This chapter is a combination of the fist few for those of you who have read this before. But this one is read and re read to fix up and make better for me and for you. I hope you all don't hate me for not finishing my chapter but this one should only take the night... plus it might bring in more people :)
WARNINGS: Rape Bondage Lemon (Fluff later) HEHE umm did I mention Rape? This will be graphic... or as graphic as I can make it... anyways... "Huff" ... I do-mrfllrrrflll AAACK! I don't own okay! If I did it would be about gay people + the real story line XD
Here's what you all came here for!
Chapter 1
The man looked sad and gloomy, also a bit angry, he was walking towards me right now, And just the other day he had done something horrible to me.
((( 1 day ago )))
"I love you" he said slowly and quietly, gazing deep into my eyes. He used to be my best friend. Was he still?
"Ha…ha…ha!"I tried to muffle my laugh. "Stop joking." He looked at me seriously.
"I love you Teito." My giggling stopped, and I sighed.
"Alright Frau number one you're a man and I'm a man, number two, we've only been friends for like what? A year now?" He kept looking at me with sad but angry eyes. He was always ruff and was a lot bigger than me.
"Frau…stop." I said winy
"No. I've loved you for a while now and we're finally alone." I'm 18 and he's 26, and we're in his apartment / house. He lives alone. So do I, but I have my own place and no family to remember. His hand reached out to me. I backed up fast. He's in front of the door so… no escape route. He looked serious so I knew he was. He was always serious when he looked so.
He kept slowly walking towards me and I kept backing up. Soon enough my back hit the wall. I looked to the left in the direction of the living room. I started running for it. His hand reached out quickly to grab my arm. He pulled me to him. I tried yelling but his lips locked onto mine before I could utter a word. His lips were warm and soft but cold and firm at the same time.
His hand pulled my back to him so that I was arched into him. His other hand grabbed both of my thrashing hands and held them in one of his. I knee up hoping to hurt him but I was too short and he was too tall, plus I could barley move. He stopped only to throw me onto the couch and start all over again. My hands were above my head this time and his body was crushing mine. I gasped for breath when he stopped but only to kiss my neck. He ran his tongue around my earlobe and unexpected shivers raced through my body. He chuckled and touched my lips with his fingers. I closed my eyes tight.
"S…St…Stop!" I managed to stutter. "I… I don't wanna … do this." I kept my eyes closed tight as I tried fighting off tears.
"But your body's saying something different." He whispered too close to my ear and chuckling while inching his hand down but stopping at the bottom of my shirt (or my belt). Before I knew it my shit was over my head and off of me. His lips and tongue quickly roamed my body licking and kissing every part of my torso. He moved up a bit and licked my nipple then softly bit at it. I shuddered. Causing me to scream now and fight back. I kicked and screamed and punched but then he did something unexpected. He reached down my pants.
"Stop!" I screamed it out but he smacks his lips to mine again. My body twisted and withered to get away from him but he had to tight a grip. "Please. I don't want to do this with you!" I screamed into his face once he pulled away.
He just ignored my please and kissed my lips again. I kneed up hitting him between the legs. Finally! He grunted and fell forward and onto my chest breathing hard. I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't move. He lifted me off the couch then holding my flailing arms still he carried me down the hallway. We got to his bedroom and he threw me onto his bed.
"Frau! Stop this!" he ignored me completely and kept up the gross things that he was doing. "I don't want this Frau!"
"Your bodies telling me different Teito. Like I said before" He said it close to my ear and then licked it. I shivered and groaned while still trying to push him off.
He started kissing my neck and his now bare torso touched mine. He was so cold. His cold hands reached around my body and started rubbing my back. I kicked up again and hit his thigh. He grunted and then was off of me. I lay there completely naked for a few seconds not remembering when he took my pant off and then I was up and grabbing my pants. I just about had them on and I was headed to the door when Frau came back. He had rope in his hands. I was shocked that he wanted to tie me up. He slowly walked towards me.
"Please don't do this Frau! Why do you want to?" He looked at me slowly and while he walked towards me he explained.
"I've tried to hint it to you that I like you, but you never saw me like the way I see you. I love you Teito and I'll do anything so that I can to have you." His voice shook a little but he kept walking towards me slowly. I kept retreating just a little faster than him. Then there was gap for the door and I took it to soon. He was ready for it and his hand clapped around my waist pulling me to him. He pulled both of my hands together and in front of me and tied the rope around them a little too tight. I gasped as the rope bit into my skin. He pushed me onto the bed, and took my pants back off. He pushed me onto my stomach and pulled the back end of my body up higher. I shivered as his cold hands tickled the insides of my thigh. His hand rubbed my dick.
