A/N: I'm doing a one-shot! I had a dream, and was like "Damn…I need to write this!" So I did. And now you can read it!
Disclaimer: All characters you recognize is from Twilight and belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Do I look like Stephenie to you? Well…don't answer that! Trust me-I'm not.
Love in All the Wrong Places
I remember it clearly. When we went to the restaurant. Where he fell in love. How odd it was…my husband falling in love. And I pushed it.
*6 Months Earlier*
"I got us reservations for that place," Edward began taking his tennis shoes off. I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, cleaning supplies in hand. I stole a glance at his bare, glistening chest.
"When?" I walked into the kitchen and put them underneath the sink.
Our tiny, one level home in the suburbs was perfect for us.
"At 9-tonight," I heard the bathroom door close and the shower turn on. I took his clothes-which were folded neatly despite the fact they were sweaty and smelled like our dog, Bruiser-and put them into the laundry room.
He was obsessive compulsive-Edward Cullen. That boy liked everything neat and orderly. Everyday, at exactly 5:26 in the morning, he would begin his day with a glass of milk (the man is almost 30 and he drinks milk religiously.) Then, he takes Bruiser for a light jog until 5:45. He comes in, and takes a shower (by now I have gotten up and made the coffee) He comes out in a dress shirt-either white or black-slacks, and a nice tie. He doesn't put on his socks or shoes before he has breakfast which is at 6:26. He eats a blueberry muffin, orange juice, and milk. Once he puts his socks and shoes on, it's time for work-off to teach elementary kids about the joy of books.
And well…to be honest, you don't want to hear the rest of my day. It's boring. It's him that matters here.
"A bottle of our finest wine for the gentleman and his lady?" This place was as posh as Jessica had said.
"Yes please," Edward slipped the maitre d' a $100 dollar bill. By the way, Edwards' parents recently passed away-God bless their souls-and they had left us a fair amount of money. And even though we could live lavishly, we chose the 'simple life' instead.
"Hello. I'm Bella, and I'll be your server for this evening,"
"Hi," I looked up to her and saw a small, pale, brown haired and brown eyed girl stood there with a pad of paper. She would've been beautiful-had she worn make up and taken her hair out of that ponytail.
"Can I start you out with your appetizer?"
"Yes. I'd like the clam chowder." Edward looked at me, I nodded-understanding the question, "And my wife…" he finally looked up. His mouth dropped. He began to breathe harder, and blink faster.
"Are you alright sir?" she gently touched his arm. He flinched away sharply.
"Edward? Honey?" I looked at him.
He looked at both Bella and I.
"I'm not feeling so well…" he panted. Scrambling, and running into tables as well as people, he ran out the door. I could hear his tires squealing away. Both Bella's and my face were burning red.
"I…don't know what's wrong with him," I looked at the door. "Here, for anything hurt," I handed her a $50 dollar bill.
"I…I can't take that, ma'am." She told me. I slipped it into her palm anyway.
I called a cab, wanting to get home as soon as possible. I walked in the door, Edward no where to be found. Our room, bathroom, backyard…no where. Did he know that girl? The waitress? She looked shocked…surprised…confused? It's obvious she didn't know him, so why did he run off like that when he saw her?
I took a shower, getting my mind off the incident earlier. I was rinsing off, when I felt arms around my waist. I turned around, meeting Edward's gaze.
Before I could talk, his lips silenced mine. He pushed my back against the tile wall, picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist-making him plunge his hard dick into. I inhaled sharply, his dick pounded into me. He moved rough, hard…my legs were pressed out wide-Edward claimed my body for himself. I could feel his orgasm reaching. "Edward!" I screamed. He shot his hot cum into me moments later. He leaned in, giving me a simple kiss.
He got out and I barely heard sheets rustle as he got into bed to sleep.
I began drying off, frowning a bit. What was going on with him? I looked at his back, rising and falling with every breath he took. It's all about him.
"Hey Tawn," he kissed me on the cheek softly. I kissed him back and gave him his glass of milk. "Thanks." He smiled as he 'glugged' it all the way down. He looked at me with a huge ass smile on his face. "Today is a wonderful day! Let's take Bruiser for a walk!"
"Edward…honey…it's 40 degrees out and it's raining," I explained slowly. He looked out the door and saw the pouring rain.
"Oh. Well, let's play a game!" grabbing my hand, he led me to the garage. He opened the plastic tub we had filled with games. He dug through until he found Scrabble. Then, he took me back to our dining room where we played.
