which made Swoop smile as it meant he was doing his part to take care of them.

Ratchet rubbed swoops head. "You're doing just fine swoop"

Swoop puffed his chest out in pride, causing both Ratchet and Sky to laugh and Swoop to smile even more.

Elsewhere, Skyfire and the trine were watching as their own sparklings were growing up and some were getting close to being younglings.

"Our babies are growing up'' Skyfire said.

"Yep, and it is a good thing most of them aren't like screamer" TC stated as he jested his mate.

"I take offense to that" Starscream said.

"Oh screamer, he meant no offense by it" Skyfire stated as he hugged the two of them. Two of the near younglings saw it and thought little of it, but others made comment.

"Why the comments little bits?" Skyfire asked.

"Because it is weird to watch all you hug in front of us" they said

"Knock it out you near younglings, be glad your parents love each other" warp chimed in.

Skyfire would have rolled his optics if he could have. "Alright behave have soon to be younglings and grown ones"

Everyone quieted down, which made Skyfire glad as he had a throbbing headache.

"Thank you" Skyfire said and sat down on the couch rubbing his helm.

The "babies" left the room, leaving the trine to take care of their mate.

Skyfire didn't resist as his mates gave him rubs and the like.

It was only once Skyfire heard the door lock once the sparklings were gone that he realized what was going on – the trine was extra affectionate as their heat cycle was starting. TC was getting close to sparking, but that meant nothing, as even he fell victim to the heat cycle.

Skyfire groaned slightly having been caught off guard this time. He was in for it.

Within sparkbeats, all four were wrapped up and it was hard to tell where one bot ended and another bot started.

Skyfire submitted to his mates as they showed their dominance over him and he tried to ignore the ache in his processor.

To his own amazement, Skyfire found that the more he got into mix of things, the better his headache was doing.

Skyfire was soon moaning and begging for more.

The trine was more than happy to oblige as they took their fourth mate to new heights.

Skyfire let them take him in whatever way they wanted and eventually they got to a point where they took a break.

Several months later, the cons had made several moves, and Optimus was worried, especially now that his own sons were in the war. He had hoped it would end before Keeper and Flasher became adults, but it was not to be. Mirage stood with his mate, supporting him.

"They should not have to be involved in this war''

"I know love, but we have so many injured. We need them. I hate it more than you do, but until someone kills Megatron, things will only get worse" Mirage stated to his mate.

Optimus nodded he knew though the only way it would come down to a show down between him and Megatron.

The rest of the bots were getting antsy, and it could even be seen in the younglings and the sparklings. This war had to end, and end soon.

Optimus soon got word Cybertron had been weakened by the Autobots there. He knew he had to take the fight to Megatron.

Optimus brought his best fighters along, at least the ones healthy enough to come. They included Flasher, Keeper, Ironhide, Hound, Prowl and jazz, as well as many other bots. Mirage was left behind with several others, including Ratchet, to watch the sparklings as well as be healthy enough to take care of the injured. Mirage didn't like being left behind, but he understood as all the sparklings and younglings trusted him.

Optimus kissed mirage deeply before he left leading the others.

Mirage treasured the kiss, as both of them understood that it was highly likely that Optimus wouldn't be returning alive.

Optimus led the charge against Megatron.

And as the battle of the last war raged around them, Optimus and Megatron finally met on the last battle ground they would both stand on. IT was now or never.

"It ends today Megatron" Optimus said as the two leaders stood before the other.

"Only for you, my nemesis, as I plan to survive this little skirmish of yours" Megatron replied.

"One shall stand Megatron and one shall fall."

"enough talk, let's fight" Megatron stated, lunging at Optimus.

Optimus countered and the leaders fought for the fate of their factions, of their whole race.

Both caused serious damage to the other, neither willing to give up.

Despite both their bodies telling them to stop they pushed past it and kept fighting each finally landing that deadly blow.

Megatron died instantly, while Optimus lingered, as he still had one more job before he could pass. And that was coming, as keeper and Flasher soon came, after having seen their father fall.

Optimus's intakes heaved as he labored to stay online, finally his sons were there. "K...keeper..."

'Don't go, daddy, please don't go" Flasher stated, holding his father's helm up while Keeper, with silent tears, listened.

" my...chest...take the m..matrix..." optimus made a struggling sound but pressed on.

Keeper obeyed his father, as he could tell what was coming. "Mama's gonna miss you, dad" Keeper stated as he took the Matrix and placed it in his own chest.

"I know...b..both of you...d..don't...let him...f..follow me..."

"We'll do our best dad, we love you" Keeper stated, no longer hiding the tears he was crying, as many others had lost loved ones as well.

"And...I prime...and...Flasher...second only..."

Both Flasher and Keeper understood. "we know you love us dad. Please, go rest with Primus" Keeper stated, not wanting to prolong the pain and suffering any longer.

Optimus could hold on no longer and his intakes stopped laboring and he breathed his last.

Now as Prime, Keeper gathered up his forces and they gathered the bodies they could carry, including Flasher and Keeper carrying Optimus. It was both a happy and a sad day. Megatron was gone, but it had cost the leader his life.

The critically wounded were rushed to the base and a bot was in tremendous pain. Windcharger was in agony even as his mates rushed to his side.

Red Alert and Flasher looked at Charger, and as much as they would have loved for him to stay, they asked Ratchet to end Charger's suffering and sent Charger's spark to Primus.

Ratchet eased many to Primus that day.

And with as busy as things were, no one was there when Sunny was out by himself and was raped by a sadistic bot, one of hook's bratty sparklings that were the spawn of Megatron himself.

Sunny was in agony when his attacker left.

Sunny didn't spark this time, but he would in the future when the bot came after him again. Plus, there were secrets to be revealed to bots who had lost loved ones in the not too far future.

(Please let me know if I should put forth future sequel to this)