"nnnn… S…Stop aah." I moaned. I don't like this. I couldn't control my body. My breath huffed out as I got hard. "nnnnn." I started thrusting foreword. "AAAH!" After a moment, I came and he stopped. I fell onto the mattress completely drained of energy. I lay there huffing and thrusting forward every once in a while with the coursing pleasure. His fingers trailed up and down my back. I tried kicking out but ended up missing him all together I twisted and turned and tried with the last of my energy to get away. Tears that I had been holding back now spilled down my face and I sobbed as I tried to get away. His hands that were groping my body hesitated on my body upon hearing my sobbing but picked up speed again after a few seconds. His hand started touching my ass massaging the outside. I screamed and twisted away. My flailing leg kicks him in the face. He grunted in pain but I must have barley touched him. His body moved a bit and before I knew it he was inside of me. It hurt. I screamed out loud. And then It was too much for me. My body convulsed in pain a few times as he thrust inside of me before I passed out into a void of blackness.
I turned on my side subconsciously, as I was still mostly asleep, but slowly waking.
" aaah!" Pain shot through my body. I laid there for a few seconds, I felt too hot. Kind of sickish. Then It came to me and ignoring the shooting pain I threw up.
I sat up spitting out the puke in my throat. I tried standing but fell back onto the bed in pain. I took a moment to catch my breath before I tried to stand up again. I made it this time and tumbled around on my feet. Where am I? it took me a few blonde like moments but in the end it all came back to me. Frau's apartment. What had he done the other night… or day I thought looking at the clock. I walked towards the door as soon as I remembered. I had a shirt on but it wasn't mine and some sweatpants that were tied tight so that they wouldn't fall off of me. I walked out into the hallway and towards the front door. I hugged the walls to try to walk, but everything was blurry and I kept tripping. I wobbled and the walls seemed to move on their own. I was halfway down the hallway and to the front door when Frau walked in. He was carrying a small bag and was smoking a cigarette. I looked at him sheepishly. He looked at me almost sad but defiantly mad.
"You're sick what are you doing up?" I ignore him and go to walk past him, but he grabs me and I scream out as loud as I can. He flinches and I run past him only to fall on the ground in pain and confusion. I heard him step towards me and I tried to get up and run, but legs wouldn't move. His arms went around me and I screamed again in his ear. He flinched but held me tight. I was pushing and kicking, slapping and punching but he wouldn't let go. Once I calmed down but was still pushing on his chest he pulled away and tried to talk to me. I slapped him hard. He looked at the ground. The right side of his face was bright red. I cried silently and tried to get away from him again. I was so close to being outside again so that I could just go home and try to forget all of this. He kept holding me and since I was up Higher than last time I kneed up hitting him between the legs he dropped me and I landed on my back and was to dazed to move.
"Get in my apartment now!" he screamed at me. I lay there shocked and fear. His face was red with anger and pink were I had slapped him. WhenI just lay there trying to catch my breath, he got even angrier. He jerked up my arm no longer worried about hurting me. I screamed out at the pain in my shoulders. He dragged me into his room. Then he tied my hands in front of me and onto the post of the bed. I cried more. He didn't touch me but left me there. He had taken off of my cloths. So I lay there on my knees tied to a post naked. I shiver at how cold it is, and he walks in moments after leaving to get something..
"Frau, please. You don't have to do this. I mean come on were both guys." He ignored me and stuck his fingers in my ass then back out. He had given me a pill. OH GOD! I shivered and more tears rolled down my face. Then he sat on the bed and watched me. I hung my head causing him to grab my chin and look up at him. When his fingers touched me electrical shocks ran up my body.
"Aaaah…" I moaned and he looked at me surprised. His hand caressed the side of my face and my body automatically leaned into it. Then he moved his hands away and scooted a little away from me. I was grateful but my body wasn't it seemed to crave his touch. My back arched as the pill worked it's way through my system and I started getting a boner. Frau chuckled. I curled my body in and huffed out a ragged breath. My hands being tied bothered me; it reminded me to much of the other night. Frau reached out and touched my face again. My body jerked way this time in shock. It was too much feeling to fast and I was going into shock. His hand raced down me neck and goose bumps erupted on my skin. I moaned loudly. My ragged breath looked like steam in what seemed to be a room hat was much to cold. I was too hot still and felt sick.
"Please let me go home." I said with tears in my eyes. He looked at me sympathetically and shook his head. He did me there with me sick as hell and not wanting but wanting all of it. With the drug coursing throughout my system and damaging my judgement. Causing me pleasure that hurt but felt good. At least he prepared me this time.
I woke up lying in his bed. I heard a noise coming from the hallway, and I slowly stood up gasping in pain. I stepped slowly and pulled on some pants. I walked into the living room and sat on the clean smelling couch. I heard him in the kitchen and smelt burning food.
Soon I was woken up by Frau's hand shaking my shoulder. When had I fallen asleep? His blond hair waving back and forth as he did so. I chuckled and he looked at me oddly. I sighed and curled deeper into the couch. His hand went to my forehead and drew back. His fingers trailed along my lips and I bit him hard hopefully causing blood to be drawn. I opened my eyes as he pulled back. Yep there was defiantly blood.
"Well… since your fevers gone there's no longer a need to be gentle with you." A smile played at his lips as he leaps onto the couch with both knees on either side of me.
I scream in horror as he hold my arms to the side with his knees. He bites my ear lobe and I feel it tingle as he breaks the skin. I gasp but ignore the pain as much as I can knowing what is to come. I close my eyes tight and bite the cushion of the couch. He tries to rip the fabric from my teeth but I only bite harder.