"Why are you so happy all of a sudden? This morning, you were a grouch." He shrugged.
"I met someone who made me smile,"
"Who was it?"
"I don't remember the name. Beatrix…maybe-I don't know."
"Oh-well I'd love to meet her some-"
"NO! You wouldn't like her!" he snapped. I flinched back. Alright then.
"Oh! Do you think she'd like this?" Edward held out a pair of diamond earrings.
"For Beatrix?" he nodded, smiling more, "Edward-you've never gotten me diamond earrings before," I knew he was cheating. I was 99% sure. Why else would he get diamond earrings?
"Jeez…Tawn. Way to ruin your Christmas present," he rolled his eyes in slight annoyance.
"Oh…sorry. Whatever…" I looked away and finished shopping for my nephew.
I saw…them. It was a snow day, so Edward had off school. Irina-my sister-was over and we were going to that new movie…something about werewolves. I looked at the ice skaters and saw him (Edward had brown hair, he tried dying it red so he has this very unique shade) with a small, brown-haired girl. He held her in his closely and spun them in a slow circle. They stopped and they kissed gently. I saw them say something to each other. I couldn't see what-but I had a very bad feeling it was: 'I love you."
Why aren't I good enough for him? I stared at my husband-who was smiling widely for no reason.
In 4 years together, I had hardly seen him smile that side, or for no reason.
"What's so funny?" I asked, silencing the T.V. He looked up at me.
"Nothing. The world is just lovely." I glanced at the silent television, where a story about a man who molested a 3 year old, then chopped her and her family up and put them in garbage bins. Yes-he was in love.
March was when he began coming home late. I would go lay in bed, and he would come in around midnight. It didn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure out what he was doing. Or should I say…who he was doing.
The first night he came home late was the 3rd. I sat, awake on our bed for hours, of course I was concerned, but I knew where he was.
I saw headlights through the window then. The light went off by my side and I pretended to sleep. He came in, shed his clothes, and lay with me. Well…next to me. Of course, because in his eyes, I was nothing.
It's official. I've had enough. I am not going to sit around-helpless, while my husband cheats on me. Not any more.
April 15th, he came home late again.
I sat in the living room, looking at the door hatefully. I could barely see, but I looked none the less.
At 3:00, he came in. He opened the door nearly silently, turned on the dim lights and then shut the door just as quietly. Before he could walk into the bedroom, I spoke: "Do you love her?" All this bull shit I had planned out before, and I say this. Great. He froze, then spun around to face me. His face was pale, he gulped.
"Wh-What do you mean, Tawn?"
"STOP calling me Tawn! My name is Tanya! NOT TAWN! Do you want me to call you fucking Ed? No? Okay! Then name's Tanya!" I stood up and screamed at him. He flinched away.
"I'm sorry. I had no idea…if you would-"
"I'm not mad…do you love her?"
"Love who? My mom? Of course-did she call?"
"Not your mother. That pretty little girl of yours. Do you love her?" recognition flashed across his face. He admitted it right then and there-my heart broke.
"Yes. I do." One piece of my heart fell to the floor, crashing into a million other pieces.
"How long have you been…seeing each other?" He looked at me, and gulped.
"Since November."
"Six months, then?" he nodded.
"Tawn…Tanya, I am sorry. I never meant it. She-"
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" I snapped at him. No-I didn't want to hear his side of the story. My heart has left-it's been long gone. Long gone.
"Mrs. Cullen-" I held up a hand and interrupted her.
"I go by Ms. Denali as of late, Ms. Swan," she nodded and sat across from me.
"Sorry. Um…Ms. Denali-I apologize for any inconvenience," she took a long sip of hot cocoa-this girl is rather juvenile, "I've been busy with finishing school and everything."
"Oh-congratulations. What were you studying?"
"I…it doesn't matter. This is about you. What did you want to say?"
"Just to ask a question….did you love him?" her face-red as a tomato, nodded, her face was filled with shame.
"But-I honestly-"
"I DON'T…" I quieted, "I don't want to hear the story-please." She nodded again. With tears filling my eyes, I stood up and went outside to the car, Edward sat there, and wiped at his eyes. I beckoned him to come. He nearly ran to the door.
"I wish you both happiness…congratulations for all you love," my voice cracked on the last word I would never learn to feel.
How odd it was…my husband falling in love. And I pushed it.