He lets it go, and I huff into the cushion when his hand once again goes to low for my liking. He grabs me and pulls too hard. His knees jab into my sides and his teeth bite my lip. He unbuttons my pants and stripes me of them. He's inside of me without preparation. I scream out as he goes even farther in. I open my eyes and stare at him as my body arches in pain. There's no pleasure in this at all like the pleasure last night. He goes too deep for me to handle and tears roll down my face as my body won't let me move. My hands fall to my sides. I don't resist because I have no energy to. I black out but don't fall asleep. I just forget. I simply remove all of the hurtful things from my memory. Maybe this is what happened last time.
Then I notice something strange. I'm not forgetting. There was a last time. It was WHY I forgot. WHY I didn't remember my parents or ever going to classes in school with Frau. I'm not forgetting... no... I'm remembering.
He had done this before. It had hurt me too much and my brain had to erase the memories to keep me sane. It's not that big of a shock but I don't understand why he wants to do it again. I think hard before I tell him,
"I remember what you did to me before Frau. I remember how my parents died. I even remember first grade when you threw a snowball (and blamed it on someone else) at that teacher... Well my first grade and your third grade." He looked at me shocked. "Oh and did you know that raping me was SOOOO not a good way to make me your Best Friend!" He stopped what he was doing.
"Do you love me?"he asked while frantically searching my eyes. I kept mine as hard as stone as I told him.
"No. Because of what you did to me and are doing to me now." Very calmly I replied to him even tho inside I was screaming in anger. HOW COULD YOU!
"Then I'll make you LOVE ME!" He grabbed my arms harder and harder and before I could stop him he pushed himself into me again. I ignored the pain and lay as still as I could. Then unexpectedly I pushed my knee between his leg as hard as I could. He fell off the couch and I got up to try and run. He grabs my ankle and pulls me to him he was doubled over in pain. After a few moments he regains himself and starts all over again.
Then all of the sudden… A man with silver... like blond hair ... or is it purple? Well he walks into the room. He walked in, took one look at Frau and me, and burst out laughing. He fell onto the floor holding his stomach. I felt my face go red and Frau let me go. I ran as fast as I could into his room, threw on pants and ran for the front door. The man was off the floor, tears still running down his face, standing in front of the door and blocking me with a knowing look on his face. Hands grab my waist too roughly and I screamed in panic. I was thrown on the floor and held still. Both men watched as I struggled and tried to get free. I screamed over and over again but a large hand clamped down on my mouth. Minutes later I calmed down some and Frau carried me into his room, laying me down on the bed. He walked out and soon I heard low voices coming from down the hallway. I stood up slowly and tiptoed down nearer to them.
"Make him a slave Frau. It's the only thing you can do at this point" Whispered the strangers voice.
"I might have to Labrador…" Frau whispered back.
"Start teaching him that you are his master and in a few weeks he'll know never to cross you if he's smart."
"I guess I should… what do I do? Do…Do I beat him like a …dog…or something?" Came Frau's unsure voice.
"Pretty much yeah. Go teach him now Frau because soon enough he'll get free… just like last time, but this time he won't have a wiped memory. He'll know what you did and you can't get away from the cops then."
I hear a grunt and someone getting up, racing back down the hallway and into the bathroom locking the door behind me I hold my mouth with both of my hands to keep the scream that built up to keep from escaping. I sit on the toilet and hold my legs up to my chest. Pounding came to the door and then a fiddling to the handle. I panicked and right as the door opened I fall backwards into the tub. The curtain surrounded me and cut off my air as my head somehow gets wrapped up. I struggle and try to get loose, soon strong hands pulled my body up and I'm lifted out of the mess. Frau towered over me angrily and Labrador was standing in the door way with a screw driver in his hand. ( I guess that's how he opened the door since he also has the door nob in his other hand) Frau slapped me hard then. I freeze in shock. He grabs the back of my hair and pulls me off of the floor. I kicked and slapped at him but he wouldn't let me go. He throws me into a wall and I slump down as pain radiates through my body. I looked up at him as fear encircles me. Am I starting to become scared of him?
He pulls my face close to his and I flinch away thinking he would hit me. He smiles calmly at me and I look away. He pets me on the head and I spit at him in anger. He glares and smacks me again.. Tears rolled down my face once again and he walks out not saying a word the whole time. Just looking at me with disappointment. Labrador walks all of the way in and picks me up I struggle slightly but I'm to weak.
I can feel blood on my face from hitting the wall. Labrador walks out only to come back in a moment later with a cold wet rag. He wipes the blood away from my eyes and gets as much of it out of my hair as he can.
Once he's done he reaches towards me to pat me on the head but I flinch and back away from him cautiously. Would he do anything? Would he rape me like Frau did?
"I- I'm sorry I- I'm just scared." I don't meet his eyes when I say this but I do look up just in time to see him smile sadly before walking out.
KK well I hope you all like this version bette! :) ummmm yeah I don't think I can make it anymore grahic for you so sorry :0
Anyways have fun and I'll try to fix the rest of the chapters later :)